The Musing of A Muse


You can't have two firsts.




Hello~ this is a oneshot starring Jung Yonghwa and his first love, Hye Ryoung, which is mentioned in this video.


My respect for Yonghwa really grows after watching that video. He handled the situations really well and with honesty. Is it strange that I can't hate any girl who is close with Yonghwa? It's just... I don't know, instead of feeling jealous, I can't stop smiling everytime I watch Yonghwa interact with a girl he seems to have an affection for. I can't help but respect their relationship. Am I the only one who feel like this? lol


For this story, though, Yonghwa and Hye Ryoung are in high school, not in junior high :)


Anyway, please enjoy and write your thoughts down in the comment box below!^^




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Chapter 1: Confession: After I found your Yookyung/Seju story, I decided to check out the rest of your fics because I really like your writing style :3
Anyway this one made me cry like a baby. Seriously. I cried along with Yonghwa and Hyeryeong. You made them come to life with your words, which is something attempted by many, but not all can achieve. You are extremely talented! ;ㅅ;
And I agree with you when you say you can't be jealous lol. The look on his face (for both of them really) was just so friendly and sweet. I can't bring myself to dislike anyone that can make him smile like that ♡
doloblue #2
Chapter 1: Omo you made me cry. It was so beautiful. And i also think he looks happy whenever he is with a friend, male or female it doesn't matter, so that is what make me think they make a great pair/couple. As long as he is happy I'm happy too.