Park Conversation

Happily (N)ever After

Update! I wanted to write something with Sooyeon in it, but it's not much in terms of the plot. I think it came out a little awkward >.< 

Thank you to all those who read!! 


“Sooyeon!....Jung Sooyeon!”

“…oh…JiSeok oppa...hello,” Sooyeon walked over, meeting him halfway.

“I saw you ahead of me, sorry if I startled you.”

“No it’s fine, I was just wondering who was calling me,” Sooyeon answered shyly. She readjusted her grip on her bags.

“What do you have there?”

“I was picking up some groceries on my way home. What are you doing out here oppa?”

JiSeok shrugged, “Just wanted some air.”

Smiling Sooyeon continued walking again, going at a slower pace now as JiSeok fell in step with her. The two walked in silence, the only sound between them coming from his crutches smacking onto the pavement. As they neared the apartment building, he stopped to stare at the park. She watched him and seeing the direction of his gaze, started to head toward the park.


Turning around Sooyeon jerked her head toward the park. “Come on!”

Hurrying his pace without falling over, JiSeok managed to catch up to Sooyeon at the bench. Stopping to catch his breath, he slumped onto the bench while still holding onto the crutches. He felt them being removed from his hands so he looked up to find Sooyeon leaning them against the bench before taking a seat herself. She adjusted her bags on the seat so they wouldn’t fall over.

The two sat gazing at the park in front of them. Early in the afternoon so no kids were playing just yet, the two watched as some older folks walked around the area.



“Thanks for keeping me company and not nagging at me to go inside.”

“Oppa, you’re 23. If you want to stay outside longer, I’m not going to stop you.”

“Tell my parents that, especially omma.”

“They’re being overprotective I’m guessing?”

“Yeah, omma is worried.”

Understanding without further explanation, Sooyeon just sat silently gazing at her surroundings.

“I came home.”

“I figured….since you’re here right now.”

“I’m taking a leave of absence…from school….an….”

“School can always wait.”

“I have to change my major….I can’t run anymore…”

Sooyeon watched him carefully, her eyes following his every movement. “What will you do then?”

“I don’t know….running…was…my life….now…”

“It’ll come to you….it doesn’t seem like it now.”

Chuckling JiSeok looked at her, “When’d you get so wise Sooyeon?”

“I always was oppa, you just didn’t see me enough to know,” Sooyeon replied cheekily, winking to emphasize her point.

Laughing loudly now, JiSeok leaned back against the bench. “Oh Sooyeon….how’s Yonghwa and Soojung?”

“They’re both good. Oppa is studying for the university exam and preparing for his audition. He’s applying to Julliard!!”

“The music school?”


“Ahh, congratulate him for me. That’s great news.”

“I will! Thanks oppa."

"And Soojung?"

"Soojungie is good. She’s studying all the time now.”

“Isn’t she only in middle school?”

“Yeah, but she wants to go to Hansung Science High.”

“Ahh I see. They’re both so busy…”

“They are….my oppa and dongsaeng,” Sooyeon smiled to herself thinking about her family.

“And how is Sooyeon doing?”

“Uh….” Startled by the question, Sooyeon just stared wide-eyed for a moment. “Soo-Sooyeon is well,” she stammered.

“I’m happy to hear that.”

“Ye-yeah….ah oppa, I should go and put away the groceries.”

“Ok you do that. I’m going to sit here longer. Be careful going in.”

“I will, bye oppa!”


Sooyeon grabbed her bags and left the park. Walking into the lobby she turned to look outside again. “Sooyeon is well oppa, Sooyeon….Sooyeon still loves you oppa….”

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Chapter 40: I love it!!
priyaa #2

now i shal stalk other ones of your fics XD
pinkypn #3
Chapter 40: i was hoping you would write about how they still stayed close and what happened to them in between the years they was separated to being reunited again
Chapter 40: I will read ur new story hahha, sadly this has ended
yingyangbutterfly #5
Chapter 40: Ah, forty chapters. It's a good number to finish with. Great job on pulling through and I'm really, truly glad that you came back to what you originally wanted for this story. I'll be reading your other stories once I get a chance, so until then!

Congratulations, and a wonderful job done. :)))
love the story o u o
Chapter 37: Until now, i still don get what kind of weak body sooyeon had but anyway, congrats to yonghwa
yingyangbutterfly #8
Chapter 37: Woohoo! Although it was expected, I'm happy that Yonghwa made it! Oh, and you actually wrapped up the whole incident of Sooyeon letting go of her one-sided love really well. Her motives were totally understandable for her character and reasonable, something that doesn't always happen in fanfiction. ><

Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter on Thursday! :)))
priyaa #9
Chapter 36: wahhhhhhh.. what a r/s -feeling the love- XD

YongSeo moment ...please????