The Musing of A Muse

The Musing of A Muse



“What time is your train tomorrow?”


“Nine in the morning.”


She glanced at the clock on the wall. Eleven PM. Just less than twelve hours left, then. She adjusted her head that was lying on Yong Hwa’s chest, tucked snugly right under his chin. His heartbeat was calm yet unstable. He strangely hadn’t been talking much today. She sighed. It seemed like something had already changed between them, much earlier than it was supposed to.


“Yong Hwa-ya,” She mumbled to his detergent-scented t-shirt. The smell was soft and familiar; very comforting.


“Hm?” It was just a short hum, as usual, but it sounded so, so warm that it sent shot bullets into her chest. What if she would never hear that hum again?


“Can you,” she paused to swallow back her fear. “Can you make me a song?”


Yong Hwa looked down at her. His eyes were sad, confused, and warm at the same time. “Hm?” That hum again. “I’ve made dozens of songs for you...”


She cleared , trying to chase the dry lump away. “I know. But can you make a new one?”


“Right now?”


“Yeah,” she confirmed as she looked up to meet his perplexed eyes. When he didn’t answer, she added pleadingly, “please?”


She could see Yong Hwa’s soft gaze just shattered at that one word. Ah, so he could finally sense that something had changed between them, inevitably so. He looked so, so sad and broken and helpless that she wanted to just flee out of his narrow, familiar room. But it was less than twelve hours left...


Without word, Yong Hwa reached for his worn-out guitar lying on his left. He set the guitar on top of their pressed bodies and circled his arm around her neck so he could strum the guitar’s strings.


“You don’t need to beg me. You know that I would do anything for you,” Yong Hwa said hoarsely with his eyes cast upon the ceiling.


She smiled wistfully. “I know, but there’s a first time to everything.”


‘And there’s the last time to everything’—was left hanging in the air. But judging from the way Yong Hwa’s grip tightened around the guitar’s neck, he must have recognized the unsaid words just fine.


He cleared his throat once. “Listen well, okay?”


Yong Hwa then plucked the strings softly, slowly, beautifully. Her eyes were fluttered shut as she did her best to hold the tears in. She would not. She would not see him off with tears streaming down her face. If this was really going to be the last time, at least he would remember her smiling face, which was the most beautiful, Yong Hwa had told her so many times.


Yong Hwa opened his mouth and began to sing. His voice was low and husky, and its warmth echoed in the chilled room.


She buried her head deeper in the warm junction between Yong Hwa’s chin and chest. If Yong Hwa felt the wetness on his neck, he didn’t say anything about it. As Yong Hwa sang the first line, Hye Ryeong’s closed her eyes and immediately, an inevitable burst of flashbacks were playing out behind her eyelids…


Baby, I’ll be gone far away...



Hye Ryeong still could remember vividly the day she and Yong Hwa first met.


She was staring morosely at the paper in her hands, trying to burn the bright red ‘98’ scrawled on the right top. Ninety Eight, she said it inwardly like a curse. That meant one of her answers was wrong. Which one? Which number? How is it possible? This must be a great mistake. Should I complain to Professor Han before he leaves class? Her mind worked frantically. 


But in the end, she ended up not complaining to her Professor. Because when she was about to stand up from her seat, a male voice that she didn’t recognize spoke to her, “Wow, 98. Daebak…”


She turned her head with a start, and her furious expression was soon replaced by a confused one. She had never seen his face before.


That guy apparently notices her confused expression, because he nodded at Hye Ryeong sheepishly as he stretched out his right hand.


Hye Ryeong nodded back politely as she took his hand to shake it briefly.


“Jeong Yong Hwa.”


Hye Ryeong had never heard that name, either. “Hye Ryeong,” she answered shortly. “Are you my classmate?”


He laughed, then. He had a contagious laugh. It was loud, cheerful, and very carefree. “Yes, I am. As of today, in fact.”


“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”


That guy—Jeong Yong Hwa—smiled kindly that she couldn’t help but smiling back. “Let’s see… maybe it’s because you’re too satisfied with your paper result that you didn’t notice Professor Han introducing me in front of the class.”


Hye Ryeong's smile faded. “Satisfied? More like disappointed, actually.”


Yong Hwa was taken aback. “Why?”


Why? Did he seriously ask why? 98. For God’s sake, it means I got one number wrong. And he asked me why I was disappointed? Hye Ryeong shook her head tiredly. “No, nevermind.”




Hye Ryeong always liked this place. Other people might find it creepy and cold but she begged to differ. This place was nothing but beautiful. Peaceful. She could always feel the soft breeze caressing her skin and blowing her hair gently. The view from up here wasn’t that magnificent but it was not a problem for her. After all, She wasn't here to enjoy the view. She was here when she desperately needed to be alone. Like right now.


But it seems like that day wasn't her lucky day. Someone was already occupying her usual spot.


That new guy. Jeong Yong Hwa.


“Hey,” He greeted Hye Ryeong as he moved to prop his body on an elbow. His black hair waved slowly as the wind blew, as if joining him to greet her.


“Hey,” Hye Ryeong greeted back shortly and walked forward to approach him. “What are you doing in our campus’ rooftop?”


Yong Hwa shrugged. “I don’t know. First-day jitters, I guess. I don’t have any friend yet so I decided to come up here.”


Hye Ryeong subconsciously swept her gaze from his head to toe.


No matter from what angle you see him, Yong Hwa didn’t look like someone who was hard to make friends. Probably he’s here just to avoid those girls who’ve been hovering around him and asking him what seemed like thousands questions since the morning. “You don’t look like someone who’s hard in making friends.”




“Yeah. I bet you’re just here to avoid those girls who’ve been hovering around you playing 20 questions or something.”


Yong Hwa smirked. "But you found me.”


“Don’t flatter yourself.”


“I could ask the same about you, though. Why are you here?” Yong Hwa asked back, snapping Hye Ryeong out of her thoughts.


“To cry over my bad, bad exam score.” Yong Hwa groaned aloud as he shifted aside, leaving enough room for Hye Ryeong to sit in that secluded corner of the rooftop.


Once she was settled in beside him, he turned to her and hollered, “Are you kidding? If I were the one who scored 98, my mother probably will cook a feast for a whole month. You should be more grateful. You don’t know how many people would kill just to get your score. And probably there’s someone who died because they didn’t manage to get your score. Are you not being too much?”


“Heol… it’s not like that!" Hye Ryeong spluttered. "You know, if I got... like, ten questions wrong, I wouldn’t have been this upset. But it’s one! Just one! Gosh, it was so close. Don’t you think it’s upsetting?”


Yong Hwa said slowly, as if still trying to make some sense of the strange concept. “So, are you saying that you better score sixty-something rather than ninety eight?”


“Well, yes!”


Yong Hwa blinked owlishly. He shook his head while clucking his tongue in apparent distaste, before he stood up and walked away to a storage cupboard a few meters away from them.


“Yong Hwa, are you angry, hey, where are you going—oh, whose guitar is that?”


“Mine,” He mumbled as he took the guitar out of the case. Hye Ryeong eyed it curiously. To be honest, she had always been fascinated by guitars and guitarists in general. Unlike some people, she thought guitar was way cooler than a piano. But Korea wasn’t exactly a country where most guys were able to play guitar instead of piano. So, she stared at the guitar in Yong Hwa’s hands full of wonder. The guitar looked worn-out, with peeled stickers marking here and there, and there were a few signatures and scribbles scattered randomly. But it was clear that the guitar was often played—very well-loved. Yong Hwa strummed his guitar randomly as he said, “Hey, do you really feel bad about your high, high score?”


Hye Ryeong nodded. “Believe it or not, yes I do. Why?”


Yong Hwa grinned, showing his crooked teeth. For some reason, those teeth really fit him, making him look friendlier. “Because I’ll make a song to make you feel better.”


“Yeah, right.” Hye Ryeong rolled her eyes, thinking Yong Hwa was making fun of her. Because really, she felt bad about the score. Didn’t people have their own issues? As for Hye Ryeong, she really didn’t feel like the feeling of ‘almost’ situations. Almost 100 out of 100, almost perfect... If she got 60 or 70, she would have just shrugged it off.


“You don’t believe me?” Yong Hwa said, and then added, surprisingly in a sincere tone, “I can make a song right here, right now.”


Hye Ryeong raised one challenging eyebrow. “Go on, then, if you’re such a music prodigy.”


Without saying another word, Yong Hwa strummed his guitar strings.


Hey, don’t be sad, it’s not too bad

Smooth your frown, it makes me down

Look at the sun shine, things will be fine

Cheer up, cheer up, cheer up


Listen to my song, it’s not for long

No need to fear, because I’m here

I’ll make you smile even from a mile

Cheer up, cheer up, cheer up


Things will soon look up

Cheer up, cheer up, cheer up


Yong Hwa's voice trailed off smoothly as the song ended. He then looked at his guitar with an expression full of wonder, as if the guitar was a magical artifact or something as mystical. “The song is good, right?” Yong Hwa breathed out as he placed his guitar back with great care in its case. When he didn’t hear any respond, he looked up at Hye Ryeong with a frown. Hye Ryeong was just staring at him blankly as if she was in a daze.


Yong Hwa chuckled and elbowed her ribs playfully. “Yah, are you that impressed?”


Hye Ryeong’s dazed expression was now cleared but she didn’t stop staring. If anything, now she was looking straight into Yong Hwa’s eyes. Yong Hwa gave a toothy smile, his expression was smug and satisfied. “Hey, do you want to go out with me?”




The mischievous smile on Yong Hwa’s face was wiped off. His eyes got wider, and brighter as he fixed his gaze on Hye Ryeong's. They stared at each other deeply for a few seconds before he uttered softly, his voice was like the caress of a lover. “Yes to which question?”


“All three.”



Baby, I’ll be gone far away

But hey, I’ll make every way

To see your face everyday

From Monday till Sunday



Hye Ryeong narrowed her eyes at the fidgeting man half-hidden behind the school gate. She circled her hand around Yong Hwa’s arm and shook it. “Yong Hwa-ya, who’s that person? He keeps staring this way.”


“Hm?” Yong Hwa followed Hye Ryeong’s pointed finger and spotted the man. He cursed under his breath and halted their pace. “Remember that guy who phoned me last week?”


“The guy who wanted you to come to Seoul for an audition?”




Hye Ryeong's eyes widened. “He came here?”


“Yeah.” Yong Hwa rubbed the bridge of his nose in distress. “Stubborn man. Let’s just take the back gate. My brain is fired from Math sessions today; I don’t want to talk to him.”


Hye Ryeong let herself be led by Yong Hwa to take another exit route. “Gosh, I’m going to kill that person who re-uploaded your pictures to that damned uljjang site!” She muttered lowly, but it didn’t escape Yong Hwa’s ears.


“Ssh, it’s not anyone’s fault that my ul (face) is jjang.”


Rolling her eyes, Hye Ryeong made a retching sound at Yong Hwa’s playful cocky remarks. She gave Yong Hwa an accusing look, but soon it changed into an affectionate one upon seeing Yong Hwa’s toothy grin.


“...Oh scratch that,” She groaned, fighting back a smile. “I’m going to kill you for uploading your pictures to your stupid minihompy! Come here, you!” She made a grab at Yong Hwa’s hair.


In a swift motion, Yong Hwa caught Hye Ryeong’s wrist and held it tightly. “Hey, hey, Hye Ryeong-ah,” He said, suddenly serious. He lowered his head and looked levelly into Hye Ryeong’s eyes. “Don’t be mad. This handsome face can do nothing without his muse, you know?”


Yong Hwa gave Hye Ryeong that toothy smile again, and she freed her arm to successfully landing a gentle smack on Yong Hwa’s head. She was grinning ear to ear.


The mad rush inside my body

The beat of each heartbeat

It’s all you, ‘cause baby

You’re the harmony in my melody



Hye Ryeong knew something was wrong with Yong Hwa as soon as she saw his face when he picked her up this morning. Her suspicion was proved when Yong Hwa didn’t say anything even after they were halfway through their usual route to school.


“Yong Hwa-ya, did you write your essay?” Hye Ryeong attempted a conversation.


“Yeah, I did,” Yong Hwa answered nonchalantly.


“Let’s crosscheck.”


Yong Hwa opened his sling bag and dug through it for his essay. He gave it to Hye Ryeong wordlessly.


“Yong Hwa-ya…” Hye Ryeong stared back and forth from Yong Hwa to his papers. “We’re not allowed to type it.”




“We’re supposed to handwrite it.”




“Yeah. You’re in so much trouble.” Yong Hwa just stared at her confusedly. “Look, we still have fifteen minutes. Let’s just redo it. I’ll help you, I can copy your handwriting.”




Hye Ryeong heaved out a sigh and gently dragged Yong Hwa by the arm to a bench on the side of the road. She sat down and then pat the empty seat beside her. Yong Hwa obeyed her nonverbal request but he just stared distractedly on his shoes. Hye Ryeong shook her head as she opened her bag to fish out a stack of clean papers. She divided it into two and gave the half to Yong Hwa. “I’ll do the first two pages and you do the rest.”


Yong Hwa nodded and dug through his bag for his pen. But instead of writing, he just twirled it between his fingers.


“Yong Hwa-ya.”




“You are thinking about it, aren’t you?”


Yong Hwa’s head shoot up. He stared at Hye Ryeong with wide eyes. “What?”


Hye Ryeong smiled. “It’s okay, Yong Hwa-ya, I know you are considering it.”


“It’s just…” Yong Hwa opened his mouth only to close it again. His shoulders slumped in defeat. Do you think I can do it?”


“I don’t think you can. I know you can. You can do anything you want to do.”


Yong Hwa was silent for a moment before he said, “The stubborn man… he came seeing my parents yesterday. They told me to think about giving it a try. It’s not like I’m definitely going to pass, right? And apparently, that man also gave the same offer to someone else in Busan. I got his number already. I mean, I wouldn’t have go to Seoul alone…”


He was rambling now. Hye Ryeong held his hand. “Then you should go give it a try.”


And then, one of the rarest things happened: Yong Hwa’s eyes glinted in uncertainty and doubt. “You really think I should?”


Hye Ryeong felt a razor slash burn in her heart as she said her answer. “Yeah, you should.”


The uncertainty and doubt in Yong Hwa’s eyes disappeared in a flash. He smiled at Hye Ryeong before he started writing a copy of his essay while humming random tunes. Hye Ryeong also got back to her task without another word. Before realizing it, she was bobbing her head to Yong Hwa's humming. She smiled to herself and knew right then and there that she meant what she said.


Yong Hwa should go give it a try.


Yong Hwa should go share his tunes with many people.


Yong Hwa should go to the top of the world.


Trust me, don’t make a fuss

This love, please don’t refuse

Just this once, let me choose

You are my one and only muse



After seventeen unanswered calls, Yong Hwa finally picked up his phone at the fifth ring. He greeted her brightly as usual, and even though Hye Ryeong was very happy to hear his voice, her good mood had dissipated since the seventh missed call.


Yong Hwa didn’t fail to notice that. “Hey, what are you angry about?”


“Nothing,” Hye Ryeong kind of snapped.


There was a sigh from the other line. “Don’t ‘nothing’ me, you’re clearly upset about something.”


Hye Ryeong decided not to play dumb. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”


“I told you, I didn’t hear it ringing, I set it in silent mode.” Now Yong Hwa sounded tired and worn-out.


But Hye Ryeong decided to press further. “Well, why did you?”


“I was in practice with the others, I had to be considerate,” Yong Hwa answered snappishly. He sounded almost angry.


Hye Ryeong didn’t know what came into her. She just felt so angry. Not at Yong Hwa, never at him. But nonetheless, she felt anger and disappointment bubbling inside her stomach. “It didn’t cross your mind that you were being inconsiderate toward me?”


There was a soft gasp of disbelief before Yong Hwa answered coldly, “You know what, I really hate it when you’re being like this.”


“And being like what, exactly?!” The monster inside her stomach clawed on her heart more fiercely.


“Exactly like this! Smothering me until I have trouble breathing.”


All the fight was suddenly gone in her. She suddenly felt very tired and sad. "I... I’m smothering you?”


Silence. And then, “Look, I’m sorry.” Yong Hwa’s voice softened significantly. Hye Ryeong knew he must have felt so tired, physically and now because of her, emotionally as well. “You—I’m just—look, what are you afraid about?”


She couldn’t hold back her tears. She cried silently. “Yong Hwa-ya, you—you’re slipping away. I already feel you slipping away.”


“I’m not going anywhere!” Yong Hwa sounded desperate, as if he wanted to throw his phone down and run to where she was.


“But you—you will—” The inevitable sobs finally broke out.


“I will what?” Yong Hwa prompted with what sounded like forced patience.


“You’ll belong to everybody, and you’ll not be allowed to belong to anybody. You won’t need me anymore. I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t say this but you told me I can tell you everything.”


Hye Ryeong could imagine Yongwa smiling sadly at the other line. “Yes, yes of course you can tell me everything. You did well, Hye Ryeong-ah.”


“I’m so sorry, Yong Hwa-ya... You’re having a hard time over there yet I just nag at you.”


“Look, I... I make songs everyday in here,” Yong Hwa suddenly said in a rush. “I just need 10 minutes in average to come up with a new melody.”


“That... that’s great, I guess,” Hye Ryeong said uncertainly, confused with the sudden change of topic. But then she could hear faint voices of people calling Yong Hwa over. It seemed like his break time had ended.


Yong Hwa continued, even more hurriedly that he sounded out of breath. “And each song, I made it while thinking of you. I thought of you and your face and your voice and the fact that I just miss your very being. Tomorrow I’m going home. Sleep well and don’t think too much. I love you, you do know that, right?”


Without giving Hye Ryeong a chance to answer, Yong Hwa ended the call first.


That night, contrary to Yong Hwa’s advice, Hye Ryeong couldn’t have a good sleep because she was thinking too much. Her head was too full with Jeong Yong Hwa and all the ways she was in love with him.


Baby, I’ll be gone far away

But hey, I’ll make every way

Whatever happens someday

We have had precious today



Everyone who ever knew Jeong Yong Hwa, be it personally or not, would’ve known that whatever he did, it just spoke of striking self-confidence. He was so confident yet nobody ever said he was arrogant, not even a little bit. He did everything with his chin up and leveled gaze. Everyone even with half a brain would sense the great faith he had on himself. People felt so comfortable around him because he was just so comfortable with himself. Everything about him was relaxing and reassuring, as if nothing could feel wrong as long as he was there.


But very little number of people knew that even though Yong Hwa’s self confidence was very real, he was a man full of insecurities. He needed constant praises and approval in everything he did. He needed reassurances almost in every situation. Not many knew this fact because he only showed it to people whose opinions mattered to him the most.


It was after two months since they began their relationship that Hye Ryeong had figured it out. Instead of being annoyed, she found it endearing. Soon enough, comforting Yong Hwa had become one of the most natural things she did in her life. She never lied, though; she just didn’t have it in her to lie to Yong Hwa.


A few weeks after Yong Hwa came back from the audition in Seoul, he hadn’t been as chatty and cheerful as most days. Instead, Hye Ryeong often caught him brooding for minutes and then he would sigh deeply. Such sights weren’t familiar about Yong Hwa, and she knew it right then.


Yong Hwa had passed the audition.


Hye Ryeong linked their hands together loosely. That action earned her Yong Hwa’s attention. “Yong Hwa-ya,” she began, a little afraid, but determined. “I know you made it. Congratulations. I just want you to know that you don’t need to worry about me, or anything. Just go. You can do it.”


Yong Hwa looked away. He looked down on his lap and a frown was fixed on his face. He tightened their joined hands as he asked softly, “How do you feel about me?”


Hye Ryeong was taken aback by the sudden question. “You know how I feel about you.”


Yong Hwa shook his head, clearly distressed. “No, actually, I don’t.”


Hye Ryeong tugged on their intertwined hands and Yong Hwa turned his head to meet her eyes. She flashed him a small, teasing smile. “Yong Hwa-ya, I thought I’m the one who should be feeling insecure here?”


Yong Hwa, for once, didn’t smile back. If anything, his expression got more serious. “Just answer my question.”


Without missing a single beat, Hye Ryeong answered firmly. “I do love you.”


“Why?” Yong Hwa’s gaze is piercing.


“Why do I love you? What kind of question is that?”


Yong Hwa’s eyes turned to pleading now. “Just tell me,” he said with strained voice.


All this seriousness was too much that Hye Ryeong began to feel nervous. She pulled her hand back and in reflex, slid her body a few inches away from Yong Hwa. Their shoulders and thighs were no longer touching on the couch. 


“Why is that? You—hey, don’t go anywhere.”


Hye Ryeong would’ve laughed at the sheer irony of his words if it wasn’t for the serious tension between them. She moved closer again to Yong Hwa, and this time she leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’m not,” she murmured comfortingly.


“Sorry, I know I’m being ridiculous,” Yong Hwa said with voice so small that it was almost unrecognizable. Yong Hwa always, always spoke with clear voice, wrapped in surety and confidence.


“Yong Hwa-ya, I have this ridiculous idea… You leave, you’ll be famous, you’ll be a celebrity, you’ll meet beautiful women and some of them will like you and you’ll like one of them back.”


Yong Hwa snorted in mock-disbelief. Hye Ryeong breathed in relief. Now it was more like the usual Yong Hwa. The tension was melting away. “I leave, you’ll go to university, you’ll meet many smart, handsome men and some of them will like you and you’ll like one of them back.”


“No way, those guys will never have a chance.”


Yong Hwa raised an eyebrow. “Why?”


“Because I love you,” Hye Ryeong deadpanned.


“Why?” This time, Yong Hwa’s tone was playful and almost teasing.


“Because you are the first man who made a song for me.”


Yong Hwa gasped, faking a hurt and shocked expression. “So you’re saying that if it had been another man, you would’ve fallen for him instead of me.”


“Well, yes.” Hye Ryeong answered honestly, and Yong Hwa could sense that. His playful mood began to deflate and he was about to be all insecure again, but then Hye Ryeong held their gaze firmly and something important passed between them. The uncertainty in Yong Hwa’s eyes was replaced by understanding, but Hye Ryeong still said it, as earnest as it could be, “but it was you, anyway. Not any other man.”


Yong Hwa let out a shaky smile, and landed a kiss on top of her head. “I can make a thousand songs for you if you wish to, you know that.”




“Because I love you.”




Yong Hwa pulled Hye Ryeong into a warm hug. “You know… that first song I made for you… is also the first song I ever made. I was quite shocked and impressed, too. I actually thought my guitar was possessed by a Rooftop Spirit or something,” Yong Hwa paused, his eyes was reminiscing. “I knew it, then. You’re my muse.”


“Mwoya…” Hye Ryeong smiled against Yong Hwa’s chest. “So you’re saying that just because I’m your muse, then suddenly you love me?”


“Yes.” Yong Hwa’s chest felt like rumbling with thunder as he spoke. “But my muse is you, anyway.”



Trust me, don’t make a fuss

You are my one and only muse

My one and only muse



The song ended, and Hye Ryeong’s eyes were still b with tears. They were almost overflowing from behind her tightly shut eyelids. She clutched the hem of Yong Hwa’s shirt desperately. That voice... God... soon, this voice would belong to everyone and to no one. And maybe, maybe he would use this voice in private to serenade another... no, no, don’t even think about that, Hye Ryeong-ah. 


“Hye Ryeong-ah,” Yong Hwa suddenly broke the silence. “Will you please look at me?”


Hye Ryeong shook her head vehemently. If she looked at Yong Hwa right now, she would cry. And once she did, she could never stop it. She then would have second thoughts and burden Yong Hwa. She could not do that. She wouldn’t.


Hye Ryeong could feel Yong Hwa’s sigh. “I don’t know what will happen,” he said softly. His voice was low and husky. “I can’t promise you anything. But please do at least remember this. Whatever happens... whatever happens, you’ll always be my first love. You can’t have two firsts, you know? You’re my one and only first. You always have and always will mean a lot to me.”


At Yong Hwa’s heartfelt speech, Hye Ryeong slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Yong Hwa’s eyes staring back at hers. To her shock, they were also filled with tears. Hye Ryeong felt her stomach churn at the sight and her own eyes couldn’t hold back the tears from flowing anymore. She let them fall, one by one, without breaking Yong Hwa’s gaze. And when a lone tear slid down from the corner of Yong Hwa’s left eye, she wiped it away immediately. Tears didn’t look good on Yong Hwa. At least, tears of sadness didn’t.


“Ssh,” Hye Ryeong landed a feathery kiss on Yong Hwa’s eye. “I know, Yong Hwa-ya, I know. It’ll be okay. I love you, Yong Hwa-ya, I do.”


Yong Hwa turned his head and met Hye Ryeong’s eyes with his. He reached out to grab the back of Hye Ryeong’s neck and pulled her close for a long, chaste kiss.


When they parted, Hye Ryeong opened her eyes and a smile was plastered on Yong Hwa’s face. Hye Ryeong traced the line of his smile with her fingers slowly and tried to memorize it by heart. She decided she would give anything up for Yong Hwa to smile that toothy smile of his and be happy always. Even if in the future, she might not be the cause of it. They’ve had today, and it was enough for her. It should be.


It seemed like forever before Hye Ryeong withdrew her fingers and gave Yong Hwa a genuine smile.


She was ready for 9AM to come.



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Chapter 1: Confession: After I found your Yookyung/Seju story, I decided to check out the rest of your fics because I really like your writing style :3
Anyway this one made me cry like a baby. Seriously. I cried along with Yonghwa and Hyeryeong. You made them come to life with your words, which is something attempted by many, but not all can achieve. You are extremely talented! ;ㅅ;
And I agree with you when you say you can't be jealous lol. The look on his face (for both of them really) was just so friendly and sweet. I can't bring myself to dislike anyone that can make him smile like that ♡
doloblue #2
Chapter 1: Omo you made me cry. It was so beautiful. And i also think he looks happy whenever he is with a friend, male or female it doesn't matter, so that is what make me think they make a great pair/couple. As long as he is happy I'm happy too.