{Chapter 2} The Promise

{The Yearbook} Starring EXO's D.O.

When I was younger I would dream of a prince on a brilliant white horse to sweep me off my feet. Oddly enough I get three princes in converses coming to my rescue, but not just any regular lad off the street, these three are the top smartest student in the entire school. I am more of the quiet student that sits in the fifth row that no one ever notices so I’m surprised they would acknowledged me this way.



“Hey.” A hand flashes up and down in front of my tired eyes snapping me back to reality, “Are you okay? You’ve been sitting in front of the classroom for a while now…” I snap my head up to find the blonde boy from earlier crouching down considerably over my head, I notice the shorter doe-eyes boy again standing slightly behind the blonde boy, “My name is Luhan,” My eyes focus back on the blonde boy, “That one over there is D.O” Luhan points over at the doe-eyed boy and he gives a quick smile and wave, “Ah. Hello,” I push myself off the ground in order to give them a quick bow, “I’m Hwa Young.” I surge of pain rushes through my left leg and my knees buckle.

Gladly Luhan and D.O rush over to my side to hold me up, “You should take it easy,” D.O’s eyes of concern makes me want to just give up and fall into his arms, “You don’t look so well.”

In the end I collapse on my knees refusing the help of the two handsome boys who want me back up on my feet again, but I can’t. I’m too tired, I already missed the test and I’m a total laughing stock of the school.

Tao comes around from the main hall and bows to me, “I was able to make them clean up all the mess they made in your locker,” I nod my head to respect of his bravery helping out a dumb student, “Thank you very much.” Luhan and Tao give me a shining boy smile while D.O’s face remained unreadable.

‘What is he thinking?’



It is finally lunch time and I’m tired and hungry. The incident this morning ruined my appetite for bananas which I always eat every lunch time as a snack. I stand in line like any other student here, deciding to go with an apple and two club sandwiches. I grab my tray and proceeded to turn towards my table when Soo Jin stops me.

“Youngiee! I was so worried when I heard what happened to you this morning!” She stretches both of her arms out in front of me itching to hug me but with the food tray I was holding in the way she awkwardly pulls back and giggles, her giddy laughter almost makes me feel much better, almost like I just got praised by a dozen rainbows. Her long curly brown locks of hair bounce as she jumps around in the happiest mood I have ever seen her.

“I’ll meet you at our table. I’m going to buy some food.” She waves and skips toward the back of the cafeteria line which stretched from the cash register to the cafeteria entrance; it’s going to take her a while to buy food.

I place my tray onto the disgusting gum-covered abomination I call a lunch table, and suddenly I regretted it. Liters and liters of milk splashed on top of me then out of nowhere a pot-full of cupcake frosting fell flat upon my already milk-covered head.

I’m starting to think that being at this school was a bad idea after all. Fellow students crowd around the lunch table laughing their heads off at my expense. Without looking for Soo Jin I grab my lunch and rush out the door.



-click- I open the door to the equipment room near the lower gym, the humidity hits me like a ton of bricks. It seems no one has gone in here for a while. I turn to close the door behind me when the heat rose. ‘I’ll just keep the door open for the air to go through.’

I squat down next to some caged basketballs and exercise mats which reek of sweat and rotten garlic, but I don’t mind since I already smell rotten.

Sadly from all the splattered milk and frosting most of my lunch tastes nasty so all I have to eat is an apple. But while I’m here I should study. I take out my mini test notebook and begin reading when suddenly I hear footsteps coming from the direction of the door; I squint but no sign of anyone.

 “Who’s there?” I managed to spit out a few words despite my timid-ness.

I pick up a tennis racket that was so conveniently placed on top of the mats and I started to swing it around, “If you don’t come out now I will hit you…” No one answered and I started to break down inside.

I slip my notebook back into my pocket cautiously. I turn around for my tray and turn back towards the door when it shuts abruptly, enabling me of any light source. I drop the tennis racket and it smacks hard onto the mat below.

Sweat droplets roll down my forehead as I panic searching for the door, “Help…” My knees give out and I find myself struggling to hide my body in a corner. I close my eyes to hide the fear but every slightest noise startles me forcing me closer to a mental break down. Tears stream down my face and my lungs become heavier, “Whoever you are,” I hiccup, “Stop it right now.”


I hesitate to stand up but as soon as I straightened my legs the bright bulb fills the room with warming light. My heart can’t take the shock so I fall back down again.

I cuddle up in my little corner in a fetal position covering my face with my arms. I just need to hide. I don’t want to be seen.

I feel a hand grab onto my arms and I push back harshly, “Calm down.” I look up to find D.O kneeing on the ground with his hands held up as a sign that he gives up.

I wipe my tears and he asks, “Are you okay?”

“I didn’t mean to scare you.” 

I feel a spot of warmth coming slowly towards my head.

I swatted his hand away as he was trying to pet me, “Yeah. I get it.”

I glower at him and he quickly looks away, “What are you doing in here?”

“I just-“ A loud clang outside startles us both, “I know he went somewhere around here.” A female voice radiates from outside the closed doors of the room, it was awfully familiar too.

“Maybe he went in here…” The voices are much closer. It sounds like they are just outside the door. They must be looking for D.O. The door handle rotated and makes a ‘click’ sound as she pushes the door open.

I quickly grab D.O and pull him in under some old desk covered by old table cloths.



“Odd. There’s no one here and the lights are on.” I peek under the table cloth for a better look at what we’re up against. Strangely enough it wasn’t Hye In and her pack of rabid rats. There are two girls that looked as if they just came out of a boot leg beauty parlor. One had bright pink hair while the other had red highlights running down certain strands of hair. They’re faces caked up with make-up and stylized versions of the school uniform.

They start to stroll around carrying a rather hard metal bat bashing at mats and crates in a deep search for D.O. I wonder what he did to make them so mad.

I turn over to D.O to find that he had already crept his face close enough to the back of my head that I could feel his breathing. His face radiates fear and I couldn’t help but feel concerned for him.

I turn back to the table cloth covering when I notice that one of the girls have gotten way too close for comfort, her foot peeking through the empty space between the cloth and the floor.

“Where is he?!” She stomps in rage, the other girl slowly strolls up to her and quietly whispers something to her but I can’t hear a word she said.

Their ankles bend and I realize what they were going to do. I had to do something but I don’t know what.

D.O was frozen in the corner covering his eyes in fear and these girls have bats so I can’t do anything other than…

I slowly crouch towards the cloth in a ready stance to pounce at them as soon as they got low enough that I could tackle them over. Ten seconds until launch. Nine, eight, seven, I feel a hand holding me back. I turn over to D.O and he shook his head rapidly but I am determined to get him out safely. Besides, I owe him for helping me out this morning.

 Three, two-

BEEEPPPP. The school alarm rang and the girls straighten and run out of the room shutting the lights and leaving the both of us in complete darkness. I slump back in relief and I can hear him sigh as his put his head in a cradle position in between his knees. We are safe.

“What did you do to make them like this?” I ask him which seemed to startle him like he wasn’t expecting me to speak to him, “They-“

I somehow found myself reaching my arm out to pet his fluffy brown hair, he lifts his head and I notice that he was in pain. I pull my hand back and I turn away from him.

“They are fan girls.” Excuse me? We have fan girls at this school? Great, another bad thing to add to my list.

“They just use these violent ways of showing affection.” I hear his voice crack once or twice, it seems he must be really afraid of these so called ‘fan girls’, “Sometimes I feel scared whenever they’re near that I would run away and hide.” I turn to him to find him still looking at me as he spoke, “That must for you. But don’t you have Tao and Luhan around to help?”

We keep eye contact and I feel my face burn, I have never met anyone so pitiful before, “Yeah. But they’re never around. They also get harassed by fan girls but they never do anything about it.”

His eyes fall to the floor.

“D-don’t worry!” He looks up slightly confused because how can he not worry about something this big? Having girls beat you and harass you every day, “I will be your hero!” My eyes go dizzy and I can barely control my words, it just splurs out, “If you ever need help. I will be there for you! Just call and I will be there.”

I focus on D.O as he starts to laugh his off, “Yes? Is there a problem?” he stops mid way to stare at me, he starts to lean in and I automatically slump backwards, “What? Someone like you, can protect me?” I can tell he isn’t so sure a third rate student like me could protect someone in the higher class like him, and he was right, “I will make sure you don’t cry again!” I declare loudly which makes him fly back in surprise.

He continues to stare at me until I start to glare at him in the deadliest way possible, “Deal.” He turns away, “But you can’t tell my friends about this.” I raise my eyebrow, “They will think I’m not manly enough to handle something as small as fan girls.” He blushes.

“Deal” I quietly declare war on everyone.

He leans in but this time I don’t slump back, “From now on. You are in charge of my happiness.” 


{Leave a comment! :D It keeps me fully charged!~ I hope you guys enjoyed/enjoy chapter 2. As you can see my grammer isn't that good... so yeah. I'll improve, hopefully. Please subscribe ouo}

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Chapter 4: Really love it !! I'm waiting for new update ! Thanks !!
Chapter 4: thanks for the update! ^^
dyotokki #3
Chapter 3: Loving this storyyy please update ^3^ update!update! update !!
kyuju_90 #4
Chapter 3: hihi I sooo L.O.V.E this story, writer-nim ^^
WennChii #5
Chapter 2: Update! Update! Update!

Totally loving this! :D
Kpopfanficlovers0606 #6
Chapter 2: Update!Update!Update! Chapter 3
Chapter 2: Update~~!Update~~!Update~~!
Chapter 1: wooha!! update soon ^^
ohh sounds nice