Gloomy Fun Days?

"It" Brought Them Together

The hissed whispers and ruffling of fabric echoed throughout the apartment halls. One person, while maddeningly shushing to his coworkers, checked under the carpet of the floor, while the other four checked around the halls. They needed to find the key, and quick. The other one of the members was carrying the girl, who was motionless, and considered rather dead at the moment. The girl was also considered rather light, but since the boy had to carry her all the way from a nearby parking lot, no one can blame him. 

"She's getting heavier guys, hurry up and find her key!" Hyung Jun hissed. He carried her on his back tightly, his hands placed on the back of her knees. Although he is holding her well, Yoon Rae kept on sliding off his back and onto his side. Hyung Jun didn't want to wake her, and so he rather let her rest, than get pushed up for a better position. The other members' hands frantically searched for the keys, they touched underneath the carpets, on top of the door, and everywhere else, instead of that place. 

"We've searched everywhere! Where can her key be!?" Jung Min exploded into a series of loud whispers. Young Saeng sighed and looked around, there wasn't anywhere else to check. Young Saeng crossed his arms aganst his chest and thought, but nothing came across his mind. Each and every one of the members felt worried, there was nothing else that they could do. 

If they went on and kept on searching, they would certainly look suspicious. Already, there were about four heads that peeked out of their apartment doors shaking their heads shamefully. 

"Guys, I think we should stop. It's already two in the morning, let's just bring her to our place. It's near here anyway." Young Saen yawned. Dark circles traced along most of the members eyes, and each of them needed sleep. Several nods were seen and they decided to take her to there own apartment instead. 

With Yoon Rae suddeningly just fainting like that, the boys worried deeply for her although they barely knew her. She seemed rather antisocial, so trying to help her might be a challenge. When Young Saeng searched up Yoon Rae on the Internet the other day, he discovered something rather peculiar. It seemed as if Yoon Rae had troubles with her body, rumours said that she was born weakly. Young Saeng shook his head, this isn't the time to think about that. 

"Alright, let's go." Hyun Joong nodded.

"Wait, my hands are numb, can someone else carry her?" Hyung Jun begged. Jung Min rolled his eyes and smacked Hyung Jun on the head. His hand made a loud impact to the other's head which made an echo blast throughout the halls. Wincing, Hyun Joong quickly piggybacked Yoon Rae, and ran towards the nearby elevator.

Yoon Rae quickly felt it, the thudding of her head. It felt awful, the sensation quickly spread throughout her whole body. She let out a loud whimper, nothing could make her hold in the cries. It was always like this, even if she took her pills daily. Nothing seems to help; counseling, pills, daily hospital check-ups, nothing. There was always a time in where she felt afraid. Yoon Rae knew that if she fainted, then she wouldn't remember what happened at least a few hours back. In those hours, all she could think of was pitch black, or plain white. It was all she pictured, nothing more, nothing less. Even if she tried to remember, the pain in her head would then stop her. This was something only Yoon Rae had, and she hated it, no, she loathed it. 

It was as if a thousand needles were painfully stabbing her head, one-by-one. Sometimes, she couldn't take it, and wanted out. But, if there was only one thing keeping her alive, it was Music. Music helped her feel calm, and the pleasant sounds of their harmonies comforted her. Without Music, Yoon Rae would have been long gone. 

Slowly, as she thought about it, the pain seemed to have lessened, and she thanked the skies. Yoon Rae quickly ran her hand to her forehead, seeing if a fever had come up, since she felt great stress. It seemed as if her temperature was fine, it didn't feel cold, or too warm either. Swallowing roughly, she lifted herself from her sleeping position and sat up to stretch. She stretched her back back and forth, and heard a few cracks. Rolling her eyes, she stood up from "her" bed and walked outside the door. 

"Ahh, seems like somebody woke up!" A male voice rang in Yoon Rae's head. She thought that she was dreaming, at first, but after rubbing her eyes, it seemed that it was reality. 

Yoon Rae felt confused. What exactly happened to her while she fainted? She always knew when she did, of course, since a pain like no other strikes her head the moment she wakes up.

"Did I faint the other day? I don't remember meeting you.." Her voice trailed. She squinted her eyes as Jung Min playfully nodded his head. 

"I was really surprised! You slept like a log on Hyung Jun's shoulder. We couldn't find the key to your apartment, so we took you here." Jung Min walked into the living room, as Yoon Rae absentmindedly followed. He saw her nodding her head back and forth, seeing that she understood what happened the other day. 

"Oh! Did Yoon Rae-ssi wake up yet?" Kyu Jong peeked his head from out of his room. Yoon Rae turned to his direction, and bowed a 'good morning' while Kyu Jong also bowed back. 

"Hyun Joong and Young Saeng haven't woke up yet. And Hyung Jun is in the bathroom, so you can just relax on the couch." Kyu Jong walked towards the couch and sat. 

Yoon Rae nodded her head, and took a seat a bit farther away from Kyu Jong. She tried to refresh her mind, and made an effort to keep up with what's currently going on. 

Since they told her, Yoon Rae now knew that she fainted, and that they let her stay here since they couldn't find her keys. With what's currently going on, Yoon Rae understood and nodded her head while she made an effort to quicken her pace. 

All of a sudden, when she was done scolding herself, Yoon Rae smelled it. 

Her stench.

The musky smell greatly dissatisfied her. Yoon Rae scrunched up her face and squinted her eyes, oh boy, did she need a shower. And with Kyu Jong sitting next to her, he seemed to notice her face and snickered. Covering his mouth, Yoon Rae didn't seem to notice his fits of laughter, as she groaned sourly. 

"Um, may I take a shower after Hyung Jun-ssi is done?" Yoon Rae raised her hand. Jung Min, who was awkwardly standing beside the couch nodded his head, and headed towards the bathroom.

"Hey idiot, shower faster!" Jung Min shouted. His hand punched the door several times with a thundering sound. Both Kyu Jong and Yoon Rae winced, thinking that the door was greatly hurt. 

"Ya, Jung Min, stop beating up the door?" Young Saeng mumbled. The Shy Prince had actually woken up long before any of the members. He stared at his clock multiple times, and decided to just stay in bed for the heck of it. Being lazy, he slowly paced himself to the couch and took a seat in the center of Kyu Jong and Yoon Rae. 

Yoon Rae smiled and bowed a 'good morning' to Young Saeng also. She smiled as she saw his hair. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, except for the tuff of hair sticking out at the bottom of his neck. Everything else was perfect, his hair was nicely combed, but that was what made it better. The addition of his cute pajamas made him look like a little kid; definitely a Shy Prince. 

It seemed as if Yoon Rae had been staring for too long, since Young Saeng had also made eye contact with her. Quickly, Yoon Rae flushed and turned away, it was too embarrassing, to look at such a famous person for so long, 

As she looked away, the three of them had awkwardly sat in silence, and Kyu Jong had decided that it was time.

Time to wake up Hyun Joong that is!

As Kyu Jong placed his hands under his legs, and pushed his body up from the couch, he called for Yoon Rae.

"Yoon Rae, can you come with me for a second?" Kyu Jong politely smiled. Yoon Rae, who was utterly confused, decided to nod her head, and follow the boy. She was curious, what did he want her with? Kyu Jong aruptly stopped at a door, and made a 'shush' sound with his mouth. The girl by his side nodded and made a 'shush' sound also, and quietly, they tiptoed into the room. Kyu Jong then turned to Yoon Rae and whispered quietly,

"When Hyun Joong starts to move and wake up, quickly confess into his ear okay?" 

Yoon Rae's eyes widened. She repeated the words he said in her mind, and hoped that she heard wrong. Confess? How was she going to to that? Yoon Rae fiddled with her hands, the concept made her blush, and butterflies started to form in her stomach. It would make sense that Kyu Jong would ask her, since she's the only girl, but to Hyun Joong?

Yoon Rae secretly has a crush on him! 

"I don't think that this is a good idea..." Her voice trembled. But instead of letting her go, Kyu Jong shook his head, and pushed her towards where Hyun Joong was.

Yoon Rae blushed at the sight of his sleeping posture. His body was spread all over the bed, his legs were wrapped tightly in the blanket while his arms were curled in and his face was pushed to the side of the wall. The Leader's hair was twisted and messed up into many weird angles. And his colorful pajamas added to the cuteness, so Yoon Rae had to hold in a giggle.

With great force, Kyu Jong slapped Hyun Joong on the back until he groaned. And happily, Kyu Jong waved both of his hands to signal Yoon Rae, and Yoon Rae quickly walked up to Hyun Joong, his ear in the clearing. She regreted say it, those words, but it was rather fun. At first, Yoon Rae hesitated, and lifted a part of her hair, placing it behind her ear. She cleared and then spoke quietly,

"Oppa, I love you. I called you so many times, and you never called back! What about our marriage?" Yoon Rae added the last part, from the help of Kyu Jong. When Yoon Rae whispered half of her confession, Kyu Jong held up a paper saying 'Marriage, say something about marriage.' So with a thumbs up, Yoon Rae added in another sentence, and quickly back away. 

With that main word, Hyun Joong jumped up from his bed with his eyes closed. Leader rubbed his head, not remembering a thing about marriage. And when he finally opened his eyes, he saw that Yoon Rae and Kyu Jong had dropped to the floor, exploding in heavy laughter. Even outside, he saw that Jung Min, Young Saeng, and even Hyung Jun had wanted to take a peek. 

Hyun Joong sighed and rolled his eyes. "Idiots..."

Author's Notes: Sorry for the long wait. School recently started, so updating can be a little late. But, I will do my best. Fighting! 

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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ilabya17 #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha! that's a fun way of waking up leader :)
Chapter 2: don't have to apologize, at least you updated that's what's important. Thanks for the nice update, I like it very much. Seems like I did the right thing in subscribing author-nim.
Chapter 1: good start! hoping for your update already.
Chapter 1: Omg jung min aaaaaah ~ you evil horse o_O .. oh my poor kyu >_<
Liked the first chapter .. update soon~^^