

“Kibum-ah, your fringe is a little long, go get a haircut.”
“But Hyung, it costs sooooo much just to get a trim.” pouted Kibum. “I’ll get my hair cut when it's longe- wah!” He yelled as he knocked onto the dining chairs in the kitchen.
“See, I told you. You can't even see properly. Just get a haircut before you injure yourself further.” preached Jonghyun.

It was another day for the SHINee members. Today, Jonghyun and Kibum was responsible for looking after the dorm while the other three went shopping for their groceries. With nothing to do, Jonghyun started picking on Kibum’s hair.

“No way, those salon people won't even do it for free, even when I'm so famous.” mumbled Kibum.
“Famous? Who? You? “Joked Jonghyun.
“Hyung!” Kibum ranted as he playfully slapped Jonghyun’s arm.
“Haha, tell you what, I'll trim your hair for you.”
“No way, you'll mess up!”
“I won't, I won't!” persuaded Jonghyun with a smile. 
“Yes you will.”
“I won't. I promise.” Jonghyun said solemnly. “I just don't want to see you hurt yourself knocking into things.”

Seeing Jonghyun being so serious, Kibum finally conceded.

“Fine. Trim my hair. But if you mess up my hair I'll shave all of yours.”
“No! But I promise I won't mess up, okay?”
“Fine. Just...don't mess up.” sighed Kibum in defeat.

Jonghyun got Kibum ready by wrapping a towel around Kibum’s neck.

“Here, do you want to stand, or do you want to sit on the kitchen stool?”
“I'll sit. I don't trust your hands enough to stand and let you cut.”
“Haha, okay,” smiled Jonghyun.

After Kibum sat on the stool, Jonghyun stood at his back and said, “Are you ready? I'm going to start cutting.”
“Actually, no. maybe it is better if I waited till Minho is back and I’ll ask him to cut it for me. He’s probably better than you. Or maybe I’ll just go to the salon after all.”

Jonghyun turned Kibum around to face him.

“Just trust me, okay? I won’t ruin your hair, I promised that, didn’t I?” said Jonghyun as he stared into Kibum’s eyes. Shocked and embarrassed, Kibum looked away and blushed, mumbling something along the lines of ‘just cut it.’ Seeing that he got what he wanted, Jonghyun smiled and started combing Kibum’s hair.

“So I'll just trim your fringe by…half an inch? Would that be okay?”
“Yeah…” muttered Kibum.

So Jonghyun began t Kibum’s fringe, bit by bit. He was concentrating very hard so as to not ruin Kibum’s hair.

“Kibum-ah, close your eyes for a bit.”
“oh, okay” said Kibum as he shut his eyes. He felt the cool metal of the scissors sliding against the lids of his eyes as it snipped away his fringe. Then suddenly the snipping stopped, and he felt something warm pressed on his lips.

In shock, he opened his eyes and jumped a little, and all he saw was Jonghyun’s eyes as he kissed him. Blushing madly, Kibum stood up abruptly and muttered:

“A-a-are you done with my hair? I’ll g-g-go and check it now. If its messed up, y-you’ll pay for it, okay?” he said with a tilt at the end, and ran to the bathroom-his heart pounding.

Jonghyun, now worried that he might have offended Kibum, went after him.

“Kibum-ah, open up okay?”
“W-wait, I’m still checking” came a small voice from the bathroom.
“Look, I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to scare you.” Apologized a sorry Jonghyun.” If it makes you feel any better, you can forget all about what just happened. You can even hit me if you want.”

There was no response from the bathroom.

As a last resort to remedy the situation, Jonghyun said “it was just a joke, so you don’t have to take it to heart, okay? Just come out. You might catch a cold if you stay in the bathroom for too long.”

Suddenly, the bathroom door slammed open.

“Just a joke? IT WAS JUST A JOKE?” choked Kibum with tears streaming down his face. “WHAT THE HELL, JONGHYUN. TO THINK THAT I WAS BOTHERED BY IT. IT WAS JUST A JOKE TO YOU HUH! J-just a joke…”


“NO. DON’T SAY MY NAME. YOU THINK I’M JUST A JOKE HUH. GET AWAY FROM ME, WAIT, I’LL GO.” Kibum said as he pushed Jonghyun away and went for the door.

“Kibum-ah! Listen to me-“Jonghyun shouted as he grabbed Kibum’s arm.

“LET ME GO!” cried Kibum, as he dropped to the ground, struggling weakly to be freed from Jonghyun’s grip.

“I’m sorry.”

“Let me go.”

“I’m sorry, Kibum.”

“What for? You don’t have to feel sorry, I'm just a joke right? Just let me go.” he pleaded desperately.

“I’m sorry. It wasn’t a joke.” Jonghyun whispered.

Still crying, Kibum struggled again. This time, Jonghyun wrapped his arms around him. Surprised, Kibum struggled even more, but this only made Jonghyun hug him harder.

“Let… let me go…” Kibum argued weakly.

“I love you.”


“I love you.”

“Let me go.”

“I love you.”

“Shut up. I won’t believe you. ”

“If you don’t believe me, then I’ll say it till you believe. I love you. I have always loved you. The kiss wasn’t a joke. I really wanted to kiss you, because I love you so much. It was becoming unbearable. It was so hard for me, I didn’t even know if you liked me. I guess not, you probably hate me a lot. But it’s okay, because I will still love you. I love you, Kibum. Believe me.” rambled Jonghyun as tears started welling in his eyes. “I understand if you don’t like me. It’s okay. I just want you to know that no matter what happens you’ll always have me. I will understand if you won’t accept me, but-“

Jonghyun was pulled into a kiss by Kibum before he could finish his sentence. After what seemed like an eternity, Kibum let go.

“K-k-Kibum-ah,” stuttered Jonghyun as the tears spilled over.

“I never said that I won’t accept you. Why else did you think I was so bothered by the way you treated me just now?” blushed Kibum with a smile as he wiped away his falling tears. “I have already fallen in love with you since a long time ago, you idiot.”

Speechless, Jonghyun didn’t respond as he stared into Kibum’s tear streaked eyes. Then, he lifted his hand to touch Kibum’s cheeks. In respond, Kibum held his other hand.

They both leaned in for a kiss.



It wasn’t till 2 hours later when the rest of the SHINee members came back.

“We’re home! And we bought top grade beef! Let’s have hotpot for dinner!” shouted Taemin as he bursts through the front door. He stopped short when he saw both of his hyungs lying in a heap on the sofa, sleeping soundly. What him as odd was that both his hyungs had puffy eyes, though they were smiling in their sleep. Kibum was starting to wake due to all the noise.

“What happened to them?” Minho asked as Kibum woke.

“Ah, Minho.” Mumbled Kibum in his sleepy state. “Hyung, Taemin, welcome home.”

“Kibum-ah, what happened to the both of you?” asked a worried Jinki.

“Nothing much, I got my hair trimmed.” smiled Kibum.

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Chapter 1: The sudden reaction of tge two it's sooo cute!
blind_angel #2
Chapter 1: awwww >.< so fluffy!!!
Chapter 1: >.< Aww this was so sweet~~~~
Kibum really does need to get a new haircut though. He's been blonde since their Japanese debut :(
Chapter 1: I loved the whole darn thing. Especially the ending. It was really classic and made the whole thing seem so natural. Great job!