
Will things end up with a happy ending… For us?

You felt bored inside your hospital room. You weren't discharge for some odd reason that you don't really know. "Eomma, when can I be discharged?" you asked your mum as she skinned the apple for you, she looked up at you and smiled "Until your headache disappears..." the smile on her face turned into a frown, the natural sparkle on your mum's eyes disappeared which worries you. "Ah... eomma what did the doctor told you yesterday? My condition isn't bad right?" you asked without realising the pain that her mum was experiencing right there and then. "Eomma??" you called and looked at her right into her eyes, you can see her eyes turning red and soon a tear slid down on her cheeks "Eomma what's wrong?" you asked "the t-truth is..." she started and you remained silent for her to continue. "you have... a brain tumour and it's severe" you don't know what to say, you felt like your walls are crashing down "I just had headaches... Eomma I don't want to die" you started tearing up "no you're not... you can go under surgery" "Is my time limited eomma??" you asked she nodded her head "the doctor said, if you didn't have surgery as soon as possible you only have 2 more years to live but you'll feel severe headaches everyday" "but what if I take the surgery?" you said as calm as possible, your mum remained silent and sighed "the doctor said that if the surgery is success you'll be fine but there's 20% that you might not survive" with that you felt like your hope was all gone, you don't know what to do anymore. "So eomma wanted to ask you if you want to take the surgery as soon as possible" your mum said and you remained silent. 

A knock was heard from the other side of the door, you and your mum quickly wiped those tear stains on your cheeks, the door opened revealing your friends. You tried to smile brightly at them but the intense feeling in the room didn't left. The sorrow in your eyes are very clear. "Hey..." L.joe said first in a very awkward tone, not knowing if they should go in the room but Chunji already went beside MinAh and gave her a very warm, tight and comforting hug that MinAh needed at that very moment. She tried to stay calm, but knowing the fact that her life is counted made her really sad and guilty. She doesn't deserve Chunji. She's gonna die soon and he'll be left there with pain in his heart that will take a lot of time to recover. She can't keep him there beside her without letting him know about her condition, same goes with her friends. If ever she'll die tomorrow, she doesn't want to die with guilt in her heart. But not now, not when they are happy, not when they are all looking forward to spend time with her inthat lifeless room, and not when she has the chance to see their pure smiles on their face and not sad smiles. But her emotions inside betrayed her as tears continuously sliding down her cheeks. "What's wrong?" Chunji said in a very soft voice while placing both of his warm hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears in the process. You shook your head, "nothing" you said "I just missed you guys" Chunji leaned into you and placed a kiss on your forehead. The rest coughed "uhmm... we're here too... remember?" Cap said jokingly, you laughed and opened your arms widely signalling them for a group hug which they did. The sight made your mum sad, "I have to go now... I'll just comeback later on ok? L.joe stay here with her if I didn't come back yet" your mum informed before tears could come out and left.

 It's already time for the others to leave, but Chunji wanted to stay and forced L.Joe to go home instead and he'll look after her own girlfriend. A wagging finger and continuous No's were the only answer he could get from him, but Chunji was so stubborn and the only choice L.joe had was to get him out of the room physically. He pulled Chunji towards the open door and gave him a good kick at his house and locked the door. Chunji was banging on the door but L.joe didn't open it and said "just go home will ya, nothing's gonna happen to your princess here" "Aish! arasso tell her I'll visit again tomorrow" Chunji replied, L.joe rolled his eyes "yeah yeah... I don't need to tell her that anyways coz we always visit her BYE~" with that L.joe went to the seat next to your bed, his adorable happy face was soon turned into a more serious yet worried face. "Say, what's wrong with you?? like you're not happy today, did something happen?" he asked "I'm happy! I was smiling for the entire time when you all came" but L.joe didn't buy your answer, he wasn't convinced he knew everything was a lie "you do have a big smile on your face but your eyes showed otherwise" he commented "there's no sparks on your eyes, it's blank, it's full of sadness" you sighed and closed your eyes for a second "yes... everything you said is right, I am happy when you all guys came but the news occupied both my mind and emotions" you said softly "What news?" 

"... I have brain tumour" you said, again tears keep spilling, you covered your face "My life is counted L.joe" he remained silent, trying to let the news to sink in "No you're not... you can go under treatments and everything and you'll be healthy again" he said hugging you, you shook your head on his chest "but there's still 20% that I might not survive..." "Don't say that, always think of the 80% remaining, your chance of survival is big so don't give up" he said 

Short update??? lol anyway too much drama!!! I hope this chapter made you teared up or made u sad coz that is my aim for this chapter but I think I didn't succeed *pouts* anyway please leave comments, subscribe, and upvote!! I really want this fanfic to be the first Chunji fic to be featured ^^ but I think that will be impossible -_-

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2031 streak #1
Chapter 16: Nice story author-nim. The end was definitely unexpected. But overall it was good.
Chapter 16: sad ending i want to cry :'(
Chapter 16: OMG what she DIES O-O I really wasn't expecting that.... ;-; that scarred me a little....
Niecy313 #4
Chapter 16: I cried like seriously tho
what did you use to edit your picture in the forward
Chapter 12: take your time ...
the school is important too
study well ...
Chapter 10: I see... .. ..
Chapter 9: Then that is the secret. ...
:D hehe nice story very interesting :3 I wanna read more update! c:
Chapter 8: I Will not say anything
I will wait until the next chapter ...