Take me away


You were the one to keep my feet planted firmly on the gorund.  The one to keep me safe. The one to hold in my arms. The one to keep me  from the life I used to have. But now you're gone. And I'm still here. What kind of curelty is this....? 


"Hey Gukkie. Were gonna be togetehr forever right?" Zelo asked me one night, while we was on our big comforter. 

"Of course. Why would you ask a question like that?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.

"I just wanted to be sure," he said, smiling up at me and resting his head on my chest.

Zelo. My little Zelo.


(hi guise i know i shouldnt be doing another story XD but i wa sinspried by u kiss take me away. I highly recomend when your ead this please lissen to the song. it wont have the same feeling other wise  thanks)



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