Chapter 16 - Eternity

You Are The Only Exception

Eventually, after rushing off the plane and through the border controls, they arrived at baggage claim. They collected their baggage and began heading out towards the exit. Tiffany and Nichkhun were both fluent in English which made life much easier. Tiffany knew basic Spanish from her days in the US but sadly much of that had faded. Not to worry! Nichkhun had a Spanish phrase book with him which he kept inside his backpack, which he wore on his back.


When they all walked out of the terminal doors, they took deep breaths. There were palm trees scattered across the road. The vast sky was blue without a single cloud. 'Barcelona..' "Alright then.. GOLDcar Rentals" Nichkhun murmured. They continued to walk down the road until they came across a bus station. Just at that minute, Nichkhun spotted a green and white van with 'GOLDcar Rentals' written on the side. Leaving his wife and friends, he sprinted as fast as he could to stop the van.


Coming to a halt, panting, he reached his hand to knock on the window of the van. The man inside rolled down the window and started talking in Spanish. Nichkhun had assumed that he was asking him what he needed. "Excuse me, is this GOLDcar Rentals?" Nichkhun asked the man inside of the car. "No habla inglés?" Nichkhun read the man's confused face. Gathering all of the little bits of Spanish he could think of, he asked the man "Discúlpe est GOLDcar Rentals?"


Nichkhun looked at the man hoping he would understand his broken Spanish. "Ah.. Si Si!" Although Nichkhun's Spanish wasn't great, he knew that "Si" meant yes. He quickly grabbed the luggage from his friends, who had by now caught up, and placed them into the back of the van.


Donghae and Yoona got into the van first with Wooyoung and Woohyun.


Nichkhun sat with the two pregnant women at the front. Holding Taeyeon's hand with one of his hands, he placed his left arm around her waist to lift her up onto the step of the van. He placed her hand onto the handle meant for support so that she could get up easier. "Okay?" He asked her. "Yes thank you," she replied. He did the same for his wife before getting in himself. They then set off for the car rental. They were relieved to be in the air conditioned van and out of the heat.


When they arrive at the car rental place, they piled out their luggage before heading in. Nichkhun spoke with the man at the desk sorting out the cars as Wooyoung and Donghae were trying to get drinks from the vending machine. In the end, the frail caretaker had to help then work the machine which left them feeling slightly embarrassed.


"All right, let's go. Wait here a second girls." Nichkhun said as the men walked off with most of the luggage. They approached 3, 7 seater family vans and Nichkhun unlocked the doors. When they finished piling in the luggage, they ran back to grab their wives and the rest of their luggage. Donghae carried Woohyun's stroller as Wooyoung assisted his wife. Yoona was holding Woohyun in her arms and Nichkhun held one small suitcase in one hand with his other arm wrapped around his wife.


"Wait here a second" Nichkhun pecked his wife before he walked over to Donghae and gave him the last suitcase. Donghae and Yoona sat in one van with the Jang family in the next and Nichkhun and Tiffany in another. The company also had put in place a company car seat ready for Woohyun to use. When they were all ready and buckled in, they began driving and were soon on their way down the motorway (freeway or highway).


When they came across the city centre, it took a lot of driving around before Nichkhun had found were to park. They parked in the underground parking of a hotel which staff members said he could use with a code.


Checking his emails on his phone for the codes to the apartments, they began running back and forth to carry the luggage up. On the final round they brought their families up also. Wooyoung, Taeyeon and Woohyun shared one apartment as Tiffany, Nichkhun, Yoona and Donghae shared another. The sofa doubled up as two beds which made their plenty of room to sleep.


After showering and napping, it was 8pm and they were all starving. They headed out of the apartment to look for food. When they had finally eaten, they took a nice, long stroll down the road, taking in the nightlife of Barcelona.


All feeling haggard, they retired to their apartments earlier that night. Nichkhun and Tiffany were the first to fall asleep on the double bed. Nichkhun slept with his arm around Tiffany's 8 month bump.


"Such a cute little family.." Yoona giggled snapping pictures. Donghae came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. He threw her onto the sofa before planting kisses on her face as he lay beside her.


Not long after, everyone in the apartment was fast alseep. As for the other apartment, well.. For once, they were knocked out too.


They woke up bright and early the next morning and they all left to check up on the wedding plans that Donghae and Yoona had made online. After a long morning, it was finally time to try their outfits. The boys and girls tried their outfits separately hoping to keep them as surprises for the wedding day.


By about 5 in the evening, everything was ready and sorted for the day after next. They dropped off the ladies back at the apartment before all of the men set off for the airport yet again to pick up family members. The first people to arrive were Yoona's Father and her older sister. Soon after, Donghae's mother and brother arrived. Donghae greeted them happily as Nichkhun's mum and brother arrived with Tiffany's father and siblings. Nichkhun happily greeted his Father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law before greeting his mother and brother.


"Hey bro!" Nichan grinned as he patted the back of his brother. Nichkhun led his family towards the car he had rented.


Wooyoung's parents and sister finally arrived with Taeyeon's family and they set off also.


All of the family members were staying in different nearby hotels. They had a busy night that night settling in and the next day, they planned to goto the beach.


The next day, they all went to collect their family members from different hotels before meeting up at the beach. Nichkhun laid out towels for Tiffany, his mother and Tiffany's family to sit.


Wooyoung sat with Taeyeon and her mother sunbathing as his mother sat with Nichkhun's mother. "Go play! Why are you such a girl?" Taeyeon said laughing at her husband. "Umma.. Your daughter is bullying me again.." Wooyoung pouted to his in law as she put an arm around him protectively.


Donghae and Yoona were sat chatting with their families gazing out on the ocean. "We are really getting married tomorrow.." Donghae said as he intertwined his fingers with Yoona's. "Mhm" she grinned. This caused their siblings to cringe at the sight.


Nichkhun pulled off his shirt ready to go for a swim before he kneeled down and spread his arms motioning for Woohyun. "Come on Hyunnie! Let's go play!" he called as the little boy ran over to his uncle. Nichkhun extended his hand to Michelle to help her up and they headed towards the sea, Leo following closely behind.


The waves were strong that day and Nichkhun held on tightly to his sister-in-law's hand ensuring she didn't topple over into the water. Under the water, there were a lot of rocks, some of which were very sharp. This meant Nichkhun had to be extra cautious about falling over as he held Woohyun in his other hand.


"Go play" Yoona smiled to her husband to be as she caught him gazing at Nichkhun playing with the others. "But.." "Go." She cut him off. "Okay then.. Thank you honey!" He said as he left her with a peck.


Taeyeon slapped Wooyoung's back as he was sunbathing. "Why can't you be more like Nichkhun? He is so muscular.. And charming and charismatic and such a gentleman" she sighed, looking over at Wooyoung who immediately shot up and pulled his shirt off. He ran towards Nichkhun and began joining in, looking at Taeyeon.


Taeyeon grinned knowing that she had succeeded in making him jealous. "Well that got him off his bum!" She grinned as she laid down onto the towel.


Taeyeon's mother had now joined in with Tiffany and the other mothers to talk about pregnancy and babies. Nichkhun waved over Wooyoung's father, who appeared to be very bored listening to the women chatter.


Somehow, the gentlemen soon made their way up to the top of some rocks and were cannonballing into the water. Leo jumped creating a big splash. Nichkhun looked over checking if his brother-in-law was okay. Michelle was up next but she was reluctant to jump. "Khun.. I'm okay thanks." she said backing away. Nichkhun followed her as she backed up. "No come on, on the count of three, we will run and jump okay?" she nodded still feeling a little unsure about it as she saw the large rocks below. Nichkhun grabbed her hand and smiled at her reassuringly. "1...2...3..." He continued. "Jump!" He called and pulled her hand with his. Relief overcame her when she felt her body come into contact with the water and not any sharp rocks. Nichkhun swam towards a rock and pushed her up onto the rock. "Not so bad was it?" He laughed.


Wooyoung glanced over to Taeyeon, ensuring she was watching him, before he jumped. He ran and jumped only to create a large sound. Nichkhun winced in pain as he watched Wooyoung land flat on his stomach. "That's got to hurt.." he said as he jumped in and pulled his friend up onto a rock. Wooyoung clutched his stomach in pain as everyone laughed at his failure to impress Taeyeon.


That night, they decided to have a guys night out because Donghae was to be married the next day. "No worries Tiff! I will take care of brother-in-law!" Leo grinned putting an arm around Khun. The guys went out to a street stall and ordered some seafood and some cocktails. Nichkhun only drank Coca Cola being the responsible man he was. Soon enough, Donghae was knocked out. The glasses were huge at the particular restaurant they went to. It was no wonder they were 15-25 euros per glass.


Nichkhun and Wooyoung each carried a side of Donghae as they made their way back at 10:30pm. Leo, Nichan and Donghwa returned to their hotels together. When they arrived at their apartment building, Nichkhun began to piggyback Donghae instead as it felt a lot easier than dragging him along. Wooyoung headed into his apartment as Nichkhun punched in the code to his.


When Nichkhun got in, he flopped Donghae onto his double bed deciding to let the couple who were to be wed tomorrow, use it. Nichkhun got up before being grabbed by two hands. Nichkhun was surprised as Donghae began kissing his face. "HONEY!!!" Nichkhun called screaming for his wife to come help him as he struggled from the drunken Donghae. "Yoong-ah...I love you.." Donghae muttered.


"YOOONAAA!!!" Nichkhun called. When his wife appeared with his best friend laughing and taking pictures, he continued to struggle free. "Get your Fiancé off me!" Nichkhun said disgusted.


When he was finally freed, he immediately ran to have a shower. He got ready and out of the shower to come across his wife sleeping peacefully on the sofa. Switching off all of the lights apart from a bedside lamp, he got under the covers with her. Nuzzling her nose with his, he pulled her lips to his. "Pretending to be asleep?" he paused to chuckle before resuming. No matter how many times he kissed her, he always felt his hairs stand on end as the electricity coursed through him. It soothed him, to feel her breath on his skin and to hear her heartbeating in the same repetitive pattern.


Doogeun Doogeun Doogeun


It overjoyed him. Knowing his family was with him, safe and sound. Her heartbeat was a sign. She laced her fingers through his hair as he pushed his arms around her waist. Between them, lay their bundle of joy who would be brought into the world soon. He gave her a final peck before closing his eyes to get some rest.


The next morning, Nichkhun hopped up out of bed showering and getting ready. He slipped on his slacks which Tiffany had left hanging ready for him with a post it note stuck to it.




Left with Yoona, take care of

Donghae and Wooyoung. See

you later today. Take care!


Lots of Love,


Fany <3 xx


He grinned at the note his wife had left for him before slipping on his white shirt. Tucking it in, he began to walk over to Donghae to wake him up. He pulled his clothes out of the bathroom and laid it on the sofa so that Donghae could go and get ready.


While Donghae was showering, Nichkhun knocked on the door next door to wake up Wooyoung. He left Woohyun to sleep for a while longer as he returned to his own room, buckling his belt, to get ready himself.


Slipping on his waist coat, he buttoned it up before putting his bow tie on. He walked into the bathroom and began rubbing some moose onto his finger tips before running it through his hair. He picked up his wallet and mobile phone before slipping them into his pocket.


He then set off next door and picked up the now awake Woohyun. He grabbed Woohyun's small outfit and took him to his apartment to brush his teeth for him and bathe him. "Other leg please" he said as he pulled Woohyun's trousers up. "Good boy!" He said as he tucked in his shirt. Folding the collar back down after attaching Woohyun's bow tie, Nichkhun propped Woohyun onto the counter to dry and style his hair.


By the time Nichkhun had finished readying Woohyun, Donghae and Wooyoung were ready to go. "Have you made some milk and got Woohyun's nappies (diapers), his-"


"Yes Khun I have put it all into his Mickey Mouse backpack" Wooyoung grinned as he handed it to Nichkhun. "Let's go get you your wife then Donghae!" Nichkhun smiled as he picked up Woohyun and headed out the door.


When 10am finally came..


Donghae huffed nervously fidgeting around. The bridesmaids entered with the groomsmen and following, Tiffany, the matron of honour, entered with Nichkhun, the best man, escorting her. They parted ways at the altar, Nichkhun standing to the right and Tiffany standing to the left.


Nichkhun grinned at the nervous Donghae, remembering when he was in the exact same position not too long ago. Placing his hand on his shoulder, he grinned to reassure him.


He looked in front of him at his wife and smiled lovingly at her. She truly was an angel at that moment without any need for exaggeration. Nichkhun's eyes looked through the audience. He could see Donghae and Yoona's families in the front rows and he spotted his mother sitting next to Taeyeon and Wooyoung's mothers. She smiled at him and he smiled back.


Just then, Woohyun, the ring bearer, walked in. Nichkhun knelt down motioning for Woohyun to goto him.


Soon enough, the doors opened as the bride entered with her father. Donghae stepped forward as Yoona's father placed her hand into his before he took to his seat. 


Yoona handed her bouquet to Tiffany before her and Donghae turned to face the officiant.


"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Lee Donghae and Im Yoona in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife."


As the officiant continued to the reading, Donghae and Yoona's hearts were beating.


'Is this real?'


"I, Lee Donghae, take you Im Yoona to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."


"I, Im Yoona, take you Lee Donghae, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."


Nichkhun and Woohyun stepped forward to give Donghae the ring.


"I, Lee Donghae, give you, Im Yoona, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."


He smiled as he slid the ring onto Yoona's finger.


"I, Im Yoona, will forever wear this ring as a sign of my love and commitment and my heart's desire to be with you, Lee Donghae"


"You wear on your fingers, special rings. The rings have no beginning and no ending representing the eternal love you have for each other."


"And now, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride"


Yoona put her arms around Donghae's neck and stood on her tiptoes to elevate herself as Donghae bent down to meet her lips.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Lee"


"Friends and family, to conclude this ceremony, will the designated witnesses please come forward and sign their names to the certificate of marriage."


Nichkhun and Tiffany stepped forward to sign the certificate.


At the reception..


Nichkhun sat with his arm around Tiffany.


"Aigoo.. Why are you so handsome Woohyun?" He said pinching the young boy's cheek.


"Well look at his mother Khun!" Taeyeon grinned.


"No he got his looks from his father!" Wooyoung smiled just as Taeyeon went to pinch him.


"He's going to be a heartbreaker this one.. Keep him away from our baby girl!" Nichkhun said before rubbing his wife's stomach lovingly.

Waving the little boy over, Nichkhun knelt down and pulled out his phone to take a picture.

"Okay, say Cheese Hyunnie!"



Nichkhun craned his neck for his wife to straighten his bow tie for him. Nichkhun stood up before handing Wooyoung a camera.


"Come here Hyunnie! Take a picture with Imo and Samchon" Nichkhun said as he wrapped an arm around Tiffany's waist and grinned for the camera.


They sat down just in time to see Yoona's father stepping forward to the mic.


He tapped it to see if it was working before he began his speech.


"Umm.. I .. I'm not really good at doing these things.." He muttered shyly.


"At first when I had found out that my daughter was dating Donghae again, I definitely objected. I thought it would be a miracle for such a person to change. But my boy, you have proven me wrong. You changed. And you changed for my daughter. If I'm honest I definitely preferred Nichkhun over you." he chuckled leaving everyone in laughter.


"Ahjussi! Don't !" Nichkhun shouted laughing.


"But my son, I no longer regret giving my daughter to you. My daughter is a troublesome one. From a young age she was nothing but mischief. She went from pulling my hair as a baby, to sticking her hands down the toilet as a toddler but she has always had a kind heart. I'm relieved that, finally, I can say that I have fulfilled my job as a parent. I have raised a daughter that I love very much so you must take care of her.." he paused as he began sniffling.


Donghae stepped forward to place his hand on his in law's shoulder.


"Really.. I must thank you. You raised such a lovely daughter and for you to accept me despite all of my wrongdoings really means the world to me. Had I not met Yoona, my life would have been completely different. She made me come to realise what love really was. It's not something that can be forced nor something that you can just throw away. Love can happen in an instant or take time to build. Sometimes you might not even know its there.. But I know. I know that I love your daughter so I thank you, thank you for raising her and thank you for giving her to me and most importantly, I would like to thank Nichkhun and Yoona herself.. For giving me a second chance. Thank you to everyone in attendance" Donghae said, raising his glass into the air.


Nichkhun stepped up to the mic next and announced the cake cutting.


After Donghae and Yoona did the first cut, the cake was taken off to be cut for the guests.


"So I guess it's my turn.." Nichkhun began.


"There was one point in my life where I saw myself in the position Donghae is in today. I saw myself as the one marrying Yoona. That was 5 years ago. That decision that Yoona and I made so many years ago has affected our lives drastically. If we had never made that decision then would I have been standing here a married man.. And if so, a married man to whom? Yoona? On that night, I told Yoona that our time together as a couple was like a dream. I told her that all dreams have to come to an end at some point. You always wake up from a dream. There was a time when my heart hurt to see Yoona with Donghae. Envy. Jealousy. But people change and feelings change. At the time, I never thought that I'd be able to honestly say that Yoona isn't the one I love with all my heart. I never thought that I could happily give her away to another man on her wedding day but here I am today doing exactly that. I found the missing piece that fits perfectly in my heart and that person is Tiffany. I'm grateful, truly grateful, for that dream I shared with Yoona because that dream led me to Tiffany. When I look at my wife, the hurt from my past suddenly becomes the best thing that happened to me. She makes my past worth it because had I made one different decision, I might not be the happy me standing here today. I have found my happiness and I am glad that Donghae and Yoona have found theirs. I'd like to give a toast to the happy couple and I wish them all the best for the future!"


"Alright then, if the Bride and Groom would like to take to the dance floor, I would like to dedicate a song to them. This is 'Nothing Better'" Nichkhun said as he sat down at the white piano.


Pressing the keys gently, he pulled the microphone closer to his lips as he began singing.


[ Nichkhun Nothing Better on Win Win]

'ehgeh uhn-jen-gah watt-dun, nuh-yeh uhl-gool-reul giyuk-heh
mum chwuh eetdun neh-mahm eul, meebgehdoh gojangnan neh gahseum eul
nuh-yeh hwa-nan misoga shweebgehdo yun-guh-ya

It always appeared before me
Your face, I remember
My heart that stopped short
You spitefully took my disfunctional heart
And with your bright smile
That's how you easily opened my heart
geureh geu-ruht-keh nehgah, nuh-yeh saram-ee dwen guh-ya
moht-natt-dun neh-choo-wuk deuree, eejen giyuk-joh-cha ahn-nah
nahreul kkokjahbeun sohn-ee bohm-chuh-reum tta-tteut-hehsuh

It's true, that is how I became your man
All my unpleasant memories, I no longer recall
Because the hand that holds me tight
is as warm as spring

eejae kkoom chureum neh mahm-eun
geudeh gyuh-teh, gah-mahn-hee mumchwuh-suh yo
han soon-gan-do kkeh-jee ah-neun "kkeut-ubbneun" kkeum-eul kkwuh yo
And now like a dream my heart
has gradually stopped by your side
Without awakening for a single moment,
I dream an endless dream'
Nichkhun sang

Yoona took Donghae's hand as they moved gently across the dance floor. Memories from the past flashed through their heads as they stared at each other.


Nichkhun asked the waitress for "Un cocktail" as he waited next to Tiffany. Picking up Woohyun, he took him to the dance floor where he swung the little boy around, hanging in mid air. The boy laughed but immediately clung onto his Auntie Tiffany when she came to the dance floor. "Oh!? So you'd rather dance with Imo than Samchon!?" Nichkhun pouted.


"Okay we can dance together" the little boy grinned as Nichkhun propped him on his waist and put an arm around Tiffany's waist. When Taeyeon returned from the restroom, Nichkhun put Woohyun on the floor and he hurried over to his mother.


"Hello beautiful." He said as he pecked Tiffany's lips. He placed both arms around her waist and pulled her closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Aigoo~ little baby bump is always getting inbetween mummy and daddy!" he grinned looking down at the bump separating them. "I didn't get to tell you how pretty you look today." he whispered through kisses. "Ahhh!" He heard Taeyeon and Woohyun cry in unison. He knew now that they were watching them. He looked over laughing at them before continuing to dance with his wife. Soon enough, he took his wife to sit down again, not wanting to let her stand for too long. His cocktail arrived and he began drinking it. "Is it too strong hubby?" Tiffany asked pinching her husband's ear jokingly. "No.." he muttered covering his red ears. "Oh really?" she smirked at the adorable boy before her. "Baby girl, daddy's lying!" she said rubbing her tummy. "Don't take after daddy okay? Lying is bad!" she continued.


That night, Leo drove them home because Nichkhun wasn't capable. When they returned to the apartment, Nichkhun flopped onto the bed as Tiffany got ready to sleep and lay down beside him. Yoona and Donghae had left to spend a night in a special hotel they had booked wanting to have a perfect night after their wedding.


"Come on honey, get changed!" she said pulling off his blazer. "I don't want to.." He mumbled. "Such a child!" she said taking off his bow tie. "Come on and then you can go to sleep afterwards." She said ing his shirt and taking it off. "You are so heavy!" she said. "I give up!" she sighed.


Lying on his outstretched arm, facing him, she shut her eyes and began to drift off. 

Chapter 16 my babies :) Wouldn't Tiffany, Nichkhun and Lincoln make such a cute family? :3 Delusionalness >.> I just.. after photoshopping that picture terribly I must say U.U That was like the worst case of photoshop ever :P But I was thinking that they would look so good as a real family ... :P Lincoln Lambert is the Woohyun character in my story btw :) Just thought the Moon brothers were overused.

Well I sense this fanfic drawing to a close soon :D I should start thinking about the next stories. I'm sadthis didn't end up Khuna but I have started to like Khunfany more these days.. :P

I love you!

My god Lincoln.. Come here and let me pinch your cheeks off.. :0 


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ooo i love this
Jorelyngrace #2
Chapter 17: I love it!!! the best fanfic I ever read....keep it up..the khunfany thing...the best couple ever..hehe
Jorelyngrace #3
Chapter 11: Khunfany please....please....they are perfect!!!
Jorelyngrace #4
Chapter 7: i like your story...specially when tiffany came it..khunfany yeah!!!
Chapter 14: I thought it's a KHUNA fanfic. I really enjoyed reading Chapter 1 - 5 . But after this Chapter, I don't wanna read it anymore :(
paquitz #6
Chapter 17: Good job. What a wonderful story
yoonhaefever #7
Chapter 15: So cute :D you're back !!!! WooTae is really cute xD KhunFany is adorable xD YoonHae is <3 btw WELCOME HOME Camai !!!
Chapter 14: Waaaaaaaaaaaaa Khuna :(
yoonhaefever #9
Chapter 14: YAY!!!! YoonHae <3 I'm actually happy cos if yoona went to Khun then tiffany and donghae would have no one :( Camai this is awesome !! Have fun in barcelona :D
ajussi #10
Chapter 14: I thought it was Nichkhun and Yoona, but YoonHae is okay :) Nice story :)