
White and Blue


Blue wall.


He stared at the blue; the concrete--the thickening barrier-- is smeared with pukes of dusts, layered with dull distaste and revulsion. The wall that distanced him from humanity.

And it was nothing but for better.


Ever since he was born, he was sewn to the fate that he could never repel. He was just a pawn. Everyone was just a pawn. But he was a different pawn.



Blue pawn.


He was the blue pawn, the blue everyone despises. He was the ogre, the ogre in the lonely blues.

And it was nothing but for the best.


Because he was different. 

Because he was a curse.


And he was doing them a favour.


Jongin was doing them a favour.


The ogre was doing them a favour.

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Chapter 4: I loved the style of this story. It was enjoyable to read and it was beautiful. :)
Chapter 4: T.T
why why whyyy
please update again soon!