You made my day

Coffee Shop First Sight Love

I see Daehyun is walking towards me . I keep looking at my table . Dammit ! Why he is so handsome ?! He could melts any girls ! Urgh .. My heart whisper .. I hear someone is pulling the chair and it's must be him . "Annyeong . I'm Daehyun and i think we have met before , right ?" Daehyun say . I look at him . "Annyeong .. Yes . At the coffee shop?" i reminds him of the incident :3 He is thinking for a while and "Ohh ! You're the girl that i hit , right?" I'm blushing for a seconds "yeah you're" i say. He is laughing insteads of my reply . My bestfriend is absent today . Urgh that girl --' The teacher is giving us a paper with 50 questions . Dead zz -_-


I answer the questions properly . I think Daehyun is smarter than me .. I think ! One of the questions make me really upset . I want to ask Daehyun but i'm shy ... Ei -.- So,i decide to ask him . "Dae,can you teach me how to solve this question?" i ask Daehyun . Daehyun put down his pen and take my paper to see the question . "Oh . Let me show you" he say . And he show me the way to solve the question . I'm too concentrate . Lol xD 


After he showing the way , we continue to answer the questions again . A half and hour is past . Nearly finish .. After Physics class,we have AddMath subjects . Killing subjects ever . During the Physics class , i can concentrate more than before . Maybe my crush is sitting beside me :3 Lol . 


He really made my day ! *8 hours later* The bell ringing ! Yeay ! It's time to go home ! I act like a kid . Lol . The teacher allow us to out from the class early . But,i must wait for my brother and sister . Haish . I want to walk with Daehyun !! Hm . "Err,Daehyun,are you walk alone or someone else gonna walk with you?" i ask him . "I want to walk with you . I'm not usual to walk alone in this new school.  hehe" he say and i'm like ... Oh dear, you make me melting again ! "Hehee okay" i say . We get out of the class . Many eyes staring at us . The way the looking at us like we're making a big mistakes ! Hey ! In this school , it's a normal thing if a boy and girl is walking together -_- 


I wait for my brother and sister . SO late -.- Then,they're already out from their class . Then,they're shocked i think . They're looking at me and Daehyun and they're smiling . Then,they're bowing their head to Daehyun . Good job . haha .


Four of us are walking together . Infront of the school gate,i already see my driver car . "Dae,my driver is here . Takecare . Byebye" i say to Daehyun and waving my hands to him . Daehyun is smiling and wave his hands to me . I'm smiling too much . ehehe .


In the car,my sister is keep asking me who is Daehyun . "Unnie ! Who's Daehyun?!!" Hana ask me . "He's my friend . Why?" i slowly reply . "Jinjja? You're lying ." Hana still want to know my secrets -.- "Can you please shut up?!" i yell at her . She is stick out her tongue to me . What the ?! --'

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wanniewagon #1
Chapter 12: kyaa!! this is cute!!
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 10: woah!! please update soon authornim! ^_^
wanniewagon #3
Chapter 9: Kyaaa!!! youre jjang authornim!
wanniewagon #4
Chapter 6: yey! an update ♥↖(^▽^)↗
wanniewagon #5
Chapter 4: aww...Sweet ::>_<:: I wish i had a sister like that! lol XD update more authornim!
wanniewagon #6
Chapter 3: kyaa!! this is very interesting!!! please update soon authornim!