When coffee and gentleman's agreements just aren't enough
When Jongin decides to deviate from his usual pattern of leaving school, walking home and entering Starbucks for his much needed dose of caramel while cursing his face english teacher he doesn’t expect to fall in love with an angel manning the counter of a quaint little cafe just 10 feet away from Starbucks.
Jongin thinks that he is love when he sees the angel smile. His eyes widen in shock when the angel greets him, asking for his order.
Jongin’s mind blanks out of him and he runs out of the cafe thinking that no one should be that beautiful.

“I think I’m in love” Jongin says dreamily to his best friend as he props up his chin with laced fingers with his elbow resting on the canteen table.
Sehun doesn’t bat an eye instead he gives the older male a monotonous look. “Who is it this time?”
“I don’t know his name yet” Jongin says airily. Sehun only facepalms.

When Jongin decides later that days that he would try to make his move on the angel in the quaint little cafe, he didn’t expect to see Sehun there already leaning casually on the counter making the angelic cashier blush.
Jongin can feel his face turning red. He walks right up to the other male and forcefully drags him away all the while smiling at the cashier who looks very confused.
“What are you doing here?” Jongin hisses as he s Sehun’s drink into his hands after taking a glug of the overly sweet coffee.
“Shouldn’t I be asking the same thing?” Sehun says emotionlessly. For the first time in Jongin’s life he wishes his friend had a face with more emotion instead of always looking like like his pet fish had died and was trying to be strong.
Jongin stares after his friends back as he walks back into the cafe without answering him, no doubt back to flirting with the cute little cashier. Jongin doesn’t want to live anymore.
He finds out the following day that the cashiers name is Joomyun and he studies in the college two blocks from the high school Jongin and Sehun are studying at. All this information coming from his friend who was sitting opposite him and for the first time it wasn’t the monotonous face he was used to seeing instead Sehun was actually smiling.
Jongin wonders how he’s even friends with someone who barely reacts to anything at all.

On the third day, Jongin is the first to reach the quaint little cafe he now knows at Brussels, besides selling an assortment of cakes it also brews fantastic coffee that Jongin this could give Starbucks a run for it’s money.
Jongin smiles at the cashier who was blushing furiously under all the compliments Jongin had sent him, Jongin is jerked out of flirting the minute he feels his arm being tugged. But doesn’t take a genius to figure out who was pulling him.
Jongin hastily grasps his drink and sends a wink at the blushing cashier as he’s dragged back out of the cafe by Sehun.
“What are you doing?” The younger man hisses as he tried to keep his voice down.
“Exactly what you’re doing” Jongin replies haughtily as he stalks of leaving his friend staring at his back.
Jongin thinks he can win Joonmyun’s heart long before Sehun can.

They’re in the canteen the next day when Sehun proposes a deal.
“Whoever takes Joonmyun out on a date first wins, and no matter what the other can’t sabotage them and whoever he is has to support them wholeheartedly” Jongin nods and shakes hands with the younger.
“A gentleman’s agreement it is then” Jongin says
“A gentleman’s agreement” Sehun echoes hands firm as they shake.
But it doesn’t occur in their competitive driven minds that Joonmyun may already be taken.

When Jongin stumbles into class after the final bell had rung he doesn’t expect to hear his face english teacher sounding all lovey dovey on the phone.
Jongin stands awkwardly to one side as he waits for his teacher to finish he call, Mr. Wu catches his eye and ends his call but when Jongin hears as a goodbye momentarily freezes him.
“Bye Joonmyun, I’ll see you later. Love you too” Mr. Wu almost coos into the phone before ending the call and turning to Jongin.
“Sorry about that but anyway what can I help you with?” Mr Wu says with a slight blush on his face one Jongin doesn’t expect to see. As his minds is still trying to process what he heard from Mr. Wu’s side of the conversation.
“Jongin?” Mr. Wu questions tentatively slightly worried at the unresponsiveness of one of his student.
Jongin shakes his head and mumbles an apology and steps closer to the table asking quickly if his teacher has any extra credit work he could do.
Mr. Wu nods to Jongin but more to himself as he steps around his table and to the cupboard placed into corner of the classroom. Mr. Wu pulls out some paper in a folder and passes them to Jongin telling him what a hard working kid he is whilst giving his hair a ruffle.
But Jongin doesn’t register the compliment because all his deluded mind can think of it that Joonmyun and Mr. Wu might already be a couple.
Then again Jongin is a determined kid and he reasons out that there has to be more that one Joonmyun in the neighbourhood and he was just being stupid.
Jongin almost suffocates himself to death when he realises that he didn’t stop at the cafe today thus giving Sehun the lead.

When they both agree to meet at the cafe together and demand for Joonmyun to choose one of them (They had been chasing the angelic cashier for almost a month), They don’t expect to find their english teacher leaning casually against the counter in a fierce lip lock with the cashier that they had been pining after for the past month. Said cashier was leaning against said english teacher almost in pleasure.
When they pull apart Joonmyun catches sight of them and motions them over. Joonmyun then quickly introduces them to each other.
“Kris, these were the loyal customers I was telling you about” Joonmyun said smiling.
“I know them” Mr, Wu, Kris says with a chuckle as he wraps his arm firmly around the petite mans waist. “They’re my student”
Jongin and Sehun can only stare aghast that they had been hitting on their english teachers boyfriend. And they’re face twists even more when they catch sight of the ring on Joonmyun’s finger.
“Is that what I think it is?” Sehun asks as he points to the ring on Joonmyun’s finger.
Joonmyun blushes a bright red. “Yeah, we’re getting married in a month” Mr. Wu, Kris answers as he pulls the shorter male closer for a quick kiss.

Later that day, Jongin mentally slaps himself for even thinking that he ever had a chance with the cute angelic cashier.

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2449 streak #1
SeKai really thought!!!
this was so funny! of all people in the world who could've been Jun's beloved, it was their stern teacher Yifan! HAHAHAHAHA

Jongin refused to believe that the Jun he heard his teacher was talking to was the same Jun from the cafe... so in denial! HAHAHAHAHA but it was good that they saw it with their own to eyes... too bad boys! Jun is already taken!

this was really fun! i remember reading this already... idk why i didn't leave a comment tho... so unlikely of me HAHA
Mydeluluworld #2
Chapter 1: Poor for Jongin and Sehun. lol
Chapter 1: Lol so funny >_<
Love it so much ♥
somarshies #4
hahaha this is so cute :3
Chapter 1: Lol xD. Hqha. These couples are the couples that always make me anxious and flutter. You combined them. Haha xD nice and good.
Chapter 1: hahahaha...poor jongin!
btw dont separate krisho~ LOL
jongin, just find someone else xD
fandomfriends #7
Chapter 1: Bahahahaha! That was so cute!! And funny! I love it. XD
Chapter 1: Poor jonginnie~~ why don't you date with sehun? XD
Chapter 1: Lol!! Sekai lmao.. fight for suho and the winner is kris kkkk xD