Something Tasty

Destiny's Disaster

"YES! NAM WOOHYUN TALKED TO ME! AIGOO~ I bet I sounded so stupid"  I ranted to my sister as we both walked down the corridor.

" WHAAAAAAT! I still can’t believe you sis. I'm so jelly! " Minji said.

NAM WOOHYUN, the greasy tree, Infinite’s Nam Woohyun talked to me, touched my shoulder. I could die and be happy. Ohh I felt today would be a good day. Now, all I could do is wait. I really hope I get my call back, this is my dream and I need to fulfill it, it’s my destiny. I could see minji talking and see her lips moving but I was just too caught into my thoughts. Then I saw her dancing to what seemed like come back, that’s when I knew I had to stop her.

“YA! Minji calm down, they might confuse us as crazy infinite fangirls and kick us out of the building.”

“buuut we are crazy infinite fangirls!” Minji said while whispering the crazy part.

“yeah I know we are but keep your cool, we’re almost out of the building… I think.” I said confused while I scratched the back of my head.

“are you telling me were lost!” minji said, almost screamed.

“Minji! Shhhhh!”

“We just gotta ask for directions or look for a ‘just in case of fire’ map” I continued.

“or people… I think we should look for people.” Minji said nonchalantly.

We kept walking in silence, this place is a maze. Even if I do get my call back I don’t think ill be able to go back if I can’t even get out of a building. Everything looks the same in here. Finally we saw a two tall figures walking, and of course I had big mouth right next to me.

“HEY! You two giant trees in the front!”

“minji! That’s not how you treat strangers!” I punched her arm. But those two were pretty tall and they heard us. But when they turned around, all I could do is bite my lip and look to the ground.

“I knew id regret bringing you along!” I said as the two giants were right infront of us.

“ay bro look at this shorty!”

“YA! Who you calling shorty!” MInji said defending herself.

“watch out Soryong, she might attack you” the other one retorted.

“Aish, I don’t have time for this! Wheres the exit giant #1.” Minji sounded irritated. Yet I still couldn’t find it in me to look up. Its just, Tasty! Really!? What the hell!

“hmm left, right, right, left, I think. Or is it right left left right. What do you think Daeryong?”

“im pretty sure its left right right left. And whats the matter with you sweetheart. You don’t talk much.” Daerong spoke in my direction. I finally looked up but nothing came out. Then before I knew it Minji took my arm and lead me away from them.

“Thanks giants for the directions.” Minji yelled.

“Ay yo beautiful you should be looking up more often, don’t hide that pretty face. And as for you kid, you got spunk.” Soryong yelled at us. I could feel my cheeks burning up because of the compliment.

“Who were those fools anyways. They made you so nervous.” Minji asked quietly.

“Tasty twins…”







alright readers, i hope you enjoy this short chapter. i know its short and probably has alot of mistakes so forgive me. subscribe and comment, show us some love.

~ Co-Author Sunbaenim

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I like this fanfict
Hope you update