
I Won't Give Up On Us

Onew was summoned by President Kim Young Min on the conference room once again. He was nervous. If he was summoned alone then something was wrong. He was getting ready to be shouted upon by SM President again.


He saw their manager Jin along the hallway walking with a heavy heart towards the direction where he was also going. He stopped for a while and looked at him. He was sulking too like him a while ago. Something seems not right. If he and his manager was called out like this then there is a very huge problem going on.


“Hyung…” He called him for he seems to be in deep thought.


He stared at him for a while and then sighed. “What did you guys do again without my knowledge?” He asked Onew. He shook his head for he doesn’t know what they did wrong.


They both sighed before entering the room. They were both looking at each other. No one wants to open the door in front of them. They were scared that once the door was opened, President’s loud voice would hit both of them.


“Onew-ssi…” A familiar voice called out Onew. Onew’s deep thinking and his nervousness broke when he heard that familiar voice. His head automatically turn to the direction where he heard the familiar voice.


It was Sunmi. She’s with an ajusshi he was seeing for the first time. He tried smiling at her and the ajusshi beside her. He thought maybe it was her uncle but he still wasn’t sure.


“Why are you here?” He curiously asked. He was still examining the ajusshi. Sunmi was arm in arm with him. He thought maybe it was her dad.


“My dad and I will tackle business here.” She excitedly told him. He was relieved that the ajusshi was really her dad.


“What are you doing here with those sweatshirts on? You looked exhausted… and tired.” Sunmi has her eyes on him. She looked curious and also seemed worried.


“Wait guys… Onew, who is she? How did you know her? What is your relationship with her?” SHINee’s manager Jin asked Onew confusedly.


Sunmi’s dad looked confused at them too. He was eyeing on Onew when he heard manager Jin asked about the relationship between him and Sunmi. He was about to explain everything when Young Min suddenly came out of the conference room.

“Manager Jin, Onew. Why are you taking so long to come in?” He asked them irritated not realizing that they were talking to someone.


Onew’s attention was shifted to Pesident Kim. He greeted him politely bowing 90 degrees. He was scared seeing him. He hoped he won’t get angry with him in front of Sunmi and her dad. That would be embarrassing especially when he doesn’t even know the reason.


“There will be a vistior coming to talk with you guys. You should go in. We will wait for them.” Onew was shocked that Mr. President was calmer than her thought he would be. But he didn’t understand what he said.


“President Kim… we’re here. I’m glad to see you again.” Sunmi’s dad greeted Young Min politely.


Finally the president noticed him. He was so happy to see him. He was smiling widely. He went to his side and shook his hand.


He sees money again. Onew thought.


“President Hwang! Come in. Let’s discuss the contract with their manager and their leader first.” Mr. President leaded them to the conference room.


But Onew was still confused. He just looked at Sunmi who was following her dad. What kind of business it is that it’s related to SHINee? And Sunmi would be involved? Onew wanted to know everything.

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Chapter 3: uhh author nnim , please update soon ^^