Is it just a friendship?


Is it just a friendship or are we really something more? Siwan wonders every night as he thinks about his best friend, Kwanghee. He doesn't understand himself and denies being gay. Can the two of them truly fall in love?


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Chapter 2: please update authornim~..
Chapter 2: Awwww someone being sooooo possessive and jealous...
Aigoo I also will be like SiWan if my crush being soooo close with others girls....
Well but it also KwangHee fault...sort of...I guess...
Well KwangHee should not leave SiWan side...and
aigoo is both of them is being super slow now???
Can`t wait for next update dear^^
AyeeKon #3
Chapter 1: OMG, they seem 5-year-old children ;;;; So cute <333 and Kwanghee wetting Siwan's pink shirt <3 lmao! Too cute!
I loved this, please keep it up <3
summer8minyeon #4
Chapter 1: Cute chapter~~
001030 #5
Chapter 1: ... so fluffy. ; u ; <3
nectardivine #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
misajinki93 #7
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^