
Embracing Happiness

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May rhythm.  Spring slowly goes away and changed with signs of summer. There is almost no more trace left from winter. The wind blows slowly as the heat of sun gets wilder. The biggest star shows up a lot more often than last month, letting moon to relax. It was almost it time of the year to have a solo show, without cloud accompanying.

Next month is the best time of the year to go swimming and beach will always be packed. That's why when EXO gets a vacation for a week, they lend a cottage near Jeju beach to have a little break and relaxing their dancing muscles and throats for a while.

Tao was very excited when his opinion gets accepted by the whole gang. It's been a long time since he wishes it to happen but their tight schedule always prevented it to come true.

"Choose your own room, guys."

Joonmyeon said before climbs up to the second floor with his suitcase. The first floor was too packed with the other members and he was too tired to take care of his sons, took a plane to Jeju after shooting wasted his energy a lot. Yixing slowly trails him up and gets in to the older room, thinking that being the leader roommate will be the only option to get a peaceful time, remembering the other members was too excited and couldn't shut their loud mouth.

It was a mess downstairs with Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyperactive body. Jongin, Jongdae and Minseok soon follow the loud duo and make the room get stuffier. Kris soon drags the excited panda up, at least with that he can decrease the noise.

"It anyone can't shut your mouth now, none of you get food for a month."

Kyungsoo said sternly as he gets in the two stories cottage and meets a drugged rabbit farm. As usual the other quickly stops whatever they are doing and run to any room on their sight, hiding. He then walks to the kitchen with his duffle bag and starts to prepare their dinner, without caring about the room arrangement. As usual he will ended up being roommate with Jongin since both of them used to be roommate in their dorm and only comfortable to share a room with each other.

Luckily for Sehun and Luhan, who just keep silent the whole time in the couch while watching their friends craziness, gets the only room that have a balcony and facing the blue sea. The other member missed that one since it's kind of deserted and far from the other room, which means a big advantage for the couple.

Sehun, who enters the room last, closes the door and locks it before walks closer to his boyfriend who standing in the middle of the room. He back hugs the older and gives the latter neck a kiss.  Comfortably, the maknae of the group snuggles to Luhan's crook of neck and inhale the latter vanilla scent.


Luhan loosen the grip on his waist before turns around. A smile creeps to his lips when he sees the taller male sleepy face. Sehun yawns widely before rests his head back to Luhan's shoulder.

"Is my Sehunnie sleepy?"

Luhan asked as he the other soft hair and circles his other hand on the taller back. The dancer nods his head without pulls up. His hand found it’s on way to the smaller waist again and holds it tighter than before. The Chinese male slowly brings the Korean koala to their shared bed and carefully lays their body down.

Like a little puppy, Sehun snuggles down and rests his head on the older chest. His hands grip tightly on the older shirt as his head searches it comfortable position. Luhan chuckles lightly at the childish attitude while hugs Sehun's neck. It doesn't take long until he heard another long yawn which makes Luhan pats the latter in smooth rhythm. He then lulls Sehun to sleep until he hears the taller soft snore.

"We skip dinner then. I hope your stomach wouldn't make a chaos tomorrow."

Luhan said more like to himself. Like he understood, Sehun whimpers and squirms inside his boyfriend embrace and Luhan can't bear his giggle. He gives Sehun a small peck on his forehead. It wasn't long but wasn't short either, it just enough to show his affection. The Korean boy smiles on his sleep before he buries his face to Luhan's chest.

"Good night, Sehun-ah."

Luhan then closes his eyes with a similar smile. He nuzzles his nose to Sehun's hair before dozes of to dreamland, with hope that this week will be good for both of them.

Unlike usual, there was no a bird chirping or soft friction from branches that wakes Sehun up in the morning, indeed there are another melodious harmony from nature. He can hear a soft rustle from sea water when it meets shore. A messy flips from birds wings that obviously trying to catch it food on the sea nearby or their harsh chirp when fighting for a fish. The saltiness and freshness of sea hits his nostril in a good way.

He slowly opens his eyes as the brightness of sun hits his lids and what he sees make the annoying brightness turns into bless. Luhan is standing in their room balcony with his pure morning glory. Somehow the sun hits him in a right angle and makes his face look more flawless than usual. The wind sways his hair gracefully in a swift way. Just how he bends his body towards the fence and his delightful expression make him looks like just jump of from magazine cover.

Too mesmerized, Sehun shakily grabs his phone on his nightstand and captures the rare moment. Happy getting a new wallpaper, Sehun puts his foot one by one to the wooden floor.

"You're beautiful."

Sehun said the first thing when he stands beside Luhan. His arm securely hugs the older waist while the other one reaches for a cold metal beside the latter.

"It wasn't a morning greeting, Sehunnie."

The older male can't help the crescent on his face. He then turns around only to be greeted by Sehun's soft lips.

"Good morning Lu and you're beautiful. I meant it."

The Chinese male accepts another kiss on his lips while trying to prevent a blush that slowly creeps to his cheeks. A shy giggle lets out his mouth as he playfully slaps the toned chest.

Sehun slides aside Luhan but his arm still securely holds the latter waist. There is no space left between then as Luhan hugs the taller arm tightly, scoring their body closer. The older can hear Sehun heavy sigh that makes him slightly worried.

"See? Even nature beauty was nothing compared to you."

The younger boy said in a very serious tone with a pity hanging on his deep voice. Luhan didn't have to look to know there was a fake frown and sadness on his face. His face blushes madly as he buries his face on Sehun's shoulder. A kiss planted sweetly on Luhan's temple. Without exchanging another word, both stay there in a very comfortable silence, enjoying the nature and each other presence. Until Sehun's stomach growls, loudly.

"That's why you don't skip dinner, Sehunnie."

Luhan said between his laughter. Sehun's face is blushing in a deep shade of red and his bottom lip jolts out cutely. Puffing his cheeks out, Sehun slowly retreats his hand from Luhan's waist. It was totally embarrassing especially when they were in that kind of situation.

Before he can run away and hide on his bed, Luhan's little palm catches his wrist and stops his little plan. The latter offers him a little sweet smile that always makes his heart crunching in the most impossible way.

Luhan has many different kind of smile but this little one is the best and the most special. He only gives it to certain special person which only is his parents and Sehun. It was a smile when Luhan pours his heart out and his eyes show it more than his lips. It glistens lovingly as calmness radiating out.

"Let's eat."

Luhan starts to drag Sehun out their room but sadly the latter was stronger so he didn't move an inch. He still stands there cutely, persistence with his sulk. The maknae was totally pissed by his hyung tease. Luhan reaches for the taller other hand and links it with his own. He sways their tangled hand while still smiling.


He said with his aegyo voice. It was obvious that Sehun only faking his emotion but Luhan feels a little guilty to sweep away his smile, even if he is cute when he is pouting.

"Don't be mad, Hun-ah. Hyung is sorry."

The older knows too well that Sehun can't resist him. Even the latter still pouting, he can see the other facial expression slowly soften. Luhan then leads his boyfriend to the kitchen while the taller back hugging him tightly. The Chinese male can't hide his giggle as Sehun rests his chin on his shoulder.  He really enjoys being in Sehun warm embrace, just as much as he enjoys the taller existence.

Both didn't surprise when they saw half of their members already settled on the dining table but the younger also didn't bother to release his hyung. Kyungsoo is the first one who knows their presence and greets them with a simple good morning, then followed by the other. None of them asked about their closeness since it was kinda a usual sight.

It took a while for the 12 members to finish their morning appetite. Kyungsoo even has to go back and forth to the kitchen to feed their big stomach. The usually chaos breakfast becomes more chaotic as they discuss about today plan.

"It settles then. Now, go change. I'll wait you guys at the beach."

The excited leader, who is already in his swimwear and t-shirt, commanded s with big grin on his face. In second, they leave the room, leaving Luhan alone with his pouting other half.

Sehun doesn't seem excited with the plan at all. He didn't say anything along the breakfast. The pout never leaves his face and somehow it makes him look tired. Luhan knows since the beginning Sehun only agree with their vacation because he wants full time rest. He didn't like beach but he didn't hate it. He just didn't like how the sand will stuck on his feet and the salty water crumples his hair.

"If you want, we can stay here, Sehun-ah."

Luhan asked softly while reaching for the latter hand. Unlike what he thought, Sehun dismisses his over and sighs. The younger then drags his hyung to their shared room and changes lifelessly.

Luhan just follow Sehun to where his other friends are. The other already jumps to the water and plays enthusiastically. The sight naturally brings smile to Luhan's face but not to the usually playful maknae.

"Are you sure you don't want to go Sehunnie?"

Luhan asked for the nth time in that 10 minutes of persuading but the latter still didn't want to change his mind.

"Yes hyung."

Sehun sits on a picnic blanket that he knows very well without breaking their intertwined hand. It was obvious that the older male wants him to play together but Sehun didn't realize it. His own stubbornness somehow closes his eyes and makes the obvious thing becomes oblivious.

"I'll go alone then."

Luhan said sadly with a slight hope that Sehun will change his mind and go with him. But unfortunately the latter only sends him away with a small smile.

"Be careful."

It was the last thing Luhan heard before he turns around and walks away from Sehun. It's a bit hurting him when Sehun release his hand but what can he does. Even this rarely happen, but when he becomes stubborn, nothing can defeat him. A few sighs accompany his weak steps until he reaches a loud crown which is no other that EXO.

Bit by bits the lonely feeling starts to creep Sehun's body and makes him lodging the older presence. The pout on his face gets deeper as he watches Luhan plays with his hyungs. They laugh happily and the big smile on Luhan's face makes him feels sad. He smiles and it wasn't because of him. That kind of thought lingering on his mind longer than it should be and makes him chuckles in his own pity.

'Why doesn't he just sit here with me?'

Luhan knows well why he didn't want to join the other. Furthermore, beaches always make him remember about their love confession. This is where they started their story. It is better to cherish it together, alone, isn't it?

He releases a heavy breath as he reaches for a dry stick near him. The Korean male then hangs down his head and draws on the sand sadly which makes him miss the older glance towards him.

They were few meters apart yet Luhan feels the latter was so far away. Covered by his smile, the other member didn't realize how gloomy he actually is. His mood wasn't that good, actually. He only joins to play because he thought that Sehun would join him and they can spend their time together. But sadly his plan didn't work and only makes ime feels bad.

It only been a while but the latter has to admit that he already miss the younger. With a sad face, he looks at where Sehun sits alone. A big part of him is shaken by the sight and forces him to go to the latter and be by his side. But a little part of him is still waiting for Sehun to be the one who come to Luhan.

Despite on his age, his childish side wins over his mind and makes him stay in the water, far for Sehun. He might be the second oldest of the group but he has to admit that his childish side still takes a massive role on his act, especially after he dated Sehun. The maknae, who always act childish and cute, is always being the one who spoiled and took care of Luhan. He might be said that he was the manliest man in EXO and he did take care of his dongsaeng a lot but when he is with Sehun, Luhan has nothing to be compared with the latter manliness, mature and gentle act. Always being treated like a princess by Sehun, this selfish side of Luhan sometimes grows bigger and makes him wants to be spoiled more. The feeling of being loved and cared always makes Luhan acts opposite his age, not that Sehun mind though. He love spoiling his boyfriend and that what he always do. Luhan knows this fact and he can't feel more blessed to have someone as patient as Sehun.

Luhan is too captivated with his own thought until he didn't realize when Minseok and Jongdae approach him silently. The two of them have a mischievous smile on their face as they creepily snuck behind Luhan. Counting in silent, the two Korean male match their synchronization before yelling, surprising the other.


Luhan, who completely shock, loses control of his feet and accidentally falls into the water, with a cute yelp, and cause himself drenches from head to toe. Sadly, the two intruders get hit by the big splash and get wet but not as bad as Luhan.


Luhan yells at the two pranksters as he tries to get up. There were standing at waist-depth so when he tripped, the salty water engulfs him completely. Thinking that the angry deer was cute, the two Korean males laugh hysterically at Luhan.

The Chinese male is too busy scolding the two that makes him doesn't see how anger burning on Sehun eyes. Red dust starts to cover his cheeks from anger and also embarrassment. He unconsciously gulps hard as he stands up and walks to the crowd.


One loud yell from the youngest and he successfully gather all attention to him, including Luhan's. But, as soon as the latter look at him, he regrets his action. He was sure that his face as read as tomato and his eyes similar to Kyungsoo's but he can't take his eyes from his Luhan, at least not when he looks like that.

Luhan stands there with his hand gripping tightly on his hips. Water drops trickle down from his hair and body. Some droplets sensually trail down his milky white neck to his prominent collar bone. His white shirt turns into transparent and hugs his body tightly. Sehun can see every curves of Luhan's body, including his little abs and nubs. The Korean male can feel his own breath hitches as the distance between them decreased.

"Sehun-ah, yo-"

"Ya! What are you doing? You know his immune system is the worst among all of us. Did you want him to fall sick?"

The dancer yells loudly which make the other three males flinch. Luhan doesn't need any other explanation from Sehun when the taller boy grabs his wrist, a little bit too harsh for his liking but Luhan knows the best to not protest, and pulls him from the water. After sending his hyungs his fierce death glare, Sehun drags Luhan away, leaving the other two male dumbfounded.

The Chinese male cheeks blush as he stares at their intertwined hands. It was the most forceful act Sehun ever gives him, with some exception of course. Many different thought clouded in his head but it all stopped when he bumped with a board back he is familiar with.


"Take your shirt off."

Like a deer gets caught by headlight, Luhan's pupils grow bigger in each second. Sehun already broke their intertwined hands and proceeds to take off his dark grey shirt. His blush gets darker as the later toned body exposed to his peripheral view. His teeth sink to his bottom lips unconsciously. Luhan can slightly hear Jongin's voice from his back.

"Woah! Since when our maknae has those muscles?"

Luhan's body quivers and his body temperature increases teasingly. Due to Luhan wish, Sehun never show off his toned body to other people. He made it for Luhan, so it was fair enough if Luhan is the only one who can see and touch it, at least until a few minutes ago.

Pout clearly crafted on Luhan face as he can heard some girl squeal at his boyfriend, remembering him that they were at public and Sehun gives a show to other people. From the corner of his eyes, the Chinese male can catch some girls are fangirling towards them and he knows it wasn't only because they were EXO's member.

"Wear this."

Sehun commanded expressionlessly while putting his shirt on Luhan. He can't hear the commotion he makes since his own mind was clouded with his own thought. It was kind of depressing him when he saw how Luhan looks is. Not only full with his own needs, but he also feels uncomfortable with all eyes that stuck at Luhan.

Holding tightly on the smaller wrist, the dancer drags Luhan all the way back to their cottage. The shirt that hung loosely on Luhan only makes the crowds go wilder. Sehun, who still didn't realize that he himself was also the reason on the furious cheer, clenches his teeth to prevent himself from burst out. His jealousy strikes his patience as he thinks that his little deer was hunted by many hungry wolfs.

The walk back was full with silence since the two male was busy with their own thought. The tense is high between them and grows worse as no one wants to utter any single word. A little bit harder than usual, Sehun slams the main door and stops at the middle of the living room. The Korean male turns a round to face his deer, without releasing the older hand, and stares at the latter doe eyes.

"Lu, I told you to be careful. Do you know how frustrating it is to see you like this?"

Sehun said while pointing at Luhan's chest with his free hand. The latter hesitantly looks down and innocently blushed. Every part of his chest was visible to be seen by public, no wonder Sehun got upset.

"You don't know how lonely I'm before, and then you add this and make me felt worse."

The latter said calmly but Luhan can catch a slight rage on it but he has to admit that Sehun hide it very well. Pang of guilt creep Luhan up because he knows behind his caring side, Sehun is a possessive boyfriend. Luhan aware of this fact since the beginning of their relationship and he always dodges from any chance to make the other bad side out. But sadly he missed this one.

The Chinese male hangs his head low in dejection towards himself. He weakly nips his bottom lips as his legs slowly melt down, losing all of his strength and if Sehun didn't hold his hand, he sure he already slumped down on the cold floor. The latter regrets his decision before. Maybe it was better to stay with Sehun so he wasn't lonely. Maybe it was better if he didn't being stubborn and childish.

Sehun, who sees tears start to fill the older eyes, grabs Luhan's jaw with his hand softly and brings it up so their eyes can meet with the other. He whispered the older nicknames sweetly before pulling him to his embrace.

"Mianhe, Lu. I got carried away."

Luhan hugs the bare waist tightly as Sehun moves his hand up and down, caressing the older back. Sehun can feel the latter warm breath as he talks to him. Their eyes still locked intensely. Luhan puts his chin on the other chest while Sehun looks down.

"Ani, it's my fault. Sorry for making you frustrated."

"Luhan-ah, it wasn't your fault. I just can't handle my jealousy."

"No. It's mine."


Soon, the apologize line becomes a sequence of sweet, nonsense bickering between the couple. Luhan has this playful pout on his face while Sehun tries to hold his smile which starts to become unbearable. Just like that, the problem that seems like a serious problem at the beginning ended up like it was nothing.

Sensing no end in their random talk, Luhan stands on his tip toes and lands his lips on Sehun's pink one.

"Let's just say it wasn't our, okay?"

He then plants a small peck on the younger exposed collarbone which sends electric jolts towards the latter spine. Luhan giggles quite loud when he sees Sehun's body tensed. Determinate to tease the latter, he circularly rubs the other sweet spot behind his ear, near his nape.

Quickly, before losing his right sense, Sehun pulls the older from his, now hot, body away.

"Go take a bath, Lu. You smell like beach."

The older pit of giggle continues again as he tries to give Sehun another peck which is still happen by the way.

"Go now before you get sick. I mean what I said toward hyung before."

The younger said again while pushing the other male towards their shared room. Luckily for him, Luhan follows his comment, or plead, and disappears behind the door.

Didn't want to waste too many time, Luhan only took a quick bath then rushed to grab Sehun's long sleeved, white sweater and his own black short. Wasting no more time, he walks, fast, to the living room and crescent creeps up to his lips as a delicious smell of chicken soup welcoming his quick comeback.

Walking silently to the couch, Luhan wraps his arms on Sehun's shoulder, who sit cross legged while engrossed in reading his new book. The latter already wears new T-shirt complete with a clean sweatpants.

As sweet as ever, the younger male reaches Luhan's hand quickly and gives it a quick yet sweet kiss. The taller male then pulls Luhan around after intertwining their fingers. Not like what he expected, the latter takes a sit beside him, Luhan choose to use his lap as his little comfy couch. After shifting a few times, the smaller manages to sit cross legged while facing his boyfriend with hands securely rest on Sehun's clothed abs.

"Feed me."

The Chinese male said cutely while batting his long eyelashes. Sehun chuckles in a tone of mocking, Luhan know it was the opposite of his real feeling, but he still reaches for the bowl of soup on the coffee table.

"Aigoo, my big baby deer."

Like wooing a baby, spoon by spoon Sehun gives to the latter with many coos in between.

"Say aaa~"

Just like a real baby, Luhan answers all coos and woos with cute smiles and giggles, or even a kiss. At first, Luhan only trying out this new position but now, he has to admit that it was very comfortable and warm. This way he can touch Sehun more, without lead unnecessary thing to go further.

Little touch of affection unstoppably shared between the two male. It took a while for the vocalist to finished his food and when he gulps down his last spoon of the creamy soup, a long yawn follows after.

Sehun smiles sweetly as he puts the now empty bowl back to the table.

"Sleep, Lu."

He brings the latter body closer so Luhan can lean his head on his chest. Snuggling closer to the warmth, Luhan fists the younger T-shirt as slumber starts to take him over.

"I love you, Sehunnie."

"Love you too."

After planting a soft kiss on the older exposed cheek, he pats the other back like a little baby, lulling him  softly. Sehun hums some song for Luhan until he can hear the older soft snore. It's Sehun little hobby to watch the Chinese male sleeping face. The peaceful sight always makes him feels relaxed and blessed. He always feels lucky that an angle like Luhan is the one who fills his life.

Hour passed in silence. Except some soft, deep lulls from Sehun little lips, there was no other sound. The older still sleeps soundly on the Korean male lap while the latter continues reading his book. It is extremely peaceful for Sehun until his loud hyung comes back and loudly, like usual, barging into the house.

"We're home."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol lead the small crowd with their loudness into the comfortable room. In second, the other members walk in and make themselves busy around the first floor of the vacation house. It was Baekhyun who is the first one that realize about Luhan, who is sleeping soundlessly on Sehun's lap.

"Did he seriously sleep like that?"

He points at the older fatal position in completely disbelieve. Shock clearly lingered on his voice. Sadly for Sehun, his other hyungs catch the vocalist word and also starts bothering the sleeping deer. Several pokes and coos come continuously and make Luhan squirms on his slumber. Sehun did try to pry those fad people away but sadly, nothing was enough to win over them.


The second older male whimpers softly. He nuzzles deeper to the maknae's neck crook as his hand tighten it grips toward the latter t-shirt.

His hyungs totally get into his nerve when they are in delight. They thinks Luhan's vulnerable act as a cute one and teases him more, this really makes Sehun furious. Luckily for them, Luhan was a deep slumber so he didn't awaken from their annoying commotion if not the youngest wasn't sure that EXO can perform anymore this month.

Growling lowly, Sehun sent his other hyung his infamous glare as he picks Luhan up. He puts one of his hands on the latter's back thighs as it weakly fall down and hang down motionlessly. His other hand is on Luhan's back, patting the sleepiness back to him.

"I hate you, hyung."

He groaned in annoyance as he back facing them and walks to his shared room. It really gets under his skin when they still disturbing their little moment together even if his Luhan already spend more time with them. He knows it was tiring enough for the older male to play with that hyperactive bunch of males and they still didn't let the latter gets a proper sleep. With clenched teeth, he can't stop thinking over his hyungs childishness.

Softly putting Luhan on their bed, he then pulls the blanket to cover the singer up to his chin, just like the way he likes it. Sehun slowly brushes away the strand of hair that covers the older eyes then caresses his soft cheeks.

"What should I do to you? There is too many crazy wolves around you."

He said with a sigh. Luhan squirms again under the covers as frown crafted deeply on his forehead and his hand searching for something, Sehun presume it was searching for him. He gently tucks in and wraps the latter into his arms. Luhan cutely snuggles into his chest which makes the dancer nuzzles his chin on the latter hair. Unconscious giggles left Luhan's lips when Sehun inhale a huge amount of his scent, a perfect mixture of lavender and vanilla.

"Lu, you have to let me be your white horse prince."

He said softly as his eye lids get heavier.

"If not, I think I will die with this anxiety."

Closing his eyes, sleepiness drowns him as he finishes his last word. But he didn't miss three words that were out from Luhan's mouth and now dancing on his mind, a soft mumble that bring smile to his restless face.

"You are, Sehun."

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OhLuleeby #1
Chapter 15: I really love this story. I read it slowly because I can't handle it when one chapter ends. I'm so into their fluffiness. Hunhan~
mintyice #2
Chapter 13: rip my soul...
akedsnwlsmdmrwlsmdelsmwkwmskswldka O(-(
bubbleHunHan #3
Chapter 12: Kkkk... cute ♥♥♥ thz for the update, bb ^^ pls more fluffy chaps and also with some slight angst jealousy scenes? XD
Chapter 12: sweeeettt~

i wanna taste sehunnie's lips too > 3<
Chapter 2: tho the korean words kinda threw the feels but its still cute omg
Chapter 11: awwww...this surely made my day! thank you~ ^^
i need to breath
chunjoe1004 #8
update soon !
exoshinhwa #9
Chapter 7: Geeez!!!! Sooo much love here! Miss u for a long time, anyway thanx for comeback with this beautiful one... Hope the wedding comes soon!!! Mansae!!!!