Chapter 1

Flower Boys Series III:Still Beating Heart

Science says opposite attracts but can Science explain how former friends ends up as a mortal enemy, or enemies can be lovers?


(flashback Yesung 13years old, Ryeowook 9years old)

 “Appa can I have money I just want to buy those flowers.”

“For whom son?” the elder man asked.

“Errr for myself.” He answered making Ryeowook frown.

After the dinner they all went home, Ryeowook is stlil not talking to Yesung, he felt a little jealous who might be the lucky human that his best friend like. Yes Ryeowook has a puppy crush on his childhood friend, but of course he don’t want to say it besides how will a 9year old kid be taken serious by a 13year old, they are too young for God’s sake.

“Here.” Yesung shoved him the roses he bought.


“Just don’t frown okay? It’s for you actually.” He smiled at the younger guy.

Ryeowook smile appeared as he smell the flowers, if only Yesung knew what it meant for him… if only…

After some months, Yesung needs to leave and go to America to study, Ryeowook don’t have the heart to bid goodbye to him, as he stay on the door.

Yesung approached him as he him crying.

“Well Wookie, I’ll leave now take care of yourself okay?” Ryeowook only nodded still crying.

“I promise once I finish my studies I will return here, I will return for you.” Yesung said giving him a giraffe stuff toy.

“But you’ll be gone for five years.” He whined

“Here, when you missed me, close your eyes then count one to ten.”

Ryeowook still crying do what Yesung said as he opened his eyes, Yesung was out of his sight…

(end of flashback)


(after many years)

“Kim Ryeowook!” it was his best friend Henry. “Yah! Kim Ryeowook! Henry shouted outside his house.

Ryeowook went outside. “Can you lower your voice!” he said.

“Hey will be late let’s go!” Henry said.

“Fine, 5 more minutes okay?” Ryeowook replied as he hurriedly change his clothes.

“Why did our dear boss needs us early in the morning.” Ryeowook asked him, fixing his shoes.

“Well he needs a new concept. You know for the Kid’s show”

“New? Why how many moral lesson they need ? how many legend and story they want me to do?”

“Maybe, what he wants is when they tell a fable of the tortoise and the hare they count one to ten.” Henry replied.

That caught his attention, he remembered even Yesung went back after five years, even they had stayed as neoghbors he had never return into Ryeowook’s life now both of them had their own lives.


(At the tv station)

Everyone is in panic, Henry prepare the set, Ryeowook doing the concept.

“Ryeowook, the director needs it, are you finish?”

“Yes, almost down.” As he look at the laptop he growl in frustration.


At the flower farm, Yesung was left in charge of Kyuhyun’s duty as the maknae is on honeymoon with his wife Sungmin, his work is overloaded, they also lost their secretary thanks to the youngest man letting Sungmin quit, Kangin is currently in Canada with Leeteuk, Heechul and Hangeng still in China, Donghae attending his wife’s event only he and Siwon are left.


“Hey are you done with the quotations?” Siwon asked him.

“Yup, if there are mistake I can revise them.” Siwon nodded and took the paper.

For Yesung he usually makes mistake so he is confident there is nothing to be redone on his work, as for Ryeowook…

“Almost done.” He said still typing in his laptop.

Henry approached him. “Ryeowook give it up, pack up time.” Ryeowook frown.

“Tommorow I’ll have the concept!” he said but everyone ignored him and he sighed closing his laptop.


At the flower farm, Siwon and Yesung are playing card game. Yesung have two aces while Siwon have a four hearts and two hearts.

“Fold.” He said.

Siwon laid his card.

“Good thing I don’t bet all my money huh?” Yesung replied.


At Ryeowook’s workplace he is biting his nail, hoping the script he made till night will be accepted.

“I love the script.” Ryeowook scream and hugged Henry.”

“I hope it won’t be late next time.”

“Yah! He said it’s good job don’t destroy the moment.”


After work Yesung decided to go home, coincidentally Ryeowook arrived on his home as well, as he see Yesung he waved at him but the older man nodded in return which made the him frown.

Both Ryeowook and Yesung no longer had a mother, both raised by their father, now both of them drifted apart like what had happen to their father.


(At Ryeowook’s home)

“I have the right in all the investment and profits so our you interested to buy all my shares in the company?” Ryeowook heard what his father said, he is talking to his business partner.



“Why are planning to let go of the company you and Hyung’s father made.”

“When it comes to business, there’s no such thing as friendship or family, it’s important to be practical.”

“But, if you did this, you are selling your friendship with my godfather.”

“I don’t care about friendship, that good for nothing, lying backstabbing old man!” he said to Ryeowook.


(At Yesung’s house.)

“Your father’s fine I guess what he feel is just in his mind.” It was Shindong the family doctor.

“Appa, I told you you are not sick.”

“You know what I think this keep on happening because of his feud with your godfather, both of you don’t want to admit defeat but you both are suffering.” Shindong said as he leave. Yesung’s father turn around not wanting to look at Yesung.


Because of what happen he can’t concentrate, even he open his latop he is not writing anything.

“Uhm Ryeowook tell me are you planning to make a silent movie.”


“Look, you don’t seem to concentrate on your work, what’s the problem?”

“My appa, he can’t seem to just mend things with my godfather and now I am deeply affected.”

“Why are you, taking all the problem to yourself, you know the saying it takes two to tango.”

“What, I’ll take my appa into ballroom dancing?” Ryeowook asked.

Henry sarcastically laughed.

“Thank God you’re writer in a kid’s show not a gag show, well I mean is why are you taking the problem all to yourself, you’re not the only one affected, why not contact that Yesung guy, asked him for help.


Perhaps it is not a bad idea, at least this will be a chance as well to be close again.


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Chapter 1: Please continue on the story.... Sound interesting...