Chapter 11-Spin the Bottle


3:30pm (After school)


Finally!  I thought this day would never end Minzy thought as she started shoving her textbooks into her backpack.  She looked over at Kai and saw him tapping his pencil on his desk looking very serious.  I wonder what he’s thinking about?  Feeling very curious, she poked him on his right cheek and asked, “Yah, what’s with the serious look on your face?”

Kai stopped tapping his pencil on this desk as he turned his head at her and replied, “I’m thinking about something.”

“What are you thinking about?”


“Yah, spill it out already,” Minzy demanded as she poked his cheek again.

“W-what do you want for Christmas?” Kai stuttered.

Minzy eyes widen as she froze for a minute.  Omo!  So, he was thinking about what to buy me for Christmas?  A little smile curved on her lips as she happily replied, “Anything is fine with me as long as it’s not girly.”

Kai raised his left eyebrow up, “Okay, um...if you don’t want anything girly, then what are you interested in?  Like, do you have a favorite hobby you like to do…besides fighting and dancing?”

Minzy scratched her head as she thought really hard to herself.  Should I tell him what I really want for Christmas?

“Yah, quit zoning out and answer me,” Kai impatiently said as he lightly pinched her left cheek with his right hand.

Instead of getting upset, she stared at him with her sparkling eyes as she shyly mumbled, “I want YOU for Christmas.”

“W-what did you say?” Kai asked as his eyes widen.  Did I hear that correctly?  Did she say she wanted ME for Christmas?  No freaking way!

“Hey!  What are you guys talking about?” Se Hun asked as he suddenly appeared at Minzy side.

“Nothing,” Minzy quickly replied as she looked away from Kai.  Oh crap!  I think I’m blushing!

“Why are your cheeks all red Minzy?” Se Hun asked as he pointed to her face.

“It’s hot in here,” Minzy replied as she started to fan herself.  What a lame excuse!

Kai smirked as he stood up from his chair, “Sure it is.”  So, I did hear it right!  She wants ME for Christmas!  God, I’m so happy right now.

“Let’s get going before Taemin and Tao throws a huge hissy fit,” Se Hun said as he started walking towards the door.

Minzy quickly nodded her head, “Wait for me.”

Kai chuckled to himself as he followed her towards the door.  It’s nice to know that she wants me, but she still hasn’t told me what she wanted for Christmas.  I guess I’ll have to shop around and see what I can find.  I wonder what she is going to get me for Christmas…will I like it or will I hate it?

5 minutes later

“Hey guys!” Tao shouted as he waved his hand at them.  “We’re over here!”

Taemin looked up and saw Minzy, Kai, and Se Hun running towards them with a huge smile on their faces. 

“What are you guys so happy about?” Tao asked as they approached them.

“I’m just happy that school is over with,” Minzy replied. 

Taemin walked over to her and smiled, “Do you want to grab some ice cream before I bring you home?”

“Sure!  That would be great oppa!” Minzy cheerfully replied.

“What about us?!” Se Hun cried in disbelief. 

Tao smacked him across the head from behind and shook his head, “Tsk, are you stupid or something?  Can’t you see that hyung wants to be alone with Minzy?”

Se Hun scoffs, “No sherlock.  I know that, but it would be nice if he would have offered to buy us some ice cream too, you know?  What are we?  Chop liver or something?”

Taemin laced his fingers with hers and laughed, “I’ll treat you guys next time.  I promise.”

“Oppa, just let them come with us,” Minzy said as she squeezed his hand.

Taemin shook his head no, “Like Tao said earlier, I want to be alone with you.”

“Yah, you better not her,” Kai joked. 

Everyone laughed as Taemin’s face flushed with embarrassment.  He threw Kai a dirty look and cried, “Yah!  How dare you say that!  I would never take advantage of her like that!”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him as she planted a small kiss on his left cheek and cutely said, “Oppa, relax.  He’s just messing with you.  Let’s go shall we?”

“Anything you say princess,” Taemin said as he dragged her away from his friends.

“See you guys later!” Tao shouted as he waved good-bye to them.

“Bye!” Se Hun cried.

Instead of saying good-bye to them, Kai just nodded his head and started walking home.

15 minutes later (Kim’s Ice Cream Parlor)

“Thank you very much oppa,” Minzy happily cried as he handed her a huge bowl of peanut butter chocolate ice cream.

“You’re welcome,” Taemin said as he watched her dig into her ice cream. 

“What did you get for yourself?” Minzy asked as she her spoon.

“I got five scoops of mint chocolate ice cream,” Taemin replied.  “Would you like some?”

Minzy shook her head no, “That’s okay oppa, but thank you for asking.”

Taemin gently ruffled her hair as he smiled at her, “Why are you so cute?”

Minzy smiled at him as she did a cute expression with her hands, “I was born cute.”

Taemin laughed as he nodded his head in agreement, “And I’m glad you’re mine.  Don’t ever leave me, okay?”

Minzy tilts her head to the side, “Oppa, why would I leave you?”

“I don’t know.  Just promise me you won’t ever leave me.”

“I’m sorry oppa, but I can’t promise you that,” Minzy said as she focused on her ice cream.

“Why not?” Taemin asked sounding hurt.  He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, “I…”

“Oppa, I know how you feel about me right now, but I’m afraid you’re going to be the one leaving me in the end,” Minzy sadly replied as she took a scoop of her ice cream and shoved it in .  “Let’s face reality here.  You’re a senior and I’m a junior.  Once you graduate from high school, you’re going to be going off to college; meanwhile I’ll still be stuck here.”

“What does college have to do anything with us?”

Minzy looked at him and set her spoon down on the table, “Once you’re in college, you’re going to meet someone new and forget about me.  In the end, you’re going to break my heart into a million pieces.”

Taemin pulled her into a tight hug, “Don’t you ever talk like that Gong Min Ji!  I would never break your heart.  Are you scared of losing me?  Is that why you’re thinking negative about our relationship?  I would never leave you unless you want me too.”

Minzy hugged him back and remained silent.  She buried her face in his neck as she softly whispered, “I’m afraid you’ll be the one that will change once you’re in college.”

Taemin her hair, “I’ll never change Minzy.  I promise you.”

“What happens if you break your promise?”

“Then I’ll make sure Kai beats the living hell out of me.”

Minzy giggled, “Okay, I’m going to remember that.”

“So…will you promise me that you’ll never leave me?” Taemin asked as he lifts her chin up so he could see her sparkling eyes.

Minzy smiled, “I promise I won’t leave you but…”

“But what?”

“If you cheat on me or lay a finger on me, I’m leaving your ,” Minzy replied as she winked at him.

Taemin rolled his eyes at her, “I hardly doubt that will ever happen.”

Minzy giggled as she lightly pinched his nose, “I know, but you’ll never know.  It could happen.”

Taemin sighs, “You’re thinking too much.”

“You’re right, I am.  I always like to think ahead,” Minzy said as she leaned her face towards him and planted a small kiss on his lips.

December 24th 5:00pm (Se Hun’s house)

“Whoa, you never told me Se Hun was rich!” Minzy cried as Taemin drove them up into their driveway.

Taemin smiled, “That’s because you never asked.”

Minzy scratched her head, “Yeah, you’re right.  I never did ask.  Wow, his house is huge!  What does his parent do for a living?”

“His dad is a real estate agent and his mom is a lawyer,” Taemin replied as he parked his car.  He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over to her and unbuckled her as she was too busy observing Se Hun’s house with admiration.  He chuckled to himself as he lightly pinched her left cheek and said, “Come on, let’s go inside.”

Minzy turned to look at him and nodded her head, “As rich as he is, he better have some good food for us.”

Taemin laughed out loud, “I wouldn’t worry about that.  Se Hun is a good host and he always has good food in his house.”

“It better be not be junk food,” Minzy joked. 

“Trust me my dear, it’s not junk food.  You’ll love it,” Taemin assured her as he got out of his car. 

Minzy got out of his car and stretched out her arms.  She shut the door and walked towards the back trunk to help him carry all of the presents.

“Don’t worry about the presents Minzy.  I can carry them,” Taemin said as he quickly grabbed all of the presents before she could touch them.

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “Oppa, let me help you.”


“Yah, I want to help you carry them.  Don’t make me kiss you,” Minzy threatened.

A huge smile curved on his lips, “Maybe I want you to kiss me.”

Minzy blushed as she quickly grabbed a couple of presents from his hands and stuck her tongue out at him, “Not right now…maybe later.”

Taemin groan, “You’re such a tease.”

Minzy giggled, “I know.”


Se Hun flung the door and cried, “Yah!  It’s about time you both showed up!  What took you guys so long?”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “Well hello to you too.  Are you going to invite us in or not?”

“Answer the question first,” Se Hun said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Minzy looked at Taemin and smiled, “Well, since he’s not going to invite us in, let’s ditch his party and go somewhere else.”

Taemin nodded his head in agreement as he pretended to walk away when Se Hun grabbed his right arm, “Yah!  I was just kidding!”

Minzy laughed out loud, “Are you going to let us in or not?  It’s cold out here.”

“Come on in,” Se Hun said.  “Everyone is here already and…”

“Let me help you carry those,” Kai suddenly said as he appeared out of nowhere.  He grabbed the presents from her and carried them towards the living room.

“Oh…um, thanks Kai!” Minzy said as she took her shoes off.

“Here, let me take those presents from you,” Se Hun said as he grabbed the presents from Taemin.  “Make yourselves at home you guys.  There is a crap load of food in the kitchen.  Eat as much as you want.”

“Oh, we plan on to,” Minzy said as her stomach started growling.

Taemin smiled at her as he laced his fingers with her hand and led her towards the kitchen. 

Holy cow Minzy thought as she enters the kitchen.  In front of her eyes was a long table filled with delicious food.  There was turkey, mash potatoes, fried rice, white rice, beef pad Thai, fried chicken wings, fried fish, egg rolls, ham, cheesy hash brown casserole, sloppy joe, brats, hamburgers, devil eggs, cookies, cupcakes, chips, soda, water, beer, and a huge fruit tray.  I have never seen so much food in my entire life!  Geez, you can feed an entire army!

Taemin kissed her right cheek and laughed, “You should see the look on your face right now.  It’s so cute.”

Minzy blinked a few times before she said, “There is so much….FOOD!  Omo!  What is he going to do with all of this food if we don’t finish them?  He better not throw them away!  You can feed at least 50 people with this much food here!  Why did he make so much food?  There’s only going to be 8 of us here and…”

“Whoa, calm down Minzy,” Taemin said as he put his finger on her lips.  “I can guarantee you that half of the food will be gone by the end of the night.”

Minzy raised her right eyebrow up, “What makes you so sure?”

“Se Hun, Tao, Kai, and I can eat a lot,” Taemin replied as he handed her a paper plate with a plastic fork and spoon.

“Tsk, you expect me to believe that?  You barely eat at school,” Minzy pointed out.

Taemin made a face at her, “That’s because it’s the cafeteria food we’re talking about.”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him as she took put some devil eggs on her plate along with some mash potatoes and fried rice.  “Gosh, I want to eat everything here.”

“Don’t eat too fast or else you’re going to get full right away,” Taemin said as he placed a piece of fried chicken wing on her plate.  He smiled, “Besides, we have all night to eat.”

“Very true,” Minzy said as she reached for a cupcake.

“Why are you guys eating already?” Tao asked as he walked into the kitchen with Juliane.

“Because we’re hungry,” Minzy replied as she stuffed with deviled eggs.

Tao made a disgusting face at her, “Ew…don’t talk with your mouth full like that.  That is not very lady like.”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him as she looked at Juliane.  Juliane was indeed very pretty compared to her, but she didn’t care at the moment because she was way too hungry.  Who knows when I’ll be able to eat like this again?  I’m going to take full advantage of all of this yummy food...even if it means I’m going to gain a few pounds.  It’ll be worth it she thought smiling to herself.

“Guys, this is Juliane Alfieri.  Juliane, this is Taemin and Minzy,” Tao said as he introduced her to his friends.

“Hello,” Juliane shyly greeted as she bowed her head down to them.

“Hi,” Taemin replied as he politely bowed his head back.

Minzy waved her hand at her as she continued to chew on her food.  She pointed to letting her know that she was too busy eating to be greeting her. 

Juliane giggled as she nodded her head and said, “I completely understand.”

Tao rolled his eyes, “How typically of you Gong Min Ji.”

Minzy swallowed her food and finally said, “What?  I was eating.  That wouldn’t have been lady like of me.”

Taemin let out a small chuckle as watched Tao scoff, “Whatever.  Anyways, why don’t you guys join us in the living room?  Everyone is singing Christmas carols together.”

“Sure,” Minzy replied. 

“As soon as we’re both done eating,” Taemin added.

“You can always eat and sing at the same time, you know?” Juliane said smiling at them.

“But that wouldn’t be very lady like for me” Minzy pointed out as she mocked Tao.  “And oppa would be spitting out food from his mouth if he tries to sing the high notes.”

Taemin burst out laughing, “That’s true.”

Tao rolled his eyes at them as he grabbed Juliane’s hand and said, “Suit yourselves.  You guys are missing out on the party.  Let’s go and leave these party poopers here.”

Juliane giggled as Tao dragged her out of the kitchen.  Minzy shrugged her shoulders as she continued to eat her food.

20 minutes later

“Yah!  It’s about time you guys joined us!” Se Hun cried as Minzy and Taemin walked into the living room holding hands.

Minzy eyes landed on T-ae as she was sitting on Kai’s lap nibbling on his neck.  Geez, she might as well give him a hicky she thought as she looked away from them.  Why the hell am I feeling annoyed right now? 

“Sorry, but my woman was hungry and I had to feed her,” Taemin explained as he dragged her towards one of the empty couches. 

“The food was excellent Se Hun.  I ate as much as I could,” Minzy said as she winked at him.

Se Hun smiled, “I’m glad you enjoy the food.  I’m a good host when it comes to parties.”

“Amen to that,” Kai said.  He looked over at Minzy and noticed that her face was getting darker by the minute.  Why is she staring at me like that?

Damn you ert!  Do you always let girls sit on your lap like that?  Do you think you’re all that just because you’re good-looking?  You’re a bastard for stealing my first kiss!  If I could turn back the time, I should have punched you in the face Minzy thought as she threw him her ugliest look.

“Is there something wrong?” Taemin whispered as he stared at her.

Minzy looked at him and replied, “No.”

“Are you sure?  How come you were staring at Kai like that?  You looked like you wanted to kill him.”

“It’s nothing,” Minzy lied as she wrapped her right arm around his waist.  She kissed his left cheek and smiled, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Taemin asked looking confused.

“For liking me for who I am,” Minzy replied as she planted a small kiss on his lips. 

Taemin smiled, “I’m happy to know that you finally realized that.”

“Let’s play a game!” T-ae suddenly cried as she jumped out of Kai’s lap.

“What kind of game?” Namjoo asked.

“Spin the bottle!” T-ae squealed with happiness.

“Seriously?” Taemin asked as his eyes widen.  Out of all the games, why did she have to suggest that one?  The last thing I want to see is Kai and Minzy make out in front of me even if it’s just a game.  Why do I fear my best friend all the time? 

“Well, I’m game,” Tao said with a smile on his face.  He looked at Kai and Se Hun, “What do you guys say?”

“Count me in,” Se Hun smirked.

“Ah…sure,” Kai awkwardly replied as he scratched his neck.  This should be interesting.

“I object to it,” Taemin suddenly said.  “I don’t want any of you kissing my girlfriend.”

Tao rolled his eyes at him, “Dude, relax.  It’s just a game.”

“Yeah, chill out.  It’s not like we’re going to use tongue or anything,” Se Hun joked.

Minzy eyes widen as soon as he said “tongue.”  Damn, I feel like I can still taste Kai’s tongue inside my mouth.  Why the hell am I even thinking about this right now? 

“No way!  I still object to it,” Taemin firmly stated as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Let’s take a vote,” Kai suggested.  He looked at everyone, “What do you guys say?”  Everyone nodded their heads yes as he asked, “Who wants to play spin the bottle, raise your hand.”

Everyone expect Taemin raised their hands in the air as he looked at Minzy in disbelief, “Are you crazy?  Do you really want to play this?”

Minzy nodded her head yes, “It’ll be fun.  Besides, you don’t us to be party poopers now, right?”

“But…” Taemin trailed off getting angry.  “I…”

“Excuse us for a moment,” Minzy said as she stood up and dragged him out of the living room.  When they were away from everyone, she looked at him and asked, “Oppa, what's wrong with you?  Why are you acting like that?”

Taemin scoffs, “Why am I acting like this?  I don’t want any of my friends kissing you in front of me.  Why?  Because you’re mine…ONLY MINE.  How would you feel if you saw other girls kissing me in front of you?”

“Oppa, are you jealous?” Minzy asked as she remained calm.  You’re so cute when you’re acting like a jealous freak.  It shows me how much you like me.

“Of course I’m JEALOUS!” Taemin exploded as he held on to her shoulders.  He pressed his lips on her as he kissed her passionately.  After a couple of minutes of kissing her, he slowly backed away from her and whispered, “I don’t like sharing you.”

Minzy smiled as she cupped his face and whispered back, “Oppa, I understand that but these are your friends we’re talking about.  Are you afraid that one of them is going to fall for me?”

“Yes,” Taemin truthfully replied as he kissed her nose.  “I’m afraid one of them will steal you away from me and…”

Minzy kissed his lips and said, “Sweetie, you have nothing to worry about.  I can guarantee that your friends don’t like me in that kind of way.  Did you happen to look at all of their dates tonight?  They’re super pretty compared to me.”

A smile suddenly appeared on his face as he smiled, “What did you just call me?”

Minzy blushed as she mumbled, “Sweetie.”

“That’s the first time you’ve ever called me that.”

“I know,” Minzy said looking away from him.  !  It slipped out of my mouth.  Why did I even call him that?  Aish…I’m so stupid!

“Still…I…” Taemin trailed off.

Minzy put her finger on his lips and said, “Oppa, you really have nothing to worry about, okay?  Trust me.”

Taemin sighs as he stared into her glittering eyes and muttered, “Fine.”

“Come on, let’s go back,” Minzy said as she dragged him back to the living room. 

Kai clears his throat, “So, um…”

“Don’t worry guys, I convinced him to play.  It’s all good,” Minzy cuts him off. 

“Perfect!” Namjoo said as she winks at him.  “Let’s all move the sofas and sit in a circle.”

“Everyone should sit next to the opposite .  That way we won’t have to kiss the same ,” T-ae instructed.

“Aw man.  I was hoping to see two girls make out with each other,” Se Hun whined as he pouted his lips together.

Minzy threw a pillow at him, “Yah!  You ert!”

Everyone laughed out loud as Se Hun cried, “I was just kidding!”

“No he wasn’t,” Tao teased.

“Whatever,” Se Hun mumbled as his face turned red.

Within a couple of minutes, everyone was seated on the floor as they excitedly looked at each other.  Minzy noticed Kai whispering something into T-ae’s left ear as she giggled and playfully hit him on his chest.  Damn it!  There goes my blood pressure rising to the roof again!  What the hell is he whispering to her about?  Why does he have to sit so close to her?  And why the heck am I getting mad by watching them interact with each other?  Aish, ignore them!  You’re here to have a good time.  Don’t let them ruined your night she thought as she smiled at Taemin who purposely sat across from her so they would end up making out if the bottle pointed to either one of them.

“Alright, here are the rules.  When the bottle lands on you, you get to pick whoever you want to make out with,” T-are explained.

“What?!  That’s not how you play spin the bottle!” Taemin cried.

“Yeah, but we decided to spice it up a little,” Tao said with a smirk. 

“And we all agree to it too,” Se Hun added.  “So if you want to back out, do it now.”

Taemin looked at Minzy and asked, “Do you still want to play?”

Minzy nodded her head yes and flashed him one of her cutest smile, “It’ll be fun oppa.”

“Fine,” Taemin muttered.  This !  She should have said no.  If she would have said no, I would have backed out too.  I mean, what’s going to happen if one of the other girls kissed me in front of her?  Well, it would be nice to see her get jealous…but still…

“Oh, I forgot to add one more thing,” T-ae said.  “You and your partner will have to make out in that closet over there for 2 minutes with the doors locked!”

“WHAT?!” everyone shouted as they all looked at her.

T-ae smiled at them with her innocent eyes, “With the door closed and locked, we won’t know if they’re making out or not.” 

A little smile curved on Taemin’s face as he said, “I like the sound of that.  He looked at all of his friends and warned, “If any of you end up picking my girl, I expect you to keep your lips off her.”

Tao rolled his eyes at him as he laughed, “Whatever!  I’m going to kiss Minzy whether you like it or not.”

“Me too,” Se Hun joked.

Kai let out a nervous laugh as he joined in on the teasing, “I think I’ll use my tongue if Minzy and I end up together.”

“You better not!” Taemin shouted as he leaned over to punch his best friend.

“Yah!  I was just kidding!” Kai yelled as he rubbed his left shoulder.  Well, not really. 

Everyone laughed expect for Minzy.  Oh god!  If Kai and I end up in that closet together, I think I might end up letting him slip his tongue inside my mouth.  He better not pick me as his partner!

“What happens if the person you choose doesn’t want to make out with you?  What will be their punishment?” Se Hun asked.

“They will have to drink 6 shots of Vodka,” Juliane replied.  She crawled over to her backpack and took out a huge bottle of Vodka along with 6 empty shot glasses.

“6 shots?!” Tao cried.  “This is going to be fun!”

Namjoo looked at Minzy and smirked, “Do you think you’ll be able to handle drinking 6 shots of Vodka?”

“Of course I can.  Can you?” Minzy shot back.  Does she think I can’t handle drinking or something? 

“Alright, enough talking and let’s start playing,” Kai suddenly said. 

“Who wants to be the first person to spin the bottle?” Namjoo asked as she held the bottle in her hand.

“Me!” T-ae cried as she shot her left hand up in the air. 

Namjoo handed the bottle over to her as she said, “Here you go.”

T-ae smiled, “Thanks.”  She walked towards the middle of the circle and spun the bottle.  As the bottle started spinning, she quickly ran out of the circle and sat next to Taemin. 

The bottle started slowing down as everyone held their breaths waiting for it to stop.  The bottle came to a stop as it pointed towards T-ae. 

Thank god the bottle didn’t land on any of the guys Taemin happily thought as a huge smile curved on his face.  I can finally relax…for now.

“Yes!  It landed on me!” T-ae squealed.

Juliane scoffs, “You did that on purpose because you wanted to go frist.”

Namjoo nodded her head in agreement, “I say we have a re-do.”

“Yah!  I didn’t do that on purpose!  Everyone saw how fast I spun that bottle.  I won fair and square,” T-ae pointed out.

“She’s right,” Kai said coming to her rescue. 

“See?  Even Jongin agrees with me,” T-ae said.

“Whatever, just pick already,” Julian said.

We all know who she’s going to pick Minzy thought as she watched T-ae smirking at Kai.  I wish I could punch that smirk off her face right now.  God, she really annoys me!

“I pick Lee Taemin,” T-ae suddenly said.

“WHAT?!” everyone (expect Kai) shouted.

T-ae smiled as she looks at everyone, “What?  I said I pick Lee Taemin.”

Okay, now I really want to punch her Minzy thought as she curled her right hand into a tight fist.

“What do you say Taemin?” T-ae asked as she batted her long eyelashes at him.

“No thanks.  I’d rather take the shots,” Taemin replied.

Minzy gave him a huge smile as she winked at him.  Yes!  He said no!  Ha!  Take that T-ae! 

“D-did you just say no to me?” T-ae asked in disbelief.

“Yah, are you deaf or something?  He said “NO” loud and clear,” Juliane said as she started pouring Vodka in all of the shot glasses.  Once she was done pouring the Vodka in them, she looked over at him and commanded, “Come over here to receive your punishment Taemin.”

Taemin did as he was told and drank all 6 shots.  Damn, I better not get drunk tonight he thought.  He wasn’t a very strong drinker when it came to drinking.  The last thing he wanted to do was pass out, especially on Christmas Eve.  He wanted Minzy to open up his Christmas gift he got her in front of everybody.  She’s going to be in for a huge surprise!

“Are you going to be okay?” Minzy asked out loud with a worry look on her face.

Taemin shook his head yes as he made his way back towards the middle of the circle.  He took the bottle and gave it a hard spin as he slowly walked towards Minzy and sat down next to her.  She put her hand on his left cheek and asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?  Your face is all red.”

He smiled at her, “I’m fine Minzy.  Don’t worry about me, okay?”  I don’t want to show you that I’m a weak drinker.

“Fine, but as long as you are okay I’ll stop nagging you.”

Taemin removed her hand from his cheek and planted a small kiss on it and whispered, “You’re so beautiful.”

Minzy blushed as she whispered back, “Thanks.”

“Yes!” Se Hun suddenly shouted as the bottle pointed at him. 

He better not choose Minzy or else I’m going to kick his Taemin thought as he narrowed his cold eyes at him.

“Who are you going to pick?” Kai asked.

“I pick Min-,” Se Hun started to say but stopped when Taemin gave him the death stare.  He quickly cleared his throat, “Er…I choose Namjoo.”

Namjoo madly blushed as she smiled at him and shyly said, “Okay.”

Juliane eyes glowed with excitement as she stood up and ran towards the closet and yanked the door wide open, “Get in there because I’m timing you guys right now.”

Se Hun eyes widen as he quickly grabbed Namjoo hand and dragged her towards the dark closet.  Juliane shut the door and yelled, “Enjoy it while you can before your two minutes is up!”

Taemin leaned his head on Minzy shoulder as they waited patiently until Se Hun and Namjoo were done making out.  He felt her leaned her head down on top of his head and asked, “Are you having fun so far?”

“Yes I am.  Do you want to know why?”


“Because I’m spending Christmas Eve with you.  I’m the luckiest man on earth right now because you’re my girlfriend.”

“Are you really that happy to have me as your girlfriend?”

“You betcha I am,” Taemin replied as a huge smile curved on his handsome face.

“Yah!  Your two minutes is up!” Juliane shouted as she slowly opened the door. 

Everyone laughed out loud at Se Hun and Namjoo as they both stepped out of the closet.  There was red lipstick all over Se Hun’s lips as he covered his lips with both of hands.

“Nice lips,” Tao teased as he pointed his finger at his lips.

Se Hun rolled his eyes at him as he muttered, “Shut up.”

2 hours later

Minzy chuckled to herself as she stared at everyone (expect for Kai) who was passed out around her.  They were the only ones left wide awake and not drunk.  She was quite surprised at how much alcohol he could drink because she thought he would be a weak drinker.  Sadly, Taemin was the first one to pass out because every time the bottle would land at one of the other girls (besides her) they would end up picking him as their partner to make out with.  By the end of the night, he ended up drinking 24 shots and he ended up puking all over the floor.  She remembered Se Hun freaking out like a mad man, because Taemin puked all over his mom’s favorite rug.  Kai ended up carrying Taemin up to Se Hun’s bedroom and she offered to help him but he refused to let her help him.  He ended up pushing her out of the bedroom as he changed his best friend into some of Se Hun clothes.  By the time he was done changing him, he tucked his best friend in bed along with a garbage can on the side of the bed in case he wakes up puking again.  When they both went back into the living room, they found Namjoo helping Se Hun cleaning up Taemin’s puke.  Tao was the second person to pass out followed by Juliane, T-ae, Namjoo, and then Se Hun.

Minzy could feel herself buzzing as the alcohol was starting to kick in.  She smiled at Kai, “What should we do now?  Everyone passed out on us.”

Kai thought about it for a minute before he held his left hand out to her, “Let’s go make out in the closet.”

Minzy raised her left eyebrow up, “What?  Yah, are you serious?”

“I know you want to kiss me,” Kai smirked as he flashed his killer smile at her.  “You’ve been staring at me all night.”

Minzy rolled her eyes at him, “That doesn’t mean I want to kiss you, dummy!”

“Oh really?  Then why did you throw a huge fit when I kissed T-ae on her cheek earlier?” Kai asked.

Minzy tried to control her temper as she remembered Kai kissing T-ae on her cheek.  She bit her bottom lip, "Um..."

Kai grabbed her by the hand and dragged her towards the closet.  I know this is totally wrong of me to do this, but I can’t control my feelings for you Gong Min Ji.  I need you…I want you…I… SLAP!  He blinked his eyes at her as she hollered, “Let me go you ert!  What do you think you’re doing?!”

What the HELL am I doing?  He thought as he continued to drag her.  He shoved her inside the dark closet as he quickly shut the door behind him and pinned her against the wall with his muscular body. 

Minzy eyes widen as he pressed his rock hard chest against her chest.  She could smell the alcohol from this breath as he leaned his face closer to her and whispered, “I’m not drunk Minzy if that is what you’re thinking.  Since everyone is passed out, this is the perfect time for me to tell you exactly how I feel about you.  I LIKE YOU GONG MIN JI.  I don’t know if you feel the same way about me, but I need to get this off my chest.  I am super jealous of Taemin hyung that he stole your heart before I did.  It hurts me every time to see you both make out in front of me and I have tried really hard to ignore this jealousy inside of me, but I can’t take it anymore.”

Kai likes me!  He REALLY does like me!  God, I’m so happy right now!  I…oh …I can’t like him Minzy thought as Taemin’s face suddenly flashed into her mind.  I can’t like him because Taemin is already my boyfriend.  He has been so faithful to me tonight and that shows me how much he really likes and cares for me.  Gong Min Ji, get your together! 

Kai lifted her chin up and said, “I know what you’re thinking right now, but…”

“Jongin, I…”

“May I kiss you?  I know I’ll never be able to claim you as mine, but if you let me kiss you one last time, I promise that I’ll forget everything about you…especially tonight,” Kai whispered as he kissed her softly on her right cheek.

Push him away!  Push him away!  Minzy mentally screamed in her head as his kisses trailed down her neck then onto her collar bone.  She let out a small moan as she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck.  God, he smells so good!

Kai lifted her tiny body up in the air and gently lay her down on the floor as he stared into her shiny eyes.  His eyes landed on her rosy lips and whispered, “I’m assuming that it’s okay for me to kiss you, right?”

Instead of answering him, Minzy pulled his chain necklace that was hanging down his neck towards her as his lips landed on top of her soft lips. 

Oh my god, this feels so right she thought as he slipped his tongue inside .  The next thing she knew they were French kissing like crazy.  I don’t want this night to end at all…

4 hours later

Minzy was lying on top of Kai as she continued to kiss with him in the closet.  After five minutes of making out with him, she slowly pulled away and smiled at him, “How long have we been in here?”

Kai shrugged his shoulders as he replied, “I’m not sure, but I don’t want to leave yet.”

Minzy kissed him one last time on his lips and whispered, “This is one Christmas Eve party that I will never forget in a million years.”

Kai nodded his head as he wrapped his manly arms around her tiny waist and whispered back, “Me too.  It’s a shame that once we both walk out that door, we’re going to pretend that none of this happen.”

Minzy stared at his sad face as she nodded her head in agreement, “I’m sorry Kim Jongin.  I really am."


Hello everyone!  I am so sorry that it took me so long to update.  I have been super busy with college.  I really hope this chapter makes up for it.  I know there are lots of grammar errors, but I will fix that later.  I can't believe I have 129 subscribers!  That is super duper crazy!  That is the most that I have ever had for any of my stories.  Thank you so much and I'm very happy to know that you all like this story.  Thank you so much for the support and the votes.  Please comment and let me know what your thoughts of this story...especially this chapter.  There will be more romantic scenes in the next upcoming chapter and please be prepared for a MAJOR surprise.  I already have this story figure out and...oh I better not ruined it for you guys.  It's better if I just keep my mouth shut.  Pleae vote and comment.  It means a lot to me!  Thank you once again!  You guys are the BEST!

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Woodenbox #1
Chapter 17: Omg I was not expecting a character death in the final chapter. I read the whole thing in one go haha, got so much to do and here i am fml. That ending hit me like a truck! But i still love this story. I really have to give it you for writing about these rare ships. It's SO HARD to find fanfic about taeminzy or kaiminzy. So thank you!! i hope you're proud of yourself for writing this glorious piece of work, cause you should be.

Also, when you mentioned "lotto" in one of your chapters, I was like OMG U PREDICTED EXO LOTTO hahah. XD

Once again, thank you so much author san for writing this story! (Which was like around three years ago, wow that's really long time ago.) Even though this story breaks my heart into a million pieces. T_T Please never delete this because i know i'm going to be coming back to re-read this again in the future. (:
fighting4chandara #2
Chapter 17: Pls make a SEQUEL!!!!!!
yoojaesukkie #3
Chapter 17: "Teardrops are falling..."- Crybaby jail scene... Nah nut literally teardrops WERE falling crying like a little baby curled in a ball. T_T
Chapter 17: wow just wow so good and sad i did not see that coming at all ><
slilings #5
Chapter 17: CAN U MAKE SEQUEL?? abt tgeres a girl who have the same personality and bit of same features of minzy.sbes a new stydent in their college but this girl is a nerd......CAN YIU?? CAN YOU??? I HOPE U CAN KEKE
Chapter 17: ahhh.. I seriously thought... ahh! Kai is my favorite character her but at the same time I hate him (kissing minzy and all) but STILL! HE IS PRECIOUS AS HECK AND I CAN'T STAND HOW BROKEN HE WAS! wae authornim! wae!?!
KpopBG #8
Chapter 7: I totally luv it, this story is awsome, u should make another story with minzy in it and all the exo members. <3
blackjackvipbaby #9
Honestly i prefer KAIMINZY they are so hot together ! Kai sacrificed himself ant tried to hide his feelings in front of his best friend!
It' a fact : Minzy should end with Kai because she always thinks about this 'ert' ... anyway i love your story authornim ♥.♥