Kisses and Maybes


         Jun couldn't believe what he was doing. And everyone was there. He could already antecipate the hateful rejection from the leader.



Not really a sequel to my 'Guess Not' one shots, but you can think of it as one, if you want.


Side A (Jun's story)

Side B (Rasa's story)


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Chapter 1: It's adorable! I love the way you write~ <3 Junasa forever
Chapter 1: This world sure need more lc9 fics. Somehow, the manlier and the more aggressive a group is in their videos, the more I want some action between them. X3 Wonder what happened what Jun and Rasa went home, though. ;3
ToppDoggFan13 #3
Chapter 1: So cute!! ///>~<///
Chapter 1: Thank god Ao didn't or I would've thrown my laptop out of the window.
SarahChoi #5
Chapter 1: Kika unnie just stole my right to be the first one to comment this... *pouts*
Finally... this two take their time... but they are so cute! (*-*)
XOXO unnie (^-^)
Chapter 1: oooooo so sweet. ^^ i really thought rasa was about to jun.. oh well.. xD my baby j.hyo always in the midle of things... --" what a kid..