
Days (A Monday Couple Series)



* I just want to say that I have no ill intentions towards Baek Chang Joo and C-JES and I'll happilly respect Ji Hyo noona's decision if she decides to really announce that she's marrying him, but for now, since I've seen the Monday Couple start back and that Ji Hyo is the one making all the moves, I'd like to write this fic as one of the ways things went down! ^.^








Jong Kook : That Gary never lets me rest ! Ever since that incident, he claims he needs to take me out for dinner every Thursday night! Please stop! Hyung needs to relax on those days!





The sound of the door to my studio opening sent a bit of a shock to me, as I remembered that I wasn't expecting anyone on a late Thursday night.


"Kap Jin?," I call out, wondering if it was my manager pulling one of his old pranks again. If it was, he should better ready himself for a long lecture on how he shouldn't disturb me while I was writing a song. That man could seriously find something better to-


"Hyung-ah! Jong Kook hyung~," comes a drunk yell from the door. 


"Hyung ~ It's meeee! You're son Gary-swiiiii! *hic*"



Why would he be here?


It's almost 12 am, I think as I rush towards the door. My hands fly to the latch, unlocking it at light speed before pulling it open to reveal my dongsaeng, his face glum and his eyes dull. In his hand was a bottle Chamisul (Soju) and he was.. crying..


I frowned as I dragged him in, shutting the door and watched as he wiped the tears that streamed down his face with the sleeve of his jacket. Pulling a nearby chair, I usher him into sitting down and I grab the bottle from his hand, scrunching my face at the stench it emitted. I never liked drinking, it was unhealthy. 


I moved towards the nearby trash can and pour the foul liquid out, thoroughly emptying it before dumping the bottle in as well. Turning around, I glanced at Gary again and he seemed to be mumbling some unintelligible words. 


Wait a minute.. that sounded like.. 'Why Mong Ji?.. Why?'


Quickly, I rummage my pockets, looking for the handkerchief that I always carried around. After a few seconds, I found it in my back pocket and I squatted beside Gary, using the tiny cloth to wipe his face. The poor guy looked like he had been crying the whole night, not to mention that he must have been really upset to have gotten this drunk..


'What's wrong Gary?," I asked, concern lacing my voice.


He didn't answer immediately, taking a few good seconds to stare at my face before quietly asking me what he had done wrong. Confused, I open my mouth to ask him what he meant before he said, "She's gone hyung.. She left me for her CEO."


"She didn't even tell me.. I had to find out through the news," he continued. Tears fell down his face as he started crying again, telling me that he loved her. That she was his one and only and that she couldn't, shouldn't have left.


I sigh, relief flooding through me. I had thought that something worse had happened, but I still felt bad for Gary, as he did not know the truth. The truth behind this entire scandal.


The truth behind Ji Hyo's actions..






A few days ago, Ji Hyo had come to us, the Running Man members, in the same way Gary had now. 


She had called Suk Jin in a drunken state, crying about how 'fate was always cruel to her' and how Gary would hate her forever for what was going to happen. Suk Jin, being the caring hyung that he was, called up all the members except for Gary and drove over to her apartment.


It didn't take long for all of us to arrive and we sat in her living room and watched as she cried and explained about what her CEO was doing to her. 


We all knew that Baek Chang Joo had a criminal past and when news broke out, we were all upset and very much confused. Haha was the most pissed off and even though he didn't doubt Ji Hyo's loyalty to his hyung, he wanted to confront Chang Joo on the spot. Jae Suk hyung had advised him not to do so as we didn't know what was doing on, that was, until Ji Hyo had gotten drunk like this.


Her CEO had found out about her relationship with Gary and though he didn't mention about knowing that they were already staying together and getting intimate, she was scared that he knew about that too, as he threatened to publicize it all if she didn't keep up the facade that she was dating her CEO.


My hands trembled as I felt the anger course through my veins when I heard about what her CEO was doing and Kwang Soo yelled curses as he proposed a plan to go and save his most loved noona. Jae Suk on the other hand asked Ji Hyo what she wanted to do and with her always keeping Kang Gary as her top priority, she said she'd listen to her CEO, not wanting to get Gary caught in a scandal..


Haha was angry. Angry would probably be an understatement, he had gone berserk, scolding Ji Hyo about how she shouldn't let this be happening to her but Jae Suk once again calmed him down.


We ended the night in a solemn mood, promising her not to tell anyone what had happened and to just let it be but.. I couldn't do this to Gary. The Monday Couple loved each other and I couldn't bear to see them fall apart because of some bastard and a stupid promise.






I tell Gary all that I know as I recalled the incident and the truth seems to have made him overcome his drunken prowess, tears stream down his cheek as he mutters "My poor Mong Ji.." and though I'm his hyung, though I'm the almighty commander, I cry with him at the predicament our Ji Hyo was in.


She was like a sister to me and I would have been lying if I said that I didn't fall in love with her at some point either, but she and our Hee Gun were meant to be. I apologize for not telling him sooner but he brushes it off and thanks me for trying to respect Ji Hyo's wishes.


We sit there for a long while before I mutter out, "What do we do now?"


He smiles and corrects me by saying that this was something he had to do on his own before giving me a bear hug and thanking me again for saving 'The Monday Couple'. I watch as he dashes out the studio and pray that everything goes well before I text the other members about what had happened.


Their replies come instantly and I smile at the phone, as every single message said the same thing..


'Thank you.'





It's a week later and the media has been going crazy over the latest news. 


Gary was a forgiving man and the first thing he did after he got out of my door was arrange for a press conference. Fixing up all appointments and calling all news outlets with the headline that, 'Kang Gary had big confession to make.' The guy planned it all out within the night itself.


As the day arrived Gary opened up the conference by thanking Ji Hyo's CEO for covering up that Ji Hyo was seeing Gary to give the Monday Couple a chance at being 'something more than just a variety show'. Gary had secretly changed the story, to make it seem like the CEO was doing them a favor and thankfully before Chang Joo could reply with something that could change the scale, Ji Hyo had called in to the conference and played along.


The CEO could do nothing now, for if he spilled the beans, he could be locked up again for blackmail. Or even worse, Haha would have gotten to him first.


My opinion though? Chang Joo better be thankful for what Gary had just done. He'd just given the owner of C-JES a second chance, even after he tried to tear the Monday Couple apart..


Just goes to show true love, doesn't it?


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Micalbautista #1
Chapter 7: What a nice, heartfelt ending! Daebak!!
uri_sunshine #2
Chapter 7: Why didn't I found this wonderful story earlier? Love the ending!! Keep producing great stories authornim!!
zpa235_ #3
Daebak!! It's really good author-nim. I suggested my friends to read this and they're all love it. Good job^^ hehe
melovestage #4
Chapter 7: Omg. I really love this. Ahhhhhh. And it really displays how close each of the members are!
heelovekim #5
Chapter 6: this has always been the scene in my head whenever I think of the monday couple revealing their real relationship.. lol!
bookaholic #6
Chapter 7: Ah, I love this beautiful series especially when it comes to Monday Couple <3
I also love the strong bond between RM members which shows on screen and off screen.
I'll subscribe to this soon and I'm also looking forward to your Monday Couple fics <3
blueserenitygirl2404 #7
Chapter 7: This is just sooooo.....beautiful
There's tears in my eyes
"Monday" just be a perfect ending for our Monday Couple...
Chapter 7: Awhhhhhhh , the ending is very DAEBAK !! Nice ending :) Forever Monday Couple <3
ak4lkjh #9
Chapter 7: Thanks for giving a Monday baby to the Monday couple.
Chapter 7: This is awesome! Thanks for the great ending, hope you'll write more stories soon!