His Story

I want you to find me... (I want to find you)



Click! Click Click!





The cameras went on flashing, photographers not even minding that I blinked many times.  Even after two years since my debut, my eyes are still not used to the thousands of flashes that photographers would make just to take good shots.  Reporters yelling, screaming my name just to get my attention and if they’re lucky, a quick interview that they can share to the media.  Faking a smile, I waved my hand as I exited the building where the fan signing event happened for my second album, ‘Do you remember? It’s because of you’. 

“Yeol don’t force your smile.” Manager hyung whispered as he leaned closer to my ear.

Still maintaining the smile I replied, “I’m not forcing it hyung, I’m just tired from the event.  Let’s just talk about this when we get to the car”, smile never fading.

He nodded as we got closer and closer to the car.  The car ride to my condo consisted of manager hyung and me talking about the tight schedule we have for this week.  Promotions, commercials and other ads, etc got my week loaded.  When he finally touched the subject about the way I presented myself in public, I grimaced.  I knew I had to deal with this matter or else I’ll get my image ruined and I don’t really want that to happen. 

“Kris hyung, I know I have to show my good side always when I’m in front of many people but I was just tired.  It’s been three straight days that we’ve been busy and I didn’t even get enough sleep.  I just wanted to get it done and rest.  You already knew I had headache and the consistent flashing of the cameras and yelling only made it worse.” I explained myself to manager.

“Yeol I was just reminding you.  Also, about the flashing of cameras and yelling, I thought you were already used to it.  Two years Yeol, for two years I’ve been your manager and I never saw your eyes not twitch in front of cameras.  I –" I cut in.

“But hyung –“ He didn’t even let me finish.

“Let me finish when I talk.  As I was saying, I know you can’t control it when you’re anxious in front of the camera but I told you not to like a thousand times.  There’s no reason for you to get nervous.  People see you as a star, an actor with no flaws Yeol so, stop twitching.  You look creepy when your eyes twitch.” I caught a smile as he said that last sentence.

“Fine ‘Kris’.”  I intentionally dropped the hyung because I know he will be pissed.  Truth be told, a pissed Kris punch me on the arm.

“! That really hurt hyung!” I wailed in pain.

“That was for calling me by my first name, you punk! “  He’s not even sorry. 


I only brushed it off and glued my eyes on the road, ignoring Kris hyung’s small talks.  A couple of minutes later, I fell asleep. 


“Hey Chanyeol get up.  We’re here at the parking lot already.” I felt Kris hyung shaking my arm, trying to wake me up.

“Yes, yes I’m up.” I yawned and stretched my arms.  Once I was out of the car, I fixed myself in front of the car’s side mirror.  I can’t risk being seen in the lobby with a dishevelled hair.  Kris hyung gave me my car keys, bid goodbye, headed to his car and took off.  While as for me, I started walking towards the elevator. 


I closed the door to my condo once I got in.  My tired feet dragging my exhausted body towards my comfy bed and then BAM, I’m already lying in bed.  Within minutes, I fell asleep again failing to change my clothes as exhaustion kicked in.



Ring ring ring, ring ring ring!

Ring ring ring, ring ring ring!


I groaned as my alarm clock rang.  I checked my phone and had a number of messages from manager hyung, reminding me of the schedule we have for the day and that he is picking me up so that I won’t be driving.

 After taking a shower, I dried myself in front of the mirror and examined my body.  I realized a lot has changed in me.  I wasn’t this fair two years ago.  I wasn’t even this well built.  I guess the two years of training and diet really paid off.  I dressed up with my usual jeans, white shirt and blue jacket with matching specs that I’m sure the ladies will dig.  Kris hyung arrived earlier so I let him inside the room.

“Manager hyung, good morning!”I greeted him with a smile plastered on my face since the day is only getting started and I want to start it with a smile.

“Morning.  Yeol, you do remember your concert next month right?  We’re already in the middle of the month and I don’t see you practicing or preparing yourself for that matter.” Kris hyung said in a concerned tone.

“Hyung my schedule as you can see is very tight. You should know because you’re the one who made them.” I tried not to make my tone angry.  “Can I get a day off or something?  I need rest like any other people too hyung.  You too should get a day off.  A day off for me would also mean a day off for you.  No need to look after me when I’m home.”

He contemplated for a while, weighing the benefits he will get from my proposed idea.

“All right.  After this week’s tight schedule, I’d give you a one day off but on one condition.” He said.

“Condition?  What condition? I hope it doesn’t involve you using my car –“

“Yes it will involve something like that Yeol. My condition is that I’ll use your car for a day or get your car so that you won’t get any wrong ideas. Wrong ideas like running away, just like last time.  I don’t want to deal with anything like that again.  I went through a lot just to explain to the producers why you were gone.” He said it clearer and louder this time.  I took it as a hint that he’s getting mad just by thinking about it.

“Fine!  As long as I get a day off, I’ll accept your stupid condition.” I sulked.

“You should be thankful that I gave you a day off, you punk.  You can sulk after today’s schedule is done.  Get your things, we’re leaving now. It’s almost time for your interview.” He ordered.

“Okay, okay.  Shhheeesh.”


I thought the tough day ended when Kris hyung dropped me off.  I also thought it ended when I entered my room, changed my clothes and slipped in bed.  I was wrong.  Even though my body says that I'm tired, my eyes won't close.  Then and there, I knew that my night will be long.  Sleeping is sometimes a problem that I want to conquer.  At times, I get lucky because I don't have to deal with this sleeping problem just like yesterday.  Some nights are long and some nights are short. I prefer it being short.  Short nights mean that I'd get enough sleep and start the next day with a smile, while long nights are the contrary.

To get my mind off things that are keeping it busy, I walked out of the room and went to the balcony where I can see the city lights and a few stars.  I sat myself on a chair and made myself comfortable.  I stared at the stars and wondered why people call me as such.  Stars are beautiful, their beauty never fading, and they have like a thoudand of different stars that are with them, keeping them company in the night sky.  As for me, I'm a star beacuse that's what people call me.  I honestly think that I'm beautiful but unlike those stars, I may fade as time passes by.  Unlike them, i don't have any other stars that keep me company.  I may have my family, friends and Kris hyung but its different when you have someone to talk to everytime you need them.  Just like now, I'm alone and there's no one talk to.  I continued wondering and heaved a sigh.

"I can't wait for my day off.  I want to go home and visit my parent's house.  I bet noona will be there.  My day off will be complete if she's there."


Minutes after minutes of trying to close my eyes as I returned to bed, I succeeded.  I drifted off to dreamland.








A/N : The second album 'Do you remember? It's because of You' is only made up.  It was a title of poem i wrote years ago. It's about a story of a girl who was still deeply in love with her ex-boyfriend and wasn't able to  move on even if he has found someone else.  It ends with the girl asking to her ex-boyfriend, 'Do  you remember? It's because of you.


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second chapter posted.


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