I met him again

That Day

After the teacher yelled at me for being later for the open cermony, I finally got to check out my classes.

As I was heading to the gym I saw this poster that said "if you see this man, bring him to the Korean club Please"

On the bottom it says "Name: Zelo Class1-A freshman"

"What a small world, that guy this morning name was Zelo?? && He's in the same class as me" I thought to myself

As soon as I was done reading it someone ran into me

"Ow! That hurt!' I said

"Ohh man, I'm so sorry I was in a hurry" A deep voice said while he reaches he's hand to get me up

As I lifted my head to see who he was, shockly it was Zelo.

I looked at both the poster && Zelo && said "T-That's Y-You?!" I stuttered

"Dang it. They made posters already?!" He question while itching the back of he's head

As I was getting up, I saw Zelo pull off the poster

"Zelo, I'm Kwon Na na Class1-A Nice to meet you! But now that I say this may be go now??" I said pointing at the crowd of ppl running towards us.

"DANG THEY'RE FAST" Zelo yelled pulling me with him


"Ohh your right" Zelo said slowing down 

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Pretty good for the first chapter c: