
I want you to find me... (I want to find you)





My eyes opened to the sound of my alarm clock.  The ray of sunlight hitting my eyes and I blocked it with my arms.  Tossing and turning in bed I came face to face with Chanyeol.  I smiled and chuckled to myself.  Admiring his eyes, nose, kissable lips and perfect rows of white teeth.  Sighing i closed my eyes again and imagined what my life would be in the future. Does my life include Chanyeol or does it not? Entranced with my thoughts I didn't even notice the door opening with my mom leaning on the door's frame with a stern face.

" Baekhyuna! STOP fantasizing about that poster of yours! You young man are going to be late if you won't get up this instant!" mother yelled. I flinched. Listening to her nagging mouth doesn't exactly lighten up my day.  So, i got up and made a quick glace at my Chanyeol poster before heading to the bathroom.


Riding on a bus on the way to school with an empty stomach made me feel lightheaded.  Skipping breakfast was the only solution not to be late on a Monday morning.  Good thing Kyungsoo and I go to the same school and ride the same bus.  We have been friends since we were merely toddlers beacuse our moms are close friends.  He noticed that i wasn't feeling well so he nudged my side and said, "Baek are you okay? You don't seem so good."

"I'm okay Kyung, i just skipped breakfast again, that's all. No biggy." 

"What? You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So tell me a valid reason why you didn't." Kyungsoo demanded.

"Well Kyung, I got up late. Not woke up late. Okay? I .... " I didn't dare finish my sentence because i know Kyungsoo will go ape if he finds out I daydreamed about Chanyeol's poster.

"You what Baek? Don't tell me it's because of that poster in your-" he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Okay. Okay. It's because of the poster!" I intercepted. "So stop staring daggers at me with those eyes of yours."

I was looking at a facepalming Kyungsoo. Probably killing the urge inside him to yell at me this early. He sighed and said, "Lucky for you its Monday today. If it wasn't i'll be a nagging friend until the end of the day." 

"Here, take this. I made this sandwich just in case breakfast slipped your mind and guess what? It did!" He pushed the sandwich to my chest looking angry and I gladly took it. 

"Thank you Kyung, I can't imagine a life without you," I said while taking a full bite.

"Yah whatever Baek. If i know you're just sticking to me so that you won't starve to death."

"That's partly true," I grinned while taking another bite. "But seriously Kyung your cooking skills are good."

"Is that the only reason why?" Kyungsoo frowned and i felt kinda guilty.

"Kyung I'm just joking. We've been friends since childhood.  You don't even know how to cook back then. I really don't know the reason okay? its just that you've grown on me." I panicked.

Kyungsoo's eyes softened and he laid back probably contented with my explanation.  " I guess you're right Baek because you've growned on me too."

I calmed when  I saw Kyungsoo's eyes forming into crescents as he smiled. What I said were all true and i was glad that he thought of the same thing too. We parted our ways when the bus finally stopped.  As much as i wanted to be classmates with my bestfriend, the teachers surely doesn't want that to happen. 



Lunch break finally came after hours of nonstop discussion and I was happily grinning at Kyungsoo who is already seated at our usual spot with all of our other friends in school - Luhan and Sehun.


"Kyung!" I shouted as I waved my hand and Kyungsoo waved back. I waded my way towards the group and I was greeted with high fives form everyone.

"Yah Baek what took you so long? It's been 10 minutes since lunch break started." Luhan chirped who is sitting beside Sehun.

"Ms. Im made me stay for a while because of the upcoming school festival. Being the class representative kinda for me right now." I blurted. I seated myself next to Kyungsoo as I began unwrapping my lunch box.  Everyhthing seemed right at the moment. Eating with my friends, talking to them and laughing at their corny jokes. It was a good day but then I heard a group of girls passing by our table, talking about a concert.  My ears perked up.

"Hey Tiff, have you heard about the concert next month? It's a very big event and I heard many big time artists are going to be there." The girl squealed. 

"OMG! Yes Jess. It's the talk of the day. Even the girls in the other class know about it too. The news spread quicker because of the newest and hottest artist in town. CHANYEOL!!!" The girl named Tiff giggled in excitement.


CHANYEOL??!! The name alone gave me the chills. I panicked. Should i ask the girls more about the said concert? How come I didn't know about this? I'm a hard core fan I should be ashamed of myself. Battling with own thoughts, I started to stand and my friends stared at me with confused looks. I started to walk.


"Baek where are you going?" Kyungsoo asked.

Having no time to answers Kyungsoo's question, I quickly darted off to the girls' direction.  One, two, three steps more and then I found myself near the cafeteria door grabbing one of the girls' arm.

"Excuse me but you are grabbing my arm and I don't even know you, so let go of me." The girl named Tiff shouted.  I immediately let go and apologized for my rash behaviour. She just stared at me with her one brow raising a bit higher.  I can feel many eyes staring at my back because of the scene I made.

"I'm sorry again miss." I apologized again as I bowed. Awkwardly walking back to our table, I just kept my head low and cursed myself for the stupid actions I made.

"What the hell was that Baekhyun? Are you out of your mind? Do you even know the girls?" A furious Kyungsoo faced me. 

"I---- K-Kyung." I stuttered.

"You better explain yoursellf Byun Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo added.

"Yeah! Explain why you made yourself look dumb grabbing that chic's arm." Sehun smirked.  Oblivous of Luhan's stares. 

"I heard her talking about a concert okay? Not just any concert, a big concert with big artists involved." I started explaining.

"Wait, I think know where's this conversation going." Kyungsoo eyed me. "This is about Chanyeol isn't it?" He continued.

"Well y-yes." I answered, bowing my head again because I can feel Kyungsoo's anger  boiling up.

"Byun Baekhyun! What is exactly wrong with you? You don't think straight when it comes to Chanyeol. I don't see anything special about him at all. Plus he doesn't even know you Baek. He doens't even know someone like you existed. You're just one of his fans. " Kyungsoo shouted.

"B-but...." I tried to reason with Kyungsoo but damn he was right.  It hurts. The truth hurts. I just stared at the floor for seconds, blinking my tears away. I wouldn't want my friends to see me cry so I walked out. Ignoring Kyungsoo's attempts to make me stay, I left school. Having no destination in mind, I just mindlessly strolled away from school.




"Time flies by when you're having fun."  

But it's the opposite when you're feeling down and horrible. After hours of mindless strolling i found myself in front of our house. I checked my phone and I got a number of missed calls and messages. I didn't bother checking them because I know they are all coming from my friends.Most of it from Kyungsoo. It's now 6:45 PM. I went inside the house and I saw my mom in the kitchen preparing dinner. She noticed me and said, "Welcome home honey! Dinner is almost done. Go change and come back here to eat dinner." 

"Thanks mom, but I already ate outside and I'm tired because of school." I lied. I wasn't really in the mood to eat after my argument with Kyungsoo. "I'll just sleep early mom and put my share inside the fridge so that it won't go to waste. I might get hungry at dawn." I forced a laugh and my mom chuckled. 

"Okay hon, sweet dreams then." She replied. 

After taking a shower, I crawled under my sheets and made myself comfortable.  I faced the ceiling and stared at the glow in the dark star stickers I put their when I was younger. The scenes kept playing in my head that night. Kyungsoo's words still clear and painful.


He doesn't even know you Baek.

He doesn't even know someone like you existed.

You're just one of his fans.


I know my place but still I want to see him.  I want to show Kyungsoo that I can make Chanyeol know me. I want to make Chanyeol know that someone like me existed. I want him to know how a big fan I am and how I'm willling to do everything just for him. I want...............




A/N: I finally finished my first chapter. I didn't know writing a longer fic can be this hard. This is my second time writing a fic bdw. The next chapter will be really delayed because its our exams week already. I have to study. 

I hope you like it so far. :)














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second chapter posted.


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