
Suspicious - Ukiss

“I am so glad that we got to do this again” Kevin said as you sat in your chair next to his.

“Me too” You sat down as you looked at your menu, Kevin choose something and you decided to have the same thing. He ordered for you as you looked across the restaurant through the window. You swore you saw something pass by. You shook it off as the reflection of light began to catch your eye again. You brought up your phone and took a zoomed in picture trying to see who it was.

“What are you doing?” Kevin asked as you showed him your little experiment. You blew up the picture on your phone as you could make out the facial features of your one and only brother. Your eyes filled with rage as his text came through your phone.

Tell him to get his hand away from you – Bro

You knew that Kevin’s hand was around you but it didn’t bother you. Kevin saw the text and retracted his arm away and clasped his hands together in his lap.

“M-mianhae” Kevin said as the food was presented.

“It is just Kiseop, you know how he is since our parents left” You took a bite of your meal as his eyes began to soften on you.

“Sorry about that I didn’t mean to bring it up” Kevin was sincere, “You should probably go, and I don’t want you to be in trouble.” His voice was saddened at the little time he had with you but you knew it would be better if you left with Kiseop.

“Thank you for the date, I am sorry it had to end like this. I will text you later ok, Kev?” You ran your hand over his shoulder as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. You picked up your purse and walked out the door meeting your brother outside the window.

Kevin watched you walk away feeling sorry for you. He watched as you waved through the window at him as your brother just pushed you into the car and drove off with two other boys. He sighed looking at the two plates that faced him.

“Mianhae, Jagi” He whispered to himself as he put on his coat, paid for the meal and walked back to his place with the cool air that kept him company as he traveled.

The silent rift began to grow between Kiseop and you as Hoon and Eli awkwardly sat in the back of the car, the silent car ride approached your small apartment as you got out first and ran into the apartment, tears threatening to trace your face.

“Aish, she is a stubborn one” Hoon said as he got out of the car, Kiseop watched as the light flickered on in your room.

“There just is something about Kevin Woo that I don’t like” Kiseop said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“Maybe you should try and sort things out with her then you might come to an understanding with her” Eli suggested as Kiseop hissed again and leaned against the car kicking the tire.

“Appa, left me in charge of her when he died and Umma said that it is my job to protect her, keep her out of trouble” Kiseop got quiet as a silent tear traced down his cheek.

“I thought that they left?” Eli asked as he was conflicted with two different stories.

“He only told _______ that to keep her calm, they died ten years ago” Hoon whispered to Eli as Kiseop quietly walked back to the house.

The door swung open as three pairs of footsteps were heard, you lay on your bed, crying into your pillow as you laid there completely the way that you were in the restaurant.

Eli and Hoon heard sobs from your bedroom as they held their heads low and moved to the TV, Kiseop slammed the door to his room as both of you were secluded from each other.

The tips of his nose and ears were red as he opened the door to the warm house that he shared with his family.

“How did your date go Kevin?” His Umma asked as he put up his coat

“Not too well, she had to leave early” He said with a saddened voice as he tried to hold in his distress

“Sometimes that happens. Did she have a good reason?” Kevin’s Appa asked coming out of his office.

“Her brother, Kiseop came to pick her up” Kevin said as he walked to his room. Closing the door behind him and throwing himself on the bed. He undid his tie and pulled out his phone and pulled up your picture.

You changed into some baggy sweats and a large hoodie as you walked out and raided the fridge.

“Didn’t you eat already?” Eli looked over his shoulder while in a quick break of their intense fighting game. You stayed quiet as you took some fruit and put it in your arms as you walked slowly to your room.

“Yah! Didn’t you hear Eli?” Hoon asked as he paused the game and both of them turned to you. You turned towards them and looked them in the eye.

“No, I didn’t eat because Kiseop thought that he knew better, he took me out of the restaurant right when our food arrived. Ruining a perfectly good date and embarrassing me.” You dipped your head and quickly moved to your room slamming the door behind you.

You threw the food on your bed as you took out your phone and looked upon the dark screen that suddenly lit up with a text.

Are you ok? – Kev

You smiled absentmindedly as you typed back

Yeah I guess  :/

You sat on your bed your back leaning against the headboard as you filed through some of your food

What’s wrong, you know you can talk to me – Kev

I know that I just can’t talk right now. I have to figure some things out first.

You sent the text as soon as a banging came from your door.

“Open this up. I-I want to talk to you” The broken voice of Kiseop echoed through your room.

“Kiseop! Why did you do that? Why did you have to pull me out of my date? I liked him so much!” You yelled as you didn’t want to open the door and move from your spot.

“He is just one of those players, the ones with the cute face and knows all the right words just to get you to you know…” Kiseop said through the door as he jiggled the handle a bit

“He isn’t like that Kiseop. I think Appa would have let me go out with him. Umma would have loved him. I think I can handle it myself I am not three anymore!” You yelled as tears ran down your cheeks. Kiseop stood on the other side of the door as tears flooded his eyes, taken over by his late parents and the situation that he was in.

“Knock, Knock” AJ knocked on the slightly opened door, “How did the date go?”

“I don’t want to talk about it” Kevin mumbled as he turned over on his stomach.

“Let’s go the night is still young, and we are here to help you out. Find another girl; she isn’t worth your time. There are a ton out there” Soohyun said as he walked in and kicked Kevin’s leg

“Yeah let’s go get a party started” Dongho said, “It will make you feel a lot better”

“No, thanks” Kevin said as he held a pillow close to his chest. AJ, Soohyun and Dongho picked him up and took him out. They walked down the street as they were filled with young women looking for some fun. The four of them walked into a bar and sat down in a booth.

“This is what you need” AJ said as he held out his hands and showed Kevin what he was missing. In a few minutes the table was swamped with girls and Kevin left thinking, ‘______ wouldn’t have liked it in there, it is too loud for her’ he smiled to himself as you came into his mind. A few seconds later he was walking down the street and he was attacked with constant buzzing from his phone.

What is she to you?

She left you, go find another one.

There is always another girl. Forget her.

There will be others that will make you happier

She is just looking for attention. She isn’t worth your time.

With these types of messages he turned off his phone and just began to walk. Not knowing where he was going to end up or where he was going, he just walked to try and clear his mind.

“I am just trying to look out for you _____-ah!” Kiseop yelled back, “Aish you are as stubborn as Umma”

“You are about as cold hearted as Appa” You bit back in rage.

“Yah, don’t talk to your parents that way!” Eli and Hoon yelled as they took Kiseop away from the door and opened the door prying you from your room.

“Now, you two need to talk” Eli said as Hoon held Kiseop back and Eli held you

“Fine. Kiseop that was too far, why did you go and do that. Don’t you trust me? Don’t you think that I can handle myself? Don’t you think that I have grown up?” You said calmly almost like an interrogation. Kiseop just hung his head, “That is what I thought” You ripped your arms away from Eli’s grip as you walked out of the apartment.

Kevin got to one of your favorite places, the docks. He let his legs hang off one of the piers as the water lapped up onto the shore. A faint whimper escaped into the air as he saw a person walk down by him. The person sat down and watched the morning light rise from the east. Kevin got up and walked over, sitting next to the hooded person in the baggy sweats.

“_____?” Kevin asked as he saw your favorite ring on your finger, you looked up at him with wet eyes as his were wet too.

“Kevin” You managed to squeak out as he pushed your hood down from your face. He wrapped his arms around you as your arms slid around his torso. He gently leaned his head on yours as the sun’s rays hit the sea causing the water to sparkle with each movement.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you. My brother, cousin and friend think that you are just looking for attention, that all you want to do is to just con me. I don’t think that at all.” Kevin held you close as he finished letting another silence hang above you both.

“Kiseop, Eli, and Hoon think that you are just trying to use me and that you will break me to pieces. I don’t think that you would hurt me like that.” You cuddled into his chest. He gently lifted your chin so that his forehead touched yours.

“All I need is you by my side”

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