Random Events

Exo's Unpredictable Bar

Luhan laid in bed, feeling like absolute . 

He didn't like feeling useless, which he was at the moment. 

The feeling of betrayal flowed through his veins, how could Sehun do this?

He had liked Sehun, though he barely knew the boy. 

Luhan had so many plans in store for Sehun...

Walking over to his closet, he opened it.

His tools were all organized neatly, all placed on shelves.

Sehun would pay...with his innocence.

Luhan looked like an innocent flower boy on the outside, but on the inside, he was completely different.     

He was actually a sadist, a ert, and a little bit crazy.

His phone rang, and he picked it up. "Hello, this is Luhan speaking."


"Stop talking so loud Minseok! You're gonna burst my eardrums." Luhan spat.

"I SAID TO CALL ME XIUMIN!!!! Anyways, some guy name Zhang Yixing applied for a job at the bar!!!" Xiumin chirped.

Luhan smiled a little, maybe his day wasn't so crappy after all. "That's great!"

"I gotta tell the others the news now, see you later!" Xiumin hung up.

Luhan put his phone down, and laid back on his bed.

Thoughts of Sehun flooded his mind, and he knew what to do.

He opened the cabinet next to his bed and pulled out one of his favorite objects.

His "flashlight".


Sehun was cleaning up his now destroyed room.

Jongin had decided to be an idiot and use a hammer to kill a spider, and this was the result of that.

"Ugh...Jongin ran away again." Kyungsoo said as he walked into Sehun's room.

Sehun shrugged. "Well you did threaten to bash his head in."

"Do you want that to happen to you?" Kyungsoo said raising his fist.

"N-No!" Sehun quickly went back to cleaning his room.

Kyungsoo crossed his arms, "Good."

The big eyed boy walked out of the room to go clean and do his usual routine. 

Kyungsoo really didn't like this, he wanted to be the man of the relationship... But he wasn't.

Sure, maybe he did top in bed, but Jongin was always the one doing the protecting and other manly things. 

Then he got an idea.

Maybe... Kyungsoo should work out more.

Yep, he was going to the gym first thing in the morning.


"Tao? Did you take money from my wallet again?" Junmyeon asked.

"Um... Why would I do that? Kris ge always buys me things haha...." Tao scratched his head.

Ok, maybe Tao did take some money out but it wasn't that much really.

"I swear I put the money for fried chicken in my wallet..." Junmyeon said.

"That isn't my style." Kris came into the room, his nose still bandaged.

"You always say that." Tao rolled his eyes.

Kris was about to reply when he noticed something gray on the floor.

"What is that?" He said.

Tao looked at the little gray thing. "... it's A EN MOUSE AHHHHHH!!!!!" 

Junmyeon let out a shriek and jumped onto Kris's back for protection. 

"GET OFF ME!!!!" Kris bellowed.

"SAVE MEEE!!!!" Junmyeon whined, boogers already sliding from his nostrils.

Tao let out his girly little screams and climbed onto the dining table. 

Kris couldn't help but to notice the disgusting goo from Junmyeon's nose dripping onto his precious shirt. 

"JUNMYEON GET THE OFF!!!" Kris leaned backwards so Junmyeon could fall off.

Junmyeon let out a yelp and he fell onto the couch, his injured arm hitting the arm rest.

"AHHHH IT HURTS!!!! HELP ME!!!" Junmyeon sobbed. 
The mouse was attracted to the smell of Junmyeon's nose slime, and scurried over to him. 

Everyone watched in horror as the mouse crawled onto Junmyeon's face.

Junmyeon just sat for a moment, then fainted.


Kris thought for a moment, then went into the kitchen to grab something.

Tao watched in horror as the mouse inspected Junmyeon's face. 

Kris came back holding an electric bug zapper, the kind that looked like a tennis racket.

"Um... What are you doing?" Tao asked.

"Taking care of this little ." Kris replied, sneaking up to the mouse.

Tao's eyes widened, "B-But you'll electrocute Junmyeon too!"

Kris rolled his eyes, "I don't give a damn." 

Kris was in position, the bug zapper raised in the air.

Then, he rammed it down onto Junmyeon's face, trapping the mouse.

Junmyeon let out a cry of pain, "AHH WHAT THE HECK?!???"

Kris then the electricity.

Junmyeon screamed and screamed, the mouse was getting roasted on his face... And he was getting shocked.


Xiumin just had decided to go into the house at that moment. 

"Hey guys guess wha- KRIS WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" 

Kris ignored Xiumin, "Play some fitting music." He said.

Xiumin shrugged and went onto his phone and played "Electric Shock" by F(x).

"KRIS STOP PLEASE IM DYING!!!!" Junmyeon cried.

"Hyung! Did you just insult F(x)?!" Tao gasped.

"NO!!! I AM DYING FROM THE SHOCK NOT THE SONG!!!" Junmyeon managed to shout.

Kris finally turned off the zapper and threw it somewhere, it hit Tao's face.

"OW!!!" Tao cried out.

The mouse fell from Junmyeon's face and landed on the floor, it looked like a burnt potato.

Junmyeon didn't do anything, he just sat there, his face slightly burned and scarred.

"Yeah... We should get him to the hospital..." Xiumin chirped.

"No, I don't wanna pay for it." Kris muttered.

Junmyeon weakly sat up, "Take me to see Jongdae." 

Everyone stared at Junmyeon for a few minutes.

"Are you sure...?" Xiumin asked.

Junmyeon nodded, he wanted to see Jongdae's house anyways.

"Not my fault if his Mama ends up disturbing you." Tao shrugged.

And thus, the trio we to Jongdae's crappy little apartment in the ghettos.

But it was a fail, Jongdae wasn't home... Neither was his Mama.

He was at some other bar.

Junmyeon's heart broke into a million pieces.

How could Jongdae betray them? He was supposed to only go to Junmyeon's bar...

Junmyeon fell to his knees and lifted his face to the sky, his face scrunched up in agony.


It was a sad day.


Sehun found himself at the front of the Exoplanet Bar.

He needed to find Kyungsoo's wallet before it was too late.

The doors were locked, and no one was outside.

But Sehun was no idiot, he was friends with the police chief's niece, Sunny.

Sunny, being the niece of Police Chief Lee Soo Man, knew a lot of things about getting into buildings. 

In fact, the police station had a key to every building in the city... Not house keys though.

Sehun held up the key, it glimmered in the sunlight.

"Yehet!" Sehun grinned in delight.

He put the key in the lock and turned, now he had entrance.  

Going inside, Sehun noticed how sad this place was.

He really did feel bad, he really didn't want the fight to happen.

Sehun walked around, getting on his knees and crawling around to get a closer look at the floor.

Kyungsoo's wallet was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm ed!" Sehun groaned, leaning against the wall.  

"Looking for this?" A familiar voice said.

Sehun looked at the source of the voice.

Luhan was standing a few feet away from Sehun, holding the wallet.

"Luhan! You found it!" Sehun let out a breath of relief.

Luhan smiled, it looked angelic. "I will let you have it... With a price."

Sehun blinked, "Huh? What price."

"Oh its simple really... Just take off your pants and bend over." Luhan let out a chuckle.

Sehun's jaw dropped, "WHAT?! No!" 

Luhan's smile grew wider, and his eyes got bigger, he looked like a creeper now. 

"If you don't do what I say, this wallet is going into the oven."

Sehun gulped, he was gonna get butted. "Ohorat."

"What." Luhan blinked.

"Ohorat." Sehun repeated.

"What the hell does that mean?" Luhan was utterly confused.

"It means alright." Sehun replied.

"Could have at least just said it the normal way." Luhan rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but I like to say ohorat." Sehun shrugged.

"Okay whatever... Now take off your pants." Luhan ordered.

"WAIT!!! I am too thirsty to do this, I want to have a drink first." Sehun said.

Luhan thought for a moment, why not be nice? "Fine, what do you want."

"Bubble tea!" Sehun chirped.

"But thats 5 blocks away!" Luhan exclaimed.  

"Please! I really wanna try the new flavor they have!" Sehun whined.

"Ugh, fine... I never had bubble tea before." Luhan said.

"What?! You've missed out then! Come on!" Sehun jumped to his feet and grabbed Luhan's wrist, dragging him out to the bubble tea shop.

Luhan blinked, but he want along with it. 

"Yehet!" Sehun happily exclaimed.

Luhan wasn't sure what to think about Sehun anymore... He was quite strange and said weird things.

But what was this warm feeling in Luhan's chest...?


Sorry for not updating! I know this chapter is probably not as good as the others but I am lately very stressed out! I hope you all enjoyed it! I will try and update more!

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hai author-nim
Chapter 4: I'm actually dying from laughter here XD
yourEXOticELF #3
Chapter 4: ahahaha OMG!!!! ahahha this is really funny.,!!!! could you please tell me if this story will have a chap., i really want to know., hehe^^
Chapter 4: People call chanyeol creepy but Luhan is the real creeper in exo XD
Chapter 3: pardon me but i think i just fart from laughing so hard....lol
Chapter 3: This story is hilarious. I was laughing so hard I teared up.
Chapter 3: hhhhh...auns bleeding oh gosh..the story made my day....are you serious Tao? did he just pissed himself and the ghost ...well i saw a ghost to in the mirror that looked like this morning...it looked horribale ...but still Kai wouldn't be accepted in the bar..
Chapter 3: I get ya Tao, the police dont like my school.