


For some reason I decided to write this after listening to, "Home" by tablo. I know it isn't the most cheerful song, but it's really good for setting a mood. I do recommend reading this while listening to the song. I think it paints a deeper meaning. Thanks for reading :)
Tearing away from his arms, screaming and crying. The tears seemed endless. Screaming to be let go, that he was all I had left. All I ever wanted. But the arms that pulled at me, separating  us was too much. Their cold fingers pulling at my bruised arms, pain surging through my body, but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my heart. The thought alone of never seeing him again tore me apart. Like burning ice when it touched burnt skin, except there was no relief. Just more pain that felt to have no end. The pleading, worried look he wore was enough to break my heart to pieces, pulling and tearing at my chest, nearly incapable to keep it all in.
Reaching a limp arm out towards him, the warmth of his hands, struggling to intertwine fingers as a pained smile crossed my face. Meeting his eyes I managed to mouth an " I love you, always." Before being tugged at, nearly breaking our hold on each other. Pulling with all my being towards him, getting close enough to tangle my shaking fingers through his hair and lean in for one last kiss. It was nothing like before. There was so much passion and love, desperation and the feeling if forever. There was no longer cold, pain, sadness in the seconds our lips became one. We knew we held each others hearts and that nothing would ever change that. Because I loved him, and he loved me back.
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Chapter 1: This is good, nearly poetic :) Keep going~!