We need a plan of attack

I'm Cute, Aren't I?

I have a plan. Attack. /shot because Avengers diehard fan


"I need help," Luhan casually said as he walked into the room occupied by none other than Baekhyun and Chanyeol, EXO's resident pranksters and masterminds of everything. The two quickly hid some stuff under their pillow (no doubt, another evil plan) and grinned innocently at Luhan in what could also be described as disturbing.

"How can we help you, cutest hyung ever?" Chanyeol asked joyfully, slinging an arm around Luhan's shoulder, who only sighed at the treatment.

"You remember last night's game?"

Baekhyun nodded immediately, and began a retelling of last night's events. Including some dares for Kris and D.O., truths from Kai, Chen and Xiumin that nobody really needed to know, more dares for Lay and Suho, the famous dare for Luhan courtesy of Tao, and the much talked about truth from Sehun. There also random bits of comments from Chanyeol, while Luhan listened patiently.

"So, what do you need help with, Lulu-hyung?" Baekhyun finally asked.

Luhan gulped, and began to reconsider his actions.

"I need help with... S-sehun..." Luhan completely regretted his decision by this point, as he covered his ears to the incoming squeal coming from Baekhyun's lips. The giant puppy beside him roared in a booming laughter, clapping his hands like a maniac.

"I knew this day would come! I see the way you look at him, hyung, I do. You see it too, right Chanyeol? Yes! Wow, I'm so happy you finally decided to realize your true feelings for our magnae--"

Luhan flailed, hitting Baekhyun's shoulder lightly, "I didn't meant it like that!" 

Chanyeol titled his head, confused, "So what do you mean then, hyung?"

"It's just that.." Luhan hesitated, looking around them as if to check if someone is listening, "I don't know actually. I just want to prove Sehunnie wrong."

"Are you sure there's no alternative motive to proving him wrong?" Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Luhan still just shook his head.

"So will you help?"

The EXO prankster duo looked at each other, before turning back to Luhan.



ABCD Speaks;

Hehehehe this is just a quick short chapter, to prepare for longer ones coming up ahead! ^^

And wow, I didn't expect much for this but thanks to all of you ♥

Stay tuned for how Luhan will carry out his plan and if it'll work~! :DDDDD

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Hunhan Story || First chapter update~


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Chapter 1: I miss HUnhan in general...
I miss this ; u ;
ChooChooPanda #3
Chapter 2: Hoho c;< I wonder what their plan is :3 thanks for updating~
Chapter 1: Awww that was so cute~ I can't even imagine Luhan looking all cute with his hair like that!^^