Chapter 11~

Speed Of Love
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Kyuhyun’s throat constricted as he looked desperately into Sungmin’s eyes for one last time before he was shoved into the door that lead into the substation platform. Fear was clouding all of his senses, any wrong move by Soo Man and he would be dead.


He whimpered as Soo Man dragged him down the flight of stairs; silently praying and hoping that Sungmin would come after him. 



“Move it .” Soo Man snarled at a woman whose eyes widened at the sight in front of her and scrambled to her feet before running away. 


Kyuhyun nearly jumped out of his skin as Soo Man fired three shots in air, successfully gathering the attention of the people on the platform; they screamed in terror at the gun in the bomber’s arms and ran for their life. 



Shoving Kyuhyun into the train, Soo Man wiggled the gun in the direction of a couple of women,” Do you mind? “ He snarled waving the gun threateningly as the women swallowed before rushing out of the train, clutching their purses tightly.



Soo Man turned towards a trembling Kyuhyun and smiled,” Come on little wildcat, its time to tie you up.” He twisted Kyuhyun’s arm earning a painful whimper from the art student and then handcuffed both of his wrists together to the metal pole in the train.


Kyuhyun bit on his bottom lip anxiously as Soo Man commanded to the locomotive engineer to start the engine of the train. The man swallowed nervously at the gun in Soo Man’s arms and nodded while showing Kyuhyun a pitiful look.



“!” Sungmin snarled as he rushed towards the door where Kyuhyun had been taken hostage, he gritted his teeth together and aimed his revolver. Four shots near the door lock and he pushed it open in hurry, trying to figure out in which direction Soo Man had dragged Kyuhyun into.


His eyes widened as a group of people passed by him, running and screaming about a psycho and a bombed vests, bingo.



He flew down the flight of stairs, wincing as his bruised arm came in contact with the incoming people rushing in the direction opposite to his.

“Outta my way!” He screamed loudly feeling momentary relief the women and men alike slowly backed away seeing the revolver in his hands. Sungmin shoved his way thorough the hysteric crowd of people and rushed down to the platform.




The train was slowly getting into motion, much to his alarm. Sungmin dashed behind the train- his jaws set grimly. His hair flew in all directions against the speed; putting his foot onto the doorstep of the train, he hauled himself against the glass door wincing as the distance between the train and the tunnel decreased.


“ open up open up!” He chanted urgently; struggling with the door, his fingers working on forcing it open before he would splatter against the wall of the tunnel. 


Less than one meter and Sungmin was panicking.  


A sudden push of his fingers and he hurriedly flung himself inside the interior of the locomotive as the train wheezed past the platform, entering the tunnel. Sungmin crouched to his feet and steadily moved along the length of the compartment, aiming his revolver for any sight of Soo Man. 



“Do you think your prince charming is coming for you hmm?” Soo Man smiled evilly, caressing Kyuhyun’s face with the remote control of the bomb, enjoying as Kyuhyun whimpered and turned his head away. 

“ing brat look at me while I talk to you.” Soo Man snarled suddenly, digging his nails into Kyuhyun’s arms, and forcefully turning his chin. Kyuhyun recoiled and struggled with his handcuffs as Soo Man gave a pleased look and traced his lips. 



“This the locomotive police speaking, Train- 1307 do you copy?” 


Soo Man’s eyes narrowed at the voice pouring from the control booth of the train. He turned towards Kyuhyun, ing the remote control of the bomb into the art student’s handcuffed hands and he commanded,” Hold this gently okay? Don’t let it go.” 

Kyuhyun swallowed nervously at the device that controlled whether he would live or die was placed into his arms. Sungmin’s eyes clouded with hate as he spied on the happenings through the glass door of the compartment behind the one in which Kyuhyun was kept hostage. 




As the locomotive engineer stretched his arm forward to take the mouthpiece, Soo Man yelled out,” Don’t you ing dare .”  With that he fired shots through the glass pane that separated the compartment from the booth, lodging four bullets through the skull of the worker, causing him to drop down dead.


“Oh my god. Oh my god.” Kyuhyun shrieked as blood splattered all over the glass pane, he felt sick at the sight of brutality and his legs turned into jelly. 


Soo Man turned towards Kyuhyun in alarm and took the remote control from the hysterical art student,” Oh I think I should take this from you now, I’m afraid you’re having an anxiety attack. You might cause it to blow up before your boyfriend arrives and we don’t want that now do we?”

Sungmin’s eyes landed onto the panel on the ceiling of the train and he hoisted himself up, as quietly as he could. He had to spring up on Soo Man when he least expected it. 


“Aww boy don’t be like this. We’re all alone now; time to have some fun eh?” Soo Man grinned and squeezed Kyuhyun’s arm who cringed and turned away.

“W-what do you want?! You beat Sungmin, you got your money. Just shove me out of the train.” Kyuhyun cried out in helplessness. 



Soo Man clucked his tongue and shook his head,” Nah, you see that’s where you come in. You’re gonna blow up while I’m not here see.. It’ll be so intense that your poor distraught boyfriend won’t even be able to spot your body parts.” He finished with a chuckle.


Sungmin rolled over the roof of the train causing a scuttling sound to be made, Soo Man called out,” Hey Sungmin, is that you?!” 

He turned towards Kyuhyun who looked relieved,” That man is so persistent you know, he’d do anything to catch me..”  




“ Sungmin can I interest you with a bribe, you see I have a lot of money on me.” Soo Man chuckled and crouched to his knees, opening the bag wide.  His eyes widened in shock as the money notes turned out to be scraps of counterfeit money,” What the .” 


“Do you ing

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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 2: wow i am only at chapter 2 and wow this is pretty intense, ilove all the characters lol thankyou for gracing us with this brilliant fic!now i'm off to read some more
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 11: Ohhh mannnnn i like minkyuu very muchhhhh and this story is awesomeeeeeeeee...
Weak, scared kyu and gentlemen ming is jjjjjaaaaaanggggg
XiumInYourFace #3
Chapter 1: Oooh, intense! I like it :-)
Mariannesama #4
Chapter 11: So cool and full with action also romance! >.<
soo loving this story~~~
Camilonchis #5
Chapter 12: I just finish reading all of this, it's awesome! I really liked it, I'm going now to follow the sequel and I can't wait! Thanks for sharing it :D
Chapter 11: Hi:) I've read this a couple of days ago but only managed to leave a comment now. I'm sorry! This fic is really awesome! Every chapter is filled with excitement and adrenaline rush that I can't stop myself from reading this in one sitting only. This is really amazing! And Heechul's character is really funny! Though I don't blame him because his car really is an expensive one. And Sungmin is just full of charisma here while Kyuhyun is bursting with submissiveness! And that's quite new! And I really really enjoyed reading this and I can't wait to read the sequel! Thank you!
sweetnona123 #7
Chapter 12: WOW, i was out of my breath all this time
but OMG the end was excellent<3
liatkyu #8
Chapter 12: you bish >_<
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD. This is AMAZING!! This is the first time i've read such an intense fic!! Good job! /throws confetti at you/
SoneStar #10
Chapter 12: Omg a sequel a sequel my life is complete <3 lol