Chapter 3-Confused Feelings


Oh goody!  Here comes the ert Minzy thought as she smirked at him.  If he’s going to look up my skirt again, I’m going to poke both of his eyes out.

Kai pulled his chair out and slumped down as he glares at her, “You gave me two bruises last week!”

Minzy scoffs, “Who told you to look up my skirt ert?”

Kai was about to yell at her when Mrs. Park walked into the classroom and happily greeted, “Good morning students!”

Everyone got up on their feet and bowed their heads down, “Good morning Mrs. Park!”

“You may all have a seat,” Mrs. Park said.

Minzy purposely poked Kai on his left shoulder and asked in a low voice, “Hey ert, can I borrow a pencil from you?”

Kai looks at her and whispered, “No!”

Minzy poked him again, “Come on pretty boy.  I ran out of pencils.  Borrow me one.  I promise I’ll give it back to you.”

Kai ignored her as he kept his attention at Mrs. Park who was lecturing about how to manage your money.

Minzy whispered, “I’m going to keep poking you until you borrow me a pencil pretty boy.”  With that, she continued to poke him.  This is fun she thought.  She noticed that his face expression was starting to change and she could tell that he was getting super annoyed at her constantly poking his left arm  

“Psssssst,” someone whispered from behind.

Kai ignored whoever it was that was trying to get his attention.  I am seriously going to explode right now he thought. 

“Pretty boy, stop ignoring me,” Minzy whispered as she poked him harder.

“WILL YOU CUT IT OUT?!” Kai screamed as he looks at her.

Everyone quickly turned around and stared at him as Mrs. Park shouted, “Kim Jong In!  Why are you screaming?  What’ wrong?”

Kai’s face turned red as he stuttered, “I-I-I…”

A devilish smile curved on Minzy lips as she gave him an innocent look.  Damn.  Pretty boy has such a short temper.  I’m curious to see what his real personality is like she thought.

“If you disturbed my class one more time, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” Mrs. Park said.

Kai quickly bows his head, “I’m sorry Mrs. Park.  I won’t do it again.  I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Minzy said out loud.

Kai turned his head and glared at her, “Excuse me?”

“Gong Min Ji.  Please keep your comments to yourself,” Mrs. Park firmly said.  “Now, back to what I was saying before I got interrupted…”

“Pretty boy, I’m still waiting for that pencil,” Minzy teased as she poked his left arm.

I can’t take this anymore he angrily thought as he shoved his pencil in her face.  He hissed, “Here, take mine!  And stop poking me you witch!”

Minzy raised her left eyebrow up, “Did you just call me a witch?”

Kai placed his pencil on her desk and ignored her as he took another pencil out from his backpack. 

“Yah!” Minzy hissed as she poked him again. 

“What do you want this time?” Kai whispered as his blood pressure started rising.

“I may be a witch, but at least I’m not a ert like you,” Minzy replied.

Alright!  That’s it!  No more Mr.-Nice-Guy Kai thought as he turned his head at her and hissed, “You’re a !”

Instead of getting angry, Minzy giggled and hissed back, “I know.”

Kai was waiting for her to explode at him but her reply totally threw him off guard.  Why wasn't she offended when I called her a ?  This just made him angrier as he snapped his pencil in half.

“Psssssssst,” someone whispered again from behind.

Feeling super annoyed, Kai turned his head around and mouthed, “WHAT?!”

“Is there something wrong Mr. Kim?” Mrs. Park asked as she noticed that he turned his head around.

“Ah…no,” Kai replied as he quickly turned his head back.

“Please pay attention,” Mrs. Park said as she continued to lecture.

Suddenly a small crumbled piece of paper landed on Kai’s desk as he grabbed it and slowly opened it up.  It was a note from Choi Sulli.  It said:

Hi Kai!  Do you have a date for the dance this Friday?  If not, would you like to go together?


Omo!  How exciting!  My crush is asking me to be her date for the dance!  Hell yeah I’ll go with you Kai happily thought as he quickly scribbled something down.  He wrote:

Hello Sulli.  No, I don’t have a date for the dance and YES I will be more than happy to be your date!


Kai carefully crumbled the paper into his hand and threw it back to Sulli.

Minzy who saw the entire thing rolled her eyes as she poked his left arm and whispered, “Yah!  Quit smiling like that!  You look like an idiot!”

Kai ignored her as he started daydreaming about Sulli.  I’m so happy right now he thought.  Nothing can ruin my day…not even this annoying witch who keeps on poking me.

11:15am (Lunch)

Se Hun was walking towards the commons when three seniors suddenly appeared in front of him. 

One of them pushed him to the ground and snarled, “Watch where you’re going .”

Se Hun quickly got up and pushed him back, “What the hell is your problem?”

“You’re my problem,” the senior replied as he threw a fast punch to his face.


Se Hun head hit one of the lockers as he fell to the ground.  The next thing he knew, he was being kicked and punched by all three seniors.

Minzy watched from a far distance as the seniors continued to beat the crap out of Se Hun.  I hate it when it’s not a fair fight she thought as she dropped her backpack on the floor.  She bent down and took her slingshot out along with some heavy black marbles.  Walking closer to the seniors, she shouted, “Hey!  Heads up!”

All three boys turned around and the next thing they knew, a bunch of black marbles came flying straight towards their faces.


“My eye!!!!”


Minzy threw her slingshot to the ground and started running towards them as she cracked her hands together.  Gosh, I love fighting!

5 minutes later

“You b*tch!  You broke my nose!” one of the seniors cried as he held onto his bloody nose.

Minzy threw a fast punch towards his face knocking him out cold and smirked, “You deserved it.”  She walked over to Se Hun and bent down to look at him, “Are you okay?”

Se Hun looks up at her and replied, “No.  I think I’m dying.”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “Can you stand up?”

Se Hun shook his head no.

Minzy sighs as she carefully wrapped his left arm around her shoulder and pulled him up.  She wrapped her left arm around his waist and guide him towards the nurse’s office.

30 minutes later

“Your parents are on the way to pick you up,” Nurse Kim said as she placed a bandage on his lower left cheek.  “They’re going to be taking you to the hospital.”

“Perfect,” Se Hun mumbled.  He was lying on the bed as Minzy was standing a couple feet away from him.

“Consider yourself lucky young man,” Nurse Kim said as she walked away from him. 

Se Hun waited until Nurse Kim was gone before he said, “Thank you for saving me back there.”

Minzy scoffs, “Whatever.”  She turned around and walked out of the room leaving him dumbfounded.

Geez!  Is that her way of saying “You’re welcome” Se Hun thought as he shook his head.

1:00pm (6th period)

Kai turned his head around and noticed that Se Hun was missing.  That’s strange.  Did he go home already?   Suddenly he heard someone snoring loudly next to him as he rolled his eyes.  This is just perfect he thought as he turned and looks at Minzy.  There was a puddle of drool on her desk as he made a disgusting face at her.  Yuck!  That is gross!  What kind of a person drools like that when their sleeping?  Suddenly he noticed that her knuckles were swollen up.  He also notice that there were some deep cuts on her arms as well.  Did she get into another fight?  Geez, when will this witch ever learn that fighting doesn’t solve anything?  She needs to be put in a mental hospital and while she’s in there, they should examine her brain too.

Minzy slowly opened her eyes and said, “Stop mentally cussing at me.”

Kai scoffs, “Who said I was cussing at you?  I didn’t say anything.”

Minzy lifts her head up from her desk as she wiped her puddle of drool with her sleeves.  She stretched out her arms and cracked her neck as she mumbled to herself, “That pretty boy owes me one for saving his .”

Kai gave her a strange look as he asked, “Who are you talking about?”

Minzy smiled, “Your friend.”

“Which one?”

“The one who usually sits behind us ert,” Minzy replied as she rubs her knuckles.

“Se Hun?  Did he, wait…did you just call me a ert again?”

Minzy smirked, “Duh!”

“Listen here witch, I…” Kai started to say.

“Settle down class,” Mrs. Park said as she walked into the classroom.  “Today is our turn to clean the entire second floor; therefore in a couple of minutes, I will be assigning partners as well as which rooms you will be cleaning.  You may not switch partners and you will report to me when you’re done cleaning.  Does everyone understand?”

“Yes Mrs. Park,” all of the students replied.

I hope I get paired up with Sulli Kai thought as he looks over his shoulder.  He quickly winked at her as she madly blushed.

“Alright, the first pair that will clean Room 210 will be Kim Jong In and…”

Please let it be Sulli.  Please let it be Sulli Kai prayed.

“Gong Min Ji,” Mrs. Park said.

“WHAT?!” Kai blurted out loud.

A huge smile curved on her lips as smacked his left arm, “SWEET!”

Mrs. Park glared at Kai, “Is there a problem Jong In?”

Kai’s face turned red, “Ah, I…”

“Ignore him Mrs. Park.  Jong In was just excited that you paired us up together,” Minzy said as she batted her eyelashes at him.

No I wasn’t Kai mentally screamed at her.  He quickly turns his head around and saw Sulli giving him a sad face.  No, it’s nothing like that Sulli!

“Mr. Kim, I suggest you keep your excitement to yourself,” Mrs. Park said as she continued to read the pairings off.

3:30pm (After school)

“Hey guys,” Kai gloomily greeted as he approached his friends.

“What’s up?” Tao asked as he gives him a smile.

“What’s with the sad face?” Taemin asked as he patted him on his back.

“Today is the worst day of my life!  Well, expect for Sulli asking me to be her date for the school dance,” Kai replied.

“Sulli asked you to be her date for the dance?  Nice!” Tao said giving him a thumbs up.  “I’m going to ask Bomi.  She’s been catching my eye lately.”

“She’s cute,” Kai said.  He looked at his best friend, “Who are you planning to ask?”

“I plan on asking…” Taemin started to say.

“Hey ert!!” Minzy shouted as she approached the boys.

Taemin’s face lit up with happiness as he happily greeted, “Hi Minzy!”

“Yo,” Minzy greeted back.  She looks at Kai and made a face at him, “Let’s go.  Let’s get this  over with because I need to be somewhere at 5:00pm.”

Taemin gave Kai a confused look, “Where are you guys going?”

“It’s our class turn to clean the entire second floor and Mrs. Park assigned us to be partners,” Kai replied as he glares at her.  “AND I’m not thrilled about it either!” 

Minzy smirked at him, “Quit your whining and let’s go ert.”

“Yah!  If you call me a ert one more time, I’m really going to kick your !” Kai threatened as he threw his backpack on the ground.

“Trust me pretty boy, I really would like to fight with you one of these days because I want to know how strong you actually are.”

Was she serious?  Kai was about to say something back to her when Sulli walked by and smiled, “Hi Jong In.”

“Oh, hi Sulli,” Kai said as he quickly changed his attitude.

Minzy rolled her eyes as she growls at him, “Hey ert!  Are you coming or what?  I don’t have all day!”

“That’s it!” Kai shouted as he started rolling up his sleeves.  “I’m going to kick your !”

Minzy stuck her tongue out at him and started running away from him, “Catch me if you can!” 

Kai chased her all the way up to the second floor.  Suddenly he noticed that she started slowing down, so he picked up his pace and grabbed her right arm swinging her body around, “I got you!”

“It’s about time you both showed up!” Mrs. Park shouted as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Kai quickly let go of her arm and bowed his head, “Hello Mrs. Park.”

Minzy did the same thing and giggled.  What a dork!  If he thought I was slowing down so he could catch me, he was dead wrong!

Kai threw her a dirty look as he mouthed, “You’re dead!”

“What took you guys so long?” Mrs. Park asked looking annoyed.

“Jong In had to poop,” Minzy quickly replied before Kai could say anything.

“I was…WHAT?!” Kai shouted as he looks at her.  If looks could kill, you would be so DEAD right now Gong Min Ji!

Mrs. Park cleared and said shakes her head, “That’s a good enough excuse.  The broom and mop is over there.  I expect both of you to be done in half hour.”

“Yes Mrs. Park,” they both said.

Minzy waited until their teacher was gone before she burst out laughing, “You should have seen the look on your face!  It was priceless!”

“Shut up!” Kai shouted as he marched over to the closet.  He grabbed the broom out and threw it at her, “Start sweeping!”

Minzy caught the broom in her hands as she rolled her eyes at him, “Damn, take a chill pill.”

“Yah!  Hurry up and sweep!  The faster we get this done, the faster we can both leave,” Kai cried as he started pouring water into an empty bucket.

“You can’t take a joke can you?” Minzy asked as she started sweeping the floor.

Kai ignored her as he started mixing the chemicals in with the water.

“Yah, I’m talking to you,” Minzy said as she poked him with the broom.

Damn, this witch is really asking for it Kai thought as he continued to ignore her.

Ring!  Ring!  Ring!

Kai took his cell phone out and saw that Taemin was calling him, “Hello?”

“Yah, where the hell are you?” Taemin asked.  “And if you hurt Minzy, I’m going to kill you with my bare hands.”

Kai scoffs, “Relax hyung.  Minzy and I are in room 210 sweeping and mopping the classroom right now.  And don’t worry; I haven’t killed her…yet.”

“Whatever…stay put because I have both of your backpacks,” Taemin said.  “I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

“Thanks hyung.  I was too busy trying to kill your future girlfriend that I totally forgot about it,” Kai joked.

“Shut up!” Taemin cried as he clicked his phone off.

Kai smirked as he put his phone away.  He noticed that Minzy had stopped sweeping as she was now staring out the window.  He hollered, “Yah!  Stop standing there and keep sweeping!”  When she didn’t say anything back, he marched over to her and poked her right arm.  He cried, “Hello?  Are you deaf?  Did you not hear me?  What the hell are you looking at?”  Feeling annoyed he finally looked out the window and saw a group of thugs beating up a couple of his classmates.  What the hell?  Is that IIhoon, Niel, and Dongho?

Minzy eyes widen as she suddenly threw the broom down and ran out of the classroom.

“Yah!  Where are you going?  We’re not done yet!” Kai shouted.  “Come back here!  I’m not going to be cleaning this by myself!  Gong Min Ji!"

Minzy ignored him as she ran down the stairs.  ing thugs!  I hate bullies!

“Hi Minzy!  You forgot your…” Taemin started to say but she ran passed him without even looking at him.

“Gong Min Ji!” Kai shouted as he ran passed Taemin.

“Jong In?  Yah!  What…” Taemin started to ask.

Kai turned around and shouted, “Not now hyung!”

Taemin dropped both of their backpacks and started running after them.

Minzy didn’t stop running until she was outside.  She breathed heavily as she shouted at the group of thugs, “Yah!  Quit hitting them!”

The group of thugs turned around and smirked, “Make us!”

Minzy rolled her sleeves up as she started running towards them, “You’re asking for it!”

By the time Kai and Taemin got outside, Minzy was already fighting with the thugs.

"Damn, she's a pretty good fighter," Kai said as he watched Minzy throw a couple of punches at one of the thugs. 

Taemin had never physically fought with anyone before, but he wasn’t going to stand there and watch Minzy fight a bunch of low life thugs by herself.  I’m coming he thought as he ran towards Minzy.

Just as Minzy kicked one of the thugs in his private part, one of the other thugs was about to punch her from behind when Taemin tackled him from behind.  He curled his right hand into a tight fist and started punching the guy in his face.

Minzy looked surprised as she watches Taemin beat the living hell out of the thug.  A smile curved on her lips as she turns around started throwing more punches at the thug. 

One of the other thugs ran over to Taemin and punched him from behind.  The thug was about to throw a few more punches at Taemin but Kai suddenly tackled the thug from behind.  The next thing Kai knew, he was punching the thug like a madman.

5 minutes later

There was only one thug left and it was their gang leader.  Their gang leader clapped his hands together and looked at Minzy, “You have some really good fighting skills.  Let’s see how well you’re able to fight against me.”

Taemin and Kai’s eyes widen as the gang leader took his black leather jacket off showing off his muscular body.  He had a very well built body and his arms were as big as a rock.

Minzy smirked at him as she started jumping up and down, “Bring it on tough guy.” 

The gang leader took a huge pocket knife out and aimed it at her chest, “You’re going to regret fighting against me.”

“Minzy, no!  You’re going to get hurt,” Taemin said as he quickly pulls her back.

Kai nodded his head in agreement, “He right witch.  No matter how strong you are, this guy is 10 times bigger than you…and he has a freaking KNIFE!”

Minzy pushed Taemin out of the way and scoffs, “I’ve dealt bastards like him before.  Don’t worry about me.  Whatever happens, don’t interfere.  Got it?”

“No,” Taemin firmly said.  “I’m not going to stand here and watch you get hurt.”

“He’s right.  I’d rather jump in and help no matter how annoying you are,” Kai said.

“What’s going on here?!” Mrs. Park shouted as she and a couple of other teachers started running towards them.

The gang leader quickly picked his jacket up from the ground and started running.

“Oh hell no!  You’re not getting away!” Minzy shouted as she chased after him.

“Gong Min Ji!  Come back here!” Mrs. Park shouted with fear.

Damn it Taemin and Kai thought as they ran after her.  She’s going to get herself killed!

Minzy picked up her pace as she tackled the gang leader from behind.  She grabbed his head and smashed it to the ground as hard as she could. 

“Ah!!!!” the gang leader shouted in pain. 

Minzy raised her right fist into the air and started punching his back head as hard as she could.


!  That hurt Minzy thought as she looks at her bloody knuckles.  They were already bruised from this afternoon when she was fighting against those seniors, but she didn’t really care at the moment.  She flipped the gang leader over and started throwing fast punches at his face until blood started squirming out from his mouth and his nose.  The gang leader took his knife out and swung it towards her face.  The knife slashed her right cheek as blood started dripping from her face.  You ing bastard!  How dare you cut my face!  I’m going to kill you!  She quickly got up and kicked the knife out of his hand and kneed him really hard in his private area.

“AHHHHHH!” the gang leader shouted in pain.  She continued to kneed him very hard in his private area until he no longer screamed. 

Suddenly a pair of strong arms pulled her away and shouted, “That’s enough!”

Kai and Taemin held her in their arms, “Enough Minzy!”

Minzy came back to her senses as she realized that the gang leader was knocked out cold.

“Minzy, your face!” Taemin cried in fear.

Kai’s eyes widen, “Y-you’re bleeding!”

Minzy remained silent as blood drip down her face.  Her school uniform was filled with blood and the next thing they knew, the cops showed up and demaded them to put their hands up in the air.

3 hours later (Seoul Police Station)

“You kids are lucky that no one was seriously injured,” Chief Lee said.  “Your parents are out there waiting for you.  You’re all dismissed.”

Kai, Taemin, and Minzy bowed their heads at him and walked out of his office.

“Minzy, are you okay?” Taemin nervously asked as he walks behind her.

Minzy ignored him as she picked up her pace.  I don’t feel like talking right now…especially you duck.  There was a huge white bandage on her right cheek.  Tsk, I’ve had worse cuts.  This is nothing she thought.

“Yah, does it look like she’s okay?  Her face just got sliced!” Kai hissed as he elbowed Taemin.  Geez hyung, sometimes you’re so stupid!

“Shut up, I’m worried about her,” Taemin hissed back.  He was about to call her name again when he heard his mom shouting his name, “Lee Taemin!”

“Kim Jong In!” Kai's mother cried.

Oh great both of the boys thought. 

“Baby, are you okay?  What happened?  Are you hurt anywhere?” Taemin’s mom cried as she examined his body up and down.

Kai’s mother did the same thing to him as she trembled, “I was so worried about you!  I thought you were the one that got your face sliced!”

“Mom, I’m fine,” Taemin said as his mom smothered him with kisses.

“Mom, you’re embarrassing me,” Kai whispered as his mom patted him up and down his body making that he was alright.

Minzy stared at them for a couple of minutes before she quietly walked out of the police station.  Life’s not fair she thought.  Where is my mom when I need her?  She was about to walk back to the homeless shelter when someone called her name.


Minzy turned around and saw Taemin running towards her with a concerned look on his face, “Yah!  Where are you going?”

“I’m going home duck,” Minzy coldly replied.

“Home…as in the homeless shelter?”

“……..yeah……..the homeless shelter.”

“Hey, I know you didn’t have dinner yet…and…I was wondering”

“Get to the point.”

“Would you like to join my mom and I for dinner?”

“…… thank you.”

“Why not?  I know you’re hungry.”

“I…” Minzy started to say but then her stomach started growling like crazy.  She looked down at her stomach and hits it, “Shut up!”

Taemin laughs, “See?  Even your stomach is telling you that it's hungry.”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “Listen duck, I…”

“Please?” Taemin pouted as he gives her the best puppy look face.

Omo!  Why do you have to be so cute?  “Fine!”

“YAHOO!” Taemin cried as he jumps up and down like a little kid.

Minzy whacked him on his head and yelled, “Yah!  Didn’t I tell you not to jump like that?”

Taemin rubbed his head as he frowns at her, “Sorry.”

“Taemin!  Let’s go!” his mom said waving her hand at him.

Taemin smiled and held his left hand out to her, “Let’s go.”

Minzy looks at his hand and scoffs, “Are you expecting me to hold your hand?”

Taemin nodded his head yes, “I don’t bite.”

Minzy examined his hand and smirked, “Yeah, but you might have cooties.”

“You’re right.  I DO have cooties…but they’re man cooties!” Taemin joked as he grabbed her hand.

“Yah!  Let go of my hand!” Minzy cried.

“No, I want to hold your hand,” Taemin said as he dragged her towards his mom.

Minzy gave him a funny look, “Why?”

Because I’m starting to like you Taemin thought as he pretended not to hear her.

“You must be Gong Min Ji,” his mom said with a smile.

Minzy faked a smile and nodded her head yes.  She bowed her head and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lee.”

His mom nodded her head as she said, “Come on.  Get in the car.  You kids must be hungry.”

“We sure are mom!” Taemin happily said as he pulled Minzy into the back seat with him.

His hands are so warm Minzy thought as stared at their hands that were laced together.  She could feel her cheeks starting to burn every time he would squeeze her hand.  Damn it.  Is it me or is it getting hot in here she thought as she started to fan herself.

Taemin must have noticed it as he asked, “Are you hot Minzy?”

Minzy nodded her head yes without looking at him.  What the hell is wrong with me?  Am I coming down with the flu or something? 

Taemin quickly rolled the window down and pulled her closer towards him, “Can you feel the nice breeze?”

“Y-yeah,” Minzy replied as she carefully touches her right cheek.  Thank heavens her cut wasn’t deep otherwise she would have had to get stiches. 

30 minutes later (Lee’s Café)

“Eat up kids,” his mother said as she placed a huge plate of orange stuff chicken wings and a big bowl of white rice in front of them.

“Thank you Mrs. Lee,” Minzy said politely.

“You’re welcome,” his mom replied.

“Take these Minzy,” Taemin said as he handed her a pair of chopsticks.

“Thank you oppa,” Minzy shyly said.

Taemin’s eyes widen, “Y-you just called me oppa.”

Minzy nodded her head yes, “Is that alright with you?  Or would you prefer me to call you Taemin oppa?  Or just Taemin?”

“No…no…no…oppa is fine with me,” Taemin quickly said.  You don’t know how happy I am right now Gong Min Ji!

I’m only calling you oppa because your mom is here duck.  Don’t get any wrong ideas she thought smiling at him.

“So Min Ji, tell me a little bit about yourself,” his mom asked.

Great!  Now she’s going to ask me who my parents are and blah, blah, blah.  She faked a smile at her and asked, “What would you like to know?”

“Who are your parents?  And what do they do for a living?”

Taemin’s eyes widen as he fakes a cough, “Mom, why are you so interested in knowing who her parents are and what they do?  Why not ask what her interests are?”

“It’s okay oppa.  If I was your mom, I would like to know as well.  First of all, I don’t have any parents.  They left me a long time ago.”

Taemin’s mom raised her right eyebrow up, “Is that so?  Are they…um…”

“They’re in heaven together Mrs. Lee.  They died when I was only 8 years-old,” Minzy sadly replied.

Taemin could see hurt, anger, and sadness in her eyes.  This is the first time I have ever seen her like this he thought.

“Where do you live now?” his mom asked.

“I live at the homeless shelter.”

“The homeless shelter?  Why are you living there?  Shouldn’t you be living in a foster home?”

“I got kicked out.”

“You got kicked out?  May I ask what happened?”

“I got framed for stealing money.”

“What?  Are you serious?”

“Uh-huh.  Not only that, but I got bullied by other kids as well.  I got kicked out when I was 12 and since I’m only a minor, the government decided to place me at the homeless shelter until I’m done with High School.”

“Oh…you poor kid,” his mom said as she touched her chest.

Taemin reached for her hand underneath the table and gave it a small squeeze.

Instead of brushing his hand away, she squeezed his hand back and gave him a tiny smile.  Why am I even telling them about my sad life?  I don’t need their pity…but it does feel nice to have someone actually care about me...for once.

1 hour later

“Thank you very much for dinner and the ride Mrs. Lee,” Minzy said as she got out of their car.

“You’re welcome my dear.  It was a pleasure meeting you,” his mom said smiling.

“Same here.”

“Mom, I’m going to walk Minzy to the door.  I’ll be right back,” Taemin said as he got out of the car.

Minzy shook her head no, “It’s okay oppa.  I can walk myself to the door.”

“No way.  I’m walking you to the door and that’s final,” Taemin said as he grabbed her hand.  “Let’s go.”

Minzy smiled to herself as the warmth of his hand warm her heart.  Why is it that I’m always smiling when he’s with me?  I barely know him!

Taemin started swinging their hands back and forth as he said, “Thank you.”

Minzy gave him a confused look, “For what?”

“For having dinner with my mom and I tonight and for being honest about everything.  Now I know the rumors about you at school are false,” Taemin replied.

Minzy scoffs, “You know what?  I’m not even sure why I was being honest with you and your mom.”

They stopped at the front doors as he turned to look at her and smiled, “It’s because you’re starting to accept me as your friend.”

Minzy let go of his hand and let out a small laugh, “Yeah, I guess you can say that.  You know, for a pretty boy like you, you’re not bad.” 

“I know,” Taemin said as he flashed her one of his killer smiles.

Minzy rolled her eyes at him and pinched his cheeks really hard, “Have a good night duck.”

Taemin pouted his lips together, “How many times have I told you that not to call me that?  I preferred you to call me oppa instead.”

Minzy laughed out loud as she opens the door and walked inside.  Before she could close the door on him, she whispered, “Good night…oppa.”

Omo!  She just called me oppa!  Feeling extremely happy, he started jumping up and down like a little kid.  He turned around and started dancing like a dancing machine back towards his mom’s car.

12:00 (Midnight)

Minzy woke up from the aching pain from her right cheek as she sat up on her bed.  She rummaged through her backpack and realized that she was out of Advil.  Damn it, now I have to make a trip to the gas station.

15 minutes later (Choi’s Gas Station)

“Minzy?” a familiar voice said.

Minzy turned around and saw Kai standing there holding a loaf of white bread in his hand.  She tilts her head to the side and asked, “Yah ert, are you stalking me?”

“Tsk, why the hell would I want to stalk you?”

“I don’t know, you tell me,” Minzy replied.

“What brings you here late at night?”

“I ran out of Advil.”

Kai walked closer to her and touched her right cheek, “Does it hurt?”

Minzy flinched as she quickly backs away from him, “Yes.”

“Oh,” Kai said scratching his neck.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to buy bread,” Kai replied.

Minzy raised her right eyebrow up, “In the middle of the night?”

“I ran out of bread,” Kai explained as his face started to turn red.  “I usually have a midnight snack before I go to bed.”

“I see,” Minzy said as she walked towards the cashier.  She handed the cashier the bottle of Advil as she started digging for her money.

“Your total is $8.39,” the cashier said.

!  Did I forget my money?  She quickly rummaged through her purse as she starts to panic.  I swear to god, I thought I still had $10.00 left.

“Your holding up the line young lady.  Do you have the money or not?” the cashier asked looking annoyed.

“I do.  Give me a minute,” Minzy snapped as she continues to dig through her purse.

“Please ring this loaf of bread on that transaction.  I’ll pay for it,” Kai suddenly said as he pulled his money out.

Minzy threw him a dirty look, “Yah!”

“Your new total is $10.02” the cashier said.

Kai handed the cashier a $20.00 bill and smiled at Minzy, “I got it.  Don’t worry about it.”

“Here is your change sir and have a good night,” the cashier said.

“Thank you,” Kai said walking away from the cashier.  He grabbed Minzy by the hand and dragged her out of the gas station.

“Let me go you ert!” Minzy cried.

Kai scoffs as he let her go, “Calm down woman!  Geez!”

“Yah!  Why did you pay for me?” Minzy shouted.

Kai scratched his neck as he replied, “Because you were holding up the line and I just felt like it.”

Minzy crossed her arms in front of her chest, “You felt like it?  Since when did you start becoming nice to me?  I thought I was annoying to you?”

“Whatever,” Kai said as he threw the bottle of Advil at her.  “Take the medication right now so you won’t feel the pain.”

Minzy threw the bottle back at him and said, “No, I’m not taking it.”

Kai caught the bottle and cried, “Yah!  Quit being stubborn and just take it!”  He threw back at her.

Minzy caught it with her hands and threw it right back at him, “I don’t want it.  I’d rather deal with the pain than accept anything from you.”

Kai caught the Advil in his hand and shook his head, “Look, I’m trying to be nice here okay?  As annoying as you are, I’m worried about you.”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “You’re worried about me?  Yeah right.  Since when?”

“……..since you got hurt today,” Kai truthfully replied.  He sighs, “Look, just take it okay?  You can give me the money tomorrow at school when we see each other alright?  Right now, your health is more important.”

“Why are you being nice to me?”

“……..because you’re not the kind of person that everyone at school says who you are.  When I saw you fighting against those thugs today, I saw a different side of you that I have never seen.”

Minzy remained silent as she quietly said, “It took you that long to realized that?”

“Look…um…I’m sorry okay?  I’m sorry about everything.  And…you’re not a witch.  I only said that because you kept calling me a ert,” Kai said as he kicked a small pebble on the ground.

Minzy smiled, “Apology accepted.”

Kai returned the smile as he walks over to her and held the Advil out in front of him, “Take it.”

Minzy took the Advil from him and shoved it in her jacket, “Thanks…but I’m still going to pay you back tomorrow.”

Kai shook his head no, “Don’t worry about it.”

“No, I’m going to pay you back.  END OF STORY.”

Kai scoffs, “Fine.” 

“Well, have a good night,” Minzy said as she started walking back to the homeless shelter.

“Hey!” Kai shouted.

Minzy turned around, “What?”

“Ah, do you want me to walk you home?  I mean, it’s dark out and…”

“No thank you.  I can take care of myself.  If anything, I should be the one walking you home since you’re afraid of the dark,” Minzy teased.

Kai made a face at her, “I’m not afraid of the dark!”

“Sure you aren’t,” Minzy said laughing.  She waved good-bye to him and said, “See you tomorrow at school…ert!”

“Yah!  Do you want to die?  That’s not my name!” Kai shouted at her.  A little smile curved on his lips as he watched her disappear from his sight.  That’s weird.  Why am I feeling happy all of a sudden?


Hello my dear readers.  Here is another quick update!  There are lots of grammer errors and missing words, but I will edit them out later tonight.  Please comment and subscribe!

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Woodenbox #1
Chapter 17: Omg I was not expecting a character death in the final chapter. I read the whole thing in one go haha, got so much to do and here i am fml. That ending hit me like a truck! But i still love this story. I really have to give it you for writing about these rare ships. It's SO HARD to find fanfic about taeminzy or kaiminzy. So thank you!! i hope you're proud of yourself for writing this glorious piece of work, cause you should be.

Also, when you mentioned "lotto" in one of your chapters, I was like OMG U PREDICTED EXO LOTTO hahah. XD

Once again, thank you so much author san for writing this story! (Which was like around three years ago, wow that's really long time ago.) Even though this story breaks my heart into a million pieces. T_T Please never delete this because i know i'm going to be coming back to re-read this again in the future. (:
fighting4chandara #2
Chapter 17: Pls make a SEQUEL!!!!!!
yoojaesukkie #3
Chapter 17: "Teardrops are falling..."- Crybaby jail scene... Nah nut literally teardrops WERE falling crying like a little baby curled in a ball. T_T
Chapter 17: wow just wow so good and sad i did not see that coming at all ><
slilings #5
Chapter 17: CAN U MAKE SEQUEL?? abt tgeres a girl who have the same personality and bit of same features of minzy.sbes a new stydent in their college but this girl is a nerd......CAN YIU?? CAN YOU??? I HOPE U CAN KEKE
Chapter 17: ahhh.. I seriously thought... ahh! Kai is my favorite character her but at the same time I hate him (kissing minzy and all) but STILL! HE IS PRECIOUS AS HECK AND I CAN'T STAND HOW BROKEN HE WAS! wae authornim! wae!?!
KpopBG #8
Chapter 7: I totally luv it, this story is awsome, u should make another story with minzy in it and all the exo members. <3
blackjackvipbaby #9
Honestly i prefer KAIMINZY they are so hot together ! Kai sacrificed himself ant tried to hide his feelings in front of his best friend!
It' a fact : Minzy should end with Kai because she always thinks about this 'ert' ... anyway i love your story authornim ♥.♥