Chapter 5-The Bet


Take that Minzy thought as she got up.    

All five girls looked at each other and were surprised that she could even move her body like that.

“Let’s see what you got!” Minzy shouted at them as she picked her hat up.  She waited patiently for one of them to step up to challenge her, but when none of the girls moved, she rolled her eyes at them and walked out of the circle.  Freaking wimps!  They sure like to talk the talk, but they can’t walk the walk.  A couple of students moved out of her way as they stared at her clothes. 

“Minzy!” Taemin shouted as he ran up to her.

Minzy turned around and smirked, “What’s up?”

“Yah!  I thought you said you weren’t coming?  When did you get here?” Taemin asked. 

“An hour ago,” Minzy replied. 

“When did you learn how to dance like that?” Se Hun asked as he approached her.

Minzy smiled as she replied, “Since I was young.”

“No, I meant popping and locking like that,” Se Hun corrected himself.

“Oh, a couple of years ago,” Minzy replied. 

“You were really good!” Tao excitedly said.  “You sure shut them down!”

“Let’s have a dance battle,” Kai suddenly suggested as he walked towards her.  “You‘re obviously a very good dancer, but I hardly doubt you would be able to win against me or Taemin.”

Minzy glared at him and smirked, “I’ve seen the way how you both dance, and I’m very impressed.  But I can easily beat the both of you.”

Taemin smiled, “So, are you up for a dance battle against us?”

Minzy eyes glowed with excitement, “You bet ya!”

“All right!  Let’s do this!  Right here, right now!  Ladies first!” Kai shouted as he started backing up.  This is going to be interesting!

Just as Minzy was about to take her black zip up sweater off, the DJ played a slow song. 

“Ah man, now we have to wait until this song is over,” Se Hun complained.

“Stupid slow song,” Kai muttered.

“Hey Kai, do you want to dance?” Sulli asked as she tapped him on his shoulder.

“Sure,” Kai quickly replied as he smiled at her. 

“Let’s dance,” Bomi excitedly said as she pulled Tao away.

Tao smiled, “Okay.” 

“There you are!” Krystal said as she back hugged Se Hun.  “Let’s dance.”

Se Hun turned his head around and nodded his head yes.

Taemin gulps as he stared into Minzy cold eyes.  Ask her to dance with you!  Don't just stand there looking like an idiot!

What’s wrong with him?  Why is he staring at me like that? Minzy thought as she stared back at him.

“Do you want to dance?” Taemin nervously asked.

Minzy raised her left eyebrow up, “Excuse me?”

Ignoring everyone around them, Taemin took a couple steps towards her and repeated, “I said do you want to dance?”

Minzy eyes widen as she bit her lower lip, “Ah…”

Taemin held his right hand out to her and smiled, “Come on, I promise I won’t step on your feet.”

Minzy stared at his hand as a little smile curved on her lips, “Well…”

Taemin grabbed her hand before she could answer him and slowly pulled her into his arms.  He whispered into her right ear, “Follow my lead.”  With that, he placed her arms around his neck as he wrapped his manly arms around her tiny waist.  He moved their body side to side as he stared deeply into her innocent eyes.

Minzy could feel her cheeks burning as she stared into his warm eyes.  She could feel her heart thumping really loud from her chest as they dance together.  OMG!  I can’t believe I’m dancing with a boy!  My first “REAL” dance!

Taemin pulled her closer to him as he quietly whispered into her left ear, “I’m falling for you Gong Min Ji.”

Her heart fluttered as she heard those words come out of his mouth.  Is this really happening to me?  Did duck just say he was falling for me?  What does that mean?  She cleared , “Yah!  What are you trying to say?”

Taemin blushed, “I’m falling in love with…”

Minzy raised her right eyebrow up, “Yes?”

“……your dancing skills,” Taemin quickly replied as he mentally face palmed himself.  Stupid…why didn’t you just tell her the truth?

Feeling a little disappointed with his answer, she gently pushed him back a little and laughed, “You scared me there for a minute.”

Taemin tilts his head to the side, “What do you mean?”

“I thought you were going to say the big 3 words to me,” Minzy truthfully replied as her cheeks started to turn a little pink. 

“Oh, you mean the I LOVE YOU?”

Minzy nodded her head yes, “Someone once told me, don't ever say those words unless you mean it.”

“Have you ever said it to anyone before?” Taemin nervously asked.


“WHAT?!” Taemin cried.  Feeling extremely jealous, he asked, “Who did you say it to?”

“My dead parents,” Minzy replied as she looked away from him. 

“Oh,” Taemin said as he started to feel stupid for bursting out at her like that.

“Oppa, does Taemin like Min Ji or something?” Sulli asked as she leans her head on his chest.

Kai shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not sure.  Why do you ask?”

“Because they’re dancing together,” Sulli replied as she points her finger at them.

“WHAT?!” Kai yelled as he quickly turned his head. 

“I thought Naeun was supposed to be his date?” Sulli asked as she scratched her head.  “Shouldn’t she be dancing with him instead of Min Ji?”

Kai remained silent as he stared at them.  He didn’t know why, but he was starting to feel angry as he watched his best friend flirt with Minzy.    

“Kai?  Is something wrong?” Sulli asked she lifts her head up.

“No,” Kai replied as he turned his attention back to her. 

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Um…nothing,” Sulli said as she continued to dance with him.  “Are you busy this weekend?”

“I’m not sure, why?”

“Would you like to come over to my house and watch a horror movie together?” Sulli nervously asked. 

Kai looked over at Minzy and Taemin again as he replied, “I’ll let you know by the end of the night, okay?”

“Okay,” Sulli said smiling at him. 


“Alright kids, this is going to be the last song for the night.  This song was requested by Lee Taemin to Gong Min Ji,” the DJ announced as he played “Heart Attack” by EXO.

“Come on, let’s dance Minzy,” Taemin said pulling her into his arms before she could say no.

“Yah!  I don’t…” Minzy trailed off as Taemin dragged her out to the dance floor.  As much as she hated the attention that everyone was giving her, she was actually having a really good time.  For once, everyone was being nice to her.  Maybe it’s because they saw how the way how I dance she thought.  And what surprised her was that Taemin had been dancing with her for the past 2 hours whether it was a fast or slow song.  He never left her side and it made her feel even more nervous because every time they would dance together, her heart would flutter. 

“Yah, do you think Taemin is going to confess to Minzy?” Tao asked Kai who was staring intensely at them with his angry eyes.

“I don’t know,” Kai snapped.

Tao raised his left eyebrow up, “Yah, is there something wrong?”

“No,” Kai replied as he walked away from him.

“Hey man!” Se Hun cried as he stopped Kai.  “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to look for Sulli,” Kai replied as he brush passed his shoulder.

Tsk, what the hell is up your Se Hun thought as he watched him disappeared from his sight.

“Thank you,” Taemin said as smiled at her.

Minzy gave him a weird look, “For what?”

“For coming tonight…and for dancing with me,” Taemin replied as he blushed.

Minzy smirked, “You’re welcome duck.”

Taemin rolled his eyes at her, “I give up.  I’m tired of reminding you to call me oppa instead of duck.”

Minzy giggled, “Yah, I thought I told you that I’ll call you oppa when I feel like it.  Don’t you listen?”

“Whatever,” Taemin mumbled as he pulled her closer to him.  “By the way, have you been taking your medications like you’re supposed to?”

“Yes I have,” Minzy replied.  “I’m feeling much better.”

“That’s a relief,” Taemin said as he smiled at her.

“You do know that Naeun is going to be pissed at you for dancing with me for the last 2 hours right?”

Taemin scoffs, “I don’t care.”

Minzy smirked, “Are you sure?”

Taemin nodded his head yes, “I didn’t even want to come with her in the first place.”

“You’re such a liar.”

“It’s the truth!  I was waiting for someone to ask me to be their date,” Taemin truthfully said.

“Really?  Who?”

“……you,” Taemin replied as his face turned red.

“M-me?” Minzy stuttered. 

Taemin nodded his head, “Yeah, but then you told me you weren’t going…so I said yes to Naeun when she asked me.”

Minzy tilts her head to the side, “Do you like me or something?”

Taemin smiled, “What do you think?”

“Answer the question.”


“May I cut in?” Niel interrupted him as he tapped Taemin on his left shoulder.

Taemin gave him a dirty look and replied, “No.”

Niel made a sad face at him, “Please?”

“Yah, go dance with someone else.  Can’t you see that she’s already taken?” Taemin snapped.

Niel looked at Minzy and smiled, “I never got the chance to thank you for saving me from those thugs.  I really wanted to dance with you tonight but Taemin kept hogging you.  Since this is the last song, may I have a dance with you?”

Minzy removed her arms from Taemin’s neck and replied, “Sure.”

“What?!” Taemin cried as he looked at her.  “Are you serious?”

Minzy nodded her head yes, “Oppa, you’ve dance with me all night.  Since Niel asked me nicely, I’m not going to turn him down.”

Niel gave her a big smile as he held his left hand out “My lady.”

I feel like a princess right now Minzy thought as she placed her hand with his.

Niel pulled her into his arms and started slow dancing with her as Taemin stood there glaring at them.  You bastard he angrily thought as he marched away from them. 

5 minutes later

After the song was done, everyone started heading out of the commons.

“Thank you for the dance Min Ji,” Niel said as he winked at her.

“You’re welcome,” Minzy said as she gave him a tiny smile.  I can’t believe I danced with two guys!

“How long do you have to wear that bandage on your face?”

“Until all my inflammation pills are gone,” Minzy replied.

“I feel horrible because you got hurt,” Niel said touching her injured face.

Minzy flinched at his sudden touch as she quickly backed away from him, “Don’t be.”

“Yah!  Touch her again, and I’ll kick your !” Se Hun shouted as he ran towards them along with Tao and Taemin.

Niel put his hands up in the air and said, “Whoa!  Chill out!  I wasn’t going to do anything to her.”

“Relax you guys,” Minzy said rolling her eyes at them.  She turned her attention back at Niel, “Have a good weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.”

Niel gave her a big smile and said, “Thanks.  See you on Monday.”

Minzy waved good-bye to him as she noticed that Kai wasn't with them.  She tilts her head to the side, “Where’s Kai?”

“He’s over there,” Tao replied as he pointed his finger at the front doors.  He was talking to Sulli and a couple of her friends as Minzy said, "Oh."

“Do you need a ride home Minzy?” Taemin asked. 

Minzy shook her head no, “That’s okay.  I feel like walking home tonight.”

“In the dark?  By yourself?” Se Hun asked.  “Yah, aren’t you afraid that someone might kidnap you?”

“Or you,” Tao chimed in.  “Or worse, what happens if you run into a ghost?!”

Minzy burst out laughing, “You guys are FUNNY!”

Taemin tilts his head to the side, “Yah, what’s so funny?  It’s not safe for a girl to be walking alone by herself.”

“I can take care of myself.  I don’t need any of you to be worrying about me.  Did you guys forget that I can fight and defend myself?” Minzy reminded them.

Tao crossed his arms in front of his chest, “But what happens if you’re outnumbered and you get beat up?”

Minzy smiled, “Then I get beat up.  What else am I supposed to do?  Call for help?  That’s only for weaklings.”

Se Hun shook his head in disbelief as Taemin begged, “Please quit being stubborn and let me give you a ride home.”

Tao eyes widen, “Lee Taemin is actually begging?  Wow, this is rare!”

Se Hun nodded his head an agreement as he quickly pulled his cell phone out, “I have to record this!”

Minzy gave them both a weird look, “Am I missing something?”

“Taemin never begs!” Tao replied.

“If he is begging you, then you’re obviously a very SPECIAL person to him,” Se Hun explained smiling at her.

“Yah!  Shut your mouth!” Taemin cried as he madly blushed.

Minzy stared at Taemin for a minute before she asked him, “Is that true?”

Taemin nodded his head yes as he stared at the ground.  Gosh, this is so embarrassing!  I’m going to kill Se Hun and Tao when I get my hands on them!

I’m special to him?  Does he like me or am I just thinking too much?  Should I let him take me home?  If he does, will it start becoming a habit?  I think he’s blushing!  How cute Minzy thought as a little smile curved on her lips.  She quietly mumbled, “Fine, I’ll let you take me home.”

Taemin quickly looked at her and smiled, “Really?”

Minzy nodded her head yes.  Damn, why am I feeling shy of a sudden?  I’m never like this!  Get a grip of yourself Gong Min Ji! 

“Oppa, I’m ready to leave,” Krystal said as she approached Se Hun.

Se Hun nodded his head as he turned to look at his friends, “I’ll see you guys on Monday.”

“Bye,” all three of them said as they waved good-bye to him.

“Bomi is waiting for me so I’m going to get going,” Tao said.  “Bye guys!”

“Bye,” Taemin said.

Minzy nods her head at him and smiled, “See you.”

“Let’s go,” Taemin said as he grabbed her by the hand.

Holy !  He’s holding my hand!  Calm down heart…calm down Minzy thought as he dragged her out of the commons.  She could hear students whispering and pointing their fingers at them..

“Are they dating?”

“Why is Taemin holding her hand?”

“Does he like her?”

“Did they just hook up or something?”

“Naeun is going to be super jealous.”

“He’s got some bad taste.”

“Do you think she bribed him with something?”

Taemin stopped walking and turned around, “Yah!  Do you morons have something to say?  If so, say it to my face!”

Everyone stopped whispering as they quickly shook their heads no.  Taemin smirked, “That’s what I thought.”

Holy cow!  Did duck just snap at them?  Wow, I have never seen this side of him before.  He must have a dark side to him…interesting Minzy thought as she smiled at him.

“Am I that handsome that you keep staring at me?” Taemin teased as they walked towards his car.

Minzy blushed as she quickly looked away from him and quietly mumbled, “Handsome my .”

“What was that?”

“Nothing.  I said nothing,” Minzy replied.

Taemin rolled his eyes at her as he opened the passenger door for her to get in.  He gave her a confused look, “What are you waiting for?  Get in.”

“Oh, ah…yeah.  Sorry, I was just shocked that you opened the door for me,” Minzy replied.  “Your action tells me that you’re a gentleman.  Guys like you are hard to find now and these days.”

“You think I’m a gentleman?  Is that a good thing?”

“Of course it’s a good thing duck!  Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Oh, I always thought girls preferred bad boys,” Taemin replied scratching his head.

Minzy shook her head no, “Not all girls want bad boys.”

“Oh, well…um…what kind of boy…I mean…man would you preferred?” Taemin nervously asked.

Minzy bite her lips as she shrugged her shoulders, “I’m not sure.  I never thought about that before.”

“Really?  Why is that?”

“Tsk, look at me.  My physical appearance isn’t exactly the ideal type that any man (or should I say boy) would want to date me.  I’ve been told numerous times that I look very manly,” Minzy replied.  “Not only that, but guys don’t like girls who denominate them because that hurts their pride.”

“You don’t look manly,” Taemin said as he observed her from head to toe.  “In fact, you look perfect.”

“Tsk, you’re just saying that to be nice.  I really don’t care what people think of me.  This is ME.  If they don’t like it, then they can kiss my .  I’m not going to change for anybody,” Minzy firmly stated.  She got into his car as she put her seatbelt on.

And that is what I like about you Gong Min Ji Taemin thought as he closed the door.

20 minutes later

“Thanks for the ride duck,” Minzy said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

“You’re welcome,” Taemin said as he turned the engine off.  He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to look at her and said, “I’m going to walk you to the door.”

Minzy smiled, “Okay.” 

“Sit tight.  I’ll come and open the door for you,” Taemin said as he got out of his car.  He quickly ran over to her side and opened the passenger door for her.

Oh my god duck…I think I’m falling for you.  Don’t you know that I’m attracted to nice guys?  If you walk me to the door, I might do something that I might kissing you Minzy thought as she got out of his car.  The next thing she knew, he grabbed her by the hand and gave it a small squeeze.  Her heart fluttered again and this time she felt butterflies floating around in her stomach.  Damn you duck, stop making me feel like this!  You’re killing me! 

“Your hands are soft,” Taemin said as he walked her towards the door.

“T-thank you,” Minzy stuttered.  Oh my god!  Did I just stutter?  I never stutter! 

They walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Taemin asked, “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”

Minzy shook her head no, “Why?”

“Would you like to hang out?” Taemin nervously asked.

“Sure, but it depends on where we are going to hang out,” Minzy replied.

“Well, um…is there a certain place you like to hang out?”

A huge smile curved on her lips as she nodded her head, “I like to hang out at Korea’s Combat Ring.”

Taemin raised his left eyebrow up, “Really?  Why do you like to hang out there?”

“A lot of professional martial arts teachers go there to work out.  Sometimes they’ll have “friendly” fights to see who the “better” fighter is.  I usually mock their moves without them knowing it and then I practice it on my own,” Minzy replied.

“Ah, is that how you learn how to fight?”

Minzy nodded her head yes, “If it wasn’t for that, I would have never known how to fight or defend myself.”

“Don’t you have to pay to be a membership there?”

“Yes, but I work part-time there as a custodial so my membership is free.  As long as I’m employed there, I get to use it whenever I want,” Minzy replied.  “There is supposed to be a mystery guest coming tomorrow to challenge some of the professional martial arts teachers with his Wu Shu skills.  I’m really excited to see that!”

“I would like to see that too,” Taemin said smiling at her.  “I think that would be entertaining to watch.”

“Well, um…would you like to come with me tomorrow?” Minzy shyly asked.  “It starts at 10:00am and it ends at 12:00pm.”

Taemin eyes lit up with happiness as he replied, “Of course I’ll come with you!”


“Yeah, so…I guess this will be considered as our first date right?”

Minzy gave him a weird look, “Date?”

“Well, yeah…you don’t think so?”

“Oh, I thought we were just hanging out as friends?” Minzy truthfully said.

“Ah, I…oh…never mind,” Taemin said.

Minzy let go of his hand and smiled, “Okay, um…I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, um…can I pick you up?  I mean, since we’ll be going together, it’ll make more sense if…”

“Sure!  You can pick me up at 9:00am,” Minzy happily replied. 

Taemin smiled, “Cool!  Perfect!”

“Have a good night…oppa,” Minzy said as she blushed.

Taemin eyes widen, “You just called me…”

“I know…um…good night,” Minzy quickly said as she turned her back against him unlocked the door.  She walked inside and turned around and quickly bowed her head at him before she shut the door.  Damn you duck!  You’re seriously killing me!


“Damn, I’m so out of shape,” Minzy complained as she stopped running from her morning jog.  She bent over and breathed heavily.  Beads of sweats dripped down her forehead as she tried to catch her breath.  I need some water she thought as she saw a gas station nearby.  She dig into her sweater and found $2.00.  Perfect she thought as she started running towards the gas station.  As soon as she got inside, she went straight towards the back where all of the water bottles were located.  Suddenly she heard a familiar voice standing next to her talking on the phone with their back turned.

“Sulli wants me to go over to her house and watch a horror movie together,” Kai replied.

Ah!  It’s ert!  He doesn’t know I’m standing behind him!  I’m going to scare him she thought as a huge smile curved on her face.  Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned in towards his right ear from behind and screamed, “ERT!”

“AHHHHHHH!” Kai shouted as he flinched.  He dropped his cell phone on the floor and turned around.  As soon as he realized who screamed in his ear he growled, “YOU!”

Minzy burst out laughing, “Hello!”

Kai ignored her as he bent down to pick his phone up, “Hello?  Are you still there?  Hello?  Aish!”  He glared at her, “Thanks to you, they hung up on me!”

Minzy stuck her tongue out at him and smirked, “It’s not my fault you dropped your phone.”  She turned away from him and started walking towards the cashier. 

Kai followed her as he asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Buying water, duh,” Minzy replied as she handed the cashier her money. 

Kai scoffs, “No Sherlock.  I see that.  I meant what are you doing up this early?”

“I’m doing my daily routine.”

“Which is?”

“Jogging.  Since I’ve been injured for the past week, I haven’t been able to do my morning jog like usual.  I’m surprised to see you up this early.  Shouldn’t erts like you still be in bed?” Minzy teased.

“Yah!  What makes you…” Kai trails off.

“Here is your change miss.  Thank you and please come again,” the cashier cuts him off.

“Thank you,” Minzy said as she took her change.  She walked out of the gas station and realized that Kai had followed her.  She turned around, “Is there a reason why you’re following me?”

Kai crossed his arms in front of his chest and scoffs, “Who said I was following you?”

“Get lost then,” Minzy said as she opened up her water bottle.  She took a few sips of it and put the cap back on. 

“Tsk, whatever…” Kai mumbled as he brush passed her shoulder.  Stupid witch!  Why do you always argue with me whenever I see you?

“Yah!  ert!” Minzy shouted from behind.

Kai ignored her as he continued to walk. 

“ert!” Minzy cried as she ran up to him.  “Stop ignoring me.”

“What do you want?” Kai snapped as he looked at her.

Minzy smiled and replied, “Nothing.  I just feel like messing around with you.  Is that okay?”

“No,” Kai replied as he picked up his pace.

Minzy giggled as she followed him and poked his left arm, “Aw, are you mad at me?  Do you want to know something?”

Kai continued to ignore her as he kept on walking.  Although she is being a pest right now, why do I feel happy at this very moment?  Is it because she is following me?  Or is it because she’s teasing me?  Aish!  I hate this feeling right now!  Stupid heart…quit thumping so hard!  If you thump any harder, I’m bound to have a heart-attack!  I’m too young to die!  There are a lot of things I still want to do in life like go to college, drink, become a famous idol, date, travel, and go to all of the naughty ADULT clubs.  Oops…did I just say that?  Oh well, at least no one know heard it.   Hehehehehe….

Minzy poked his left arm again and said, “Yah!  Are you deaf?  When a person is asking you a question, you’re supposed to reply.  Hello?”

Kai stopped walking as he glared at her, “What?!”

“I LIKE YOU!” Minzy joked as she stared at him with her intense flaming eyes.

Kai eyes widen as he stuttered, “W-what did you just say?”  Omo!  I think my heart just stopped beating.

Minzy burst out laughing as she punched his chest, “Gotha!” 

Kai stared at her in disbelief.  What the hell woman?!  You almost killed me! 

Minzy waved her hand in front of his face, “Yah!  Are you okay?  Hello?”

Kai snapped out of it as he quickly looked away from her, “Go home.”  Feeling disappointed and a little angry, he walked away from her.

What’s his problem?  Did he think I was serious when I said “I LIKE YOU” to him?  Should I leave him alone?  Nah, I think I’ll follow him Minzy thought as she shouted, “ert!  Wait for me!”

Kai let out a sigh as he mumbled, “Go away.”

“Yah, are you going over to Sulli’s house later to watch a horror movie?” Minzy asked as she tugged on his left arm.

Kai looked at her, “How did you know?”

“I accidently over-heard your conversation back there at the gas station,” Minzy truthfully replied.  “So, are you going or what?”

“I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean you’re not sure?  If you like her, you should go.  If you don’t, tell her no.  Playboys like you shouldn’t be leading girls on like that,” Minzy explained as she kicked a rock on the ground.

“Excuse me?  I’m no playboy!  How dare you call me that!  You don’t even know me!”

“You’re right, I don’t.”

“Then why are you judging me?”

“Because you judge me first,” Minzy replied as she shoved her hands into her pocket.

“Me?  When did I judge you huh?  Tell me, because I don’t ever re-called judging you in front of your face,” Kai shot back.

Minzy stopped walking as she smirked, “Walls have ears Kim Jong In.  I hear everything.”

Kai’s face turned red as he defended himself, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I have never judged you.”

Minzy leaned her face towards him and said, “Oh really?  Well then, let me recite something you said about me.  Someone made a comment about my clothes being old and wrinkling and you said “That’s what you get when you’re homeless and poor” Isn’t that right?”

Kai quickly turned away from him a faked a cough, “Um…”

Minzy scoffs, “Does that ring a bell in your head?”

“Look, I-I-I…” Kai stuttered.

Minzy smirked, “It’s okay ert.  We’re even now.”

“Fine,” Kai muttered as he continued to walk without looking at her.  Damn, she’s got good ears!  If she could hear that far, she should work for the FBI!  She would be very useful to them.

“Where are you going right now?” Minzy suddenly asked.

“Home,” Kai replied.  “What about you?”

“I’m going to head back to the homeless shelter and take my beauty shower.”

“Oh, I see.  Um, what are your plans for today?”

“Duck and I are going to Korea’s Combat Ring to watch a mystery guest fight against some of the professional martial arts teachers using his Wu Shu moves.” Minzy replied as her eyes glowed with excitement.

“Duck?  You mean hyung?” Kai asked scratching his head.

Minzy nodded her head yes, “It’s going to be awesome!”

“What time are you guys going?” Kai asked as he tried not to sound jealous.

“He’s picking me up at 9:00am.  The show or should I say the "fight" is going to start at 10:00am.  I want to get some really good seats so I can see everything.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting,” Kai said.  “Do you mind if Se Hun and I join you guys too?”

Minzy shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t see why not?  Oh crap!  It’s getting late already.  I have to go.  Don’t forget, the fight starts at 10:00am.  See you there ert!” 

Before Kai could scream at her for calling him a ert, she ran off in a speed of light.  I’ll definitely be there for sure he thought.  He pulled his cell phone out and quickly dialed Se Hun’s number.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

“Hello?” Se Hun mumbled.

Oops, I think I woke him up Kai thought as he said, “Hey Se Hun!”


Kai pulled his phone away from his ear, “Well, good morning to you too sunshine.”

“This better be important!  You’re ruining my beauty sleep.  What do you want?” Se Hun asked.

“We’re going to Korea’s Combat Ring together, so cancel whatever plans you have today,” Kai replied.

“WHAT?!” Se Hun shouted in disbelief.  “Why the hell are we going there for?”

“I’ll tell you later when I pick you up.  Be ready by 9:00am.  Since I'm making you cancel your plans today, I’ll buy you breakfast, lunch, and dinner okay?”

“Tsk, fine.  I’ll see you in a little bit,” Se Hun said as he clicked his phone off.

Kai clicked his phone off and dialed Tao’s number.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!


“Hey Tao!  It’s me, Kai.”

“What’s up?”

“Whatever plans you have today, cancel them.  You’re coming with Se Hun and me to Korea’s Combat Ring to watch a fight,” Kai explained.

“I can’t!” Tao protested.

“Why not?  I’ll treat you to breakfast, lunch, and dinner today.  Come on, it’ll be fun!”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m…” Tao trails off.

“Yah!  Let’s go!” Kai heard someone in the background shouting.

“Kai, I have to go.  I really can’t hang out with you guys today.  I’ll see you on Monday!  Bye!” Tao quickly said as he clicked his phone off.

“Hello?  Tao?  Hello?  Aish!  Whatever!” Kai growled as he clicked his phone off.  Well, it looks like it’s just going to be me and you Se Hun. 

10:00am (Korea’s Combat Ring)

“Omo!  I’m so excited oppa!” Minzy happily cried as she squeezed his right arm.  “We have the perfect view too!  Front row seats!”

She called me oppa!  I’m in heaven Taemin thought as he smiled at her.  She’s even touching me too! 

“Taemin!  Minzy!” a familiar voice shouted from behind.

Taemin and Minzy turned around and saw Kai and Se Hun making their way towards them.

“Hi guys!” Minzy happily shouted as she waved her hand at them. 

What the hell are they doing here?  Great, now our date is going to be ruined Taemin angrily thought as he faked a smile at them, “Hi guys!”

“Se Hun?  Yah!  I didn’t know you were going to be here too?” Minzy asked as she punched his left arm.

“Ah!  That hurt!  Yah!  Is that your way of saying hi to people?” Se Hun cried as he rubbed his arm.

Minzy nodded her head yes, “Get used to it if you’re going to be hanging out with me.”

“Yah, how come you guys are here?” Taemin curiously asked.

Se Hun scoffs, “Kai dragged me here.  Ask him!”

Kai smirked, “I asked Minzy if we could come and she said yes.”

“WHAT?!” Taemin cried as he looked at her.  “Why did you invite them?”

Minzy gave him a weird look, “Why not?  The more the merrier.  Oh, it’s starting!”

“Hello ladies and gentlemen!  Today we have a special mystery guest who will be fighting against some of our best martial arts teachers here.  Let’s give a big round of applause for Huang Zi Tao!” the announcer happily screamed.

“WHAT?!” all four of them shouted in disbelief.

Tao?  No freaking way Minzy thought as she saw him walk into the ring.

No wonder he told me he couldn’t hang out with us Kai thought as he watched him wave his hand to the crowd.

Damn, now this is going to be exciting to watch Se Hun thought as he shouted his name, “Tao!  Over here!  We’re over here!”

Oh my god!  If Tao beats some of these martial arts teachers by using his Wu Shu moves, Minzy is bound to lose against him when they fight each other on Halloween Taemin worriedly thought as he looked at her.

“I can’t wait for the fight to start!” Minzy cried as her eyes glued on Tao.

“Minzy!” Kai shouted as he tried to get her attention.

“Shhhhhh!  Don’t talk to me right now!  I need to focus!” Minzy shouted as she ignored him.

“Minzy, I think…” Taemin started to say.

“You too oppa!” Minzy cried.

“Before the fight begins, let’s have Huang Zi Tao show the audience some of his Wu Shu skills,” the announcer said as he gave him a long pole stick.

Tao bowed his head to the crowd as he started showing off his skills.

There was a lot of “OHHHH” and “AHHHHH” from the audience.

, he’s pretty good Minzy thought as she tried to memorize all of his movements in her head.

After Tao was done, the entire audience clapped and cheered really loud for him.  The announcer smiled, “Thank you very much for the performance Huang Zi Tao.”

Tao bowed his head at the audience and walked over to the left corner where his master was.  His master whispered something into his ear as he nodded his head.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to our first martial arts teacher who is no other than the famous Sangok Jeong!” the announcer happily cried.

Everyone clapped their hands as they welcomed him into the ring.  Tao bowed his head at him as he did the same thing.

“Here are the rules.  If you knock our opponent down and if they can’t get up, you automatically win.  You will not beat your opponent to his death and the first man that bleeds will automatically lose.  Am I clear on this?” the announcer asked.

Both men shook their head yes as the announcer shouted, “Then let’s get ready to RUMBLE!”

2 hours later

“Holy crap!  I can’t believe Tao beat 4 of the top martial arts teachers in South Korea!” Se Hun cried in disbelief.

“I’m very impressed!” Kai said as he shook his head.

Taemin nodded his head, “His Wu Shu skills are no joke at all.  What did you think of it Minzy?”

“Not bad,” Minzy said smiling.  Now that I have seen all of your Wu Shu skills, I know how to defend myself. 

The audience started to clear out as all four of them made their way out the exit doors.

“So, what are your plans for the rest of the afternoon?” Kai asked Minzy.

“I’m going to be practicing for my upcoming fight against Tao,” Minzy replied.

“Yah, I don’t want you to fight him,” Taemin suddenly said as he held her right arm. 

Se Hun nodded his head yes, “What’s in it for you if…and I say IF you win against him?”

Minzy smiled, “Nothing.”

“You shouldn’t be fighting him then,” Kai pointed out.  “You’re only going to injured yourself.”

“He’s right.  You shouldn’t punish your body like that,” Taemin explained.

Minzy scoffs, “Are you guys done lecturing me or what?”

Kai rolled his eyes, “Forget you guys.  She’s obviously not going to listen to us.  She’s as stubborn as a bull.”

Instead of getting upset, Minzy nodded her head, “You’re right.  I am.  It’s a good thing you finally realized it.”

I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into Gong Min Ji Taemin thought as he shook his head.

October 31st (Halloween 4:00pm Korea’s Combat Ring)

“So, who is going to be the ref?” Se Hun asked as he stood by the ring with Kai and Taemin.  Today was the big day and they were extremely nervous about the fight, especially Taemin since he had been trying to do everything in his power to get Minzy to change her mind.

Kai, on the other hand who was also worried about Minzy safety acted like he didn’t care.  I hope Tao can knock some senses into her thick brain.

“I am,” a voice said behind them.

All three boys turned around and saw the owner of Korea’s Combat Ring standing next to Minzy.

“Hello,” all of them greeted as they bowed their heads down.

“Hello,” the owner greeted back.    

“Hey guys!” Tao cried as he walked towards the ring.  He looked at Minzy and smirked, “Are you sure you still want to fight me?  You still have time to back out right now.”

Minzy scoffs, “I don’t think so.  Let’s get it on.”  She walked into the ring and started stretching her arms.    

Tao walked into the ring and said, “I want to make a bet first before we fight.”

Minzy raised her right eyebrow up, “What kind of bet?”

“If I win the fight, you must change your personality.  And when I mean by change your personality, it means you must change your attitude, your clothes, and your negative way of thinking,” Tao replied as he smirked at her.

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “Okay.  And if I win, you will take me in as one of your Wu Shu students and teach me EVERYTHING about it.”

“Deal,” Tao said as he put his right hand out for a handshake.  Loser must not back out on their words.”

Minzy shook his hand and smiled, “I’m a woman of my words.  I hope you'll keep your words.”

“Don’t worry, I’m a man of my words,” Tao said as he let go of her hand.

“Alright kids, here are the rules.  If you knock our opponent down and if they can’t get up, you will automatically win.  You WILL NOT beat your opponent to their death and the first person that bleeds will automatically lose.  Am I clear on this?”  

Both of the nodded their heads yes as the owner smiled, “Alright then!  Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!”

1 hour later

Minzy and Tao were both breathing heavily as they stared into each other’s eyes.  Sweats were dripping down both of their faces as they waited for the other one to attack.

Damn she’s good Tao thought as he tried to catch his breath.  He took it easy on her at first, but when she started punching and kicking like a man, he couldn’t hold back anymore.  She’s as good as some of the professional martial arts teacher he thought as he threw a fast punch at her.

Minzy blocked his punch as she tried to counter-attack him by kicking him in the stomach.  He dodged her kick by flipping backwards and kicking her chin.


Son of a b*tch Minzy mentally screamed as she fell backwards.  Her head hit the hard ring and the next thing she knew, a bunch of stars flashed before her eyes. 

“1, 2, 3, 4,…” the owner counted.

“Minzy!  Are you okay?” Taemin shouted. 

Get up Kai mentally cried.  Come on, get up!

My head feels like it’s going to explode Minzy thought as she shook her head.  She tried to get up but failed due to the dizziness.

“…8, 9, 10!  The winner is Huang Zi Tao!” the owner happily shouted.

Taemin quickly ran inside the ring towards Minzy and held her by the arms, “Minzy!  Minzy!  Are you okay?”

“Oppa, my head hurts,” Minzy replied as her vision started getting blurry.

Tao limped his way over to her and touched the back of her head as he cried, “Minzy!  Your head is bleeding!”

“What?!” Kai and Se Hun shouted as they ran towards them.

The owner eyes widen as he rushed over to her and gasp.  He quickly took his cell phone out and called the ambulance, “Hello?  This is an emergency.  I need you to send me a paramedic to Korea’s Combat Ring right away.  I have an injured teenage girl in my ring and she needs medical attention!”

“No, I don’t want to go to the hospital,” Minzy quietly mumbled as she tried to catch her breath.  What is wrong with me?  Am I dying already? 

“Minzy, hang in there,” Kai said holding hand tightly. 

“What’s happening…” Minzy trailed off but then stopped as she out.


Hey guys!  Here is another update.  Please comment, subscribe, and vote!  My goal is to have one of my stories...especially this one to be featured on this site.  Please tell me what you guys think of it so far.  Who do you want Minzy to be paired up with?  I can take new characters as well too.  :D

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Woodenbox #1
Chapter 17: Omg I was not expecting a character death in the final chapter. I read the whole thing in one go haha, got so much to do and here i am fml. That ending hit me like a truck! But i still love this story. I really have to give it you for writing about these rare ships. It's SO HARD to find fanfic about taeminzy or kaiminzy. So thank you!! i hope you're proud of yourself for writing this glorious piece of work, cause you should be.

Also, when you mentioned "lotto" in one of your chapters, I was like OMG U PREDICTED EXO LOTTO hahah. XD

Once again, thank you so much author san for writing this story! (Which was like around three years ago, wow that's really long time ago.) Even though this story breaks my heart into a million pieces. T_T Please never delete this because i know i'm going to be coming back to re-read this again in the future. (:
fighting4chandara #2
Chapter 17: Pls make a SEQUEL!!!!!!
yoojaesukkie #3
Chapter 17: "Teardrops are falling..."- Crybaby jail scene... Nah nut literally teardrops WERE falling crying like a little baby curled in a ball. T_T
Chapter 17: wow just wow so good and sad i did not see that coming at all ><
slilings #5
Chapter 17: CAN U MAKE SEQUEL?? abt tgeres a girl who have the same personality and bit of same features of minzy.sbes a new stydent in their college but this girl is a nerd......CAN YIU?? CAN YOU??? I HOPE U CAN KEKE
Chapter 17: ahhh.. I seriously thought... ahh! Kai is my favorite character her but at the same time I hate him (kissing minzy and all) but STILL! HE IS PRECIOUS AS HECK AND I CAN'T STAND HOW BROKEN HE WAS! wae authornim! wae!?!
KpopBG #8
Chapter 7: I totally luv it, this story is awsome, u should make another story with minzy in it and all the exo members. <3
blackjackvipbaby #9
Honestly i prefer KAIMINZY they are so hot together ! Kai sacrificed himself ant tried to hide his feelings in front of his best friend!
It' a fact : Minzy should end with Kai because she always thinks about this 'ert' ... anyway i love your story authornim ♥.♥