Two Sides of the Same Coin


Luhan might kind of be in love with the new kid, who just so happens to be emo and possibly maybe kind of amazing.


Finally (FINALLY!!!!!) written for a prompt by xezrei who won a story from. I really hope I didn't screw up your idea too much, because I tried to stick with it as best as I possibly could. Please don't hate me for taking so long and maybe ruining everything.


Originally a one-shot. Now a three-shot, because there was simply too much. Also originally meant to be posted almost a month ago. Ugh I at life.



Background image provided by MehRainbow, because she's awesome.


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11 streak #1
Chapter 3: Yixing is like my second fave character in this (xiuhan's first because yo) and i like his sentiments about the moon being a piece of and also! Why did I juts discovered this now?! DISHONOR ON ME DISHONOR ON MY COW DISHONOR ON MY FAMILY
Chapter 3: this story is so cute hahaha luhan and his what what thing and his fanboying monologue hahahah amazing , and lay so funny and cute omg this story is good!
Thank you for sharing this
Chapter 3: awww so cute <3
Chapter 3: nYaw this fic was so cute!!!!!!
I cant help but to lmao @ lay tho xDD aigoo he's so cute and funny here
Chapter 3: hahahaha LOVE LUHAN!! his internal monologues are the best! ^^
xiuhan so cuteeeeee <3 great story!!
Chapter 3: OMG this was amazing!! ❤❤❤
Seriously I really loved it ^_^
Thank you for writing this!! ❤
This was ing gold.
kiriyuuzero05 #8
Chapter 3: What?.....
Chapter 3: I really like how Luhan babbles something and then Xiumin goes like What and Luhan goes What again~ Hahahah!! I so love Yixing's randomness. I was secretly rooting for Kris and Chen a bit though but I have no problems with Kris and Yixing too~ hehehe~ Love it <3