eastern team

Dark Revelations

Taeri strolled to the door that led up above. Yongguk raised an eyebrow at her and stared. Zelo wiped the tears that brimmed his eyes. The two male looked at the girl who stopped in front of door suddenly.


“So..? Are we going to let him join?” Yongguk mumbled, careful in case he doesn’t say something wrong to anger the woman.


Taeri looked at them in amused manner, showing a little smug. “Well,” she diverted her attention to Zelo.


“Young blood,put on your war paint,”




“ Yah! Jongup.Come help us lit this molotov,” a boy with pearl, silver hair sharply yelled, gesturing for the said person to come over. He eyed the glass bottle of gasoline and oil mixture,a rag used as the wick tightly taped to the top.


“Sehun, could you be anymore louder?” Jongup rolled his eyes as he pulled up his luck black and white bandana that was usually used to hide his identity.


“Hey, it’s not my fault. Luhan needed some help,” Sehun shrugged his shoulders, voice muffled from the mask.


“Don’t blame everything on me,” a boy, about half a foot shorter than Sehun furrowed his eyebrows and glared at the two, tapping his foot on the surprisingly cold asphalt. He had innocent, doe-like eyes. His hair ruffled and a light golden color. No one would believe that he was part of a deadly team.


“Goddamn it, you guys. Can’t you guys just quietly and fluidly get things done?” A girl with tied up brown hair and long eyelashes that complimented her big hazel eyes appeared from the corner of the building. The four were currently in an alley way. Dumpsters lined up against the brick walls of tall buildings. The sounds of car driving back and forth.  The four boys immediately quiet down as soon as they spotted the female walk closer to them.


“Sorry, Dara,” The boys said in unison, all of them trying to avoid eye contact with the girl.


“Hold your tongue and hear me out,”  Dara glanced at the boys, “ Our target is approaching in 5 minutes,”


The three boys nodded and scattered to get things ready. Dara slightly smirked before putting on her mask; she tighten her red ribbon that was tied to her hair and proceeded to walk out of the alleyway. Jongup gritted his teeth before following her.


The team stood at the curb of the road, right next to a traffic light. When the street and road was empty of people and cars, Luhan secretly opened and cut a cable that had the traffic light turn from green to red, skipping yellow. Luhan closed the cable box and returned to the group, slightly proud of his small achievement. Dara nodded at the boy and eyed a lone,black, and expensive looking car slowly coming to a stop at the red light.


Dara breathed in sharply, “Fire.”


Jongup set the molotov on fire and threw it in front of the car, far away so that the fire wouldn’t be able to burn the car. Sehun did the same to the rear end. After isolating the car in the walls of red,orange, and yellow flames, the team of four made a dash towards the car. Jongup quickly jumped on the hood of the car, catching the baseball bat that Dara had thrown to him─ as it had been lying on the ground nearby. The male swung that bat and bashed the front windscreen multiple times before it shattered the glass into small crystals.


The man inside frantically wrapped his arms around his face to protect himself from the flying shards of glass. His eyes widen at the 4 strangers in front of him, eyes frightened. Jongup─ still on the hood─ reached his hand towards the man. The individual eyed where Jongup’s arm was heading, dying under the tension. Jongup just slowly reached towards to unlock the door and chuckled. The door was swiftly opened by Luhan. His eyes dull like a mass murderer, in contrast from earlier. With unknown strength, the thin boy hauled the man out of his car.


Dara gagged the man with a handkerchief and tied the infamous red ribbon over his mouth to keep the gag in place. The man’s arms bounded by rope that was tightly knotted. The male cried and screamed, but his muffled plead was disregarded.


Sehun reached into the car for the individual’s phone, crawling out and tossing it to Jongup. Dialing three digits, the group made eye contact.


“Busan police department.”


“Kim Hyun Shik. We got him under hostage. You want him back, you come here yourself. We wouldn’t want to kill such a precious piece of information like this,” Jongup spoke low, voice muffled behind the mask. He brought the phone to the helpless man’s voice.


“Let them hear you scream,”


The man cried for help, deaden shrieks and wails. Jongup hung up and threw the phone behind him; it broke to pieces after landing on the hard ground.


The man, now named Kim Hyun Shik, struggled and hollered, veins showing in his neck and face. Dara rolled her eyes and whispered into his ears.


“You be a good boy and you’ll survive. It’s the police we want,” Dara advised to the man. She bursted into laughter after a moment of silence, “ Who am I kidding? Your end is near. Keep struggling and you’re just subtracting your lifetime.”


Even Jongup, Sehun, and Luhan slightly shivered from her threat. A ringing tone resounded and Dara responded to the incoming call.




“Dara. Leave the man. It doesn’t matter anymore” the female voice on the other side sounded angry, like she was holding back the urge to punch someone.


“What? Taeri! What happened?”


“Hyun Shik is no longer needed. He already sent off the blueprints.”


Dara groaned audibly in frustration, “So we’re done here?”


“You’re done there. Go back to your HQ. Thanks.”


The line went dead and Dara looked at her teammates. “ Poor Taeri,”


The others looked at each other with worried expressions.


“Let’s go. The police are coming soon,”


Sehun took out his pocket knife. Hyun Shik eyes widen again, knowing what was coming. He tried his best to get away. Using his feet to increase the distance between his killer and himself, his state of panic was obvious. He could feel Sehun smiling under his mask.


With one slash, the now lifeless man had a long, bloody laceration on his neck. The corpse dropped to the ground with a thump. Blood gathering into a puddle on the ground, drenching the clothes of the dead man with crimson red.


“ Let’s go,”




Taeri grunted out loud, spinning in circles on her chair. She ran her hands through her hair and clenched her fists.


“We were too late,” she muttered to herself. She relentlessly got up from her desk and went to the main room.


The small team chatted with each other─ she spotted Yongguk and Kris chatting, Zelo always close to Yongguk like a lost puppy. Taeri clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. Diverting their attention to her, they stared in a questionable manner.


“Guys, there’s something up,” the group all glanced around.


“First, mission failed,” Taeri glared, mentally cursing at herself for the failure. Murmur spreaded among the audience.


“Secondly,” Taeri’s eyes caught Kris’s for a moment until she looked away, “ There’s a person roaming the streets of Busan, creating chaos and wreaking havoc. That’s slightly unusual for Busan; considering that Seoul is the only place with crazy and bold people to do that. That certain individual goes by the name of Badman,”


“So what I’m thinking is─”


“Is that it’s the work of the drugs here?” Kris chimed in with a nonchalant expression.


“Yeah. So we’re going to need a spy,” Taeri nodded.


“Does that mean someone from Seoul snuck the pills over there?” CL questioned.


“Probably, that’s what the spy is for,”


“Can’t we use a member from the eastern group?” Kai asked, eyebrows raised.


“No, we can’t. The police there are bound to have seen them around town or something, “ Chanyeol retorted.


“If that’s the case. I recommend Kris to Busan,” Suho suggested as he laid back in his chair.


“What about Zelo?” CL proposed.


“No, I’m not sending him or Kris,” Taeri sternly replied, “Guys, I’m going to send Yongguk,”


Taeri didn’t fail to notice the disappointment in Zelo’s eyes; however, Yongguk did. The male nodded as he smirked, standing up from his seat. “Well,alright then! It’s my turn to shine,”


“Prepare well Yongguk,” the leader gave him a dirty look.


“I got it. You can count on me,” Yongguk responded with confident look.


“Let the games begin,”


Sadist Author's note:

warning: failure and mistakes. dont worry, i'll fix them when i have time. i swear school is taking so much of my time -_- welp, to homework. ew. 

-take it easy-

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