New Story

The Shadows Grow Longer
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Hey! Here is a new story i'll be writing. Spoilers? not much ahaha. i think from the foreword you can guess what's it is going to be like. All that's left to guess is WHOOO


Songs Of Yesterday

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Buffalohighschool18 #1
Chapter 2: Nice pls do part 2
AmyDick #2
Chapter 1: I'm crying T_T i can't think a thing when read it.. This is just goddamn sad!! My precious Min, i can't handle it...
Chapter 2: OMG!!! cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! that was amazing!!! i loooooove it
CaraMia #4
Chapter 1: damn! I shouldn't have read this at Starbucks. OMG! It's a good thing it's a dead hour, but dammit. *trying not to sob out loud*

AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
Chapter 1: *sobs*cry*tears*cry harder*sobs* it is soooo sad :'( :'( :'( :'(
Chapter 1: huaaaaaaaaaaa
why you wrote such a sad story like this???
Chapter 1: heck....what am i doing????
amelia brought me here, and i'm such a lunatic to read this fic even after the character death warning,
oh god help eyes are being broken faucets with no handle to stop the gushing tears. it's a beautiful fic author-shi, but please excuse me i need to runaway to some fluffy fic to mend my heart. thx for writing <3
I hate you. T^T I really do. I don't care how GOOD this freaking oneshot is written. I don't care how AWESOME the character development is. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I HATE THISSSSSSSS..


WAE??? How can you torture my poor kokoro? :( Omg. I almost wanted to cry while reading this but I was like: No, no. This is just a fanfic. It's not reality. Things were going so well until Yunho opened his darn mouth at Changmin's grave..

NOW WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? T^T I can't stop my tears. I can't stop anything at all. :( WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? :( WHY DID YOU KILL URI CHANGMINNIE??? :(( GAWD. CHANGMIN!!! MY SHIM CHANGMIN!! T^T T^T T_____________________________T

*seriously upset*

I really.. :(( CHANGMIN. MY CHANGMIN.. :(( I just.. SDhjksdf9837rtgfhbdnm,.3u!!!!


I really love the ending though. ;/ A dead person leaves behind nothing but memories. I totally agree with this concept. And it's through all these memories that the person lives in us. :((



*tears gushing out like a waterfall*
Ilovecolors #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^