Chapter One

To Hear His Voice. [HIATUS]

'Why did they have to leave me?... Why doesn't anyone come to get me?... Why wont anyone TRY to understand me?... Am I a ghost?...' Those were the only things running through my head. The only things I could remember before the darkness overcame me. 

As Usual, I sat in the corner of the room as the other kids played around with their friends. I didnt want any friends... I found them all liars. I even heard them bad-talking about others. I sat and played with YenYen (My Teddy Bear) as a couple walked in and scanned the room. I gave my attention back to YenYen. 

"Hi..Why are you sitting here alone?" Someone asked me as I looked up into the women's eyes.

"OH..This is Teo. He is a mute.Well...Not Really...Its autophobia..." The director informed him.

The man approached us as he looked down at me.

"You like him? Do you think he's the right one?" He asked the women.

"YUP! IM POSITIVE~" The women sang as she quickly picked me up.

I threw her a shocking look before smiling sweetly at her, hoping this would be my chance to escape this prison.


I looked at them sign the papers as my heart beated in a happy beat hoping to be adopted by them and have a happier life.

The women looked at me as she slightly gave me a smile.

They stood up and shook hands with th director. They approached me.

"Go ahead and pack all of your belongings you are now free from your little room." The director smiled at me as if she knew I was waiting for this day to come. 

I quickly jumped off my seat and ran to pack up my things. 

"Hyung.. Are you leaving?" Yunyoung asked me as I folded my things.

"Mmm..." I answered.

I only speak to Yunyoung and he is the only one who hears my voice. I trusted him so much. We entered the orphanage together and we wanted to leave together, hoping to become step-brothers.

"Hyung.. Will you promise to come back for me?" Yunyoung pleaded as he sat down beside me.

"I promise." I gave him a smile.


They drove me home as the women started a conversation with me.

"Hi. Im Ren. Im going to be your new Appa!" 

Appa?... Isnt this a women?

I nodded slightly confused.

"That person driving is your OTHER appa, JR." He smiled.

I looked at the other and nodded.

When we arrived at their home, IT WAS HUGE!!! Pretty nice. 

Ren Appa gave me a shower and soon we had dinner.

Even though I dont reply to them, they still tell me their plans for tomorrow.

They told me I needed to go to school, and that Ren Appa will see if he can get me into his class.

Then when we get home, We will eat a snack, do some homework and when JR Appa comes home, We can go out to eat dinner.

"Is there anything else you want to do tomorrow?" Ren Appa asked me.

I thought for a while...

"Can we go back to the orphanage tomorrow too?...." I said in a quiet voice.

"Orphanage? Why? Did you leave something?" JR Appa asked.

I shook my head as I continued eating.

"Alright, We can go back tomorrow. How about that?" Ren Appa asked me.

I nodded my head as he took up our dishes and washed them. 


Something shook me as I squinted my eyes open.

"Wake up time! Rise and Shine!!" Ren Appa smiled.

I slowly sat up as he picked me up and carried me into the bathroom.

When we finished eating breakfast, Ren Appa told me he was going to get me a ride to SCHOOL.

I have always wanted to go to one. Hearing the word just made my heart race.

Even though I was happy, I was also scared. Will they bully me? Will I be an outcast like back at the orphanage? Will they hate me for not talking to them?That was all I could do. Worry.

When we came to the school. Rennie Appa told the women at the front desk that he wanted me in his class because of my inability to speak.. He even signed papers for me to be in his class. 

When we walked in the students cheered for Appa. 

"New Student!~" 

I looked over to see a girl pointing at me. I quickly ran behind Appa's legs.

"Lets welcome Teo. Shin Teo. This is my son... Now.. Who would volunteer Teo as your partner?" Appa sang as he scanned the room.

A hand shot up as Appa crouched down to me.

"Teo.. Go sit next to him... His name is Yun. Okay? IF you need any help, ask him." Ren Appa smiled at me.

I nodded as I silently sat next to him and flashed him a smile.

Appa continued class as time went by. Soon, Lunch time invaded us. Kids invaded our table with their lunch boxes.

"Which Orphanage did you come from?" 

"Did you have fun in class today?

"Pleath be my friend? Yeth? (Please be my friend? Yes?)

I looked at them and silently looked away.

"Now, Now.. Lets not bother Teo too much. Okay? He is shy and doesnt talk much. So lets just eat our lunch." Ren Appa reminded the kids.

"But can we sit next to him?" 

"Teo, Would you be okay with that?"

I nodded happily as the other students placed their seat and ate happily while flashing me smiles.

This is a VERY fun school indeed.

We had fun and it was finally time to go home.

We came home, at a snack, Appa gave me a shower.

Soon, JR Appa come home! He told me to wait one moment, then we can go to the orphanage!

I want to see Yunyoung! 

When we got to the orphanage, I raced into my former room.

Ren and JR Appa quickly raced after me.

"HYUNG!!!" Yunyoung screeched as I opened the screen door.

"Hyung!!! You came back to see me!" Yunyoung jumped around me.

I nodded as I flashed him a knowing smile.

"Hyung!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around as I saw Ren Appa speaking to.. REN APPA?.. 

"Ryu? What are you doing here?" Ren Appa asked.

"Oh, Me and Jin are trying to finds a child. Any recommended?" 

"Uhm.. Teo.. Come Come." Ren appa called as I walked over to him.

"Teo, This is my Twin brother and your uncle, Ryu. That is his Husband... Jin. They want to adopt a child, Do you have anyone that you recommend?" Ren Appa asked.

I quickly ran over to Yunyoung and grabbed his hands, Dragging him with me to Ren Appa.

I pointed at Yunyoung as he hid behind me.

"What's your name little boy?" Uncle Ryu asked him

"Y-Yun Young..." 

"Teo, Is he your friend?"

I nodded as I flashed another smile.

"Sir? Are you okay?" The director asked.

"Dont tell me you are here to get Teo back into the orphanage.." 

"NO NO!! We are here because Teo wanted to come back. He wanted to do something.." 

"I see he came back to see Yunyoung." She smiled.

"Eh? How did you know?" JR Appa asked.

"Well.. Yunyoung is the only person who has heard Teo's voice ever since he joined. Considering they joined the same day, Used the same room, And stuck together most of the time.."

"Uhm.. Can we adopt Yunyoung?" Uncle Jin asked.

"Of course! Right this way please.." She lead.

"Hyung! Did you hear that? IM GETTING ADOPTED TOO!!" Yunyoung smiled.

I smiled back giving him a light nod.

He wrapped me into a tight hug as I carried him into the conference room.

"Ahem, Why dont you two get your room ready for the next two lucky kids?" The director gave us that knowing smile.

We happily ran into the room as we prepared everything SUPER well. We even left a picture of ourselves on the table between the beds for the next two children.

"Ready to leave now kids?" She smiled as she ruffled our hair.

We happily nodded as we skipped out of the room.

"Thank You so much for contributing with us!" 

"No, We are glad to be able to help these children. They are wonderful!"

And deep inside, I knew that the end, was JUST the beginning. I just knew.

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Chapter 4: So yun n teo dating ?