The Fake Date

The Perfect Scandal


  Hana wasn't used to the hate mail that seemed to appear everywhere she went, especially yesterday when she first announced it. Lots of girls were obsessed with Mir. He's pretty lucky to have girls fall for him, but who wouldn't? He's an adorable, loud-mouth kid who seemed to not mind what people say.

 As she was walking, a lot of girls glared at her as she passed and some looked like they wanted to kill her. It freaked her out, but she had to live with it.

  Today, she was going to meet with Mir at their place which meant meeting the other Oppas. Jae Hwa was busy, so she couldn't invite her and her other friends probably hate her now. Maybe not all, but most.

  She found the right address and knocked on their door. There was a doorbell, but it was hidden by a mini palm tree. It didn't seem expensive, the house was more like a regular home, nothing special.

  Seung Ho was the one who answered the door, slightly tired. His hair was fine, but his eyes were really baggy. "Hello Hana. Mir's still sleeping, but you can wait in the living room."

  Hana bowed and entered. She followed Seung Ho to the living room, finding G.O. reading a book. She sat next to him and leaned over. "What are you reading?"

  He didn't look up and answered, "That's a secret."

  "Why? What's wrong with telling me."

  "Nothing, but I think you won't like it. It's Sci-Fi."

  "Oh." She didn't like Sci-Fi much, so it was okay for him to not say the title. If it was a romance novel... that's a different story. She'll be all over it.

  The rest of the time, it was awkward silence. Seung Ho was going to get Mir and Joon who were still asleep along with Thunder.

  She looked around, even the inside was more of a regular house. It wasn't as elegant as she thought it would be, but it seemed cozy. Cozy and messy. Although where G.O. was, it's pretty clean. That tells something about him, doesn't it?

  Seung Ho stood next to Mir's bed and tried waking him up. Like always, he would make a fuss, but once he mentioned Hana, he immediately got up and headed to the bathroom to fix his hair and face. He didn't care if he was still wearing his navy blue pajamas with red dots around it.

  "Good morning, Hana!" He greeted as he entered the living room. G.O. shook his head and moved his eyes to the clock hanged on the wall. Mir looked at it and changed what he said, "Good afternoon, Hana"

  Hana smiled. "Good afternoon." She felt her phone vibrate, but she didn't check it because she knew it was just a hate message.

 Today she was suppose to go on a 'date' while the MBLAQ members took pictures of them along the way. They had to be at a distance, but still get good pictures.

  Mir went back to his room and changed into better clothes along with the rest of the members except for Joon and Thunder who were still sleeping at that time. Seung Ho brought a camera and so, the scandal begins.

  First stop was at a restaurant for lunch. Mir was wearing his usual disguise, so no one paid attention to him and as for Hana, they gave her glasses and a curly haired wig. As they ate, Seung Ho took pictures, hiding outside behind a trash bin. For a moment G.O. and him got in an argument.

  "Let me take a picture. I feel like you're not getting them right." G.O. said, trying to take the camera.

  "Hold on!" Seung Ho shot back, taking one more picture.

  G.O. took one and they were satisfied with that, so all they have to do was wait for them to finish.

  Then, as they walked they took more pictures, following them with every step, being a couple of feet behind.

  Next stop was to get dessert. Mir spotted a ice cream stand and ordered one vanilla ice cream and one chocolate. The chocolate was Mir's and the vanilla was Hana's. They went to the park and ate while Seung Ho and G.O. took pictures.

  This went on for the whole day until it was sunset and not many people were around. It was about deserted, so they waited till it was completely dark, street lights on and stars shining.

  Hana and Mir walked hand-in-hand up a flight of stairs in the park. It was a long way up, but they  stopped at the middle and sat. G.O. and Seung Ho couldn't hear what they were saying, although they were laughing and joking around.

  "I never thought this date would be like this." Hana stated.

  "It's kind of awkward since we know Seung Ho Hyung and G.O. Hyung are taking pictures of us right now. Don't you think?"

  "Yeah. It sort of is, but I'm glad today we didn't have to worry about those fan girls chasing us everywhere."


  Then it was dead silent and they didn't know what to say. Hana tend to stray off and look around, mostly at the full moon. Mir continued to stare at her without her knowing. He still liked her even if she didn't like him back.
  Slowly, he inched forward aiming for a kiss. From Hana peripheral vision, she could see him and turned her head, wondering what he was doing. Mir's eyes were closed and his lips were slightly pursed, coming closer and closer.

  Hana, too closed her eyes without thought. It just came to her.

They were about a few inches away until flash! Seung Ho took a picture by accident. It was pretty late and him and G.O. didn't get enough sleep again because of so many calls from the incident yesterday. His finger was on the button which pressed onto it, causing the huge flash.

  G.O. was watching the whole thing and hit him on the head. "Look what you did! You ruined it. I should've gotten the camera from you!"

  He rubbed his head. "Sorry..."

  Hana and Mir pulled back, not looking at each other. Both were blushing and both were slightly smiling. What would it be like if they did kiss? It may not have happened yet, but someday it'll probably happen. After all, they are 'together.'

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Haha... I first came cross your fic on wattpad and then noticed that you posted the completed story on AFF. You did a great job and I prefer her with Mir anyways ;P
Oh My..!! Your fanfics totally rocks..!! :P
Me likey.. *thumbs up*
memetchi1234 #3
D; wah it ended so quickly ;3 please do a sequel!
ljoesaranghae_11 #4
sequel sequel!:D loved this fic(:
MrsJungByungHee #5
This fic was awesome! You should totally write a sequel!
JessyJane #6
Update soon!!!!!!!! Totally like this fic <3
@AriokaAbbix Oh cool C: haha same for me. That's sorta why i wrote this because those two were my biases C:
AriokaAbbix #8
no, no, no... btw i think this story was kinda made for me, i have brown hair (used to have bangs) My bias in MBLAQ is Mir n my bias in TeenTop is Chunji! I really looooove this! FIGHTING
@HeyRou05 Wait no more >.< They have finally met
I swear if you continue to avoid Chunji and Hana's meeting, I'll be very mad at you >.<<br />
Kidding, kidding, the flow is nice =)<br />
Update soon!