Animal Talks.

Soul of an Angel, Act One: Awakening.
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So... If you all didnt know... TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! WOOOO, FINALLY 16 YEARS OLD. Anyways, so I'll be posting a whole collection of my stories and updating all my current ones. But warning, I make no promises about updating them all at the same time. I apologize but sadly, even if I'm 16, I still need the same sleep requirements and also regular school hours. Kekekekeke, but I do promise to try. But of course, I'm just opening my forewards to the public along with one chapter for now. I'll officially begin those stories once I finish my current stories.

I'd like to thank you all for your support and comments...Also I hope you all have an amazing day! :)


"Oh my!" You shouted "Lilac! you've been running through the burrs again haven't you!"

Lilac simply snorted and stomped her feet in annoyance as if trying to say "Just get them off Haneul!"

You always spoke to the animals even though you're family thought you were crazy well except you're grandfather, he though it was a special ability you had but even you thought it was just a strange habit of yours. The second you laid you're eyes on an animal you felt as though you had a special connection to the animal and if you spoke to it you could even hear its thoughts and voices in you're head but no one else could. This was why you understood the animals so well and were left to tend to them everyday. They preferred to be taken care by you only and so that's what you did every morning.

A/N: Soo when i put dialog for the animals in any scene its just a voice in her head and no one else can hear it, in all reality it just looks like the animal is staring at her or just moving around.  

"I hear you," you repeated in response to her voice in you're head "Dont worry i'll get them off~ silly girl"

"Thank you!" She said as she stomped her feet in joy this time "Hurry they're annoying me!"

"You should stop running in those bushes then," You scolded the horse but she seemed bored and faced the other way "You never listen do you..."

"you talking to the animals again dear?" You're grandfather chimed in as he let out a hearty laugh "you have some weird hobbies hmm?"

"Grandfather!" You exclaimed as you quickly turned to face him "You startled me! you're awake already?"

"Yes dear, I'm surprised you're awake so early as well," he replied "I had to prepare the crops to sell today, do you mind taking them to town and selling them with Minki?"

"I dont mind," You nodded in agreement  "just leave it to us and we'll leave after i finish tending to the horses, specially this silly girl~"

He laughed as he softly Lilac's and left you to do you're job. You began pulling of

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