For You

Embracing Happiness

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August glint. Sun's heat starts to calm down more and more, making leaves house power can't get enough light and turn its color into red, orange, and yellow. The bright gradation decorates whole Seoul parks and sidewalks. Both day and night get colder but luckily it still tolerable.

Yet again, Zitao is being weird nowadays. Almost every day all he did just whining and complaining. The third maknae had some bad days lately. Except Kris, nobody knows the reason and he didn't want to spread it out. The Chinese leader, after days and days pleading to their managers, manage to get them half-day off in between their packed schedule.

It's already fifteen before three in the afternoon when the twelve men step out from a Chinese restaurant near their office and drive together in two separated vans towards their main destination, theme park. As predicted, the amusement park wasn't crowded in Monday afternoon, which is basically the busiest day in the whole week. Not many people have time to spend it by having fun.

"I'll fence you at ten, okay?"

Their manager said from behind the stirring wheel as the member jump down from their vans. Joonmyeon gives him an 'okay' before both vans rushing out to the exit. The two leaders then lead the other member to the entrance before leave them to buy their tickets, leaving the other ten male to go all excited and loud over the map direction.

Since there is no queue, it didn't take long for Kris and Joonmyeon to join their gang. Huge grins plastered on their face as they were greeted by rows and rows of rides. The park themed song plays on the background, caressing their ears while the colorful color around pleasing their eyes.

"Kids, we'll gather at that restaurant for dinner at 6 then meet here at nine thirty if you want to go home together, okay?"

Their leader said while pointing at a restaurant on his left before rests his hands on his hips. Some of them simultaneously answers before spread around in smaller groups after they got their leader's permission.

Luhan, who ended up with Kris, Tao, Kai and, of course, his Sehun, only stands at the very back of the group, looking down. Since the beginning, the maknae already dragged around by Tao. It's quite pathetic in his own mine when he realizes he was being jealous over the best friend closeness. He didn't like how Tao's hand draped over where his hand should be seated, how they chat so happily until as if he feels Sehun forget about him. But there is no way he could protest since it was clear that this trip was planned for the latter. At least, just for today, or maybe awhile, he'll share his Sehun with him. That's why he tries to bury the unbearable need to be with the younger male, although it was harder as he knows the latter was close to him.

"Hyung, let's ride that!"

The panda boy said as he pointing to one of Luhan's nightmare. High up on the sky, only supported by a thick wire, a sequence of colorful box moves from one point, up to the other side of small hill in the middle of the park. The older Chinese male freezes at his spot as he only can stare wide eyes at the moving car. Never in his life has he ever imagined he has to ride it. But there again, it's for Tao. For Zitao.

The latter jumps excitedly as he pulls Sehun and Kris away, making Jongin excitedly trailing behind while Luhan takes his own shaky steps. It's a public secret that the second oldest has height phobia but at that time nobody seems remember it.

He didn't know that every few second, the maknae keeps stealing a peek towards him with a very raw concerned face. It's been a long time since they actually play together and he wasn't sure that the older can overcome his fear. But what can he do. The excited Chinese maknae already too excited to open his ears.

Luhan hangs his head low. Not far from him, he can hear Tao and Jongin excited chant over the ride. He never understand why people enjoy that kind of ride. He sparks himself that he can do it and it's for his dongsaeng sake. He is manly and a man can fight back his fear.

He can't stop sighing, calming his heart and muscles down, but then it turns into pained whimper. He just looks at his own feet while unconsciously following the shadow in front of him. When he just thinks that he probably can do it, the surface under him changed as wind blows on his hair. He clearly sees the shaking floor of the cart and it makes his color drained. If not for the railing, he is sure he already slumped down on the cold metal floor.

"A-are you sure it is safe?"

He whisper-asks the operator beside him. Luhan's pupils grow wide and he finds it's hard to breath. On the other hand, the male worker beside him looks at him with a frown.

"Since the opening, nothing happened, sir."

His Adam's apple bobs up and down as he swallows his own thick saliva. He brings his finger to his temple, scratching over the un-itchy part.

"Ge, what are you waiting for? Hop in."

Tao said excitedly, totally oblivious with the other male fearful face. Except Luhan, the other EXO's members already are standing inside. Can't wait any longer, Tao drags the older male inside right before the door closed, giving Luhan no chance to run away.

The cable car starts to move roughly. It's shaking harshly at the beginning but luckily it only for a mere second. It wasn't a problem for other people but it is a big problem for the deer.

Just like a newborn fawn, Luhan gets paler over the movement and his wobbly legs barely support his own weight. He carefully walks to the other end's corner, far from s and grips tightly on the silver railings. He closes his eyes, doesn't dare to stare out at the scenery under him. No matter how beautiful the other said, he have zero interest towards it.

"You'll be okay."

A soothing voice caresses his ears as a familiar arm drapes itself on Luhan's waist, which makes Luhan feels like home.

"I've got you. Don't be afraid."

Sehun calmly said as he feels Luhan drops down his shield and lets his body fall to him. Trying to not bring any suspicions, he stands back facing the other three males as his other hand clasping on the metal surface, makes him covers Luhan fully from sight.

 A pair of hand grips tightly on his shirt and he can feel wetness on the fabric. He sighs deeply as he throw his head back and tightly shut his eyes. If there are no people, if it's only the two of them, he is sure he can take care of his baby more proper. Only if.

A pang of guilt and regret creeps up his chest as he heard Luhan's muffled, soft sobs. Initiatively, Sehun nuzzles his nose down, towards the older male crook of neck and he papers small kisses over the tensed muscles. His thumb can't stop drawing shapes on Luhan's waist as he silently hears the latter breakdown.

His lips stay in a firm, straight line for almost half of the ride, it only tugs up, a tiny bit, when the other male sobs died down. But the heavy feeling still lingered on him.

Luhan still deeply buries his face on Sehun's chest, nestling in a best he built there a long time ago. His heart is beating so fast, the combination between his anxiety and his love. Even after all this years, standing near Sehun still makes him flustered.

The taller male holds Luhan's chin in between his finger as he lifts the older face up. His thumb freed the latter's bottom lip from his own lips before he caresses it softly.

Although it's weird, Sehun has to admit that Luhan after-crying-face is one of his most beautiful states. Cheeks red, stained with tears as his eyes go puffy and watery. Pouty lips that grows redder as he bites on it continuously. His eyebrows tied cutely in the middle. Thick layered of long eyelashes flips up an down while his button nose scrunches once in a while, preventing it from running down. If it's other people, it'll look weird and disgusting, but love does male people blind.

When their eyes met, Sehun tries to smile, encouraging the older male. Usually, he would rather kiss the latter senseless until he can't think of anything but him, but sadly, the situation didn't allow him to do such a thing.

Both know that it wasn't Sehun's sincere smile but both also know that it was kind of enough as Luhan smiles back. The younger male releases his grip from his waist then moves his hand up to holds the wrist that lying on his chest. Bring it up, his lips met the soft skin before he lets Luhan plays with it.

Twiddling the fingers between him, Luhan tries to control his breathing. It's a relief that Sehun finally back to him at the right time. A squeeze and another one come repeatedly from the younger, reminding him that he was there, and it was enough for Luhan to fight back his fear.

With the back of his hand he wipes the remaining tears as he takes several deep breaths and sighs. He reassures himself that he is a man and he can do it, also he has Sehun with him so there is nothing to be scared of.

Sehun touches are bizarre. It always gives whatever Luhan needs or what he wants, in a right amount and a right time. From pain to comfort, it always gives effect on his nerves.

Even calmed down still far from Luhan's state now, but it is far better. He didn't look out the window but he manages to have a small talk with Sehun.

When the cable car reach it peak, it shakes a little bit worse than at first. Sehun expect a scream or cry from the man beside him, but all he can hear only a small yelp and a light squeeze on his fingers. He looks down, to see any water drops in the older eyes, but there is none. Luhan shuts his eyes cutely, that pulls chuckles leaving Sehun's mouth, sinking his own fright deep down his ocean of mind and preventing it to make a comeback.

Sehun knows his baby is okay, and always will be.

It doesn't take long until the four sided cabin comes to a halt. The couple, with three other obvious man walk down to enter the other part of the park as their separate from each other, refraining from any suspicious eyes to get it prey.

There's not much different in the area, only in this side, there is more extreme rides and booths. Rather than fantasy land, this side looks more adventurous and thrilling. Big and tall rides are everywhere, as screams echo through every surface of fake wooden plats.

Sehun already saw insecurity in the older eyes as they steps out the cable car building. His usually shiny face clouded by grey clouds, waiting for rain to fall down. It is a sad sight but somehow still breathtaking nonetheless. Luhan looks so small and fragile, so delicate and squishy, makes Sehun wants to protect him more.

Without the other knowing, Sehun interlaced his hand with Luhan's behind their back. He brings him closer and when their excited mind starts to take over, Sehun knows it is the right time to bring Luhan away.

It was his guilty pleasure, running away with Luhan was his long time dream. He really want to go away from this busy circumstances and lives alone with his baby in more peaceful place, where they can do anything they want without scared people may notice them. But this is real world. A world where people have to fight and put away their selfish dream.

They run and run until they can see Kris's head anymore behind them. Sehun looks back to find Luhan panting hard while grasping his knee with his free hand. He chuckles as his hand reaches out and ruffles the older soft locks. Luhan looks up with slight pout on his face but it soon gets wiped off as he sees Sehun bright smiles above him. The latter eyes twinkles, showing off his happiness, and it makes Luhan smiles shyly.

"Let's enjoy our time, shall we?"

The younger asked his hyung and of course the latter didn't say no. They then strolls around after releasing each other hand, since secret still has to be buried deep down.

The couple talks animatedly with each other while occasionally compete over some games on the booth they passed. It's between the younger male have to yield after several round of winning because of Luhan's pout or Sehun has to play some rounds because 'Luhan wants the main prize, which almost all of it big dolls, but he wasn't good at anything except the mini basketball game' of he didn't want to see his boyfriend dejected face. After hours, they ended up with some prizes on Luhan arms and one stupid, or cute in Luhan's eyes, penguin-shaped Snapback on Sehun head that Luhan forced him to wear because 'it was a present from me. It you don't wear it, you didn't love me. Besides, it eyes look like yours a lot, Hun.' Sehun rolled his eyes at that but he still wears it.

It was a lie if Sehun said he didn't tire but at the end, he still gets to spend some times only with Luhan. The smile that permanently plastered on Luhan's face makes him can't regret the whole walking around thing. After all it's all worth it.

"Sehun-ah, shall we walk back? It's almost six already."

The older male said, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Sehun smirks at the said male face. Although he is the one who said that, he seems didn't know that his expression didn't agree with him. His lips tug downward reluctantly but he didn't realize it.

"Why don't we have our own? We eat together for almost every day. It's been awhile since we have meal just for the two of us."

The younger male still pleads even though he knows well that Luhan wants the same thing, but still, asking wouldn't hurt, right?

The latter smiles softly as he hangs down his head in shyness. Sehun chuckles. Sometimes his older boyfriend looks like an innocent toddler. He intertwines his forefinger with Luhan's, Sehun secret attempt of cute act, and then he leads the older to a secluded restaurant nearby.

The sun already set when the two male walk out with full stomach, giggling without any care about the world around them. The blue sky changed into deep shade of orange and purple, ready to turn into solid black. The lights all around the amusement park light up in hundreds color, decorating the park to another level of beauty.

"What's next?"

Instead of answering, Luhan hold the other man hand tightly and pulls the full handed man, since Luhan's prizes were with him except the one Sehun get from winning a shooting game, to somewhere deep inside the booth section. They stopped on a small closed booth. Sehun just frowning as he follows the older man into the booth but then he realizes it was a photo booth, a weird one actually.

It's pink everywhere. Ribbons and laces fill all over the space, not leaving any corner to free from the girly touch. Although he knows Luhan for years, he still finds it amusing for the former to able to enter that kind of place, based on how manly he actually is. Even for himself, who usually tolerate that kind of thing better than Luhan, all those pink and laces still give him cringe. But there again, if Luhan wants it then no one can stop Sehun to make it happen.

The taller man freezes on his spot meanwhile Luhan busies himself with setting on the touch screen panel. The older then nudges him back to his sense, with his smiley face, as he brings Sehun's arm around his own shoulders. Luhan snuggles closer to Sehun's embrace as he makes a peace sign with his other hand that wasn't on the younger male waist.

"Say cheese."

He smiles widely and Sehun can't help not to imitate him, smiling until his pupils gone. The second photo, both of them make a cute face, Luhan with his cheeks puffed and Sehun's holding a wink with a side grin. The third one, Luhan hugs the hell out of Sehun by his waist and the latter kisses his cheek. The last, the older just stares at Sehun innocently, silently forcing the latter to do the same. Only then, right before the small camera captures them, the younger one closes the gap between them and as what he planned, his lips meet with the other softer pair for a mere second.

Luhan is shocked but he didn't hate it, instead that kind of little surprise don't fail him falling again and again for the younger. Then there again, there is no living moment in his live he ever loses his feelings.

It didn't take long for the photos stripes to be printed. They walk out the booth only to be welcomed by the dark sky and dim light above. Their surrounding was empty, changing the crowded place into a deserted area. Rather than feels the creep of the silent night, Luhan knows his body is relaxer than before. Finally, he can do anything with Sehun.

Just as the thought of holding the younger hand comes to his mine, Luhan's nerves were not as fast as Sehun's since he beats him by doing so.

Sehun's particular warmth spreads through the older body as he molds his body to the other.


Sehun asked while tilting his head down so he can catch a little glimpse of face that buried on his side. He is sure that Luhan's smelling him but he can't protest since he himself likes to inhale the latter vanilla scent.

"No. I just miss you so much."

The taller male laughs while heartedly at Luhan's nonsense comment but he still brings the body closer, squeezing the non-existed air between them. The older male smiles at Sehun's happy face, enjoying how handsome he is, until the laughter sound damped by a sequel of loud explosion.

Both of them look up to the night sky, still keeping each other on their arms, and awed by hundreds sparks of colors tint the dull dark horizon. Luhan is completely captivated by the fireworks, while it only has effect on Sehun for a little while.

The colorful sky was nothing compared to the beauty under his chin. The latter is literally glowing. The light was reflected from his skin makes it seems whiter than it already is. Not to mention how his eyes glow in excitement. He is a perfection that can't be flawed by anything, not even by a new scar he got due to their new choreography practice.

Just like how he adored the man when they first met, Sehun knows well that the admiration never leaves him. His pretty lover happens to be more beautiful than that time, rising Sehun's fear at the same time, fear of losing the latter.

He is selfish for Luhan. He wants the latter all for himself, but at the same time he didn't want to force anything on him, including his feeling. Although he makes up his mind a long time ago to follow Luhan's heart only, but he knows he can't be okay if the latter choose to leave him one day. Sehun only can pray that he wouldn't have that kind of thought.

His eyes naturally flutter shut as familiar lips touching his in a long, sweet dance. He can feel the long fingers that he grew fond to play with his strand of hair while occasionally pull it back, granting it owner some more space to devour his prey mouth. But gravity and nature still holding them. Luhan would never have the control over the kiss for a long time. He always lose every time their red fleshes cooped in a firm battle of dominance.

Sehun didn't pull away after he gives the swollen lips a small peck but he bend down again, treasuring the feeling on his stomach, as he starts another long session under the sky of light. He is motivated to own those lips, and other part of Luhan, for as long as the latter let him. He didn't know what will the future be for them but he will always fight for Luhan. For him he will give the whole world of happiness to cherish. Just for Luhan.

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OhLuleeby #1
Chapter 15: I really love this story. I read it slowly because I can't handle it when one chapter ends. I'm so into their fluffiness. Hunhan~
mintyice #2
Chapter 13: rip my soul...
akedsnwlsmdmrwlsmdelsmwkwmskswldka O(-(
bubbleHunHan #3
Chapter 12: Kkkk... cute ♥♥♥ thz for the update, bb ^^ pls more fluffy chaps and also with some slight angst jealousy scenes? XD
Chapter 12: sweeeettt~

i wanna taste sehunnie's lips too > 3<
Chapter 2: tho the korean words kinda threw the feels but its still cute omg
Chapter 11: awwww...this surely made my day! thank you~ ^^
i need to breath
chunjoe1004 #8
update soon !
exoshinhwa #9
Chapter 7: Geeez!!!! Sooo much love here! Miss u for a long time, anyway thanx for comeback with this beautiful one... Hope the wedding comes soon!!! Mansae!!!!