Chapter 9-My Wish Came True


Tuesday (7:15am Seoul High School)

All four boys stood by the front gates as they patiently waited for Minzy to arrive.  Their fan girls were standing not too far away from them as they giggled to each other and took numerous pictures of them using their cell phones.

“God, they’re so annoying,” Tao muttered as he slicked his hair back.

“Tell me about it,” Se Hun said as he leaned his back against the brick wall.  “I wonder what’s taking Minzy so long?  She’s usually here by now.”

Taemin nodded his head as he looked down at his watch.  I wonder where she is? 

God, I can still taste her lips from last night Kai thought as he smiled to himself.  He was busy daydreaming about her that he didn’t notice his best friend staring at him. 

“Yah, how long did she stay at your house to do your project?” Taemin suddenly asked.

Kai snapped out of it as he replied, “About an hour.”

“Did you send her home last night?” Taemin asked.

Kai shook his head no, “She took off before I could offer her a ride home.”

“What?!” Taemin cried.  “Did you guys get into another fight?”

“No, she…” Kai started to say.

“There she is!” Tao said pointing his finger behind them. 

Minzy was slowly walking to school with her head down as she heard a couple of familiar voices calling her name, “Minzy!  Minzy!  Over here!”  She looked up and saw Se Hun, Tao, and Taemin waving their hands at her.  Her eyes fell on Kai right away and her heart fluttered again.  God, how am I going to re-act to him today after what happen yesterday?  I can still feel his tongue inside my mouth.  Aish…Gong Min Ji, quit thinking about his tongue.  So what if he was a good kisser?  He probably made out with a load of girls before he even kissed you.  She waved her hand back at them and quickly ran inside their school.  Sorry guys.  I don’t feel like talking right now.

Taemin stopped waving his hand as he watch Minzy run inside the school, “What was that all about?”  He turned to look at Kai and asked, “Did something happen between you two yesterday?”

Kai shook his head no and lied, “All we did was work on our project.  I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

“Maybe she has to use the bathroom,” Tao said.  “Girls always have their monthly cycle, you know what I mean?”

Se Hun laughed, “Yeah, that’s probably it.  I don’t get why they get moody when they’re on that.”

Kai rolled his eyes at them, “I can’t believe we’re actually talking about this.  I’m gonna head to class first.”

Taemin gave him a weird look, “Already?  We still have 15 minutes left before the final bell rings.”

“I have to start practicing on my English for our project,” Kai explained as he walked away from them.  “I’ll see you guys at lunch.”

“Something is definitely up with him,” Se Hun said.

“Me too,” Tao said nodding his head.

“Me three,” Taemin added.  “If he’s not going to tell me, then I’m going to ask Minzy.”

“Do you think something happen between them last night?” Tao curiously asked.

I hope not Taemin thought.  I don’t know what I would do if something DID happen between them.

“Do you think they kissed?” Se Hun asked as a little smile curved on his lips.

The thought of his best friend kissing Minzy suddenly angered him as he growled, “They better not!”

Tao looked at Taemin and scoffs, “We’re talking about Kai here.  I honestly don’t think he likes her.  Plus he would never do something stupid like that.  He’s your best friend for crying out loud!”

“Yeah, that’s true.  Minzy would kick his if he tried to kiss her,” Se Hun added laughing.  ‘She is one girl you don’t want to touch.  You have to ask her first.” 

Taemin started to cool down as he nodded his head, “Yeah, I guess you guys are right.”

“Dude, I wouldn’t worry about Kai.  He would never choose a girl over his best friend,” Tao assured him.  “I know I wouldn’t.”

Kai walked towards his classroom and opened the door and was surprised to find Minzy sitting at her desk fiddling with her fingers.  Oh, so she’s here too.  Great, this is going to be awkward.  Should I just play it cool and act like everything is okay between us?  Yes, I’ll do that.  I mean, we still have to communicate with each other because of our stupid project.

Minzy stared at him as her eyes widen.  Did he follow me here? She thought as she watched him walked towards her with a friendly smile on his face.

As Kai approached his desk, he set his backpack on the floor and pulled his chair out.  He turned to look at her and flashed her one of his killer smiles, “Good morning Minzy.  How are you doing today?”

“O-oh, good morning Kai,” Minzy stuttered.  “I’m doing just fine, and yourself?”

Kai stretched out his arms and replied, “I’m doing okay, but…”

“But what?”

“I would feel better if you kissed me,” Kai teased.

Minzy blushed as she cried, “W-what?!  Yah!”  Was he serious?

Kai scoffs, “Relax.  I’m just messing with you.”

“Ah, yeah…um…okay,” Minzy mumbled as she looked away from him.  God, this is going to be a long day. 

“Look, about last night…” Kai started to say.

“Hey, I already told you to pretend that it never happened, okay?  Why are you bringing it up again?” Minzy quickly cuts him off.

Kai smiled, “I wanted to apologize to you about it.”  He scratched his neck, “I was confused with my feelings, and I wanted to kiss you to see if I had feelings for you or not.”

“Oh, um…do you?” Minzy nervously asked.

Yes he thought as he smirked, “No.”

Minzy felt as if a sharp knife had jabbed her in the heart as she faked a small laugh, “I see.  Well…um…that’s good…yeah.”  Why am I feeling disappointed by his answer?  I can’t possibly like him, right? 

Kai could see her facial expression changed as he play it cool, “When are you going to record yourself for me?  I need to start practicing on my English if we’re going to be presenting our poem together in front of the class.”

Minzy scratched her head as she replied, “My tape recorder is broken so I won’t be able to record myself for you.”

“Do you have a cell phone?”

“No, I don’t have one.”

Kai thought about it for a minute before he asked, “Well, if you don’t mind, why don’t I just record you on my IPhone?  That way I’ll be able to practice it on my own.”

“That’s fine with me.  When do you want to do it?”

“Either today during class time or during lunch hour,” Kai replied.  “Is that okay with you?”

“That’s fine.”

“Oh, and if we end up recording it during lunch hour, we’re gonna have to go somewhere where it’s quiet.  That way, I’ll be able to mimic all of the words you’re saying,” Kai explained.

“You’re right.  The commons will be too noisy and we won’t be able to do it in the library either because there will be other students studying.  How about if we do it on top of the school roof?  No one goes up there,” Minzy suggested.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.  Alright, let’s do it up there.”

“Cool,” Minzy said as she flashed him one of her cutest smile.

Aish, why did you have to smile at me like that Kai thought as he quickly looked away from her.  He cleared his throat, “If you’re late, you’re going to get it from me!”

“Tsk, I wouldn’t be talking,” Minzy cried.  “Who is the one that is always late for lunch?”

Kai smirked, “I can’t help it if my fan girls want a piece of me.”

“Tsk, you’re so full of yourself,” Minzy mumbled.

“I heard that,” Kai said not looking at her.

“Good!  At least that tells me that you’re not deaf!” Minzy teased.

“Whatever,” Kai muttered as he tried his best not to look at her.

Well, at least he’s being himself again.  And here I thought we were going to be awkward with each other.  But still, why do I feel disappointed that he doesn't have any feelings for me?  I thought he liked me?  Sigh, I’m probably not good enough for him.  Yeah, that’s probably it.  I’m not pretty, skinny, or girly enough for him.  Well, screw him!  At least I still have Taemin oppa.  How is it that they’re both best friends yet, they have completely different personalities?  So what if they have a few things in common?  Taemin is more caring and understandable…unlike ert over here.  He’s rude, obnoxious, full of himself, and…incredibly hot!  Stop it Gong Min Ji!  Quit thinking about him.  Just focus on your project and you won’t have to deal with him anymore she thought as she took her English textbook out from her backpack. 

Knock!  Knock!  Knock!

Kai and Minzy both looked up and saw Taemin standing by the door smiling at them.

“Hyung!” Kai smiled.

“Hi oppa!” Minzy shyly greeted as she waved her hand him.

“Hi guys,” Taemin said as he walked into their classroom.  He walked towards Minzy and asked, “Are you feeling okay today?”

Minzy nodded her head yes, “Why do you ask oppa?”

Taemin scratched his head, “I thought it was weird that you didn’t come and talk to us.”

“Oh, I had to use the bathroom,” Minzy lied.  Lame excuse Gong Min Ji!

“Oh, I see.”

“Ah!  It’s Lee Taemin!” a couple of girls cried as they walked into their classroom.

Taemin ignored them as he smiled at her, “Do you want to come over to my house and have dinner with me tonight?”

“Sure!” Minzy beamed at him. 

“Cool,” Taemin said.

“Yah, how come you’re not inviting me?” Kai asked sounding a little jealous and annoyed.

Taemin laughed, “I’ll invite you next time.”

“Whatever,” Kai grumbled as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Minzy giggled as she playfully poked his left cheek, “Is someone mad?”

Kai scoffs, “I’m not mad.”

Taemin rolled his eyes as he patted his best friend on his back, “Yah, stop being like that.  I always invite you over for dinner.” 

The thought of you guys being together makes me angry and super jealous Kai thought as he faked a smile at him, “Don't worry about it.  I was just messing with you”

“I’ll see you guys at lunch,” Taemin said as he started walking out the door.

“We might be busy,” Minzy blurted out.

Taemin quickly turned his head around, “We?”

“Me and Kai.  We have to work on our project so we might not be able to have lunch with you guys,” Minzy explained.

“Oh, um….okay,” Taemin said feeling disappointed.

“I said “might” oppa.  Don’t be disappointed,” Minzy said smiling at him.

Taemin faked a smile, “I guess.  Well, hopefully I’ll see you guys at lunch then.”

“Bye hyung,” Kai said nodding his head at him.

Minzy flashed him a huge smile, “Bye oppa.”

15 minutes later

“Good morning class,” Mrs. Park greeted as she walked into their classroom.

“Good morning Mrs. Park,” all of her students greeted back.

“You may have a seat,”Mrs. Park instructed.  She waited until everyone was seated before she announced, “For the first hour, I would like you and your partners to work on your English poems together.  If you haven’t started on it, I suggest you get working on it during this free time that I'm giving you guys.  You may start now.”

Minzy poked Kai on his left arm, “It’s going to be too loud in here for you to record me.  Should we ask Mrs. Park if we can go to the library?”

Kai nodded his head as he stood up from his seat, “I’ll go ask her.  Sit tight.”

Minzy nodded her head as she watched him walk up to Mrs. Park desk.  He whispered something in her ear as she nodded her head yes.  She saw him bowing his head at her and walked back towards her.  He picked his backpack from the ground and smiled, “Let’s go.  She said we can go to the library and work on our poem.”

Minzy eyes widen as she whispered, “Yah, how did you manage to convince her to let us go to the library?”

“I told her you were having a hard time understanding English,” Kai replied as he started laughing.

Minzy pinched his right cheek and hissed, “Yah!  How dare you tell her that!  I’m not the one who has a hard time understanding English!  You’re the one!”

Instead of getting upset, he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of their classroom as everyone stared at them with their mouths wide open.

“Yah, where are they going?”

“Why is Kai holding her hand?”

“How come they’re leaving?”

Minzy looked down at their hands that were laced together as her heart started beating faster.  She mumbled, “Kai, you can let me go now.”

Kai smiled, “I don’t want to.  You might get lost.”

Minzy blinked her eyes at him, “Are you kidding me?  Yah, let go!”  She tried to free herself from him, but he only gripped on to her hand tighter.  What’s wrong with him?  If he doesn’t like me, why is he holding my hand?  His actions are starting to confuse me and I hate it because it makes me think that he likes me when he doesn’t.

“Where should we sit?” Kai asked as they reached the library.  He finally let go of her hand and turned to look at her.

Minzy looked around and pointed her finger towards an empty table near the back wall, “Let’s sit over there.”

Kai nodded his head as he followed her towards the table.  His eyes landed on her as a little smile curved on his lips.  Damn, she has such a nice tight bubbly !  He knew he shouldn’t be looking there, but he couldn’t help himself.  Stupid hormones are kicking in again…sigh…

Minzy set her backpack on the table and asked, “Do you want to record me standing up or sitting down?”

“Sitting down,” Kai replied as he took his IPhone out. 

Minzy nodded her head as she pulled out their poem and sat down.  She fixed her hair and held the paper in her hands, “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Kai sat across from her and held his IPhone in front of her and smiled, “When I count to three, I’m going to hit the record button.  1…2…3!”

10 minutes later

“Well, that was easy,” Kai said as he shoved his IPhone back into his backpack.

“Now all you have to do is practice it,” Minzy reminded him.

“Well, I think we should practice it together,” Kai pointed out.  “We’re partners after all, you know?  I mean, what happens if I’m having trouble mispronouncing some words?”

“Hm, you’re right.  Well, let’s start practicing now.  We can also practice during lunch hour up on the school roof too.  And, if you need more practice, I…um…I can always come over to your house know...,” Minzy replied as she started to think bout their kiss.  Oh !  I’m blushing! 

Kai gave her a huge smile, “That sounds like a good idea to me.”

“Yeah…” Minzy trailed off as she looked away from him.  Why am I even thinking about the kiss?  He doesn’t like you, remember?  Aish!  You’re so dumb!  Whatever!  I can’t wait to get this project over with! 

Friday 1st period 7:35am (Seoul High School)

“Are you nervous?” Minzy asked as she took her seat next to him.

Kai nodded his head yes as he twirled his fingers, “Aren’t you?”

“Nope,” Minzy replied.  “Relax, will you?  We’ve been practicing for the past 3 days together.  You’ll be just fine.”  They were inseparable for the past 3 days causing many people to think that they were dating, especially Taemin.  He didn’t like the fact that she was always around his best friend instead of him.  At first she found it very cute that he was jealous, but then it started to annoy her because he kept nagging her about it.  She remembered snapping at him during lunch hour yesterday.

Flashback Thursday 11:30am (Lunch time)

“Yah, where are you going?” Taemin asked as he saw Minzy walking towards the rooftop. 

“Hi oppa!  I’m meeting Kai up on the rooftop to practice our English poem together,” Minzy replied.  She started to walk up the stairs until he grabbed her right arm swinging her around to face him.  Bumping into his hard rock chest, she cried, “Yah!  What are you doing?!”

“I want to have lunch with you today,” Taemin replied as he stared into her angry eyes.

“Oppa, I can’t.  Not today, okay?  I need to work on my project with Kai,” Minzy explained. 

“Why do I feel like you’re avoiding me?” Taemin sadly asked.  “It seems to me that you prefer spending more time with Jong In.”

“Yah, that’s not the case at all.  Oppa, you’re starting to annoy me.  If you keep it up, I won’t ever eat lunch with you again,” Minzy threatened.

Taemin let go of her arm and quietly said, “I’m sorry Minzy.  It’s just…I’m jealous, okay?”

“You’re jealous?  Why?”

“I’m afraid of losing you,” Taemin truthfully replied.  “I don’t want anyone else to have you expect for me.  If I can’t have you, no one can.  I want us to be in a relationship.”

Minzy shook her head, “Oh oppa.  Don’t push a relationship.  If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen, okay?”

Taemin nodded his head, “I understand.”

Minzy kissed him on his left cheek and smiled, “A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy.  It’s always nice to know someone’s afraid to lose you.  I’ll give you my answer soon, okay?  I promise.”

Taemin smiled, “Okay.  I’m sorry for acting like a jealous freak.  I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Minzy pinched his right cheek and giggled, “You’re forgiven.  You know I can’t stay mad at you very long.  Anyways, I really have to go.  I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay,” Taemin said kissing her forehead.  “Don’t forget to eat.”

“I won’t oppa,” Minzy said as she waved good-bye to him.  “Bye!”


End of flashback

“Good morning class,” Mrs. Park greeted as she walked towards her class.

Everyone quickly stood up from their chairs and bowed their heads, “Good morning Mrs. Park.”

“You may all sit down,” Mrs. Park said as she took her grade book out.  She smiled at her students, “As you all know, today is the day you and your partner will present your English poem.  Who would like to volunteer to go first?”

“Kai and I would like to go first,” Minzy quickly replied as she raised her right hand up in the air.

“What?!” Kai hissed as he threw her a dirty look.

Mrs. Park smiled and said, “Very well.  Whenever you guys are ready, you may come up to the front of the class and present your poem.”

“I can’t do this,” Kai nervously whispered as his hands started to shake.

Minzy held his hand and gave it a small squeeze, “YOU CAN DO THIS.  I have faith in you.  Just follow my lead, okay?”

Kai smiled as her as he nodded his head.  She pulled him up to the front of their classroom and started talking in English, “Hello!  My name is Gong Min Ji and this is my partner Kim Jong In.  We wrote a love poem together and it is called The One.”  She looked over at him and nudged his left arm.

Blue (Kai is speaking)

Red (Minzy is speaking)




“Be with the one that makes you happy,

The one that makes you smile,

The one that makes you laugh,

And each day worthwhile,

Live life for the moment,

Try hard to make it last,

Because life is so short,

It goes by so fast,

So when you find love,

Don’t let it slip away,

Hold it forever,

And cherish it each day,

As long as you are happy,

That is what you should do,

Love that someone and let them know

Before your life is through”


Everyone started clapping their hands for them as they bowed their heads down. 

“Excellent job!” Mrs. Park cried.  “I love how you introduced yourselves in English too.  You two were very well prepared.  Way to set the standards.  You two may sit down now.”

“Thank you,” Kai whispered as they sat down.

“You’re welcome,” Minzy whispered back. 

11:15am (Lunch time)

“Good job on your poem,” Se Hun said as he patted Kai on his shoulder.

“Thanks man,” Kai said as he smiled at him.  “You and Jiyoung did a really good job on your poem too.”

“Yeah, but our poem was kind of boring.”

“You shouldn’t be complaining because you didn’t do anything,” Kai pointed out.

“Whatever,” Se Hun grumbled as he opened his chocolate milk cartoon.

“Hi guys,” Tao said as he pulled a chair out next to Se Hun.  “How did you guys do on your poems?”

“Minzy and I killed it,” Kai happily replied.  “If it wasn’t for her, I think I would have choked.”

“Really?” Tao said smiling at him.  He looked at Se Hun, “What about you buddy?”

“Errrrr…Jiyoung and I did alright,” Se Hu replied.

Tao raised his left eyebrow up, “Just alright?”

“It means, they did horrible,” Kai teased.

“We did not!” Se Hun protested.

“Hi guys!” Minzy happily cried as she pulled out a chair next to Kai. 

“Hi,” all three boys said. 

“What’s new?” Minzy asked as she placed her backpack on the floor.

“Nothing, we’re just giving Se Hun a hard time about his project,” Tao replied.

“Yah!  Can we please drop the subject?!” Se Hun cried sounding annoyed.

“Hi guys,” Taemin said as he pulled a chair next to Minzy. 

“Hello oppa,” Minzy shyly said.

“Hey,” all of the boys said.

Taemin smiled at Minzy and asked, “How did your project go this morning?”

“It went great!” Minzy replied.  She grabbed his hand and beamed, “We totally aced it!”

“Awesome!” Taemin happily cried as he squeezed her hand.  “I knew you guys could do it!”

“Yeah, we totally bombed it,” Kai said trying to sound happy.  Really?  Why do you guys have to be holding hands in front of me right now?  Don’t you know that it hurts me?

“I have been meaning to ask you something Minzy,” Taemin said.

“What’s that oppa?”

“Would you like to come over for Thanksgiving and have dinner with me and my family?  My mom really wants to see you again.”

Minzy eyes widen, “Really?”

“Uh-huh.  So, what do you say?”

“I would love to!” Minzy squealed.

“Perfect!  I’ll pick you up Thanksgiving morning, if that is alright with you?”

“That’s fine oppa.”

“Hey, what about us?” Tao asked.  “How come you’re only inviting Minzy?”

“Yeah, no kidding!  Are we chop liver or what?” Se Hun added.

Kai scoffs, “Are we not your friends anymore?”

“You guys always decline every time I ask,” Taemin explained.  “So, I decided not to ask you guys this year.”

Minzy looked at all three boys, “Is that true?”

“Errrrrr…yeah….” Se Hun mumbled.

“But what happens if we want to come this year?” Kai asked looking at his best friend.

Taemin scratched his head, “Well, do you guys want to come over and celebrate Thanksgiving with me and my family this year?”

“I would love to, but I can’t,” Se Hun replied.  “My grandparents are coming from America and this will be my first time meeting them.”

“I will be in China visiting my aunties and uncles with my parents,” Tao said giving him a sorry look.  “Thank you for the invite though.”

“What about you Kai?” Taemin asked.

Minzy looked at him and smiled, “I think it would be nice if you joined us too.”

“I can’t because my entire family will actually be home this year…for once,” Kai replied with a huge smile on his face.  As much as he wanted to join his best friend and his secret crush for Thanksgiving, he would rather spend it with his parents and his sisters since he hardly ever sees them.

Minzy suddenly let go of Taemin hands and grabbed Kai by his hands, “Are you serious?  Wow!  I’m so happy for you.”

Kai slowly removed her hands away from him as he saw anger and jealousy steamed out of his best friend eyes.  He smiled and nodded his head at Minzy, “Yeah, I’m really excited.”  Please don’t touch me in front of hyung. 

Minzy looked hurt as he pushed her hands away from him.  Why is he acting like that towards me? 

“I can’t believe Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away!” Se Hun cried.  “The next thing you know, it’ll be Christmas!”

“Yeah, and then we have to deal with snow.  Yippy for us,” Tao miserably said.

Minzy smiled, “It won’t be that bad.  I bet you anything if we were to have a snowball fight against each other, I would take you all down.”

“I hardly doubt it,” Tao teased.  “Your aim is probably pretty bad.”

“Whatever!  I bet you anything I could beat your…,” Minzy said as she tried not to say .

Tao smirked, “You almost swore.  You’re lucky you caught yourself, otherwise I would have kissed you!”

Taemin glared at him, “I wouldn’t have allowed that.”

“Oh, I think someone is getting jealous!” Se Hun teased.

Kai nodded his head in agreement, “You need to work on your jealousy hyung.”  Hell, I shouldn’t even be talking.  I have to work on mine!

Tao laughed out loud, “He’s right.  I don’t think Minzy wants a jealous man.”

“Yah!  If I get jealous, then that means I obviously care about her,” Taemin explained.

Minzy blushed as she heard those words come out of his mouth.  Aw!  He’s such a cutie!  She sat there and watched the boys bicker at each other as she started thinking about all the yummy food she will be eating at Taemin’s house for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving (4:00pm Taemin’s house)

“Are you okay?” Taemin asked as he looked over at Minzy who was busy adjusting her hair.  He pulled his car up into the drive way and turned the engine off.

Minzy shook her head no, “Oppa, I’m really nervous.”

“What’s there to be nervous about?”

“I don’t know, I just feel really nervous…that’s all.”

Taemin unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned his face towards her, “Relax, okay?  My parents are the nicest people on earth and they’ll make you feel like you’re part of the family.  Trust me.”

Minzy let out a small sigh, “I guess.”

Taemin kissed her on the forehead and smiled, “By the way, you look gorgeous.”

Minzy blushed, “Thank you oppa.”

Taemin got out of his car and walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for her.  She adjusted her hair one last time before she got out of his car and smiled at him.  He took her by the hand and led her towards his house.  I met his mother before and she seemed to be very nice.  I hope his dad likes me.  I even put make-up on so I look more feminine. 

Taemin unlocked the front doors and pulled her inside.  They both took of their shoes off and he led her towards their living room was met by his older brother Lee Taesun who was playing video games.

“Hi hyung!” Taemin excitedly greeted. 

“Hey little brother,” Taesun greeted back as he put his video game on paused.  He stood up from the sofa and smiled at Minzy, “Ah, you must be Gong Min Ji that stole my little brother heart, huh?”

(This picture is really Lee Taemin older brother.  Isn't he hot?)


Minzy blushed as she bowed her head down, “H-hello.  It’s a pleasure to meet you.  Oppa didn’t tell me he had a handsome older brother.”  She quickly covered with her right hand as her eyes widen.  Oh my god!  I can’t believe I just said that!  They totally look alike!  If I wouldn’t have known, I would have guessed that they were twins or something.  !  He is freaking HOT!

Taesun laughed as his face started turning red, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”  He looked at his little brother and smiled, “I like her already.”

“Yah, don’t get any wrong ideas here,” Taemin warned.  “She’s mine.”

Taesun rolled his eyes at him, “I know that.  You only talk about her 24/7.”

Minzy raised her right eyebrow up as she looked at Taemin, “You talk about me 24/7?”

Taemin blushed as he stuttered, “N-no!”

“Whatever!  You were just talking about her last night to me.  You were saying…” Taesun trailed off.

“Quit embarrassing your brother,” a deep voice said behind them.

Minzy turned around and saw a middle aged man standing by the door smiling at them, “You must be the famous Gong Min Ji that my son has fallen head over heels for.”

Minzy quickly bowed her head down and said, “Hello.”

“Minzy!  You’re here!” his mom squealed with happiness as she ran into the living room.  She gave her a bear hug, “I’m so happy you could join us for dinner!  My son has been talking about you non-stop.”

Taemin madly blushed as he complained, “Yah!  Cut it out you guys!”  Damn it!  Did she really have to tell her that?  So what if I talk about her 24/7?  I can’t help it if I like her.

Minzy chuckled, “I hope he said nothing bad about me.”

“He has said nothing but good stuff about you,” Taesun suddenly said as he smiled at her.  “Do you know that he dreams about you every night?”

“Hyung!” Taemin cried as his face flushed with embarrassment. 

“Really?” Minzy asked.

“Yeah, and do you want to know what he says about you?” Taesun continued on.

“Knock it off Taesun,” his dad sternly said. 

Taesun gave his dad an innocent look, “What?  If Minzy is going to be his girlfriend, she should know what he says about her.”

“Taesun,” his mom firmly said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.  She gave him the evil eye as he let out a small sigh and mumbled, “Fine, I’ll cut it out.”

Taemin smiled at his mom, “Thanks mom.”

Taesun mouthed to Minzy, “I’ll tell you later!”

Minzy let out a cute laugh as she nodded her head. 

“I don’t think so,” Taemin said as he threw his brother a dirty look. 

Minzy decided to change the subject as she offered, “Would you like me to help you set the table Mrs. Lee?”

“Sure!” Mrs. Lee happily replied as she pulled her by the hand.  “It’s great to have another female in the house.  It gets so lonely here.”

15 minutes later

“This is really delicious Mrs. Lee,” Minzy said as she stuffed with white rice and turkey.

“Thank you!” Mrs. Lee beamed.

“So, how did you steal my baby brother heart?” Taesun asked as he smirked at her.

“I honestly don’t know,” Minzy truthfully replied.  She turned to look at Taemin and smiled, “How did I steal your heart?”

“Oh, I would like to know too!” his mother grinned.

Taemin smiled as he took a sip of his milk, “Well, um…”

“Spill it out already,” Taesun demanded.

“She’s independent and a very good fighter,” Taemin calmly said.  He smiled at her, “Not only that, but she’s very attractive and a very good dancer.”

“You can dance?” Taesun asked.

Minzy nodded her head yes, “Can you?”

“Of course I can.  I’m the reason why Taemin loves dancing.  He learned all his dance moves from me,” Taesun bragged.

Minzy eyes widen, “Really?  We should have a dance battle sometime.”

“Tsk, are you sure you want to battle me?”

“Yes.  When it comes to dancing, I am very competitive,” Minzy replied.

“Don’t forget about fighting too,” Taemin reminded her.

His dad looked at her, “You fight?”

“Yes, I do.  But I only fight when I’m being bullied,” Minzy explained.

“I see.  It’s rare to find young girls like you who know how to fight,” his dad said.  He looked at Taemin and smirked, “You did well my son.  It looks like you don’t need me or your brother to look after you anymore.”

Everyone at the table laughed as Taemin pouted, “Yah!  Why are you guys ganging up on me today?”

Minzy reached for his hand underneath the table and gave it a small squeeze.  She flashed him one of her iest smile, “They’re just teasing you oppa.”

Taemin heart fluttered as he smiled back at her, “I know, but I don’t like it.”

“Okay, okay, okay.  We’ll stop teasing you,” his mom said. 

3 hours later

“We’ll be back in a couple of hours.  Your dad is taking me out to a late night movie,” his mom said as she puts her fur coat on. 

“Your mother has been nagging me to take her out, so I’d figure tonight would be the night,” his dad explained as he bent over to tie his shoes.

“Do you guys want to join us?” his mom offered.

“No,” Taemin quickly replied.  “Minzy and I have plans already.”

“We do?” Minzy asked as she looked at him.

Taemin pinched her nose and replied, “Yes.”

Minzy rubbed her nose as she giggled, “What are we going to do oppa?”

“It’s a secret,” Taemin whispered as he kissed her nose.

His mom walked over to them and gave Minzy a big hug, “Thank you for joining us for dinner Minzy.”

“You’re welcome Mrs. Lee.  I had a very good time and I loved your cooking.  We should get together sometime so you can teach me how to cook,” Minzy said hugging her back.

“It would be an honor for me to teach you how to cook.  I will have to take a look at my schedule to see which weekend I have off and I will let Taemin know when will be a good time for us to get together.  How does that sound?”

“That sounds like a plan to me,” Minzy replied as she released his mom.

His mom hugged Taemin and kissed his forehead, “Call us if you need anything, okay?”

Taemin smiled, “Yes mom.  Have fun tonight and enjoy your movie.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you Gong Min Ji.  I hope you’ll be able to come over more often and join us for dinner,” his dad said smiling at her.  “I really enjoyed your company.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you too,” Minzy happily said.  “I will come over and have dinner with you guys whenever I am free.  I am happy that you guys enjoyed my company.”

“Bye honey,” his mom said as she walked away from them.

“Behave yourselves kids,” his dad said winking at them.

Taemin rolled his eyes, “Dad!  Really?  Get out of here.”

Minzy wave good-bye to them as she watched his parents walked out the front door. 

“Hey little brother!  I’ll be home in a couple of hours.  I'm going to pick up my girlfriend and spend some time with her,” Taesun said as he put his Nike tennis shoes on.  He smiled at Minzy and winked at her, “It was a pleasure meeting you Gong Min Ji.  Next time we see each other, we’re going to have a dance battle.”

Minzy nodded her head and joked, “Don’t be upset when you lose to me.”

“You better start practicing,” Taesun teased.  He looked at Taemin and gave him an evil grin, “Behave yourself little brother.  Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Whatever hyung!” Taemin cried as his face turned red.

Minzy laughed out loud as she waved good-bye to him.

“Bye guys!” Taesun shouted as he ran out the door.

“Bye!” they both shouted back.

“Finally!  I get you all to myself!” Taemin cried as he wrapped his left arm around her shoulder. 

Minzy giggled as she laid her head on his left shoulder, “Oppa?”


“Your family is so nice.  You were right.  They made me feel like I was a part of the family.  I have never experience this feeling before and it felt really nice.  Thank you,” Minzy said as she planted a soft kiss on his left cheek.

Taemin smiled at her, “You’re welcome.  Do you want to go outside and look at the stars?”

“Sure!” Minzy replied.  He grabbed her by the hand and led her outside towards their back deck.  They both looked up in the dark sky and saw many stars shining down at them. 

“Minzy!  A shooting star!” Taemin shouted as he pointed his finger up in the sky.  “Hurry!  Make a wish!”

“But oppa, you saw it first.  You make the wish!” Minzy protested.  “Hurry!”

“Fine,” Taemin quickly said as he closed his eyes and made his wish.  I wish for Gong Min Ji to be my girlfriend and love me forever. 

God, he’s so cute!  I can’t get enough of him Minzy thought as she watched him making his wish.  He’s like a little kid…so innocent-looking, nice, caring, sweet, and yet…so handsome at the same time.  She couldn’t resist him anymore as she kissed him softly on his right cheek causing him to open his eyes.

“What was that for?” Taemin asked as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

Minzy blushed as she replied, “I wanted to kiss you.  What did you wish for?”

“I can’t tell you,” Taemin replied.  “If I told you, my wish won’t come true.”

Minzy pouted her lips together, “Tell me.  Please?”

Taemin shook his head no, “I’m sorry.  I can’t.  I really want my wish to come true.”

Minzy gave up as she said, “Fine.”  She found herself holding both of his hands as they stood outside observing the stars.  Staring at his handsome face, she asked, “Why do you like oppa?”

“Why do I like you?  It’s the vibes you give me, the smile you put on my face, the laughs I get from talking to you, and just the fact that you can make me think of you even if we’re not talking at the moment.  You’re the reason I am happy each and every day.  You have no idea how much I like you or how much I wish you were mine.  I never thought I’d like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often,” Taemin replied as he madly blushed.  I hope she doesn’t think I sound cheesy right now.  This is how I truly feel about her.

Minzy smiled as she kissed him softly on the lips and whispered, “My answer is yes.”

Taemin gave her a confused look, “Yes for what?”

Minzy blushed as she lowered her head down, “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Taemin eyes widen, “Seriously?”

Minzy nodded her head yes as she looked up at him and shyly replied, “I’m serious.”

Feeling extremely happy, he leaned his face down towards her and kissed her rosy lips.  My wish finally came true!  Thank you god! 


Hello my dear readers.  I'm sorry it took me so long to update.  I had a hard time writing this chapter because I didn't know who I wanted Minzy to end up with.  What did you think of this chapter?  Please comment, subscribe, and vote.  Give me some of your feedbacks and let me know what I should do to improve this story or the way how I write.

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Woodenbox #1
Chapter 17: Omg I was not expecting a character death in the final chapter. I read the whole thing in one go haha, got so much to do and here i am fml. That ending hit me like a truck! But i still love this story. I really have to give it you for writing about these rare ships. It's SO HARD to find fanfic about taeminzy or kaiminzy. So thank you!! i hope you're proud of yourself for writing this glorious piece of work, cause you should be.

Also, when you mentioned "lotto" in one of your chapters, I was like OMG U PREDICTED EXO LOTTO hahah. XD

Once again, thank you so much author san for writing this story! (Which was like around three years ago, wow that's really long time ago.) Even though this story breaks my heart into a million pieces. T_T Please never delete this because i know i'm going to be coming back to re-read this again in the future. (:
fighting4chandara #2
Chapter 17: Pls make a SEQUEL!!!!!!
yoojaesukkie #3
Chapter 17: "Teardrops are falling..."- Crybaby jail scene... Nah nut literally teardrops WERE falling crying like a little baby curled in a ball. T_T
Chapter 17: wow just wow so good and sad i did not see that coming at all ><
slilings #5
Chapter 17: CAN U MAKE SEQUEL?? abt tgeres a girl who have the same personality and bit of same features of minzy.sbes a new stydent in their college but this girl is a nerd......CAN YIU?? CAN YOU??? I HOPE U CAN KEKE
Chapter 17: ahhh.. I seriously thought... ahh! Kai is my favorite character her but at the same time I hate him (kissing minzy and all) but STILL! HE IS PRECIOUS AS HECK AND I CAN'T STAND HOW BROKEN HE WAS! wae authornim! wae!?!
KpopBG #8
Chapter 7: I totally luv it, this story is awsome, u should make another story with minzy in it and all the exo members. <3
blackjackvipbaby #9
Honestly i prefer KAIMINZY they are so hot together ! Kai sacrificed himself ant tried to hide his feelings in front of his best friend!
It' a fact : Minzy should end with Kai because she always thinks about this 'ert' ... anyway i love your story authornim ♥.♥