Hide and Seek

“Now look at what you have done! You’ve upset him because of your stubbornness!” Kwang Ho’s mother crossed her arms as her eyes shot daggers at her ex-husband.

He was about to hurl his own words at her, but Sehun stepped in between them. “Why don’t you both take a good look at yourself before you say any more nonsense? You jab your finger towards each other in blame, but truthfully you ought to realize that this was caused by the both of you.”

Luhan knew that if Jinhee was going to be able to catch up to Kwang Ho then the couple would have to be tamed. He glanced at Jinhee and gave her the okay to run for it.

Jinhee caught his eyes and smiled. Somehow she was able to transfer her appreciation towards him through that smile. It had been a while since she was able to smile in such a way.

Thank you.

Her heart raced in her chest as she her heel and sprinted in the direction Kwang Ho escaped.

It was difficult to follow him because man, that kid could run like hell.

But after she rounded her third corner into a new hall the extremely long line of men waiting by the bathroom door gave Kwang Ho’s hiding spot away.

Of all the places he could have hid. It had to be the bathroom.

She strolled casually to the locked bathroom door and knelt in front of the keyhole. She could feel the eyes of her male co-workers as they drilled holes into her back, but she ignored it. She did it for Kwang Ho’s sake.

She pulled a bobby pin out from her hair and slid it through the key socket. She had learned how to pick locks from her sister because apparently she believed that at some point in Jinhee’s life the ability would become useful.

And honestly Jinhee thought her unnie was just teaching her out of boredom, but at that very moment she was grateful.

She heard a click and the door opened.

The men behind her began to cheer that they wouldn’t have to suppress their bladder system any longer, but Jinhee held her hand up.

A shiver went down all of their spines as Jinhee shifted her eyes to look at them. “Come in here before I’m out and you’re dead.”

Without glancing back she stepped into the bathroom.

It was quiet. “Kwang Ho, it’s me, Jinhee. Can you come out so we can talk?” She had a feeling he was in the only stall that was locked.

For a moment Jinhee thought that her hunch was wrong and that she had barged into the men’s restroom blindly, but suddenly a voice echoed from the halls.

“Ajhumma do you realize that it is illegal for you to go into the boys’ restroom?” Jinhee smirked kneeling against the ceramic walls. “Well, I’m a social worker not a police officer.”

Kwang Ho snorted. “Figured you would say something like that.”

It was quiet again and Jinhee considered talking, but Kwang Ho stopped her before she could even start. “I’m not going back. I refuse to talk.”

She sighed. “Kwang Ho I can’t help you if you don’t tell me how you feel.”

He slammed the door of the stall, tears streamed out of the corner of his eyes. “I’m tired with adults asking me how I feel. How am I supposed to translate the way I feel? Do you want me to draw a picture for you? Maybe an interpretive dance?”

His hands balled into fists, clenched onto the end of his sweater. He buried his face into his knees. “I’ve never had my dad in my life. I never considered him being a part of it. But now that he is here I don’t know how to feel. Should I love him because he’s my dad? Or should I hate him for leaving my mom and I?”

He was speaking so fast he had to breathe for a moment to control the anxiety building in his chest. “You adults say that you understand me, that things will be better. My mom and dad will learn to get along and I’ll finally be able to breathe comfortably in my own life. But that’s ridiculous! You don’t know how I feel! You don’t live my life, you don’t feel what I feel.”

He hit his head against the tip of his knees, hoping that he could just knock himself out and leave his life for if only a couple of hours. “Just leave me alone. I’m tired of listening to the bull you adults say.”

The room was silent.

“You’re right.” Kwang Ho looked up. “About what?” Jinhee released a long breath as she slid down the wall into a sitting position. “Things won’t get better right now. Your parents hate each other. In fact, I think they hate each other more than they love you.”

The tears in Kwang Ho’s eyes spilled from hearing the truth leave someone else’s mouth other than his own. “You’re also right that I can’t understand you. My life is as close to perfect as anyone could get. My parents love each other, I don’t have the cliché evil sister, and I am on the top of my job right now.”

Kwang Ho snorted, his voice breaking slightly. “Well, good for you.” Jinhee pulled her knees closer to her chest. “But you know nothing is perfect. I had an annoying boyfriend. He was needy, selfish at times, and self-absorbed. But that’s why I loved him. I loved him for his imperfections, now there’s nothing left of him to love. Nothing can work out completely Kwang Ho, and I’m not telling you to love the fact that your parents hate each other and no one understands you. Though I hope that you can look past them and see the good you have in your life like I saw past his flaws. What you love or what you value can slip away from you so easily it's almost unfair.”

Kwang Ho bit onto his lip so his sob would not come out. “You like movies right Kwang Ho, they give you a hideaway from your life? Why don’t you focus on that? If your life can’t be perfect then why don’t you try to become a movie director so then you can give other kids like you an escape from their ty lives.”

Kwang Ho could feel his sobs of release building in him so all he could do was nod his head and make some sort of noise of acknowledgement towards Jinhee’s words.

Jinhee folded her hands together reminiscing in the feeling of Luhan’s fingers laced in hers. “Cry you idiot.”

Wails of relief and sorrow echoed off the walls of the bathroom. Kwang Ho had held in his grief for so long that his sobs shook his chest uncontrollably.

Finally he could cry.


In the end Jinhee could not hand Kwang Ho over to either of his irresponsible parents so instead she put him in custody of his grandmother and made sure that he was signed up for movie directing workshops outside of school.

On the other hand Jinhee advised his parents to go to counseling and said they could only see Kwang Ho if he wished to see them, but they could not go see him on their own free will until their counselor gave them the okay.

Jinhee could still remember the conversation Kwang Ho had with Jinhee before he left with his grandmother.

“Ajhumma take good care of hyung.” Jinhee scoffed. “Shouldn’t it be the other way around you dork.”

Sehun smiled as he wrapped his arm around Jinhee. “Don’t worry Kwang Ho in our relationship we take care of each other.” Jinhee blew a raspberry at Sehun. “Who said we’re in a relationship?”

She glared at him, but didn’t move his arm.

Kwang Ho chuckled as he watched Jinhee and Sehun bicker. “Ajhumma thanks.” He looked sideways at the pavement, but Jinhee smiled, she heard what he said.

“Just go become a famous movie director already so I can watch one of your movies.” Kwang Ho smiled, a confident essence emanating from his presence. “No worries ajhumma I’ll be famous before you know it!”

He then turned around and jumped into his grandmother’s car. His grandmother began to drive away, but Kwang Ho rolled down the window and leaned out so he could look back at Jinhee and Sehun.

“Noona! Hyung! You better invite me to your wedding!”

Jinhee smiled. “He actually called me noona.” Sehun smiled also squeezing Jinhee’s shoulder. “Jinhee you heard him, we better get married soon so we can invite him.”

Jinhee’s eyes nearly popped out of its sockets. “What?! I didn’t hear him say anything about a wedding!” Sehun smiled rubbing the tip of his nose against hers. “Well I heard clearly.” Jinhee’s cheeks heated up like a boiling pot and she jumped away from him. “What the hell?! Stay away from you weirdo!”

Sehun chased after Jinhee. “Stop having such selective hearing Jinhee!”

For some reason she couldn’t help, but laugh. “As if!”


Hey there!

So I'm so sorry for the long wait on this chapter I started school and then things got crazy hectic since this year I have AP classes and am Junior class president so I wasn't able to write any chapters. So I'm sorry that it has taken until my Christmas break for me to update :(

Thank you to all of you who have been patient and motivated me to keep working hard so then I could come back and update this story. I will update as much as I can over Christmas break so please look forward to that!

And I can't reply to comments this time around since I'm still busy right now >.< But I will for sure reply in the next chapter so thanks for reading this!

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New chapter after a very longgggg wait! Thank you all for waiting!:)


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Chapter 11: they are still sweet as ever
Chapter 11: Wah!! This is great!! Hmmm.. been reading your fic since 1am... :) now, I need my sleep. Do update please.. ^^
kittenss008 #4
Chapter 11: oh damn. i love this soooo damn much. please update soon man. im desperate here
Seungmii #5
Chapter 11: update soon.... T.T
yolandakim #6
Chapter 11: Please update authornim:))))^^
myamya #7
Chapter 11: Please update soon :) :)
l can't wait :'(
But seriously I need to sleep...
I have school tomorrow..
But then I found this...
Emmery #9
I just finished the first book and I'm off to read this now :D