Heartbroken? Maybe not

Deep Down



It was around 7:00 p.m. when they were getting ready to leave. As they were near the exit, Donghae texted the rest of the group-   Haesica on the way out

Soon they got texted back saying-   Taeteuk on the way out soon with Soowook.  Seokyu left already, and the rest will be out later. Won’t be back until after dinner.

 Right at the bench near the exit, Jessica caught something at the corner of her eye. When she stopped Donghae looked back and saw what she was seeing.  Jonghyun was with another girl. Not just with another girl though, her hands were around his neck and they were kissing. Right in front of her.  And both of them didn’t even notice her presence.

She was mad, and upset. Upset because she didn’t realize that Jonghyun has been playing with her the whole time. Mad because he had been. That’s when she realized something. Not just something, but everything. He takes classes in acting, so he was acting the whole time. He was always busy when she wasn’t. He only went out with her when he asked, never when she asked. So that means Krystal was with him the whole time too, and she probably knew Jessica was being played with.  Her heart was played with. But most of all, she was confused. She was warned that he was a player right when they started going out. She still trusted him then.  Her icy heart had been melted today because of Donghae, but right at that disgusting sight, that sight of that ing with Jonghyun, her heart froze back up.

Donghae was mad, his blood was boiling. No one dared to hurt Jessica like this. He was about to march up to that son of a and kick his when Jessica took a quick glance at him and stopped him before he did. “They’re not worth our energy,” she said coldly and turned around to face Donghae, “let’s just go.” 






-- I know this chapter's really short (and crappy) so I got another one for you guys...

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Chapter 23: Oh so adorable!! Wow, lots of babies! Anyways happy new year, I can't believe it also, time went too fast.
Chapter 21: Beautiful!:) I want to read more:( I totally loved it, so cute and unusual.
Chapter 21: That was really sweet....
Chapter 21: awwwww hehe haesica <3
SwiftSwiftSwift #6
Chapter 21: Aww they finally confessed to each other :)
Chapter 20: :) :) :) :)
Chapter 20: Is it just me or did they actually got matching dimming gear as the girls...
Chapter 18: This is such a funny story....I love it pls update soon...
Chapter 17: LOL XD