Sweet Revenge - one shot-

Sweet Revenge - one shot-

Oppa, let’s go back! You your heel and he almost bumped at you

What? Why so sudden? Seungri was surprised at your sudden decision


You looked back a little, to checked if she’s there for real. She was. Your ex best friend was standing near the bar surrounded by three tall men and her new best friend. All of them were having great time, chatting, laughing and sipping their drinks. !


You see her? You whispered to Seungri, your eyes never leaving the group. He looked in the same direction you were looking and nod

Know her? He asked leaning to your ear for you could hear him better over the laud music and people in the pub

Unfortunately… you replied with a disgusted expression.


Kate. Your best friend since High School. She was the one who introduced you to Asian music, movies and culture. Until the time, when it was you, who moved to South Korea before her. Few years ago, when both of you graduate yours undergraduate studies, she took the opportunity to work in her uncle’s company full-time. You, on the other hand wanted to study more. You found a school with graduate degree that you loved and it was on Seoul National University. When you told Kate about your plans, she wasn’t happy. During your last months before the move out, she avoided you, didn’t answer your phone calls and hang out with people she never introduced you to.


While you were studying on SNU you met Ji Eun – the stylist of BigBang. You became her part-time assistant and met the members. After a year, you got the message from Kate – she was moving to Seoul. Excitement of the meeting her quickly turned of. She was talking only about herself. How she get herself to Korea, how she met her boyfriend now-fiancé and how you should wish you would be her. It was like that every single time you were seeing her.


You dragged Seungri to the dark corner of the pub and told him a short version of Kate and your’s friendship.


She want to feel that she’s better than you… he said when you finished What a !

Shhii! You covered his mouth with your hand and looked around to check if someone heard him I’m not in the mood for another round of this, so please… let’s go somewhere else!


He grabbed your elbow, dragged you in the opposite direction to the door – heading to were Kate and her friends were standing and put his cap lower, to cover his eyes


What the hell are you doing, Seung… you hissed at him, but he interrupted you

______-ah! What would you like to drink? He asked loudly turning to you. You were standing at the bar and he was ordering drinks for you, inches from were Kate was!

Um… Double Martini? You said with a sigh. You could feel that Kate is looking at you. If Seungri made you to talk with her, at least you will make him pay for your drinks. You won’t listen to Kate sober.

_____! Is that you? she pulled you to a tight hug. How are you! You know my fiancé, right? His a lawyer. And this is… It’s starting again… I’ll kill Seungri!! Where’s my martini?


Suddenly he gave you your drink and with a relieve you took a big sip almost choking yourself from the amount of alcohol. Seungri patted your backs and that made Kate to notice him


And who’s that? Your boyfriend? Why you didn’t introduce him? Cause you didn’t let me the chance to say a word

He’s my friend… I work with him you said turning to face him, but he was on the phone speaking to one of his hyung. He gave you I-have-to-leave-for-a-moment sign and went toward the exit.


Yah! Seung Hyun! You’re a dead meat when you’ll come back!! You screamed in your head.


For the next 20 minutes you were listening to Kate and her friends about their successful jobs, vacations on exotic islands and connections. Yon the other hand, was drinking another double martini and you were wondering how did they come to an idea to put an olive into a drink… you were quite drunk and didn’t pay a lot of attention to the surrounding.


And then, I told him “you’re in a big mistake, if you think I’ll accept that offer” Kate’s friend was talking about her ‘career’ now. At least Kate let her say something…

_____-ah, I’m back you heard Seungri on your right. He was standing there – without a hat on his face and proud as a peacock when he saw Kate’s open mouth as she recognized him. You could barely see her shocked expression as you were distracted by someone’s arms around your waist. You looked at them shocked and saw tattoos on the his lower-arms. Few seconds later, you felt JiYong’s chin pressing lightly on your shoulder.

Hi was all he said when your eyes widen when you saw his face inches from yours.

Is that…Seun…Ji… you know th… Kate was speechless as the two members of the most famous boy band appeared in front of her.

____-ah, do they have any ice cream here? T.O.P appeared between JiYong and Seungri, looking around the pub What you’re drinking? He took your Martini, and took a large sip

Yah, oppa! That was mine! You pouted playfully and pull out an empty glass from T.O.P’s hand. JiYong laughed and ruffled your hair a little bit, while Seungri was ordering drinks for everyone and Daesung and Youngbae sat besides me. Despite the amount of alcohol you’ve already drunk, you realized what was their plan and you agreed to play along them.

Guys, I want you to introduce you to my classmate, Kate and her friends They all were in too much shock to speak something more than plain “Hi”. When Seungri came back with drinks, Kate finally spoke with trembling voice

H..ow… did you… met? You were suppose to study a plain major at SNU! Her voice became more sharp when she was addressing the last part to me

I… I tried to reply but JiYong interrupted me

______-ah works for YG as our stylist he didn’t add that it’s a part-time job and that I’m just an assistant.

S…stylist? Kate couldn’t believe

You know, being in the backstage at every concert, photoshoot, CF… JiYong explained

…or giving us advices if we simply don’t know which boxers suits us better Seungri added with a wink and you blushed so much, that you were sure your face is in the same hot red color as the sofa you were sitting at. Youngbae choked with his drink as he heard the maknae and you saw him blushing, too.

Yah, maknae! _____’s friends don’t want to know about your underwear, so don’t embarrass them T.O.P scolded the youngest, but you could see he’s trying his best not to burst with laughter.

Now, we don’t mind to see the underwear… Kate said quietly with a heavenly look on her face … I mean, know about it… Her fiancé gave her a scolding look and she tried to come away unscathed from the trap she pulled herself into I mean… that must be hard to connect SNU and your job. My fiancé was working and studying, but he’s specially talented. You were always so lazy…


Auu… that hurts you thought as you tried to remove the knife from your back


It’s not a problem for me, cause I love spending time with boys and I don’t consider this as a job you said more confidently and put your right hand on JiYong’s knee and your left arm rested on T.O.P’s shoulder who changed his place with Daesung. Kate swallowed and you smiled wider And I don’t have to spend my money on kpop albums or merchs any more, ‘cause boys always share with me their work before anyone can hear it… or I just simply get them from them at your words Kate hided her hand with a One of a Kind bracelet on it.


And who’s better now, !?


15 minutes later Kate decided that she must go now, because she’s got work tomorrow. We said your goodbyes and all of us watched as Kate and her friends exited the pub

Ha! You’re right, Kate! Run away, and leave being awesome to _____-ah. My plan was the best! Seungri called a bit too loud when they left. You punched him on his side hiding your laughter Yah! What was that for?

For the underwear!


Everyone laughed and ordered some more drinks, celebrating your victory.

You love them. They are so supportive. Know, that you can depend on them in every situation. What would you do without those guys? You don’t even want to know.


If the world makes you sad,
Say my name whenever and wherever, 
I am 119 emergency, for you only
I’m only 5 minutes away, yeah yeah

Your sorrow that you feel isn’t sorrow
It’s a rope that bonded us together

I’ll get wet in rain for you
Run without a stop
Go through a rough wind yeah
Your heavy burden, dark shadow
I’ll block then all now

[BigBang, Oh my friend]

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kimboomboomkim #1
Chapter 1: omg i'm laughing so much right now......hahahah seungri, i love you too much!!
jess11041102 #2
Chapter 1: wow! it's amazing! i like the underwear part! >< hhahaha~
Chapter 1: YAY i really liked this story. your so good PA and don't disagree cos your UNI says so. LOL
jessicalm145 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha the underwear!!!
vachina #5
Chapter 1: That was really nice! Yeah, Kate! Go away, you little piece of poo!

Okay, I just felt really awkward saying that because Kate is my nickname..