
Coffee Shop First Sight Love


Knock , Knock ! I hear a knock from the door . I quickly open the door . "Hana? What are you doing here and where are you going?" i ask Hana . Hana is grinning . "Eomma ask me to invite you to the mall " Hana tell me . "Okay . I'll dress up . Wait for me !" i tell Hana and close the door . Hana is dumbfounded . Lol xD


I dress up into a short dress and slim cut jeans . Cute or not ? :3 I grab my handbag and my phone . I go to downstairs as fast as i can . I see Hana and Tae is already wait for me at the house door . Hana crossed her arms and make her annoying face -_- 


"Unnie ! Why are you so late?!" Hana yell . "None of your business !" I say . She pouts. I get into the car . I sit at the back . Hana and Tae is sitting infont of me . I see Appa is seating on the driver seat . "Appa ! You're home!" i say to Appa . "Yes dear , i'm home" appa say . I laugh when appa say like that .


For 10 minutes i sit in the car . The mall isn't this far . "We're here already . Let's go" eomma tell us . I get out from the car before Hana and Tae . Before i get out from the car,I knock Hana's head . She chased me but i stop her from being so childish . 


I walk with Hana and Tae . We let our parents having their time . I'm between Hana and Tae . Then,i see our parents stop from walking . Eomma suddenly ask us "I want  to treat you guys a new clothes . You want or not ?" Hana is the fastest shooking her head . Eomma smiles to us . Tae and I smiles too .


Hana is very excited . Yeah , she's a shopaholics like me . But,i'm not that excited . *In the Shop* Eomma let us choose our clothes . So,i choose a cute dress , tshirts and jeans . After choosing them,i put them at the counter while waiting for Hana and Tae . A minutes later, i see Hana walking into the fitting room . This girl -_- 


"Tae,have you done choosing your clothes?" i ask Tae . Tae turn his back . "Yes , unnie . I already put them on the counter" Tae answer . I nod only . I walk towards the fitting room . "Hana,are you there?" i ask Hana . "Yes Unnie,i'm here . Unnie,come in for a while!" Hana say . Hana open the door and pulling my hands in . "Unnie,this dress fits me or not?" Hana ask me while checking out the dress . 


"You look very nice with this dress,Hana ." i say while smiling . My sister is so pretty ! "Jinjja ?" Hana ask me again . "Yes , Hana" i try to convince her again . She smiling again . "I wait you outside . Faster" I say and get out from the room . 


I see Eomma and Appa walking towards me . I smile at them . "Done choosing your clothes?" Eomma ask me . "Done but Hana don't yet ." i reply . Eomma nod . She knows her child well . Hana is already out from the fitting room . Appa is paying for our clothes ..


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wanniewagon #1
Chapter 12: kyaa!! this is cute!!
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 10: woah!! please update soon authornim! ^_^
wanniewagon #3
Chapter 9: Kyaaa!!! youre jjang authornim!
wanniewagon #4
Chapter 6: yey! an update ♥↖(^▽^)↗
wanniewagon #5
Chapter 4: aww...Sweet ::>_<:: I wish i had a sister like that! lol XD update more authornim!
wanniewagon #6
Chapter 3: kyaa!! this is very interesting!!! please update soon authornim!