We don't have to be friends y'know

We don't have to be friends y'know [hiatus]

Kevin woke up suddenly to the noise of Kiseop showering. He looked at the clock on his night stand: 11:19
He sat up and swung his legs out of the covers. But not without taking in a sharp breath.
'What a great night. Never would've guessed Kiseop could move like that!'
Kevin put on his dressing gown and went into the kitchen to get breakfast. 
'So happy it's Saturday. I get to finally spend the day with Kiseop!' 
He poured out the flakes but before he could sit down, Kiseop came into the kitchen.
“Hey” He grinned
“Hey” Kevin walked over to him and kissed him “I hope you didn't use up all the hot water”
“Is that seriously the first thing you are going to say to me?” 
“Yeah” Kevin looked Kiseop up and down “Oh...my mouth did wonders on your neck” Kevin reached up to touch the bruises. He only touched them lightly but Kiseop had to flinch.
“They're sore...”
Kevin smiled. “Good” and kissed Kiseop again and then went into the bathroom. He wiped the condensation from the mirror and noticed Kiseop's toothbrush beside his. 
'We're really a couple now'  He couldn't stop smiling. 
He hopped into the shower and adjust the temperature. Scalding himself one or two times. 
'I really have to see if I can help Kiseop. I'm sure I can but then it's the money issue. If he couldn't make the rent two months in a row then I don't know what to do. I hope he was looking for a job' Kevin washed out the shampoo 'But I know I really want him to live with me' 
Kevin turned off the shower and got out. He dried himself and put on his dressing gown again. He walked past the kitchen and saw that Kiseop wasn't there. He went into his room and was startled when he found Kiseop. 
“Sorry I'm just looking for my hairbrush. Go ahead and do what you were going to do” 
“I was going to get dressed...”
“Why would that bother me? We saw each other last night”
“But...we had the lights off...” Kevin suddenly felt exposed even though it was Kiseop. Kiseop his boyfriend.
“I thought I was the one that was paranoid. Just get dressed”
“Fine” Kevin sighed. “But I'm keeping on my gown until I get my lower area covered. 
Kiseop was too busy searching to listen.
 “Hey Kiseop?” Kevin said quietly
“I found it!” He started to brush his hair “Yeah?”
“I know this is going to sound terrible but...were you even looking for a job?”
“I was” Kiseop put the brush down “It's hard though. I was still looking for one before I met you”
“I see...” There was little moment of silence before Kevin spoke first. “We are going down town today and we will find a job for you” 
“Thank you Kevin” He watched Kevin put on his shirt “In the future, I'm not letting you wear shirts around the house”
Once finished getting dressed, he went over to Kiseop hugged him and planted a small kiss on his neck.
“We should also look in the paper for an apartment?” 
Kiseop sighed. It hurt Kevin to say that in truth but it was reality. Kiseop needed to get a job and a home. 
Kiseop held onto Kevin tight “I don't want to leave though”
“I know” Kevin whispered, running his fingers through Kiseop's hair. 
“Will we ever get to live together even though we're so poor?”
Kevin lifted his head to look at Kiseop “Of course. We both want it. Don't we?” He kissed Kiseop's nose. “C'mon get your things ready”


Kiseop and Kevin held hands while walking down the street. Kiseop could feel some of the stares but looking at how Kevin couldn't care less, put him at ease.
“Kevin, we've been to every shop around here. There is nothing”
Kevin tickled Kiseop under the chin “Don't say that. There's always something” Kevin tugged on Kiseop to keep him moving. 
'I should be the one who's pulling him! He's right though, there is always something' 
“Kevin remember I can only get a job in the evenings. I can't just go on the weekend just because I don't have college”
“I'll keep that in mind. Are there any jobs you wouldn't mind doing at night?”
Kiseop thought for a while “I don't know...the only ones that come to mind are a waiter or a bar tender. I've actually worked as a waiter before.”
“Why didn't you tell me that?” Kiseop could tell Kevin was a little annoyed at that.
'I think I need to tell him more about me...'

It was five restaurants later where they eventually landed at the last one in town. 
Kiseop went up to the counter “Excuse me, but is there any chance there is a job available?”
The person behind the counter was unsure “I'll check with the manager. Part time or full time?”
“Part time” Kiseop turned to Kevin “It's the bars next. I can feel it”
“Shush with your pessimistic attitude! There is barely anyone in at the moment, there is most likely something there!”
The person came back “Okay there is one available but it is only for the weekend”
“Oh” Kiseop was a little crushed. The one little bit of hope was inconvenient. “Okay so. Thank you anyway”
They both left the shop.
“Well at least there is still the bars...” 

This time it was two bars until Kiseop found one that had an advertisement in the window.
“Kevin Kevin Kevin! Look!” Kiseop pulled Kevin to him and tapped hard on the glass “A job! A job!”
“Calm down Kiseop! Don't get too excited!  
They went into the bar and stood at the counter. It was quiet when they went in. There was a man behind the counter.
“Um...I was wondering could I ask about the job that's available”
“Yes. Do you know what is expected? Have you any experience with this sort of thing? I am the owner by the way”
“I was a waiter during the summer before the restaurant had to shut down”
“Do you have any proof of this?”
“Yes.” Kevin handed Kiseop the paper. Kiseop was a little ashamed at the lack of work experience. But there wasn't any jobs.
The owner looked it and didn't say much. But he did sigh and hand the paper back. 
“I'll give you a chance. But don't complain when you hear the conditions”
“I won't”
“You will be working from eight until two in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and the weekend. You cannot serve drink freely to someone you like of even your friends. I will explain more tomorrow night. It also gives you time to get your uniform of just wearing black clothes”
“Thank you so much. It is perfect”
The owner smiled “Okay so. That it?”
“Yeah that's it”
“See you tomorrow night”
Once the two were outside, Kiseop jumped on Kevin and kissed him.
“Thank you so much Kevin!”
Kevin held onto Kiseop who had his legs hooked around Kevin's waist.
“Just...just everything. I spend two years looking for a job and then I meet you and everything is just...” Kiseop kissed him again. “Are you finished work tonight at the usual time?”
“Don't fall asleep then. We're gonna do what we did last night...”


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milkythings #1
Chapter 15: Please update!! I love this story so much!!
elyon12 #2
Chapter 17: So did jaeseop knew kiseop?!! I'm confused!! :s
Update soon ^ ^
Chapter 17: Hmm~ Kevin I'm not sure if Kiseop and Jaeseop living together is a good idea.
I hope that Vinseop will be fine

I think this is the first time I comment but really like this story. Thank you for the updated and I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 16: I love this chapter I wonder if Jaeseop will make any more appearances in the story I wonder
Chapter 14: Ok nice 1.
Chapter 14: Omg I love this chapter so cute especially when he told him why he loved him
Chapter 13: Nice story~
Chapter 13: omg im crying right now so sad but beautiful moment *sob sob* well i can't wait update soon