Why go for a roller coaster ride when you can have a roller coaster day.

More Unstable than a Roller Coaster Ride

Sul Jung cocked her head to one side as she questioningly stared at her destination. It was very quiet and peaceful, too quiet and peaceful; the fallen leaves remained still, the wind didn’t whistle and the birds didn’t chirp, nor did the cars even dare to whizz pass. The sun that was brightly shining in the sky felt cold and eerie, the silence was just too much to bear. “Last time I checked, amusement parks were usually buzzing with people,” Sul Jung mumbled to herself, trying to break the peculiar silence.

Her footsteps echoed stridently as she headed towards the unexpectedly empty entrance. A loud crunch broke the echoes of her footsteps, causing her to look down with a worried expression, hoping that it wasn’t something bizarre. To her luck it wasn’t what she had feared it was; there, unceremoniously lying on the ground, crushed into crumbs was a rice cracker. “Oh, I guess someone didn’t clean up the place or maybe...” Sul Jung trailed off as she looked ahead of her and saw that there was a trail, just waiting to be followed. “Omo, at least now I know this place isn’t completely deserted.”

Pink sticky notes replaced the broken rice crackers. It would seem that someone had hurriedly scribbled the words ‘Pick Me Up!!’ on it with a blue biro. Naturally Sul Jung began picking them up, each time examining if there was more to it that she could miss, unfortunately there was nothing more to it. “Ah, what is Key up to now?” Sul Jung muttered under her breath as she tried to pick up another pink note that was firmly stuck on the ground.

Just as Sul Jung placed her hands onto the note, another hand reached out for it too. Sul Jung slowly raised her head, only to be met by curious hazel eyes.
     Sul Jung immediately recognized the person, how could she not? He was the most popular boy at their school and the guy that has been in every class she ever had since primary, intermediate and college. He’s the one and only Kim Jonghyun, a guy she used to have a crush on along with half of the girls of their school.
      “W-what are you doing here?” the two asked simultaneously.

 “K-key asked me to come over,” Sul Jung replied, mentally scolding herself for stuttering.

Jonghyun scratched the back of his head, “Amber told me to meet her at the back entrance.”

The two awkwardly stood there in silence, trying to contemplate reasons on why their best friends would go to so much trouble just so they could meet up with their classmate.

“So what should we do now? Key or Amber isn’t around and we have the whole place to ourselves,” Sul Jung stated, trying to break the ice.

“How about, we go grab something to eat? I’m starving and I’m pretty sure the rice crackers are food for the pigeons now,” Jonghyun commented as he extended his hand towards Sul Jung.

Sul Jung giggled as she took Jonghyun’s extended hand, “C’mon, I think there was a food stall somewhere near the Log Flume. I just hope there’s something to eat. If not, we’re leaving this place.”

“Great! I’m starving! Haven’t eaten anything since breakfast,” Jonghyun exclaimed with excitement.

The two of them made their way towards the empty food stalls with a bright smile on their faces. Little did they know, they were in for a pleasant surprise or maybe a not so pleasant surprise, depends on how you look at it.

Jonghyun thumped on the closed door of the food cart in vain. “Aish! There’s no one here at the moment. What do they expect us to eat?” Jonghyun whinged.

“Stop it poppet. If you’re done trying to break that door without avail, then would you come look at this. There’s a map that outlines where the food is, the so called ‘best ride’ and everything that Key and Amber wants us to go to,” Sul Jung explained, pointing out everything to Jonghyun.

 “Well what are we waiting for? I don’t think they are planning on dropping the food from the sky, are they?” He impatiently grabbed his classmate’s wrist as he dragged her off towards their first stop, lunch at a haunted house.

“You know, at first I thought having lunch at a haunted house would be awesome. Now I think I am having second thoughts,” Sul Jung uttered, hugging herself tightly. Jonghyun momentarily examined the girl beside her, was she shaking? Without any second thoughts, he wrapped his strong muscular arms around her waist and squeezed her tight.

“Y-yah, what do you think you’re doing? What would your girlfriend say if she sees you like this with me?” Sul Jung asked in surprise, inwardly thanking the darkness to hide her red tomato face.

“Well first of all, I have no girlfriend, second of all, Amber would scold me for not being a gentleman and comforting a princess in her hour of need,” Jonghyun replied cockily.  

“W-well, you still shouldn’t be hugging me like this,” Sul Jung replied reluctantly. She tried to wriggle herself out of Jonghyun’s grasp, but miserably failed due to her lack of strength.

Jonghyun chuckled with amusement, “Stress less princess. You’re in safe hands with me.”

“Oh is that so? Let go of me, it’s not like– AH!!!” Sul Jung let out an ear piercing scream, while tightly gripping Jonghyun as a plastic skeleton jumped out of nowhere.

A smug smile crept up Jonghyun’s face, “I believe you were going to say ‘It’s not like a ghost is going to pop out of nowhere’. Am I right or wrong?”

Sul Jung immediately let Jonghyun go and playfully slapped his shoulder, “You’re wrong, I was going to say monster, not ghost.”

Before another cocky remark ran past Jonghyun’s lips, Sul Jung quickly cut him off by pointing towards the only lit room that they have seen so far. “Maybe that’s where we’re meant to be having our lunch.”

The two of them hastily approached the lit room, only to be met with a lovely site. The room was nothing like the rest of the house, nothing about it suggests that they were currently in a haunted house. The room smelt like vanilla, there was actually colour inside, the place was spotless, no cobwebs, no dust and definitely no sign of ghosts. Instead of all the horrible, yucky stuff, there was delicious looking food on the neatly set out dining table.

“Wow! This is gorgeous,” Sul Jung muttered in disbelief.

Jonghyun hesitated, “Yeah, but don’t you think it looks a tad too romantic. I think I’m starting to get why Key and Amber planned all of this.”

The coin finally dropped, all innocent thinking that was running through Sul Jung’s mind stopped as realization arrived, “Of course. They want us to get together and start going out is it?” Jonghyun merely nodded his head in response as he questioningly looked at Sul Jung who looked like she just thought of a brilliant plan.

“Well we’re definitely not letting that happen. So how about we make a deal, we will prove to them right now that we are not meant to be together. We’ll flirt, act like a couple and go with whatever Key and Amber has in store for us, then we can go back to just being classmates,” she proposed with a triumphant smirk.

“You know, I actually like how you think. At last you have finally proven that you have something useful inside your brain,” Jonghyun teased, finally letting go of Sul Jung.

Sul Jung glared at Jonghyun’s retreating back that was injudiciously walking towards the set out table, “Wanna fight vegemite?”

“Of course not. Come seat here,” surprisingly Jonghyun didn’t point towards the chair across him, instead he patted his lap.

Sul Jung looked aghast, “You’re definitely crazy if you think I will ever sit on your lap.”

It was unwise for Sul Jung to go past Jonghyun as she made her way across, this way, Jonghyun can easily grab her wrist and sit her down his lap. “Y-yah, do you want to go to hell? Stop pulling these stunts will ‘ya?” Sul Jung chided in disagreement.

“Wae? Are you going to be falling for me if I keep doing these stunts, huh? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of acting like a couple in case you fall too deep for me. Oh Sul Jung-ah don’t worry, we’re still going to be friends after this, so there’s plenty of time for you to fall,” Jonghyun joked.

It took every self discipline in Sul Jung’s body to keep herself from trying to punch Jonghyun into next week, “Tch. You wish jellyfish; you know two can play that game too, neh yeobo.”

Without knowing it, the deal to show Key and Amber that they’re not meant to be together turned into having a cliché competition on who would make the other fall first.

“Yeobo say ah,” Jonghyun took a spoonful of kimchi and rice, ready to feed his “yeobo”.

“Oh, oppa you’re so sweet. I’m so lucky to have you here with me today,” Sul Jung replied with sugar coated words.

Jonghyun fed Sul Jung careful not to shove the spoon inside , “So after this, should we go to the souvenir shop? They’ve marked it as the second thing for the ‘to do list’.”

“Whatever floats your boat. But for me, I’m happy just being with you,” Sul Jung lied with a smile.

Jonghyun smiled as he once again wrapped his arms around Sul Jung’s waist, “I know you are.”

Sul Jung picked up a pink hat in a 3-D shape of a horse with feathers used as the hair at its head. An idea popped in her head, oh what fun she was going to have.

“Yeobo, can you come try out something?” Sul Jung cooed pleasantly.

Within a flash, Jonghyun was immediately facing her with a mischievous grin, “What is it?” Without saying a word, Sul Jung skilfully shoved the hat into Jonghyun’s head.

Sul Jung let out a cackle, “Aha! Now I know even the kingka can look extremely ridiculous in certain situations.” Sul Jung clutched her stomach as she began to laugh uncontrollably; unfortunately her laughing fit was short lived.

Jonghyun quickly picked up a violet horse hat from the rack and planted it firmly on Sul Jung’s head, “Now I know even the smarty pants can get a smarty hat.”

“Oi! You can’t do that, I started it so you cannot copy my idea,” Sul Jung protested with a really cute pout.

“Oh really? Well since you started it, I am ending it and for the record, I did not copy your idea. I placed a violet horse on you, not a pink one,” Jonghyun teased.

Sul Jung scoffed, “Che. Well at least the hat suits you.”

“Well I know something that would suit you perfectly. Turn around and you shall see what it is,” the tone on Jonghyun’s voice lost all humour, it was barely above a whisper and it sounded somewhat romantic.

Sul Jung obliged without a word, just hoping that it won’t be anything stupid, to her surprise it was something she would’ve never expected. A gold item was placed around her neck, causing the hair at the back of her neck to rise. She slowly lowered her head to look at what had been placed, and to her utter shock, she saw a golden roller coaster pendant on it respectful golden chain.

“W-what’s this for?” Sul Jung asked, turning around to face Jonghyun. Her heart was beating really fast as if she just finished having a race, she could feel a blush crawling up her neck and her palms began sweating.

Jonghyun was silent for a while before the goofy smile he always had returned. “I just want you to remember this day. Now every time you look at it, you will remember how Cho Sul Jung is the only person that hasn’t fallen in love with the school’s kingka.”  

“Ah, is that so? Well to be honest, the first thing that I would think of when I look at this thing, I think of Ms. Lee, our science teacher. I think she was wearing this once,” Sul Jung stated, trying to hide the tint of disappointment that she was strangely feeling.

“What? Tsk. Then give the necklace back,” Jonghyun outstretched his hand, with a displeasing look etched on his face.

Sul Jung glared, “No way! No take backs.”

“I hate Ms. Lee and if you’re going to be remembering her, then you have to give the necklace back. She’s so annoying and unreasonable. Do you know how many detentions I got because of her?” Jonghyun stated.

Sul Jung squinted her eyes in disbelief, “She gave you detention because you deserved it. She’s a really good teacher, I mean she has a PhD in science, she’s a really wanted doctor and she’s nice. She’s not unreasonable; I will have you know that our class is the problem, not her. She just wants us to excel in science, is that a sin?”

“You’re defending her? C’mon, she gave you a yellow card when you forgot your text book. She’s the one that gave a dent in your perfect school record. Are you telling me that she’s still reasonable?” Jonghyun asked all high and mighty like.

Sul Jung unclipped the necklace and threw it near Jonghyun’s foot, “You can have it back. I don’t want to spend my time or day with you. Now I remember why I ignore you in class, it’s because you’re a narcissistic jerk!”

With those words said and done, the two raged off to two separate ways, not looking back to where the other went, but who would’ve thought their paths would cross again.

Sul Jung’s blood was boiling with so much fury that she didn’t notice her shoelace was untied. Of course, there’s a reason why our mother’s had taught us to always tie our shoelaces, and if Sul Jung hasn’t learned the lesson yet, she’s about to.

“Ow,” Sul Jung exclaimed as she toppled over her shoes. In a flash, she was sitting on the floor with a scathed knee and a possibly rolled ankle. She slowly tried standing up, while cursing herself for wearing shorts. With much difficulty, she finally managed to stand up, but it was only a few minutes before she fell on the ground once more.

“Great! Not only is the guy that I was meant to be here with turned out to be such a jerk but my knee is bleeding, my ankle is sore like hell and won’t let me move and there’s no one to call. Can my day get any worse than it already is?” Sul Jung rhetorically asked.

Meanwhile, Jonghyun was too deep in thought about why having an argument with Sul Jung gave him an uneasy feeling, that when his phone began to ring, he gave out a startled jolt. “Hello?”

“Yah, Kim Jonghyun where the hell are you? Why’d you leave Sul Jung?” the unmistakable voice of Amber screeched.

“How’d you know? Wait...have you and Key been watching all these time?” Jonghyun replied, trying to sidestep the question.

“Well duh, now go back and help Sul Jung already will you? She’s not going to walk out of here by herself, trust me?” this time a deep masculine voice that could only belong to Key ordered strictly.

Upon hearing this, Jonghyun didn’t hesitate to sprint to where he last saw Sul Jung heading.

Not long later, Jonghyun found Sul Jung sitting helplessly on the ground, trying to stand up but miserably failing. “Yah, Sul Jung-ah, gwaenchana?” he asked with obvious worry.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be long gone already?” Sul Jung sounded bitter than she had intended.

Jonghyun let out a sigh as he squatted down with his back facing the casualty, “C’mon, hop on my back. I think there’s a first aid room here somewhere.”

“No need for first aid, there’s no one around to do the healing. Besides, it’s nothing serious. How about we just go and complete the freaking list that Key wants us to do? After that, we can just stop knowing each other,” said Sul Jung as she slowly wrapped her hands around Jonghyun’s neck.

“Well we can go to the Ferris Wheel. The view is great, I just hope Key and Amber has prepared someone to supervise it,” Jonghyun suggested.

Sul Jung gulped, hesitating to agree, “Uh, sure. As long as we can get an ice-cream afterwards then it’ll be fine.”

Jonghyun smiled brightly and started to walk towards the direction of the Ferris wheel with Sul Jung safely on his back. Unbeknownst to the two, Key was pacing up and down the front of the ride, anxiously waiting for their arrival, ready to throw a fit.

“You! How could you let my Sul Jung get into such a state? Kim Jonghyun you are so dead!” Key shrieked as soon as he saw Sul Jung and Jonghyun.

Sul Jung inwardly rolled her eyes, “Key, just turn the ride on and we can all be on our way. It’s your fault you wanted to set me up with this guy anyway.”

A chortle was heard from Amber, “Ha, so it goes back to it being Key’s fault in the end. Well you two love birds have been acting all cosy so why don’t we make it cosier. Would you two mind stepping inside the ride? We will be off momentarily. And Key, you can’t come with them.”

Jonghyun and Sul Jung shared a knowing look before bursting into a fit of laughter as they entered the comfortable circular cubicles of the famous Ferris wheel, leaving an enraged Key behind. Little did they know, the Diva still has a few tricks up his sleeves and his about to show them what he’s made of.

“Open your hands,” Jonghyun ordered as soon as he recovered from his laughing fit.

Sul Jung obliged happily, forgetting that she should be mad at him. Jonghyun carefully placed the roller coaster necklace on her precious palms, “Don’t ever give it back, okay?”

“Don’t ever ask for it back,” said Sul Jung with a smile.

“Gee, the view sure is beautiful up here. All I want to do is just stay here forever,”  Jonghyun observed, looking out the window.

“Wow, we’re on very high grounds right now,” was all Sul Jung’s response as she gripped the necklace tightly.

“Why? You scared of heights or something?” Jonghyun asked as a joke.

Sul Jung remained dead silent for two reasons; one, Jonghyun was spot on and two, she’s pretty positive the ride just completely stopped. “D-d-do you think we have been in the same spot for longer than we should’ve been?” Sul Jung asked nervously.

“Huh? Sul Jung-ah are you afraid of heights?” Jonghyun asked, ignoring the question that has been asked.

Sul Jung slowly nodded, as fear crept in her mind. Terrible thoughts and accidents flashed around her brain but all of that was soon gone into the wind. Jonghyun lightly pressed his lips onto Sul Jung’s, causing her to forget everything, apart from the fact that she could practically imagine butterflies in her stomach and fireworks everywhere. The kiss was sweet and short but it beats every kiss that her of a boyfriend ever shared with her. The rest of the ride was silent, but it was a sweet silence that was more than welcomed by the two of them as they both sat there deep in thought.

The more Sul Jung thought, the more her brain began to think that Jonghyun didn’t mean the kiss. 'It was just to get you to stop thinking about the heights.’ Sul Jung thought to herself. That’s it, isn’t it? It was only meant to be a distraction kiss, she was just exaggerating that Jonghyun actually placed his feelings in that action. I mean, it has to be common for a playboy to do something like that, right?

Without knowing it, the ride has finally come to a full stop back to where they started. Sul Jung immediately went out without thinking. As she did so, a sharp agonizing pain ceased her knee and ankle, causing her to fall unto Jonghyun’s arms.

“I’m so sorry,” Sul Jung apologized, hoping her face wasn’t as red as she could feel.

“No worries,” Jonghyun replied sweetly.

“Sul Jung noona we really should get your ankle checked up. I think we should re-schedule this date and have it some other time?” Amber suggested as she helped Sul Jung off the ride.

“Ah, neh,” Sul Jung meekly replied, she then turned her attention to Jonghyun, “Thanks for getting my mind off the heights. It was really sweet of you, though it may be really inappropriate.

Jonghyun stared at Sul Jung questioningly, slowly closing the huge gap between them. “What are you talking about? I didn’t do it because of that; I did it because I have been waiting all day to do that.”

Amber and Key looked between the two without saying anything. “You know that sounds really generic. I know you don’t like me so we shall go our separate ways from now,” Sul Jung stated with a chuckle.

The confused look on Jonghyun didn’t go away “Generic?”  

“You know, it’s like, it’s what you’re meant to say. It’s like one of those lines from those really sappy romance movies,” Sul Jung explained.

“Well how about this. I’ve had a crush on you ever since you stood up for Taemin when he was getting bullied. You never paid attention to me so I thought it was a hopeless case, but now I know it’s not,” Jonghyun sincerely stated.

Sul Jung was flabbergasted, “That was like in primary. Honestly you should be more realistic when you are trying to make up a lie in the spot.”

“Well let me show you that I really am not lying.” Jonghyun slowly cupped Sul Jung’s face and closed the gap between them. This is the part where the butterflies fly in the stomach, fireworks shoot out in the air and flowers bloom everywhere. It was one heck of a roller coaster day but everything felt worth it. For some odd reason, the cello piece that a woman had played began playing on Sul Jung’s head, causing her to deepen the kiss further.  

Meanwhile, Key and Amber awkwardly looked at each other, contemplating whether to intervene or not. In the end, Key just can’t help but say something, “What are you going to do, eat her face?” 


I've finally finished it! Thank you so much for reading it and seoul-addictive if you want me to change anything then please feel free to tell me. I'm sorry if you did not like it. I'm also really sorry it's sort of fast paced. >< 

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good one manang :D
fizz-peaze #2
who doesn't love the diva? He's freaking awesome ><
ROFL key's last line!! <333 oh goodness, gotta love the diva XD
fizz-peaze #4
hehe, I am so glad you liked it. i appreciate your comment :D <br />
n yes, she rhymes quite a bit in this oneshot, due to my new thing for those sorts of sayings -__-;
seoul-addictive #5
aww! this was positively adorable ^^!<br />
this was MORE than i asked for.<br />
and oneshots ARE supposed to be fast paced, so no big.<br />
<br />
thank you so much for doing this oneshot for me!<br />
<br />
LOL at the comment below... i didn't notice the rhyming thing but i did notice the weird word choices hahaha.
LauzieeLoo #6
^^ This is cute! I love Key and Amber in this oneshot.<br />
Is it just me or does Sul Jung have some rhyming disorder?<br />
'Stop it Poppet!'<br />
'Wanna fight, Vegemite?'<br />
'You wish, jellyfish!'
Iheartlife #7
Aw! So sad D:<br />
Update soon, I need to be happy :D