That Day~

That Day

One spring day~

Under the bright pink Cherry blossom trees. Rumors say that if you stand under this tree with the person you love you'll send your entire life with them full of happiness && no regrets.

This pathway is the only way to my school. Unfortunately ..

Everyday to school I see couples holding hands, kissing && doing what other teenage couples would do..

Today is the first day of my High school life!

As I walk up this pathway, I stopped as the Cherry blossom petals blew my way, my hair following the wind && the petals.

After I stopped looking at the cherry blossoms, I turned my head to see him staring at the cherry blossoms, his eyes shinning as he glanced at me.

As he walked passed me he said "You better hurry up the open ceremony".

Even though he said that I was still a little late for the ceremony.

I wonder if I'll met that guy again... 

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Pretty good for the first chapter c: