Your Eyes

That Man

Author's Nt: I've tried my best in this chapter to cover the gaps of certain events that have happened in the other fanfiction which is connected to this one.  But if you haven't read "A Man in Love" it might be a good idea to (I've linked you from the chapter this one relates too, nopte it also relates to chapter 4 as well).  But, I'm pretty sure you can still understand this without having read it. :D Happy reading ~ 

Your Eyes

"Do you still remember, do you believe that it's only you for me

Do you know how long you can keep me by your side?"


Why do I feel you are always hiding your true self from me?  Like your whole, I’m not sure what to call it but, bratty persona is nothing but a facade.  Why do you put up these barriers? Why do you feel the need to protect yourself?  I guess you like having that mysterious aura about you.  But, somehow when you sing, you let your guard down, I can see it in your eyes.  They suddenly become soft round pools of emotion, you become sweet, caring and soulful.  What I would give to see that in your eyes all the time.  But I guess that it’s that mystery that keeps me by your side.  I just want to know more about you, figure you out and be the one that you let your guard down.


“Wow, Donghae, you are quite strong for someone so small that’s quite a shiner Hyuk’s got there. I’m proud of you, if you weren’t so gay I’d totally be falling for you at the moment.” Krystal laughed, patting Donghae on the head affectionately.  Yesung was still in a state of shock over everything that had happened so far.  He couldn’t believe that Kyuhyun stood up for him in front of Eunhyuk, saying that he could sing, it was unfathomable normally it was only Donghae on his side.  Yesung did want to join the groups Infinite cover group, he was kind of sick of sitting on the sides when the others had fun practicing with each other.  However, surprisingly there was something even more shocking.  Donghae had punched Eunhyuk, his best friend, they actually physically fought with each other.  According to Kyuhyun they brawled for quite a bit before Kyuhyun pointed out the between them.

“It’s not funny.” Hyukjae fumed holding an icepack up to his eye which had turned a dark red colour.

“I’d say poor baby but honestly you probably deserved it.” Krystal continued.

“Krystal shut up.” Hyukjae groaned.

“Remember I’m a Princess we don’t shut up especially for a stupid douche bag older brother.”  Krystal laughed.

“Princess~” Amber crooned.

“Hyukjae- are you okay ? I didn’t mean to punch you that hard.” Donghae pouted.

“I’m still mad at you Donghae. But, sorry, I deserved it I was just trying to look cool.”  Hyukjae sighed.

“By being a douche?” Kyuhyun laughed.

“Okay apologies have been said let’s just get on with it.” Eunhyuk groaned.

“Get on with what?”

“Yesung’s audition.” Eunhyuk mumbled almost inaudibly.

“You are going to let Yesung join our team?  Our Infinite dance cover team?” Donghae said surprised.

“Well, I trust you if Kyuhyun of all people is impressed with Yesung it has to be something special.” Yesung felt like he was going to faint. 

“What audition, I can’t audition?”  Yesung panicked a little.

“C’mon Yesung it wouldn’t hurt.” Henry said brightly. “I think we all would like you in the group keep it in the family.”

“I agree with Henry-“ Amber nodded.

“You always agree with Henry!  You follow everything he says like a lil lost llama.” Krystal best friend.

“No I don’t!” Amber said defensively. 

“I- I’m not sure stupid.” Yesung said, it was one thing singing in front of Kyuhyun but in front of a group of his closest friends?

“Then how about we sing that song, the one we were just practicing together?” Kyuhyun smiled.

“We were barely practicing it for 5 minutes.”

“C’mon Yesung you are good.  I’ll even let you have the sheet music.” Kyuhyun encouraged him, strangely soft in his approach.  “You have a god given voice.”  Yesung couldn’t help but think was that Kyuhyun’s voice.  He wished that he could close his eyes, as to not face the looks of disbelief or was it horror when he sang.   The judging looks at any rate were making him self-conscious so he stared at the sheet of music in front of him.  However Kyuhyun tapped his shoulder as they sung together, his eyes glittering with emotion, they were so expressive, enchanting him and suddenly he had the courage.  When they finished Yesung held his breath as the room sat in complete silence.

“My gosh Hyukjae HE’S PERFECT PERFRECT! HE HAS TO BE SANGKYU YESUNG YOU ARE PERFECT WHY DIDN’T YOU SING BEFORE?” Donghae fan boyed jumping up and down whilst clapping . “Yesung where have you been hiding? Seriously you are amazing!” The short boy said his eyes glittering as he gave Yesung a big hug.

“I am?” He said trying to pry his smaller friend from around his neck, it was almost like he was strangling him.

“Well I tried to tell him that but-“ Kyuhyun started only to be interrupted by the Princess of their group.

“Cho I know your way of complementing, you probably said something along the lines of your voice is ok you were a little flat here.” Krystal jibed.  “Can we just leave it at he was fricken amazing?”  Something in Yesung wanted to reply to that statement, Kyuhyun had been nothing but praise before.  But to his shock Kyuhyun didn’t deny it.

“Well I can’t help who I am right?” Kyuhyun smirked, back to his usual self, his eyes losing all previous flickers of emotion.  “You are right Krystal I was going to say that.”

“Enough of that Yesung, I’ll ask you formally do you want to join our infinite cover group?” Eunhyuk said trying to seem important and in control.

“Yes I’d like that very much.”  Yesung smiled brightly as the others cheered.  For the first time in his life he felt special, in the good way and it was all thanks to one Cho Kyuhyun.


Grey Paper

"I’ll walk slowly, one step, two step
Your footsteps are so familiar to me, one step, two step
You’re getting farther away and disappearing little by little with heavy footsteps"


After you saw me sing I guess I got too confident.  Too much false hope and losing site of reality left me open for you to step on my heart and break it. I should have known that it was too good to last, that your brief fascination with me would not continue.  I don’t hate you for the fact that you only seem to like me for my voice.  That you love the person I respect most in the world, Donghae.  It’s easy to love him right? He’s handsome, adorable and kind hearted.  I should know, many years ago, when kids used to bully and ignore me he took me under his wing.  He stood up for me even in front of his best friend and the one he loves the most.  He was the first person outside my family to proclaim that I was his friend. Donghae took me in, despite the fact it meant other people for hanging around me.  I can’t hate him Kyuhyun, he’s worthy of your heart.  I guess it’s too bad his heart belongs to someone else.  I know how you feel about how unattainable he is because that is what you are to me.  Unattainable.


Meeting Kim Heechul was an eye opener for Yesung. Actually he met him in the most an interesting set of circumstances, which matched the third year’s eccentric personality.   When he became an official member of the Infinite cover group Yesung couldn’t be prouder of himself.  For once he felt he belonged to something special and that one day he too team, well functioning, as it was it wasn’t enough to get rid of Jieun. Jieun was the girl Hyukjae was head over heels for and no one particularly liked her in their group.  Everyone except for Kyuhyun shipped him with Donghae.  Not that Hyukjae realized his best friend had a crush on him, in fact Hyukjae just dragged her around with them everywhere the group went. Yesung could tell it was getting to Donghae.  It was tearing his heart apart, though he could not help but feel a little jealous.  At least Donghae could hate Jieun, the girl who was the object of his crushes, Hyukjae that is, heart.  But could he hate Donghae for having Kyuhyun’s heart? No, he couldn’t, not after all that Donghae had done for him in the past. 


But even knowing he was indebted to Donghae didn’t stop him from neglecting him when he needed comfort and company the most.  Ever since Kyuhyun had discovered he could sing he found himself dragged to the practice room.  He no longer had to even follow Kyuhyun, it was a demand on Kyuhyun’s part. 

“Alien boy you are coming with me to practice.  Try not to be flat today?” He’d get a stern reminder every day and it made him blush each and every time he said it.

The only time they didn’t practice was when they were working with the team on their performances.  But one day he saw a mysterious male barge in on their practice.

“What the hell are you two doing in here?” The intruder said.

“More like what the hell are you doing here?” Kyuhyun growled.

“You do not need to know the answer to that question Cho Kyuhyun.”  The stranger tutted.

“Okay, this is weird, how do you know my name and are you one of those girls that pretend to be guys because of a strange set of circumstances has led to a life of cross-dressing?”

“You don’t know who I am? Seriously? Well I’m a third year Kim Heechul.”

“Heechul? Okay that’s very nice.” Kyuhyun said not paying attention in the slightest.

“Well, you know what’s not nice, you two having fun practicing while a team mate is by himself practicing for a performance you boys have tomorrow.”

“Wait-“ Kyuhyun turned paler than he already was. “Donghae is all alone where is Hyukjae?”

“I’m just about to drag him out of a room of his doting female fans.”  I watched as Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes in anger.

“You mean, I gave that git a chance with Donghae and he decides to spend it with girls.”  Yesung felt an arrow stab in his heart at that statement.  The only reason why Kyuhyun hung out with him was to give Hyukjae a chance? He’d prefer to be practicing dancing with Donghae despite the simple fact he couldn’t dance and loved nothing more than to sing?

“Hold up Cho,”

“I told him it’s his job to look after him- that jerk face.” Kyuhyun growled.

“Now, now, I’m angry at that jerk face as much as you are but lovely favorite seems to dote on him.”

“So you are a Donghae stalker fan?”

“Pretty much.”  Heechul shrugs. “Now I need you two to keep him happy and Cho your getting Hyukjae jealous so he realizes how much he loves his best friend.”

“Why would I do that I want Donghae for myself.”

“Believe me Cho, you want that, Donghae isn’t the one for you.”

“Who says that?”

“Me, and I’m always right, now wait here for 15 minutes and then you’re to go to the practice room where my poor baby girl is sulking.”

“Donghae is not a girl-“

“Detail’s Details~”  With that Kim Heechul disappeared leaving the pair completely flabbergasted. 


That’s the last he saw of the mysterious third year for a couple of days.  No one even mentioned the charismatic third year.  Not that Yesung realized because he spent most of his days pining over the fact Kyuhyun was stuck to Donghae like glue now. So when Donghae came up to him, grabbed his hand a pulled him into a broom closet Yesung without Kyuhyun noticing he was pretty impressed.    

“Donghae, why are we in the closet.”

“Because Kyuhyun has been following me around, it’s kind freaking me out.”

“Right, so why are we in the closet.”

“I need you to come with me.”

“Sure? Where?”

“Well, Heechul wants to give me a makeover so I look more appealing and he scares me more than Kyuhyun and Krystal combined.”

“Really? I’m not sure Donghae. He scares me too!”

“Well, at least you’ll have me with you?”  Donghae pouted cutely, and Yesung felt himself nodding despite the fact his mind was telling him but it wouldn’t be scary in the first place if I didn’t go with you


Next thing he knew Yesung was also at the mall facing the pretty third year with Donghae clinging onto his arm like a er fish.

“What on earth is alien boy doing here too?”Heechul tutted pointing him.

“Well he asked me if he could join in making himself more appealing.” Donghae said brightly causing Yesung to almost fall over in shock. This wasn’t what he agreed to!

“That’s wrong!” Yesung protested, he liked the way he looked.  Unlike Donghae he loved fashion, trendy glasses and Armani were his friends.

“Well, Yesung is tagging along because you make me a little nervous Heenim.” Donghae mumbled.

“I guess I can’t be angry when you call me Heenim cutely like that.” Heechul smiled ruffling Donghae’s hair.

 “This is Yesung I’m guessing? The one that’s in love with Kyuhyun.”

“How did you know?” Yesung said completely shocked.

“Don’t look at me like that.”  Heechul rolled my eyes. “You are like a little leech.”

“I’m not leech like.” Yesung mumbled and he couldn’t help but think maybe that’s why Kyuhyun didn’t like him.  Was it because he was annoying?

“Yah! If I say you are leech like you are.” Heechul laughed like a maniac.  Yesung was a little disturbed at this.  This guy was insane! That laugh was like a witches cackle.  Next thing he would find himself at some sort of gingerbread mansion win a boiling pot of turtles. The very thought was a nightmare, the poor turtles!

“Donghae are you sure we should hang out with this guy he’s a little odd.” 

“Your one to talk you takes your pet turtles out for walks on a custom leash.” Donghae whispered.  Well it’s better than boiling them in turtle soup like Mr Witch Yesung thought.

“They need exercise!” However, Heechul dragged the two to what seemed like a hair salon.  Surely Heechul was not even thinking on toching his beautiful black locks !

“Why are we going to the hair salon?” Donghae asked.

“I’m getting you both a make over.”

“Wait! No you can’t ! My hair is a perfect imitation of Hoya’s you can’t do this.” Donghae sobbed while Yesung contemplated ways of escaping this nightmare.  Which he promptly did, slowly edging away from the pair and running full bolt away from the witch like upper classman.  Well, when he ran it was more like tripping on his own feet.  Though he didn’t get very far because a mysterious stranger caught him before he face plated (for the third time).

“Well hello there, Yesung right?” The stranger said with an even stranger accent.

“Who, who , who are you?”  Yesung stuttered as the foreigner set him on his feet.

“My name is Hangeng, I’m Heechul’s boyfriend.”

“Heechul!”  Yesung stiffened. “I think I might be going now.” He tried to power walk off.

“Sorry I don’t understand you.”  Hangeng smiled grabbing onto the collar of his tshirt.  “We’ve got to go!”

“No we don’t I don’t want anyone to touch my hair!” Yesung protested.

“I don’t understand you.”  Hangeng continued. “I have to get you to Heechul so he can translate.”

“NO NOT HEECHUL!” Yesung said as he felt himself hefted over the forienger’s shoulder.

“Heechul? Yes he’s handsome right?”  Yesung wondered what he’d done in a past life to deserve this.

“My, my Hannie you caught the alien.”  Heechul smiled manically when he arrived there. 

“Don’t you dare touch my hair.” Yesung said as he felt himself plonked into a hairdresser’s chair.

“Look, trust me Yesung if you don’t like it you can dye it back.” Heechul sighed. “Don’t you want Kyuhyun to pay attention to you, maybe an image change will help the situation.”

“Okay.” Yesung said, giving in.  Yesung gulped continuously while a small chinese hairdresser by the name of Fei walked on his hair.  She chattered endlessly to him, complementing his use of eyeliner.  He kind of liked her, she must of sensed he was awkward with conversations so she just talked to herself almost.  When the job was finally done Yesung looked at the finished result.  His hair was platinum blond.  He had literally had the same colour hair as most Barbie dolls did. 

“You look great.” Jia gushed.  “Man that guy you are after is insane if he doesn’t like you.”  Yesung blushed at the compliment.  But when he turned he saw Donghae and gaped at his handsome friend.  His hair was a gorgeous golden blonde which complemented his features perfectly.  He now truly looked like a manga hero, the type that stole the hearts of all the characters in the novel.  Even if he did change his appearance would he even rival his angel like friend? 

Donghae turned around and nearly fell over.

“Wow Yesung, you look good!” Donghae exclaimed when he finally turned to face him.

“You do too, it really suits you Hae.” Yesung said a little jealous of how amazing his friend looked.

“Stop complementing each other and put these clothes on, Mi is letting you use the staff toilets at the back.”  Heechul said throwing clothes at them.

“What even is this?” Donghae said in shock.

“Well you have no fashion sense so I’m doing a take over!”

“Plaid looks good.” Donghae whined causing Yesung to roll his eyes. 

“It might but it also makes you look like a farm boy.  Yesung has a pretty good fashion sense but I think it’s about time he wore something that wasn’t black with skulls on it.”  Yesung shrugged getting into the changeroom with no protest.  He might as well go all out with this transformation thing, who knew what Heechul’s boyfriend would do to him if he didn’t. When he exited the changeroom again he saw Donghae, in all his glory.  He looked amazing and Yesung left yet again feeling a little inferior.  Yesung was only weagin a tshirt and a pale blue blazer.  He just wanted to accessorize the outfit, it was way too simple for his liking.

“Wow, Donghae you look like you came off a run way” Zhou Mi exclaimed with a wide smile. 

“I guess I look okay.”  Donghae grumbled.  “Yesung! Wow you look awesome!”  Yesung simply nodded in response, he knew he didn’t look as good as Donghae did.  No matter what he did Donghae would look better than him.

“Now, I have arranged a Norebang party tonight, you are to wear exactly that.  Yesung your are to sing whatever ballad shows off your voice the most and Donghae you have to sing a girl group song.” 

 “I can’t sing a girl group song at the norebang, I want to sing Infinite.” Donghae whined

“No, Donghae your singing whatever girl group Hyukjae loves most.”

“No.  I’m not that type of gay.”

“It can’t hurt.  See, Yesung knows Kyuhyun likes nothing more than a good ballad and you know that Hyukjae has a thing for girl groups.”

“Really though-“


“I’ve already dyed my hair, wearing these inexplicably tight jeans which by the way I have no idea how you shoved on me.  I can’t believe your making me do this.  It’s just so cliché.  Plus you bad me look like a fricken rockstar and now your making me sing girl group songs!”

“Are you calling me cliché Donghae.”

“No Heenim.”

“Good, now just trust me this once if this does not help Lee Hyukjae question his uality a little I don’t know what will.”


When the pair of transformed teens arrived at the Norebang Yseung was ready to jump out of the next window to spare him the pain of the comparison. 

“I look like a bleached cat.” Yesung groaned.

“YeYe I don’t know how you came up with that.  You look fine me on the other hand- I can’t walk in these damned jeans.” Yesung scoffed at Donghae’s complaint, how could he even say that?

“Heechul has a weird obsession with blonde.” Yesung said trying to distract himself from the negative thoughts.

“Let’s just go in.”

“Hey guys we are here.” Donghae smiled, walking into the room as if it was his runway.  Yesung tried to hide behind his friend in hope that the others in the room wouldn’t notice him.

“Holy heck you two what happened to you!” Amber said causing Yesung to want to shrink, damned they did notice him why couldn’t Donghae be a little taller?

“Well long story short Yesung and I decided to be dumb blondes together.” Donghae joked.

“My baby brother is so cute.” Amber crooned.  “You look even younger now I could put you in a stroller and sing nursery rhymes like I did when you were little.”

“Amber not now.” Donghae groaned.

“My my, doesn’t Donghae look good Hannie?”  He heard Heechul croon.

“Yes he is handsome but not as ravishing as you are.”

“I’ve trained you well Hannie.”  Heenim grinned.  YUesung couldn’t help but feel his confidence take another hit, why did they only concentrate on Donghae?  He looked at Kyuhyun who hadn’t taken his eyes off the golden blonde since he entered the room. 

 “Donghae you look amazing if you didn’t look like a manga prince before you certainly look like one now.” Kyuhyun said. “You are just perfect like that. Definitely my type.”

“Well, thanks Kyuhyun. Yesung looks good too right?”  Yesung gave Donghae a little smile of thanks.

“Yeah I guess he does.” Kyuhyun shrugged sparing him the shortest of glances. “That hair suits you Yesung, you don’t look as creepy now.” Yesung couldn’t help but let out a little squeak in reply, it wasn’t much of a compliment but it still was one more than he thought he’d get.  At least he wouldn’t scare Kyuhyun anymore !

“Why is Jieun here hanging all over him?” Donghae scowled in Yesung’s ear dragging him out of his fantasies.

“Donghae come over hear and sit with me your new hair is really cute.” Kyuhyun said wrapping an arm around the golden blond’s shoulder. “Take a selca with me?”

“Why don’t you sit next to Yesung.”

“I spend every blinking moment with Yesung c’mon sit next to me.”

“Isn’t Yesung handsome though now with his new hair?” Donghae smiled pushing Kyuhyun towards Yesung and bouncing to sit next to Hyukjae.

“Hi!” Yseung said awkwardly as he untangled himself from Kyuhyun.

“For fricks sakes can’t you leave me alone! Can’t you see what I’m trying to do?” Kyuhyun growled.  Yesung sighed sitting next to Krystal on the furthest corner of the room.

“Y’know Kyuhyun doesn’t mean that he’s just got his eyes on Donghae.” She explained.  Yesung wanted to reply with the fact that the eyes on Donghae was the problem.  But he couldn’t, man he was such a pathetic excuse for a man.  He couldn’t even fight for his crushes attention.  So instead of pondering after Kyuhyun he watched ain horror as Donghae turned into a little green eyes monster.  He watched as Donghae courageously sang a girl group song, A Pink of all bands too.  Yesung wished he could be cute like that, as he saw Kyuhyun go starry eyed over the singer. But when Donghae’s voice cracked on the long note Yesung felt a little sorry for him.  In fact he felt angry that Jieun was laughing at him and even angrier at Hyukjae for joining in the teasing.  Donghae was doing his best to show Hyukjae how he felt about him.  That wasn’t something to be laughed at, it was something to be admired.

 “Why are you laughing, it’s not funny.” He saw Donghae growl as tears formed in his friends eyes. 

“Well, you’re just radiating gay at the moment it seems a little out of character.  I thought you only knew Infinite.”  Jieun said.  Yesung clenched his fists wanting nothing more than to defend his friend who was always helping him.  But the words couldn’t come out they were stuck in his throat.  He watched in horror as Donghae put the microphone down calmly and stormed out of the room.  Yesung stood to run after him but Krystal grabbed his arm.

“Hyukjae run after him now or I’m disowning you.” Krystal said in a deadly tone.

“But I didn’t do anything wrong?” Hyukjae said clenching his fists.

“Holy Frick Hyukjae how stupid can you be!” Kyuhyun lost his cool.  “Donghae was trying his best and you laughed at him.”

“What his voice cracking was kinda funny.”

“He was trying his best.” Yesung found himself saying, he couldn’t take it anymore.  Donghae was a friend that had helped him always and it was about time he paid a little of the debt back.  No matter how much it terrified him to do so.  “He was trying his best you don’t laugh at that it’s rude.”  Hyukjae stood up staring at him with nothing but pure hatred in his eyes.

“Yesung are you trying to pick a fight with me.”

“Yes I think I am.” Yesung said as he backed away a little as Hyukjae advanced, knowing that he’d most probably end up as turtle chowder if he fought with Hyukjae.

“You lay one finger on Yesung and I’ll have your head.” Kyuhyun said stepping between the two of them.

“Hyukjae go and apologize to Donghae now.”  Amber stood up too.  “You are not hurting my little brother.  So much for your promise to keep him happy.”  This seemed to knock some sense into the idiot dancer.  As soon as Amber said that he was running out of the room. 

“Wow, that was eventful.” Heechul chuckled.

“I’m going this is stupid.” Jieun announced. “You guys can’t even take a joke. I don’t know why I came in the first place.”  She left in a huff.  The room was silent for a bit before Heechul grabbed the microphone and began singing to SNSD’S Gee accompanied to the loud cheers of his boyfriend.  Meanwhile he sat next to Kyuhyun who had been in a bad mood ever since Hyukjae left the room.

“Kyuhyun are you okay?”

“It’s just hard, you know.  Always letting Hyukjae get Donghae.  Why doesn’t he like me?”

“You’re a good guy, but I think Hae’s bond with Donghae is deep.”

“It’s not fair though.”  Kyuhyun said, flicking through the songbook.  “I’d treat Donghae right.”  Yesung smiled sadly.

“Life isn’t fair Kyuhyun, you always want things that you can’t get.”  Yewssung guessed that was why Kyuhyun that night was a little tearful as he sung his heart out to On This Street.  It broke Yesung’s heart to the point he couldn’t even bring himself to sing.  His mind was a mess of emotion, the fact that Kyuhyun was unconditionally in love with Donghae hit him like a bullet train.  That night when he got home for the first time in a year, instead of fanboying over Kyusung moments, Yesung cried over Kyuhyun. 



Author's NT 

Wow Hyukjae is a jerk in this :O Not many Kyusung moments in this chapter but I promise the next (and final) chapter will be filled with them ! 

:( Kyu why don't you see Yesung loves you T_T 

Until next time ~ (hopefully the end of this week) xoxo Vic


PS not editted because don't have time for that atm >/////< 


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412 streak #1
Chapter 3: Thank you for the happy ending story, not a fan of angsty I guess hahaha..
412 streak #2
Chapter 2: Oh Kyu, you broke Yesung's heart 😭
412 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aaaw, it's a nice story, can't wait to read the next chapter
angelamy #4
Chapter 3: Weird as it is, I support the previous commenter. Like yeah the whole story was amazingly angsty and awesome. Really. But love for Ye sounds suspicious.
Thankyu for the story. Really
Chapter 3: I kind of hope that Kyu's "love" for Ye was related clearly in a way? As it did seem to me like it was super quick. And if I was in Yesung's shoes, I'd really feel like I'm just a scapegoat because he is brokenhearted with Hae. I wouldn't have really believed his confession that easily.

Or just don't mind me! Hahahahaa I probably am just used to fics with Kyu super in love ith Yesung. It bothers me to no end that Ye is the one head over heels in love in this fic, and the 3/4ths of it seemed like he was loving unrequitedly hahahaha

But please e writing kyusung. Please please pretty please author-nim!
Chapter 3: This was cute I loved it.... kyu why must you be that hard on Yesung?
OMG Im really weak with kyusung fluffness and I enjoyed it a lot! Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 3: Omg yeye!!
YESSS I wanna read the henber story!!
Chapter 3: man I'm crying right now... nd laughing with Yeye's clumsyness haushuahsauhsau aaaah what a perfect cute fanfic! <3
Ladyghai #10
Chapter 3: hahha miss kyusung so much! haha )love this! :)