More Trouble Coming.

What's Mine is Mine.

Sehun left to look for Seohyun after he saw her peeking through the door, he looked for her everywhere until he realize that she in detention. He waited outside the classroom until 5pm, he watch as Seohyun step out of the room and headed towards the stair case. He follow her to her locker on the third floor at the end of the other stair case, she turn around when she notice someone following her. "What do you want?" she stop at her track looking at the boy in front of her. "Did you like what you saw?" he said with a crooked smile pasted on his face. "I seen better, you're nothing special." she turn around to walk towards her locker when he turn her around. "Then should i show you what i can do?" he said pull her towards the stairs case when a teacher came out of a room. "Kids, what are you doing?" he said them, as Sehun let go of Seohyun. "Nothing, just fooling around." he answer back. "Go home." Seohyun ran down the stairs and didnt look back, she ran until she got home when she saw Krystal, Yuri and Yoona watching tv. "Why are you sweating?" Yuri asks. "I ran home. I'm gonna take a shower." went to her room. 

The girls were doing their own thing when Krystal got a text from from Myungsoo, since she didnt see him today at school she had a feeling something bad was going to happen so she didnt text him back. It was late when the sisters all went to sleep and Krystal woke up in the middle of the night, she went to get water when she heard the door. 

"The heck, who would come this late." she said and walk towards the door, she look through when she saw their mother. Krystal open the door when their mother came inside. "Where Seohyun?" she said angrly. "She sleeping." Krystal reply back. "I want her to meet me tomorrow after her detention." Their mom walked back out the door when Krystal ran after her mom. "Why do you want to meet her?" She asks her mother. "Nothing you need to know." she open her car door when Krystal stop her. "Tell me." she said a bit loud. "This doesnt involve you, so stay out of it." got inside the car but Krystal wouldn't let close the car door. "When are you ever going to tell us stuff. You always kept everything to yourself that's why you divorce dad without letting us know. You got married with that old man and didnt tell us. Why are you always hiding things from us, a mother wouldnt do this to their own child. What kind of mother are you?" she said shouting at her mom, she felt a hand slap her across the face. "I should've taken you with me when i left your father." she said to Krystal. "It's a good thing you didnt take us, or else i'll probably ran away from a like you." Krystal got other slap from her mother before leaving, she went inside the house and lock the door. When she reach her room she got a text from Myungsoo. "DId you like my present?" Krystal threw her phone against the wall and scream in her pillow. "I hate you." She couldnt sleep after what happen, when they went to school she was tired. The whole day she didnt want to talk with anyone until she felt like someone pull her away, she look up when she saw him. She got angry right away and hit him in the face. "It's all you're fault. I hate you." She scream at him, she push him away and wanted to walk away but he didnt allow her too. He held onto her until she finish hitting him. "You're lucky i'm not hitting you back." he said to her as he held onto her hands tight. "I don't care about you or your family, you're the least to my worry. Stop talking to me, jsut leave me alone. I hate people like you the most." she kick him in the nut and ran away. He was really mad but let it go for now since they're still in school. Yuri went to her fifth period when she notice a note saying go outside to the back of the school. She was confuse but went out of school and headed to the yard, she looked around when she saw IU, Suzy, Ailee, and Jieyon. "Let me guess, you wrote the note." The four girls smile at her when Ailee who stood behind her hit her with a stick, she fell down on the ground. "If you messy with me again, i'll rip your hair out." Suzy pull her up to look at her. "Oh, and tell your sister Krystal to dump her boyfriend or else." she said drop her again. 

After while Yuri stood up and touch her head when she felt some blood, she went back to school when she saw Suzy and Aliee talking to some other people. She went behind them and grabbed both their hair and hit them togather. She kick Aliee as she fell and slap Suzy, Aliee stood up and got Yuri from behind when Seohyun came and saw, she jumped in and grab Suzy from Yuri. She headlock Suzy as Yuri kick Aliee. When she heard someone shout she turn around and saw Sehun, Taemin standing there. 

"Sehuna." Suzy said trying to get out of Seohyun headlock, Sehun grab her hand and pull her away. "Yuri." she yelled for her sister but Taemin took her away with him. "Aliee are you ok?" she asks her friend. "That hurt." she said rubbing her elbow. "Don't worry, Sehun and Taemin oppa will take care of them." she said and help her friend up. Taemin dragged Yuri by her arms and went to the back of the school again, he let go of her hand when she stood there looking at him. He didnt say anything nor did she, they just stood there. "What the hell do you want?" she said a bit mad. "Who do you think you are to hit my sister like that." Yuri felt a bit scared but didnt want to show it. "If you sister didnt hit me in the back of my head with a stick then i wouldnt have mess with her." He walked closer to her. "That doesnt give you the right to do that to her." he said as he reach her. "That doesnt give her the right to do that to me either. Just because you're her brother doesnt mean i will be scared of you." walk around him when he swing her around to face him again. He grab both her arms so tight that it started to hurt her, she look at his hands and back to his face. "Just because you're guy it doesnt mean i'll obey you. I will never obey someone who use strengh on a girl." she said with a hint of pain in her face. "You will go and say sorry to my sister, do you hear me?" he said to her in a low tone. "No." Taemin hit her with his hand when she fell, she stood up again and looked at him with some small blood on her lip. "Girls like your sister doesnt dervser anything." slap her again as she fell, she look up at the boy. "When i leave i'll make sure to mess your sister face up more." Taemin grab her collar. "If you touch other hair on her body, i promise you i will hurt you more than this." he threw her down and walked out of the back yard. Yuri took her phone out and called her one of her best friend. "Oppa." she said and black out. Yoona got a call from Minho and she went looking for her sister, she didnt know where to start looking but they just looked in every classroom of this school, when she call and told Krystal. "Yuri missing, Seohyun i cant find her either." Yoona said running around the school. "I heard they got into a fight with Suzy and Aliee." she said on the other end."Just find her first, Minho said she might be hurt." 

After while the girls didnt know where else to look when they thought about the school yard, the two girls ran to check when they saw their sister on the ground, Krystal give Yuri a piggy back ride and they went to the car. When they got home they called and let Minho know that she was fine. When Yuri came about she notice she was home when she saw her sister next to her. She sit down when she notice Seohyun wasnt around, they call her cell but there wasnt any answer and they don't know how to find her. They waited and waited until they heard the door as they all rush to open but only to see their mother. 

"Why are you here?" Krystal said and walk back to the living room, their mother came inside and close the door. "Where Seohyun?" she asks again. "She out." Yuri said not wanting to tell her the truth. "When will she come back?" the girls looked at each other not knowning when. "We're not sure." Yoona told their mom. "What's this i heard about Seohyun sleeping around?" The sisters were shock their mom knew. "How did you know?" Yoona asks, "Is it true or not?" She asks. "If you don't even believe us, what's the point of telling you the truth." Krystal said and walked away. "She not, just misunderstanding." Yuri said to their mom. "Better, keep your legs close. I dont want to hear that you're pregnant." she said and walk towards the door. "Don't worry won't open our legs like some people." Yoona said and walked away. "Yuri keep your eyes and ears open, i dont want your father to get a bad name." she said as she step outside. " Stop finding rumors for us. Can't you girls just be normal and stop getting into trouble." she asks Yuri. "Then go and love that family you have waiting for you." Yuri close the door. Just right after their mom left they heard other knock, Yuri open the door and saw her sister, she came inside the house and fainted by the door. "Krysal, Yoona." she shouted. "Seohyun wake up..Seohyun." Krysal came down and saw Yuri trying to lift Seohyun, she ran to help. "What happen to her?" she ask. "I don't know, she fainted." Yuri told Krystal as they took her to the sofa and care for their sister until she woke up, they didnt ask her what happen if she didnt want to tell, but Yuri knew who she was with. 



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Chapter 7: update soon please !!! SEOHUN~!!
exoshidae-123 #2
Chapter 5: Who is taehee
gikseobb2st #3
Chapter 7: I hope Seohyun ended up with Sehun..
I dont want her to be with Taehee.
Please update soon :)
Chapter 7: Woah! Lots of things going on here. :) Update soon.
eugenenni #5
Chapter 6: Poor seohyun. Update soon please~~
Chapter 6: hoho...
this is very nice..
love the tension among them..
but i think, there were too many characters... so it seems make me a little confuse..

what a shock.. seohyun got pregnant...
and sehun was kissing yoona..
hope things will be better in the next chapter..
and the girls, the bad one.. they have gone overboard...
im wondering how u gonna end this story.. :D
annonimous #7
Chapter 6: I think you forgot to put who kissed Yoona and wow "You're mine" taemin said that wow!!
Chapter 6: Wait! Did Sehun just kissed Yoona? I thought it was Seohyun and Sehun! Noooo! Please don't be Sehun and Yoona.