Chapter Seven

Guys, Let's Hide Jongin's Pants
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“Die, die, die, die, die!” Chanyeol clicked his mouse furiously and slammed his fingers onto his keyboard as he continued to kill his opponent’s, Baekhyun, minions in League of Legends.




The other pursed his lips in desperation as the younger continued to kill Baekhyun’s small allies. “Damn you,” cursed the elder and muttered another string of profanities as he attempted to attack the turret.   




Noticing what Baekhyun was doing, Chanyeol drew his attention to the other. “Yah! ByunTae! Back off!” Chanyeol snapped. A flying kick was sent towards his opponent and the Happy Virus continued to battle the elder who was failing miserably.




“I’m still a newbie! Go easy on me!” whined the losing one and a wide grin spread across the victor’s face.




The auburn giant scoffed before doing a combo attack on the other, earning a ‘Legendary’ status, before proceeding to the next turret. “Never! Ooh! One more turret to go, then I win!”




A scowl formed on Baekhyun’s face and he threw a pillow at the taller one. Nineteen more seconds to go before he resurrects. “I hate you.”




Chanyeol didn’t bat an eyelash, nor did the grin waver.




Baekhyun groaned for the nth time and bashed his head onto the small coffee table in front of them. “I give up Park Chanyeol. I give up.” He was about to take his laptop away from the living room and sulk upstairs but a firm grip held him in place. Gritting his teeth to keep himself from lashing out at the other, he tried to tug his wrist out of the vice-like hold as he proclaimed that he was going to kick the giant’s laptop off the table. However as soon as he raised his leg, Chanyeol pointed at the ‘kill/death/assist’ count and drew Baekhyun’s attention specifically to his kill count.




Kill: 1   Death: 30   Assist: 0




“... I killed? When?!” The brunet stared at the screen in disbelief because oh my God, Byun Baekhyun finally had a kill for the first time in his entire life. He would’ve cried out in joy but the latter next to him stopped him from doing so. He didn’t need to make a fool out of himself even more.




Chanyeol gave a sheepish grin as he scratched the back of his head. “Well… since you’re my best friend and I love you. I let you kill me.”




Baekhyun beamed at the news. So his ultimate attack didn’t go to waste.




“Plus I felt sorry for you. Just look at your death count.”




That was enough to make the former to slap the latter’s shoulders. Really hard.








Annoyed that he was made to open the front door, he shot a glare at Baekhyun and dawdled over to turn the doorknob. Well, he did deserve it (“too much effort” does not count in this case anyway Baekhyun said) since the elder had to spend a whole morning making a fool out of himself in the games. Hell, people even reported him for being too noob!




Chanyeol looked down, recognising the person in front and a beaming smile replaced his previous frown. He chirped and waved enthusiastically, “Hi Jina! What brings you here?”




“My friend practically threatened me when she heard that I knew twelve other guys and she begged me to introduce her to you guys,” Jina stared at Chanyeol, her eyes looking deadpan and glassy. Jina winced as she felt a jab from behind.




Curling his lips back, Chanyeol attempted to hide an amused smile as he watched Jina beginning to bicker with the person behind her. He turned to peer at Jina’s companion with his eyes blinking out of curiosity, intrigued about the looks of the girl’s acquaintance.




“Come on! You’re never ever going to meet any guys like this if you chicken out like... at the very last minute!” hissed Jina throwing her hands in the air in a dramatic manner.




“So?! I’ll be a chicken if I want to!” snapped the other and to Chanyeol’s surprise, realistic clucking sounds reached his ears. Tutting at the other’s childish behaviour, Jina yanked the person behind to the front and muttered something that sounded like to the male’s sharp ears: ‘can’t believe you’re older than me.’




“Hey, Chanyeol, who’s at the door?” another voice popped in. Said boy nodded his head towards the two girls answering the other’s question. A head appeared behind the taller one’s shoulder. Looking at Jina and her friend, a grin appeared on his face.








The male shoved the Happy Virus out of the way before giving Jina a suffocating hug. A grunt followed by a series of curses slipped from Chanyeol’s lips like bullets as he rubbed his shoulder and shot a glare at the other male.




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BangtanSonyeondang #1
Chapter 10: OMG YOU can't just have a cliffhanger like this and not update for like three years! I'm guessing you have no plans to continue this then?
BangtanSonyeondang #2
Chapter 9: Such a cute fic
BangtanSonyeondang #3
Chapter 8: Hahaha poor Baek!
BangtanSonyeondang #4
Chapter 7: I really like this story! How are you so good at writing?!
BangtanSonyeondang #5
Chapter 3: Ahahaha this is cute
CaelumSky #6
Chapter 2: Hahahaha aim sorry but I can't get over this
Funny story xD keep it up..I just die to know how in earth you made that poster *_*
Chapter 1: Love it. They're such dorks omg.
Keep it up. ♡