Chapter 2

Why Choi Seung Hyun?

CL was lying on the couch in the living room . She had lowered the blinds. A bag of jelly beans beside her and watched dirty dancing, one of her favorite movies.

"Ji do you wanna watch the movie with me?"

"No, I don't have time. Besides I'm hungry."

"Well, then get something from the kitchen and sit with me."

"No desire."

"Why don't you like me?"

Don't start with that again, I thought, and took refuge in the kitchen. But when I saw the dirty coffee cups from breakfast, the semi melted butter, the plate with soggy cornflakes, next to the pan with dryed scrambled eggs on it, I wasn't hungry anymore.

Lee Chaerin is a friend of mine and we live together since a while. I wound't want to live with my dad, he changes his girlfriends a lot and all of them look like a barbie. My mother left us when I was a child. It's funny to live with CL but I would like it if she would clean after herself more often.

I went to my room with just a bottle of water. Now I had time for Max Frisch*. I layed down on my bed with the book in my hands. I Searched vor the lines about the desert and read them slowly. I actually enjoyed it. Seunghyun was right, I liked how Frisch described the desert.

Suddenly I heard the door bell ringing. I just lay there and did not move. The bell rang got intense. I was still waiting on. It was teh usual game between me and Chaerin. When I heard her go into the hallway, I took my book and started reading again.

"Jiiiii Yooong!"

I cursed and stood up, ran into the stairwell. Probably a computer company had sent replacement parts via UPS to my father and Chaerin once again did not know if she should accept the shipment.

But I was totally wrong. Chaerin stood at the doorway with a flat box in her hand.

"Did you order Pizza? It is supposedly for you."

"No I didn't order anything."

"Not supossed.", I heard Seunghyuns voice from outside. "Well, Sometime you get things that you didn't order. Live is full of surprises, don't you think?"

"Ähem", said Chaerin.

I pushed past her, just to see that Seunghyun ran laughing across the street and disappearing in a Pizzataxi.

"His name is Seunghyun", CI said in an agitated squeaky voice .

"Oh, yeah?" I had to laugh.

Offended, she handed me the brown cardboard box in his hand. I opened it once I was in my room. When I flipped open the lid, drawn on the inside was a bright yellow sunflower. Under it was a message from Seughyun.

Dearest Ji Yong!!!

What are we doing this evening?

There is a lot going on. Today is a openair concert of a band that I don't know, then there is a festival or we could watch the full moon on the meadow. Hey Ji Yong since today is summer. And I'm in Love! I fell in Love with your voice, this morning in music. In your eyes, this noon at the school yard. In your warm soft skin, this afternoon, under the willow. Today is our day!

I'll call you later. Seunghyun.

Dearest Ji Yong. How wonderful that sounded. I took the pizza in both hands and took a bite. Pass on Ji Yong! Don't get sentimental, I warned myself. Don't trust him so easily.

Nevertheless, I was looking forward to it, was curious to see how that goes on with us. It's all so new. I only noticed 1 year ago that I'm gay. Before that I indeed had a relationship with a girl from school but that was quickly over. And now the relationship with Seunghyun. It still feels like a dream.

When the phone rang, I didn't manage to swallow the last bite of the pizza.
"Does it taste good?" Seunghyun asked.
"Don't you hear it," I mumbled.
"Did you think about it?"
"Think about tonight?"
"Yes. Then you come with me?"
I didn't think about it yet..."
"But you wanted to say it?"
"I think about it right now."
"You have to think about? Seriously?"
"You've listed a lot."
"We also need to catch up alot."
"I'll pick you up shortly after ten. Until then, I'll fly with the pizza taxi."
I thought over the years I would know the people with whom I used to be in class. Wrong, Ji Yong. I only noticed Seunghyun when he came back from the exchange year in America. Since I just had the history with Han Ga In behind me, I wanted a distance to any kind of relationships.
In boring lessons, I composed a sort of profile on every student who sat with me in the same room, just for fun.
Seunghyun for example, was someone everyone liked. Intelligent, witty and original. Good looking. But with time it got on my nerves, that he tried to showed of with his experiences across the Atlantic. He constantly wanted to impose on us new ways of working, lots of additional presentations, group work and such.
And if someone had a pesentation about something, no matter what the subject was, he always had to comment it.
"He wants to make himself just interesting, what else?"
Once I almost lost it and I had told my wrath Suzy. Suzy knows Seunghyun better than I, because Youngbae and Seunghyun were good friends.
"One might think that. But I think that's not true. He is actually interested in anything. And he's just excited about many things he has learned over there in the states. Seunghyun reacts very enthusiastically."
Maybe Suzy was right. And now this enthusiastically Seunghyun  just came to me and  brought me a pizza. I reread his message, put my favorite CD of Bigbang on and sang loudly until CL knocked on the door.
"Ji Yong don't scream so loud."
"I don't schream, I sing."
"But I don't understand a single word from the movie."
"That you do not know the words by heart?"
"You're so mean."
I chuckled to myself and put the music on low volume. I was fine. Really fine. And I could also be pleased, quietly. I don't need to sing.

*Max Frisch was a swiss writer


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Chapter 4: oooh~~ kekek can't wait
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD! This is perfection!!
Great! awesome! Amazing job unnie!!! =)
Chapter 2: This is really cute so far im interested to read the rest :)
Chapter 2: like it???... I LOVE IT! kekek
this is reeeeeeeeeeeally interesting!!
great job unnie!!
Chapter 1: mmm... this is really interesting~