To Tell or Not to Tell?

The Perfect Scandal

Hana didn't know whether to tell Jae Hwa that was her or not. It's the end of the school day, so she needed to think fast before her brother came. So, tell her or not to tell her? Which one? Just when she was about to make a decision, her phone starts ringing.

  It's Mir.

  "Mir Oppa?" Hana said, answering it quickly. She had to discuss about this to him also. She wondered if he knew about this, too.

  Mir shuddered at the thought of her calling him Oppa. He is older than her but it didn't feel comfortable for her to say that. That didn't matter, right now is about this scandal that's going on. It's spreading throughout the internet and soon will go on T.V.. "Hana! What do you want to do about this... this... rumor that's going on? Should we say it's you? Or should we just tell them to go away?"

  Hana still had to decide whether to tell Jae Hwa and now Mir? Without knowing to tell Jae Hwa or not, can she really tell Mir yes or no? She took a deep breath and thought. If they told them, then people will think wrong, but if they told them to go away, then more paparazzi will come and spy on them.

  Finally the decision is made.

  "I'll tell them. You don't have to worry about it." Hana said, unsure. So many cameras can make her feel nervous, but she has to do it to clear everything. Maybe they'll leave him alone afterwards. Although she doubted it, paparazzi are always around trying to get a scoop.

  Mir panicked. He wouldn't let her do it by herself, it's not gentleman like. "No. I'll come with you. When are you going to tell them?"

   "When are you available?" Hana asked. She knew the pop star life is busy unlike her normal life, always doing the same things, only adding small events to it.

  He went through his schedule in his head, remembering everything in order. The only time he was available will be... "Saturday. I'll see you Saturday at the park again. The paparazzi will follow me there and that's when you tell them. Got it?"

  She nodded, but then, remembered they were on the phone. "Yeah. I got it. Does that mean I'll have to tell my friend later too?"

  He thought about it. "It's your choice. She's your friend. Just make sure she doesn't tell anyone until the story comes public, that way it wouldn't come out as a rumor."

  "Sure." From the corner of her eye, she saw Jae Hwa coming up to her. "I have to go. See you Saturday." Without hearing another word from him, she hung up and stuffed her phone into her pocket.


  "Bye!" Mir said, only hearing beeping. Well, only a couple seconds late.

  Joon came up behind him, all dressed up in white. They were taking a photo shoot for posters and magazines they'll star in. "What did she say?" He rested his head on Mir's shoulder.

  "We'll make the announcement on Saturday."

  "What's she going to say?"

  Mir bit his lip. Truthfully, he didn't know or more like, he didn't think about that. What will she say? That they're just friends or they're really together? Ugh! It's so confusing. "I'm not sure."

  Joon smacked the back of his head. "You should've asked! If it was me who was in this scandal, then I would be prepared for everything."

  "Too bad. It's me who's stuck here. Now shoo! They're calling for you."

  Joon shook his head. Silly Maknae, he won't be fooled so easily.

  "Joon!" Seung Ho called out. "It's your turn."

  He jumped up. "Oh. Okay." Before leaving, he turned to Mir, "Next time, ask her." With that, he headed to the green screen. Today's topic was a snowy day, so they wore think clothing or at least it appeared to be.

  "Seung Ho Hyung! I asked her and on Saturday we're going to announce it." Mir told him as he came up.

  "Saturday? Do you want us to come?"

  "No. I can handle it by myself."

   "Alright then." Seung Ho said, not exactly positive with Mir's decision. He's the youngest and the most childish. Will he really be able to handle this situation?


 "Who was that?" Jae Hwa asked her suspiciously. Usually when she comes over Hana would continue talking on the phone, but this time it seemed like she was in a hurry to hang up.

  "Nobody." Hana still wasn't sure if she should tell her or not.

  "C'mon. Tell me. I know it's not In Ho and it's not your brother because you hung up pretty quickly."

  "What are you talking about?" She could feel cold sweat dripping down her back. Jae Hwa can be a persistent person when she doesn't get what she wants. Might as well tell her soon.

  "You know. Who is it?"

  She gulped and hesitated to answer. "Before I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone."

 "I promise?" she replied unsure. What was there not to tell? They're best friends, so why should she keep it a secret between them. Was it really that important to where she couldn't tell anyone? Could it be about In Ho?

  She took a deep breath to make sure it comes out properly, not in a jumble. "It's me. The one in the picture. That's me with Mir."

  Jae Hwa was speechless. She stared at her, eyes wide and mouth dropped. Out of all people it was her best friend Hana? Why couldn't it be her, huh? If it was her and Mir, she wouldn't mind telling the whole world they were together and she certainly wouldn't mind if he liked her too, but no, it all went to Hana. Such a lucky girl.

 "You won't tell anyone, right?" Hana asked to make sure. She knew Jae Hwa won't tell, but this is about a celebrity and it'll have a different outcome than having a small crush. She closed Jae Hwa's mouth for her. "Well?"

  Jae Hwa gulped and slowly nodded. "I won't tell anyone, but you need to tell me the details later. This is a major problem. What are you going to do?"

  "I'm going to tell everyone on Saturday." Hana said confidently. She had everything all planned out.

  She grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "You're going to tell everyone you're going out with Mir?" she exclaimed.
  "Sh!" Hana placed a finger to her lips. Luckily, no one paid attention to them. They just kept going with their normal lives. "I'm not going out with him," Hana whispered. "We're just friends."

  "Oh and the paparazzi will believe that! They're not that easy to convince. If you tell them you two are together, then they'll leave you alone, sort of. More like they won't go spying on you to prove that you're together. It's best if you say you're going out. To make it way easier."

  Hana shook her head. "But I don't have those kind of feelings for him. He's only a close friend."

  "Trust me. It's better that way." She patted her shoulder and turned her head as a red truck pulled by. "I have to go. Dad's here. Think about it, okay? Oh and don't forget about this weekend. I'm going to show you Teen Top. Bye!" She climbed into the truck and waved one last time as the truck drove off.

  Hana waved back. Once the truck was out of site, she dropped her arm to the side and bowed her head. What now? Is it really better to tell a lie about them being together or should she say they're just friends? Which ones better? Should she call Mir to discuss about it? Although, he might be busy with something and is it right to call him whenever a scandal is up? People are watching now, paying attention to every detail. Hopefully, everything will be kept a secret until Saturday. Hopefully...


Hey Guys! I'm glad you're reading up to this point :D and thatnks for subscribing if you did!! If you're waiting for Teen Top, they'll be coming soon. I just have to have this story be settled before all the drama and stuff... Haha :D

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Haha... I first came cross your fic on wattpad and then noticed that you posted the completed story on AFF. You did a great job and I prefer her with Mir anyways ;P
Oh My..!! Your fanfics totally rocks..!! :P
Me likey.. *thumbs up*
memetchi1234 #3
D; wah it ended so quickly ;3 please do a sequel!
ljoesaranghae_11 #4
sequel sequel!:D loved this fic(:
MrsJungByungHee #5
This fic was awesome! You should totally write a sequel!
JessyJane #6
Update soon!!!!!!!! Totally like this fic <3
@AriokaAbbix Oh cool C: haha same for me. That's sorta why i wrote this because those two were my biases C:
AriokaAbbix #8
no, no, no... btw i think this story was kinda made for me, i have brown hair (used to have bangs) My bias in MBLAQ is Mir n my bias in TeenTop is Chunji! I really looooove this! FIGHTING
@HeyRou05 Wait no more >.< They have finally met
I swear if you continue to avoid Chunji and Hana's meeting, I'll be very mad at you >.<<br />
Kidding, kidding, the flow is nice =)<br />
Update soon!